Black Magic: Book 3 of The Black Butterfly Series

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Black Magic: Book 3 of The Black Butterfly Series Page 9

by Nika Michelle

  I giggled. “You read palms too? You’re a jack of all trades aren’t you?”

  He smiled and held on to my hand. “My mother told me about the different lines in a person’s palm.” After he turned my hand over again, he explained it to me. “If the lines join to make an M you’re going to be married. This right here is your life line. You see how long it is? It extends all the way to your wrist almost. This line right here shows that you will have at least three children.”

  I had to laugh. “I don’t know. I think my palm is lying.”

  He laughed too and then suddenly stopped as he stared into my eyes. “Is it that you don’t want what I said to be the truth?” He asked.

  I sighed. “Honestly, I don’t really know what I want. I thought I wanted Aric, but he wasn’t who I thought he was. Before him, I thought I wanted to be single and play the field forever. At this point I don’t know Chang. I just want to be happy whether I am single, or married. All I really want is to be satisfied and content with my life. That’s all and that’s coming a long damn way for me. I remember thinking that all I wanted was to be rich and have lots and lots of money. Now I know that I have to make my own happiness, because money, nor a man can make that for me.”

  Chang intertwined his fingers with mine. “I think you may be surprised what you find when you’re not even looking. I don’t make promises, but I am a man of my word. If you take the chance to get to know me, I guarantee that you’ll like me. Shit, one day you may grow to love me. Either way it goes, I am going to stop at nothing to be a part of your happiness. It’s something about you that’s pulling me in and I want to find out what it is.” His face was so close to mine that I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn’t. I think I wanted him to.

  “Okay Chang. Let’s get to know one another. I’m always rushing into shit and I think that’s where I fuck up at. I feel something about you too and despite what I’ve been through, I am open to all of life’s possibilities. Let’s take things slowly.” I could feel the alcohol kicking in, but I promised myself that Tay and Rah would be the only ones fucking. My plan was to finally take the time to get to know a man first.

  “I’d like that,” he agreed with my hand still firmly enveloped in his.

  The sound of the waves was calming and I leaned back against his firm chest. “If I had a blunt right now that would be the business.”

  “You ain’t said nothing. I’m the weed man baby.” He chuckled as he reached into his pocket and produced a bag of loud smelling weed. “Rah asked me to bring this shit, but he was so busy trying to get some pussy he forgot.”

  I laughed. “I got a blunt in my bag. Perfect.” If he was the weed man having him around was definitely going to make me happy. When I put it all into retrospect, I would’ve liked having him around either way. “I like you.” I winked at him.

  “Is it because I’m the weed man?” He laughed good-naturedly.

  “No, I just like you.” I leaned back against his chest again. “Now, tell me something about you that that you would never tell a woman when you first meet her.”

  “Hmm,” he said thoughtfully. “Let’s see…I am addicted to the taste of a certain, delicate part of the female anatomy.”

  That gave me a chill. “Why couldn’t you just say that you like eating pussy? Damn, you have to be all erotic and shit. Please refrain from turning me on right now. Why would you not tell a woman that when you first meet her.”

  He laughed again. “If you were addicted to giving head would you tell a man that right away?”

  “No, but I’m a woman and that’s different.”

  “Like women don’t like receiving oral sex just as much as a man. If I told a woman that right away she’d make it her business to have my mouth on her pussy by the end of the night. No different from a man if you told him that.”

  I nodded. “Okay, that’s true,” I laughed.

  “You wanna get your purse, so I can roll your blunt up for you?” He asked.

  “Sure. I thought you didn’t smoke,” I added as I stood up.

  “I don’t, but I used to. You’ll see that when you’re with me you don’t have to do anything. I got you sexy.” He stood up and towered over me slightly.

  As he closed the short distance between us he pulled me close to him until I was pressed securely into his chest. Before I knew it his lips were on mine and then his sweet tongue was exploring mine. Mmm, he was a good kisser. The way he softly sucked on my tongue and then my top and bottom lip had me imagining how good he was at eating pussy. I was breathless when he pulled away.

  “I’m sorry. I know you said take it slow, but I had to kiss you. I knew that your kisses would be sweet. I promise that I will be a gentleman from here on out.” He smiled down at me.

  I licked my lips. “No apology necessary. I liked it.”

  He grinned slyly and grabbed my hand again. “Now you tell me something about you that you would not tell a man when you first meet him?”

  I gave him my sexiest look. “I love to have wild, uninhibited sex. The wilder, the better,” I laughed.

  His grip on my hand tightened as a mischievous smile flashed one sexy dimple. “We’re going to get along just fine.”

  I laughed even harder.

  Chapter 14


  A New Year had come and gone and it was back to business for most of us. I had decided to take some time off after my scare in New Orleans. It was very important to keep my stress levels down in the beginning stages of my pregnancy. I had decided to push the thoughts of the note I’d received in the mail out of my mind. It may have been a simple prank, or attempt to get me all frazzled. I hadn’t even bothered to mention it to Ricky.

  My sisters and I along with Reba and

  Samara had been in Las Vegas for three days. Of course they’d partied most of time, but we were there for a photo-shoot that would launch the sales campaign for Tay’s fashion line. She was in such a hurry to get it done before I started showing. Reba and Samara would also be featured models. Tay was adamant about designing for every woman’s body type. The three of us all had various shapes as well. I was the slim, but shapely one, Tay was a little bit curvier than me and Seandra was voluptuously thick.

  I was just glad that it was over and was ready to return home to my man. We had planned to take a trip to Montego Bay in a few weeks and I was ready for some rest and relaxation. It was our last night there and they had talked me into going out with them.

  “C’mon Nell. You’re pregnant, not dead,” Tay said looking at me like I was crazy. “We’re in Vegas.”

  “I know,” Seandra agreed. “We’re only going to a Casino. It’s not like we’re going to the club. It’ll be fun. Spend some of that money you be making girl.”

  I laughed. “It’s not like I’ve never been here before. I’m not in the mood to…”

  “We’re not taking no for an answer,” Reba chimed in. “You’re coming with us Renell.”

  “Yup,” Samara added. “Or we’re going to carry you out kicking and screaming.”

  “Okay, okay,” I agreed with a pout on my face. “You bitches are relentless.”

  * * *

  We had been at the luxurious Bellagio Casino for three hours and I was having a pretty good time. During our time there we’d taken several photos with fans and signed autographs. Seantay and Seandra were attention whores, so they were enjoying it. Of course Tay used every opportunity to talk up Black Butterfly. I didn’t blame her for networking. Shit, my little sis was doing her thing.

  We were at the Black Jack table losing all of our chips when some drunk white chicks approached us. Well, one of them was black. The tall blonde one started talking all loud as hell when she got closer.

  “The fucking Beauvois sisters! Wow! You three are fucking awesome,” she said with a huge smile on her face. She had a huge drink in her hand that looked like it was straight liquor.

  A shorter brunette chick whose speech was slurred spoke up next. “I l
ove your show Seandra. Can I have your autograph?”

  “Sure,” Seandra said with a fake smile on her face.

  The chick rummaged in her purse for a pen and a slip of paper. Seandra signed the paper for her and gave it back.

  “Thanks,” she grinned as she sipped from a straw.

  I just shook my head. They needed to put those drinks down.

  “What are you all getting into tonight?” Another one of them asked. She was tall and rail thin with long strawberry blonde hair.

  “Well, we didn’t plan on doing anything after this. We have a long flight in the morning,” Seandra said looking like she was growing tired of the attention.

  “Yeah, we were here for a photo shoot for my clothing line and now we’re just unwinding a little,” Seantay said as she moved away from the Black Jack table.

  “Well, we were invited to get fucked up with Lil’ Wayne, Drake and them,” the brunette one who’d asked for Seandra’s autograph said with a smile on her face. She looked around and then whispered loudly to Seantay. “I want me a fine ass rapper like you. Do ya’ll be popping Mollys together?”

  I had to hold my laughter back.

  “Okay, well it was nice talking to you ladies,” Tay said with a disgusted look on her face. “Are you all ready?” She asked us impatiently.

  I was glad to hear that. “Yeah, it’s getting late.”

  “Thanks again for the autograph,” Miss Brunette said to our backs on the way out.

  “Too much for me for one night,” Samara said as she laughed. “Those bitches were sloppy drunk.”

  “Hell yeah,” Reba agreed with a frown on her face. “That famous shit ain’t no joke. I’ll stick with my non- fascinating life.”

  “I feel you,” Samara said slapping her a five. “That’s how I be feeling when I’m out with Cree.”

  “I thought this casino would have some classy patrons, but I see that having money does not guarantee that a person has class,” Seantay said on our way out.

  “I second that one sis,” I agreed.

  * * *

  Ricky picked me up from the airport and I was glad as hell to be home. After he got all of my luggage inside we cuddled up on the sofa and I told him all about my time in Vegas with my crazy sisters.

  “Sounds like they all had a good time. I wish you had,” he said as he kissed my neck. “I hope you enjoy yourself when we go to Montego Bay.”

  “Don’t worry. I will. I’m just glad that we’ll finally be going on the much needed vacation we were supposed to take months ago.” I rolled my eyes as I thought about the fact that we’d both been accused of killing Maurice.

  “Don’t remind me,” Ricky said with a frown on his face.

  “I’m sorry,” I said as I massaged his shoulders. Something told me to go ahead and tell him about the message that I had got in the mail. Maybe he would say or do something to put me at ease about it.

  “It’s okay babe. I can tell that something else is bothering you.” He took my hand into his and put it to his lips for a soft kiss. “Talk to your man. Let me make it better.”

  I sighed and then stood up to get the card for him to see for himself. After I gave it to him he opened it and read it. His eyebrows rose as he looked up at me.

  “Do you know who sent this?” He asked.

  “No,” I shook my head and shivered. “I have no idea. The post mark is in Missouri, but I can’t think of anyone that I know who lives there.”

  He cleared his throat. “Maybe it’s nothing.” As he glanced at his watch his demeanor changed and he seemed to get antsy. “I have to make an important phone call. I’ll be right back baby.” After he grabbed his cell from his pocket he went up the stairs.

  I didn’t expect for him to just downplay it and go make a damn phone call. That shit had really fucked me up. There I was worried out of my mind about something that I didn’t understand and he just walked off like it was nothing. As I shook my head a wave of nausea came over me. When I got up I was dizzy and had to hold on to the sofa to steady myself. Suddenly I felt flushed and my body covered with beads of sweat. I took a deep breath and waited for my body to return to normal before making my way to the bathroom to throw up. I would love my baby with all my heart, but I hated being pregnant.

  * * *

  The next day I decided to go to the office just to check on things. Okay, I was a workaholic, but I wasn’t planning to stay there long. When I talked to my assistant she gave me a few messages that I had received from a caller who refused to leave his name.

  “He did leave his number though,” she said. “It’s a Missouri number.” She passed me a few slips of paper with written messages on them.

  My skin crawled and I felt that feeling of dread. “Okay,” I said trying to remain calm about everything. Shit, I had no idea what was going on and I wasn’t going to just stand there and wait to find out. “Thank you.” I smiled at her and proceeded to my office.

  When I got inside I closed the door and sat down behind my desk. The red light was blinking on my phone showing that I had a call. I looked at the Caller ID and it was the same number on the message slip that was on top. I assumed that the same phone number was on the others.

  Without hesitation I answered because I needed to know. If he was calling from Missouri I knew that the calls were linked to the note. “Hello.”

  “Renell?” A deep, baritone voice asked. The voice was familiar and I recognized it right away,’

  “It’s me,” I said confused as to why he was calling me. It all made sense all of a sudden. The message was that he still loved me despite everything. “What do you want Nathan? Why the hell are you calling me?”

  “I’m in Miami and I will be here until tomorrow.” He cleared his throat and continued. “I really need to see you. We need to talk. There are some things you need to know.”

  “What is this all about? I don’t like surprises. I am engaged and...”

  “This has nothing to do with us. I know that I was the worst man for you, but I need the chance to redeem myself. It’s not to get you back. I’m happily married, but I believe that you deserve this from me. You were a good woman and you made me realize that I was lucky to have you and I have been blessed with another great woman. Because of you I treat her like a Queen,” he said.

  “That’s touching, but you still haven’t told me why you’re calling me,” I said running out of patience with him. He was so called happily married, so why the fuck was he reaching out to me.

  “Like I said, we need to talk. Are you able to meet me somewhere? This is very important Renell. I’m so serious right now. I know I fucked up with you and you don’t trust me, but you have to trust me on this.”

  I sighed. “Where and when?”

  Chapter 15


  We were wrapping up on the set when Ahmad received an urgent phone call. I waited around to see what was going on. When he walked up to me I could see his weary facial expression.

  I caressed his cheek. “Is everything okay?”

  Tears filled his eyes, but they didn’t fall. Instead he took a deep breath and moved away from my touch. “Kristie’s in the hospital. She tried to kill herself, but she wasn’t successful.”

  I was stunned, but then I thought about what my grandmother had said about the curse being reversed. Shit, I was at a loss for words. There was no way that I was going to tell him that his wife had put a curse on me and it’s reversal could’ve possibly been the reason behind her suicide attempt.

  He ran his hand over his head and sighed. “I had tried to call her over the holidays, but she didn’t answer. Damn.”

  Was I supposed to console him over another woman? At that moment I had no clue what my role was. Was I his girlfriend, or was I simply supposed be his friend at the moment? All I knew was the amount of love that I felt for him would allow me to be whoever he needed me to be. I reached out for him, but he moved away.

  “Baby, I’m just trying to be here for you,” I
said feeling confused by his reaction.

  He turned his back to me and I could hear his intake of breath as he inhaled deeply. It was like he was trying really hard to control his emotions. I knew that he loved her, but I wasn’t prepared to see him take it that bad. To know that there was nothing that I could do made it hurt even worse.

  “Talk to me Ahmad.”

  “This is all my fault,” he said softly.

  I closed my eyes knowing that it really wasn’t. I fought the urge to tell him the truth. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Yes it is.” He turned to face me again. “If I hadn’t just rushed into a relationship before our marriage was over she wouldn’t have…”

  “I know that your wife is in the hospital, but don’t insult what we have. What do you mean you rushed into a relationship? You’re the one who told me that it was more than one night. If you didn’t want this you shouldn’t have asked for it,” I snapped at him with an attitude.

  He shook his head. “I’m just saying…”

  “I understand that you’re going to feel responsible, but don’t blame our relationship for what Kristie decided to do to herself. She’s an adult and she’s accountable for her own actions.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, well not every woman is as strong as you are Seandra.”

  “What?” I asked getting more furious by the moment.

  He shook his head in frustration. “I’m going to the hospital. I will call you later on.”

  As he walked off I grabbed his arm. “Baby, don’t walk away like this. We need to talk.”

  “Talk about what?” He yanked his arm away. “My wife is in the hospital because she tried to hang herself. I have to go.” He walked off and I followed him.

  “You act like it’s my fault. I didn’t pursue you! You are the one who initiated our relationship! Don’t make me feel bad because your weak ass wife tried to kill herself.” Once it was out I realized how insensitive it sounded. I was pissed off though because he was trying to make me feel guilty. Why the fuck should I feel bad when that bitch had tried to kill me? I mean, I wasn’t a murderer, but she had brought that crazy, black magic shit on herself.


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