Touch Me

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Touch Me Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  She lifted her hands, grabbed the damp strands of his hair and tugged. This was the most erotic experience she’d ever had. Neither of them could control themselves, and as the temperature in the room rose, their bodies grew wetter from sweat, and their touches became painfully good, she knew she’d come harder than she ever had.

  With his cock still buried inside of her and his mouth on hers, she dug her nails into his scalp. Freya knew she had to be hurting him, but all he did was grunt against her mouth, slide his hands under her ass, and tighten his hold on the mounds. He started fucking her harder. And in about three seconds flat he had them turned on the bed, him now on his back with her on top.

  With her legs on either side of him now, straddling his narrow hips and placing her hands flat on his chest, Freya immediately started riding him. Up and down, faster and harder she rose up on him, and slid back down until her breasts were bouncing almost painfully. She didn’t have much experience with men, or sex in general, but she felt in control right now, powerful.

  “You have the biggest, most mouthwatering tits I’ve ever seen.” He still had his hands on her ass, and when he spread the cheeks, slipped his fingers between them, and touched her anus, everything inside of her tightened.

  “Oh. God.”

  “That’s it, come for me, baby. I want to see you so fucking unhinged you can’t even see straight, can’t think.” He looked at her with a hooded expression. “Come for me, Freya.” He added a little more pressure with his finger to her anus.

  And just like that she came for him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Elijah was going to come really fucking hard, and really damn soon. His gaze was first glued to the sight of Freya’s breasts bouncing up and down as she rode the hell out of his cock, and then when he touched her asshole and saw her expression of ecstasy as she came his control totally snapped.

  Her inner muscles clenched rhythmically around his dick as the clear pleasure moved through her, and he had to grit his teeth so he didn’t get off right then. He wanted her to orgasm again, wanted to see the expression of euphoria cover her face just once more before he gave into his own pleasure.

  Wrapping his hand around her waist, and grabbing onto her ass with his other hand, he rose up just enough that he could shift so she was the one on her back now. This was a lot of movement for the amount of time they’d been fucking, but he wanted to experience all of this with her. He wanted to experience more with her.

  Sliding all the way back into her had Elijah groaning and closing his eyes. Sweat lined his brow and dripped down his face to cover her belly. He leaned back on his haunches and looked down where their bodies connected.

  “Elijah,” she moaned his name and closed her eyes.

  “Hell, Freya.” Those words left him on a strangled groan as he saw the way her pussy stretched around his cock. She was all pink and soaked flesh, and stretched so fucking wide around the girth his dick that the member actually jerked on its own. His balls drew up tight with his imminent orgasm.

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened, and he knew she was close to getting off again. Her cheeks had a red glow to them, her mouth was parted, and her lips were glossy from their kissing.

  He placed his thumb right on her clit and rubbed the hell out of that little bud, wanting her to be so lost she could only hold on to him or she’d fall. He couldn’t drag his eyes away from her face, and when she arched her back, thrusting her big breasts out, and cried out, he finally let himself go.

  Elijah leaned forward, bracing his hands on the mattress beside her head, and grunted as he came harder than he ever had. His muscles hurt from how tense he was as he came. When the pleasure finally receded, which seemed like long, tortured and pleasure-filled minutes, he was able to breathe again.

  Without thinking, because all he wanted to do was kiss her, Elijah did exactly that. With his cock softening inside of her, he leaned down and kissed her hard, possessively.

  “God, that was—”

  “Incredible,” he said, finishing her sentence.

  She licked her lips. “Yeah, exactly.”

  Leaning down and kissing her once more, he pulled out of her with a grunt of disappointment. Lying beside her, he thought about what they’d just done, about how he’d never seen himself doing something like this with Freya.

  He’d thought about her these past four years, remembered how she’d looked when she’d left for college, and how she’d already, even then, grown into a strong independent woman. But then he’d seen her at the liquor store, all grown up, all womanly, and all innocent thoughts he’d ever had for her seemed to evaporate.

  As impossible as it was, his dick started getting erect at the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest. She was soft where he was hard, and that was the perfect combination. He liked her curves, loved that he could run his hands all over her body, because she allowed him that pleasure, because she was comfortable with her body and shape.

  “What does this mean, Elijah?” She pulled back only enough that she could look into his face.

  He knew what he wanted it to mean, even after this one night, but despite knowing each other for years, there was a history between them. He’d been married to Meghan for one thing, and Meghan, at the time, had been considered Freya’s stepmother still. Although that was years ago, and they were adults, Freya was an adult. He didn’t want her to think this was wrong. He didn’t want anyone to think this was wrong, because it felt right.

  “I think that’s a conversation we can have at any time you want,” he said and cupped her cheek.

  She didn’t speak for a few moments, and then she smiled and rested back on the pillow. “I think that can wait until tomorrow.” She closed her eyes, and Elijah moved closer, pulled her toward his body, and just held her.

  Elijah didn’t want to rush her into what he ultimately wanted: a relationship.


  Freya sat on the balcony off the master suite, looked at the small pond across from her, where a group of frogs kept jumping into and out of the water, and felt this peace and serenity surround her. She’d given herself to Elijah, finally allowed herself to love him in all ways. She was afraid still, of course, but she knew it was natural. But the thing that frightened her didn’t mean she had to force herself to stay away.

  She was afraid of the fact she cared for him so much, this soon. He was kind and sweet, so considerate, and he was all hers. The sound of the double doors opening had her looking over her shoulder. He walked out, a mug of something steaming in his hand, and a thick, plush blanket in the other. Setting the mug on the banister of the deck, he draped the blanket on her, grabbed the cup, and handed it to her. Then he sat down beside her, smiled, and she knew that everything would be okay. Everything would work out.

  Standing, she was bold and sat on his lap, draping the blanket over both of them, and grabbed her mug again.

  They stayed like that in silence for several minutes, but it was the comfortable and warm type of silence.

  “I love you, Elijah, I really do.”

  He pulled her tighter against his chest. “I love you, too, baby.” He kissed the side of her head. “This is the beginning, and it’ll be incredible.”

  She couldn’t agree more.


  One year later

  Freya rested her head back on the couch and stared out the front window. She was here, in Elijah’s penthouse apartment overlooking the city, and naked aside from a towel wrapped around her body because she’d just gotten out of the shower. She spent most of her time here with him, but she kept her house, kept her own place. Not only had a year already passed, but she was also working as an RN at the local hospital. The work was rewarding in itself, but it was also exhausting and took a little piece of her. But she loved being able to help others, and knew that this had been the right move for her to make career wise. But then she’d leave, come see Elijah, and he’d show her what living really meant, that being alone was not an option anymore. />
  For the last year they’d spent time with each other, got caught up on their lives and what had been missed the last four years. She’d attended fancy balls and business meetings held in mansions that sat on acres of pristine and landscaped grounds. She’d seen the most beautiful gowns draped on the most beautiful women, and envied each and every one of them. But then she’d looked at Elijah, his hand always wrapped around her waist, his body close to hers, and she knew it didn’t matter how beautiful those women were. She was it for him. He’d told her enough times that she didn’t believe anything else.

  Not only was Elijah the strong, sometimes silent type, he could be the type of man that brought a woman chocolates and flowers … brought her those things. But he wasn’t a softie all the time, wasn’t a man that couldn’t show her what she meant to him. There was jealousy, was possessiveness, but it was just enough to make her feel like she was his world.

  The sound of the front door opening and closing had her turning and seeing him standing in the foyer. Her breath always seemed to catch when she saw him, when she took in his muscular body, the way he held himself so confidently, so sure of his surroundings. There was only one person on this planet meant for her, and she was looking at him right now.

  He had left early this morning to deal with something business related, even though it was the weekend and he should have been off. But being as successful as Elijah meant he worked constantly. But he wasn’t the all work and no play type of man. No, he made sure to play with her plenty of times. That thought had her grinning and had her body heating to nuclear levels. Even right now when he hadn’t touched her she was wet, aching for him.

  He stepped into the living room, and his smile spread as he stared at her. “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey.” She lowered her gaze to where she could see his muscle definition through the white button down shirt he wore. His suit jacket was undone as well, his shoulders broad, his hips narrow. She could see all of that through his sharp, pressed, and so very business-like clothing.

  It made her wetter.

  “I love seeing you in those suits,” Freya said a bit breathlessly. She held onto the towel tighter, the material plush and so soft, but she was feeling hypersensitive, and the fabric abraded her flesh.

  “And I’m liking what you’re wearing,” he said with a grin, and winked at her. “In fact, how about anytime I walk through that door you’re either wearing a towel, or nothing at all?”

  Her body tingled, her pussy clenched, and her nipples hardened. He came closer, started loosening the knot of his tie, and then undoing the first few buttons of his shirt.

  “I missed you,” he said in that super deep voice of his that was like sandpaper along her flesh.

  “I didn’t really see you this morning.” Although she had woken up briefly when he’d kissed her on the forehead before he left for the office, she still felt like she hadn’t seen or spoken to him all day.

  This was what love was, what it felt like.

  He moved toward her, and she took a step back. She was now pressed to the window, the coldness a stark contrast to her overheated flesh. Before she could even take a breath he had her in his arms, turned, and was sitting on the couch with her straddling him. Freya instantly felt his cock start to harden, felt the length stiffen beneath the expensive material of his pants. The towel rode up her thighs, and when he leaned back, placed his hands on her legs, and groaned she felt the world tilt.

  “I’m so hard for you. In fact, you make me hard just by breathing.”

  She swallowed, her throat tight, her lips feeling swollen, needing his mouth on hers. Lowering her face to his neck, she inhaled deeply, loving that fresh and clean smell on him, the spicy cologne that drove her wild.

  “If you don’t stop it, baby, I am not going to be able to control myself.”

  “I don’t want you to control yourself.” He moaned and ran the tip of his nose up the side of her throat. “Fuck, you smell good.”

  “Why would you want to control yourself?” she whispered. “I’m naked and you’re hard…” She leaned back, her eyes feeling too heavy to hold all the way open.

  “You make a good argument,” he murmured against her. He ran his nose up and down her neck again. “I should hire you when I’m doing business mergers. I don’t think anyone could argue your points.”

  She chuckled, but it was soft, not holding much amusement because she was too aroused. “Elijah, I want you.”

  He groaned and lifted his head from her neck to kiss her. He gripped her waist and stood, holding her in his arms effortlessly.

  She kissed him hard, felt his cock prod her bare pussy, and needed him now. Freya ran her tongue over his bottom lip. Tugging at his flesh, she loved when he grunted, tightened his hands on her waist, and pushed his dick harder into her.

  He took them into the bedroom, all the while kissing her, licking at her lips, and groaning in pleasure. Once in the room he set her on the floor, took a step back, and started undressing. She held onto the towel, not about to get naked just yet because she wanted to look her fill at him.

  There he now stood, totally naked, his golden, hard flesh on display. God, he looked good with nothing on, all hard sinew and defined muscles. He wasn’t all bulky like a weightlifter, but not as lean as a swimmer. His dick was hard, and getting stiffer the longer she stared at it. And as if he wanted to tempt her, or maybe torture her, he reached down, grabbed his cock, and started stroking himself.

  “Come here, Freya,” he said in a low, husky voice filled with lust.

  Freya was more than ready to do whatever he said, to give him whatever he wanted. It was like she was addicted to the feeling of his cock inside of her, of his dick stretching her, of Elijah claiming her. He dominated her without restraints, without bondage. He controlled her with his body, with his touch and words, lips and breath. He played her body with expert precision because he knew every inch of her, knew exactly where to touch her to get her off.

  He pulled her toward him and wrapped his hand around a chunk of her hair. Elijah kissed her hard. There was no teasing on his part. He was brutal, demanding, and giving her everything she craved, everything she wanted. She’d always want this from him, always want it like this.

  While still kissing her he led them over to the bed, but instead of lying on her back she was turned around in his arms. Her back pressed to his chest, and he smoothed his hands over her breasts, cupped the mounds through the fabric for a second, and then continued his descent until he reached the edge of the towel. In one swift move he had the material pushed away from her body.

  “So much better, Freya baby,” he said as he murmured against her throat. Before she could turn in his arms, desperate for his mouth, he had her on the bed face first.

  Freya went down on her belly, bouncing once from the force with which he’d pushed her down, but she loved that. Elijah stroked her bare ass with his big hands, and gave each cheek a stinging spank. Her flesh heated, stung. It felt incredible.

  “Look at this ass,” he said as if speaking to himself, and spanked her again. “It was made for fucking, baby. It was made for me to fill it with my cock. You were made for me, every damn inch of you.” He squeezed her cheeks, growled out, and then leaned down and bit her right ass cheek. She cried out in pleasure and pain, wanting more, needing it. He bit her other side, smacked her butt one more time, and then moved away. She looked over her shoulder to see him grab the lube from the nightstand.

  They had done anal before, a couple of times in fact, and although Freya hadn’t thought she’d like it, she was surprised to feel that when he fucked her ass he hit nerve endings she hadn’t even known she’d had.

  “You ready for me and my big dick, baby? You ready for me to fuck this sweet ass?” Elijah asked, but it wasn’t phrased in a way that made her think he was actually asking permission.

  “I’m always ready for you,” she said, looked over her shoulder. Rising on her hands and knees, she popped her ass out for him, and
spread her legs wider, giving him a prime shot of all of her. The sound of him growling like he was an animal and had a hard time in keeping his composure was an aphrodisiac all on its own. She was ready, more than ready, and she knew Elijah would make this feel good for her because he always put her first, always made sure she was screaming out for more.


  Elijah spread one of Freya’s ass cheeks enough that he could smear the lube over the puckered hole. He felt his cock jerk at the sight of her tight little area, and groaned at the thought that he’d been the one to pop that cherry, to be her first anal experience. He could have put a condom on for this, maybe even should have, but they were both clean, exclusive with only each other, and this was his woman.

  Just looking at her had him nearly coming right then, just letting out a load of spunk right on her ass. Her bottom was big and round, and looked so damn juicy he didn’t stop himself from moving his hands over the creamy globes.

  “Your ass was made for my cock.” He leaned forward, ran his lips along the left cheek, and then did the same to the right. The small moan she made, and the way she bunched the sheets in her hands told him she liked hearing his dirty talk. “I’m going to fuck your ass, claim you like we are wild animals, but first I’m going to make you come for me, make your pussy clench and become wetter.”

  “God, Elijah,” she panted.

  “You’ll come all over my face, Freya, make my mouth and chin all fucking juicy and slick with that sweet cream of yours.” He moved his mouth over the small of her back, along the line of her spine, and up to the back of her neck. When he felt her lift her ass and grind it into his cock, he knew it was time to taste her sweet fucking pussy, delivering on his promise.


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