Ella and the Alien Gamer (Intergalactic Brides 10)

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Ella and the Alien Gamer (Intergalactic Brides 10) Page 5

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  They took turns washing each other, letting their hands explore. After they were clean, Valero eased her onto the bench and spread her thighs wide. Ella braced herself on her hands, arching her back as his tongue swiped along the seam of her pussy. She moaned and fought the urge to get closer to him. No one had ever put their mouth on her there, but if she’d known how incredible it would feel, she might have asked Connor’s dad to give it a try. Ella decided no woman should ever have to spend her life not knowing the amazing sensation of having her pussy licked.

  Valero sucked on her clit as his fingers slipped inside of her, her channel clamping tight on the digits. Her hips bucked as her nipples hardened. Ella gripped the edge of the bench and fought not to slide onto the floor. His fingers thrust faster, harder, and Ella cried out as her body bowed off the bench. She came so hard she saw stars. As the aftershocks faded, Valero pulled away from her. Her legs shook and her body trembled from the force of her release.

  Tackling the sexy alien, she pinned him to the shower floor before sliding down his body and admiring his hard cock. The tip was a little darker shade of purple than rest of his body and she tentatively leaned down and lapped up the pre-cum. The salty-sweet taste of him exploded on her tongue and her mouth watered, wanting more. She worked his cock with her lips and tongue, her hand twisting around the base. Valero said a string of words she didn’t understand as his body tensed beneath her.

  Ella sucked him long and hard, wanting him to come in her mouth. He seemed to be fighting his body though. His cock popped free of her mouth and she ran her tongue along the underside.

  “Give it to me,” she said as she licked him again. “You know you want to come.”

  “Fuck, Ella. Your mouth is incredible, but I don’t want to choke you when I come.”

  “You won’t. Just do it. Let go.”

  She sucked him into her mouth again, doubling her efforts, until he erupted. His cum shot down her throat and she swallowed every drop. When he lay panting beneath her, she crawled up his body and cuddled against his side as the water beat down on them. If every night was as great as this one, maybe moving in with Valero wasn’t such a bad thing after all. Her son had a stable home and she had had multiple orgasms.

  She heard the comforting thump of Valero’s heartbeat and she smiled a little. He might not want to have sex with her without more of a commitment, but she was certainly going to have fun trying to get him into bed.

  Chapter Four

  Valero stared at his computer screen and tried to focus, but his mind kept drifting to the previous night. When he’d moved Ella and Connor into his home, he hadn’t expected things to move quite so fast. He’d thought he’d give her time to get adjusted, take her out on some dates, and then work his way to asking her to become his mate. And then he’d walked into his bedroom and heard her pleasuring herself and crying out his name. It had nearly snapped his control.

  She’d been so soft and sweet in his arms, and he’d ached to take her, to possess her, claim her as his. But that didn’t seem to be what she wanted. Oh, she wanted sex, she hadn’t been too shy about going after what she wanted, but she didn’t want a commitment to go along with it. Sex for the sake of sex had its place, and he’d enjoyed those moments in his past, but that wasn’t what he wanted with Ella. He wanted forever with her, but it didn’t seem the stubborn woman was going to submit so easily.

  It wouldn’t be easy to deny her, but he was going to try. It was too soon to say he had feelings for Ella, but he genuinely liked her, and while he’d never thought he’d mate with a single mom, he had to admit that Connor was pretty great. How could he not love a little boy who liked gaming as much as he did? He smiled a little as he thought about how they would make an excellent father-son team when it came to creating new games. Connor had already given him some great ideas.

  Unfortunately, the lines of coding in front of him didn’t make much sense today. He’d already worked on some of the 3-D renderings of the characters, so Valero saved his file and shut down his computer for the day. Ella had been gone most of the morning, attempting to find a new job. He hoped the fact she’d been gone so long meant she’d found something at the Terran station. Even if they were to marry, he wouldn’t stop her from working if that’s what she wanted to do. He laughed a little when he recalled her words that morning, as he’d tried to keep her home for the day.

  “Valero, I don’t need a sugar daddy. I want a job, and I’m going to go get one. The coffee shop is fine, but it doesn’t pay nearly enough.”

  “I have money, Ella. Let me take care of the two of you.”

  She’d growled and stomped her foot. “I’m not going to be your kept woman.”

  He’d refrained, barely, from asking if she’d consider being his wife. For whatever reason, Ella really seemed determined to not get married. When he’d first come to Earth, he’d thought all human females wanted to find a mate and settle down. He’d learned the hard way that most were quite happy being single and flitting from male to male. He’d have requested someone through the bride program, but those females were reserved for the males still on his world, those who didn’t have access to unlimited human females on a day to day basis. And he couldn’t begrudge them happiness. He just wished he could find some for himself.

  The front door slammed and Valero left his office to see how Ella’s day had been so far. There was a fierce expression on her face and he almost felt sorry for whatever poor bastard had put it there. She didn’t seem like the type to anger easily, despite her red hair, so he wondered what had happened.

  “If Tyril had said one more word, just one, about how single females only wanted access to Terran males so they could snag a rich mate, I was going to cram his words down his throat until he choked on them.” She slammed her purse down on the coffee table. “Just because the last receptionist hit on anything male doesn’t mean I will too.”

  “So, the application process didn’t go well then.”

  She growled.

  “Would you like me to make a call? Did you mention you were living with me right now?”

  “Of course, I didn’t say where I was living. What business was it of his?”

  Valero hid a smile. “Maybe if he thought you were considering me as a mate, he might have hired you.”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “Oh, so the only reason I’m allowed to work there is if I want to marry one of you? I can’t get the job just because I’m able and willing to do the work?”

  Apparently, marriage had been the wrong subject to bring up.

  “Did you apply anywhere else?” he asked.

  “I tried applying at Nate’s and I heard there’s going to be a Mama Rosa’s opening here soon. Waiting tables is all I really know how to do, so maybe I should stick with it. I know I’ll get crap hours because of needing to be home with Connor, but what else am I supposed to do?” She flopped onto the couch. “Maybe I should rethink college and see if there are any grants and loans out there for single moms. Except I’d need to take classes online and I don’t even own a computer.”

  Valero took a seat next to her. “I want to help, but I’m not sure how. You don’t want me to call Tyril and speak to him about the job at the station. I doubt you’d accept a computer if I bought one for you. What do you need from me, Ella?”

  She cuddled against his side and he wrapped an arm around her.

  “I don’t know. I’ll figure this mess out. I always do.” She sighed and curled into him more. “Just hold me.”

  Now that was something he’d gladly do.

  “How much time do we have before Connor gets out of school?”

  “I need to get in the parent pick-up line in about an hour. Thanks for letting me use your truck, by the way. Any news on my car?” she asked.

  “I haven’t checked yet, but if you’d like I can call Dryden and see if there’s any news.”

  “Would you mind? It sucks being without my own transportation, not that I’m not grateful for you
loaning me your truck. I just wish I had my own car.”

  Valero nodded and extracted himself from her. He went to his office and picked up his cell phone and called Dryden’s shop. He didn’t know if his friend was working at the garage or the Terran Station today, or if he was even on this world. Quite often he was requested back on their home world for a job.

  It rang several times before someone who definitely wasn’t Dryden answered the phone.

  “Dryden’s, this is Rosie. How may I help you?”

  He’d gotten a secretary? Interesting.

  “This is Valero. Is Dryden in today?”

  “No, sir. He’s not expected back for a few days. Can I take a message?”

  “I’m actually calling to check on the status of a car he picked up yesterday. An older sedan that wouldn’t start.”

  “I think I know the one you mean. If you can hold a moment, I’ll check on it.”

  “Of course.”

  He heard the phone clatter against a hard surface and then a door open and close. It took a few minutes, but then a male came on the line.

  “This is Kevin. Are you calling about the old Honda?”

  “I’m not sure what make the vehicle is. It was picked up by your tow truck at Puck’s Pizza Palace.”

  The mechanic chuckled. “Yeah, that’s the one. Listen, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re going to spend way more than this thing is worth to get it running again, and there’s no guarantee it will stay running. I’d honestly recommend buying a different car.”

  “I see. Well, thank you, Kevin. Tell Dryden to do whatever he wants with the vehicle. If there are personal items in it, just box them up and I’ll swing by another day to pick it up.”

  “Will do.”

  There was a click and Valero hung up the phone. How the hell was he supposed to tell Ella that she needed a new car? He knew the news wouldn’t go over well. The woman seemed to have truly rotten luck. First she nearly lost her apartment, then she was rejected for the job she wanted, and now her car was a total loss. Maybe he could stall her and just surprise her with a new car? The females he’d previously dated would have been thrilled with such an extravagant purchase, but he had a feeling Ella wouldn’t be happy about it. The woman was too damn independent.

  Ella popped her head into his office. “What did they say?”

  He sighed and motioned for her to have a seat across from his desk. She sank onto the chair and looked at him expectantly. Should he ease her into it, or just blurt it out, like ripping off a Band-Aid?

  “It’s bad news, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid so. The mechanic said it would cost so much to fix it, without any guarantee it would keep running, that you would be better off getting another car.”

  Her shoulders slumped and her head dropped. It was like watching an invisible weight settle on her small frame, pressing her down into the chair. There had to be something he could do for her, but he didn’t know what she would accept.

  “What do you say we pick up Connor and stop by a car lot just to see what they have?” Valero asked.

  “I don’t have enough for a car, and only working part-time, there’s no way I’d get one financed. Not that I can even afford a car payment right now. I’ll just have to…” She sighed. “There’s not a bus stop nearby, is there?”

  “Um, no. I don’t think the buses even run out this way.”

  “Right, because this is a rich neighborhood and everyone has several cars. Maybe if I pick up some extra shifts, if you don’t mind helping with Connor, then maybe I can save up enough to get something cheap. There are cars out there for five hundred dollars, aren’t there?”

  “Ella… I know you’re fiercely independent, and I admire your tenacity, but just this once I’m going to ask that you let me help you.”

  Her chin jutted out. “I’m not accepting money from you.”

  “If I promise not to buy an expensive car, will you let me buy one for you? I don’t mind you driving my truck when you need it, but didn’t you say things were easier when you had your own transportation?”


  He held up a hand. “I won’t spend a lot of money. I’m not going to buy you a brand new high end car. If you want, I’ll even promise to get a used one. Let me help you. You can’t do everything on your own. There are dark circles under your eyes from the stress you’ve been under. If you run yourself into the ground, who will take care of Connor?”

  He watched her face carefully as she struggled with his offer, and knew the moment she was going to give in. She nodded and slowly rose from the chair.

  “If you’ll take me to pick up Connor, then I’ll agree to go look at cars. And if there’s something inexpensive, I’ll let you get one for me.”

  “I have a feeling your version of inexpensive is different from mine. What’s the max you’ll let me spend on a car for you?”

  She shrugged. “Three thousand?”

  Valero’s eyebrow went up. “I think you need to at least double that. I’m taking you to a reputable car lot, not some questionable place that will probably sell you a lemon for that price.”

  She smiled a little. “You know what a lemon car is?”

  “I was warned about them when I decided to purchase a vehicle.” He rose from his chair. “Put on something comfortable, and shoes you can stand or walk in while we browse the car lot. If you don’t see something you like at the first place, we’ll try another one. And if you don’t find something today, then we’ll try again in a week and see if they’ve gotten any new inventory.”

  She nodded before walking out of the room. One small victory. Sort of. He’d have preferred to buy her a brand new car with a warranty like he had on his truck. Maybe she’d see something she liked so much that he could talk her into it when they got to the car lot. He was going to see if the same salesman who’d sold him his truck was available.

  It took Ella longer than he’d thought to change, and they barely made it to Connor’s school in time. The little boy climbed into the backseat, grinning from ear to ear.

  “What put you in such a good mood?” Ella asked as she smiled at him.

  “Today I was like everyone else.”

  “Everyone else?” Ella looked puzzled.

  “All of my friends at school live with their mom and dad, but it’s always just been us. Now that we live with Mr. Valero, I’m just like everyone else. I told them all about my new room and the big, pretty house we live in now.”

  The smile slipped from Ella’s face and he reached over to take her hand, giving it a squeeze.

  “We’re going to take your Mama shopping for a new car. Does that sound like fun?” Valero asked Connor. “She may even let you help pick it out.”

  Connor bounced on the seat. “Can I, Mama? Can I help pick it out?”

  The smile returned to Ella’s face. “I’ll let you help.”

  “Can we get something big like this truck? I like all the room.” Connor grinned. “Or maybe you can get one of those big van things so you could be a chaperone on school trips.”

  “We’ll see, Connor. I’m sure a van is rather expensive,” Ella said.

  “But you’d like one, wouldn’t you?” Connor persisted. “Most of the moms have one.”

  Ella sighed and looked out the window. Valero wondered if she really would like one, or if she was humoring Connor. He’d buy her whatever she wanted, regardless of the cost, but getting her to spend his money was more difficult than he’d ever imagined. Weren’t human females supposed to enjoy shopping and spending money? For that matter, most alien females he knew were much the same. It figures he’d want the one woman who refused to let him coddle her.

  Although… she probably wouldn’t refuse a girl’s day out with Rory. Even though he couldn’t finance the spa or whatever they went to without Ella putting up a fight, he could make a trade of sorts with Zwyk. A free advance copy of whatever game he released next in exchange for him footing the bill.
He knew Zwyk was more than capable of paying for such a day for their women, but he’d gladly slide him some cash when Ella wasn’t looking. He’d have to make that call later.

  They pulled into the car lot and Valero went in search of the salesman while Ella and Connor looked around. The guy who had sold him his truck no longer worked there, but he found someone else to assist them. The guy was a little too… something. Valero couldn’t figure out why the man was so off-putting, but there was something about him that just set Valero’s teeth on edge.

  “So what is your wife looking for today?” the man, who had introduced himself as Patrick, said.

  “I’m not sure. She can have whatever she wants.”

  He could practically see the dollar signs in the man’s eyes.

  Connor ran up to them and gripped Valero’s hand, pulling him over to a dark blue van. It looked nice and the price on the windshield said it was only fifteen thousand. Ella looked a little pale as she walked around the vehicle and he noticed her gazing across the lot at a small car that was only six thousand.

  “Do you like it?” Valero asked her.

  “It looks really nice.” She glanced across the lot again.

  “Ella.” She looked up at him. “Don’t worry about the cost. If you like this vehicle and it’s something you’d like to drive, then you should get it. Just because Connor is an only child right now, doesn’t mean it will always be that way. You should get something with lots of room.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you trying to tell me you want to fill every bedroom in the house?”

  He shrugged. “I did buy a big house for a reason.”

  Her cheeks flushed and she looked at the van again. He noticed she hadn’t immediately dismissed the thought of having children with him. Maybe she was warming up to the idea of being mated to him. He could hope, at any rate. He didn’t know how to wear her down, but he’d eventually figure it out. Then he’d claim the two of them and make them a family.


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