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Stroke (A Miami Lust Novella Book 2)

Page 8

by C. M. Lally

  My eyes drop from her face to the table, as I push the remainder of my chicken and roasted vegetables around with my fork. She reaches across and pats my arm to get my attention.

  “Hey. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shared that,” she admits remorsefully. “It’s just rumor and gossip. I’ve never seen them, because I don’t go back there.

  “And that’s what I’m afraid of with him,” I blurt out. “That I’m just the next one in a long line of many that he practices his craft with. I want devotion and loyalty. I want to be the only one in his eyes, making him blind to all other women. Is that selfish and too much to ask for?”

  “No, it’s not. That’s what every woman wants, so it makes you normal,” she consoles me, rubbing my arms and scooting her chair closer to mine. She leans in and gives me a side hug when she realizes the tears that had welled up are flowing down my cheeks. “Personally, I think if you’re going to fall in love, Mat is the best man to do it with. Sure, he’s surrounded by beautiful women all day long, but that’s his job. He ignores them for the most part, and only gets involved to make the shows go smoothly. I’ve seen him trip over himself to get to you, which he’s never done with anyone before. There’s something special there. I promise.”

  “You think?” I ask, hating that I need reassurance again. I wipe my tears with my napkin and tilt my face to the sun to dry the rest. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to act like a blubbering baby. In a million years, I never thought I’d find love here when this place is nothing but heartache for me with the death of my grandparents.”

  “I know so,” she states with confidence. “I’m just glad that you’re admitting you’re in love with him. Hold on tight to that. Now let’s get you home to Prince Charming so he can explain why he keeps leaving you.”

  Chapter 11 – Mateo

  “Damn it, Thiago. Why can’t you escort the inspectors around tonight? You’re the general manager. I have some place to be,” I growl.

  “You’ve be sneaking off in the middle of work for the past few weeks. You need to stay the fuck here and own up to your responsibilities. I’ve got my own personal issues to deal with, but I’m still running this club,” he yells back at me.

  “The fuck you are. You’ve left Dante and I to take care of things while you piss, moan and wallow in self pity over a woman that you clearly love but don’t want to acknowledge. Get your shit together, because mine is handled,” I holler, turning on my heel and pushing past the employees that gathered to watch our argument, including Dante who is scowling at me and shaking his head in disapproval.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and slam through the security doors that lead to my apartment. Pressing the speed dial button for Cassee, I wait for her to answer.

  “Hi,” she says, excitement lighting up her voice.

  “Baby, I’m gonna be late. Some inspectors showed up unannounced and I have to stay here to be at their beck and call with whatever they need. I don’t know how long this will take. I’m sorry,” I explain, apologizing profusely.

  “It’s okay. Inspectors are important. I have mock-ups to make and sewing to do. I wanted to share this with ya before I started, but I’ll surprise ya with what Lindy and I’ve come up with so far when you get here. Okay?” she consoles me. She’s got a generous heart, and I love that about her.

  “That’s sounds perfect. I swear I’ll get there as soon as I can,” I promise.

  “No, please. Stay there. The last time you came over late, you were beyond exhausted. Rest afterwards and we’ll just plan on something in the next few days. I’ll have some things to show you and I’ve got something big to tell ya,” she hints.

  “Tell me now,” I beg.

  “Nope. You’re gonna have to wait,” she giggles. “And besides, I hear it makes the heart grow fonder. Love ya. Muah! Bye.”

  Did she just say “love ya” and blow me a kiss through the phone? I wonder if she realizes she said that. Either way, my heart jumps wildly with that fluttery feeling on overdrive and my spirits lift. I head on out to greet the inspectors in the best mood since opening night.


  The health inspectors were here for hours on a stupid quest to evaluate for body fluids, among other things. They were very thorough, but my brothers and I came out shining thanks to the exorbitant amount we pay the cleaners every night to fine-tooth comb sterilize everything. It’s expensive, but worth it. We learned that lesson in New York at my dad’s clubs. Turns out, a rival owner tipped them off. They won’t say who, but left enough hints that we’ll figure it out. Jealous motherfuckers. They need to raise their game instead of trying to lower ours.

  The good thing that came out of tonight is that Julian Chiange came into the club. He’s a well-known women’s fashion designer based here in Miami. We set him up in our best VIP lounge, and made sure to welcome him and his small entourage very well. They were celebrating a birthday, so I made sure they were taken care of, and after a while, I asked for a business meeting with him for later in the week. He was happy to oblige and gave me his card to call and set it up. Cassee will be so excited. Whatever I can do to ensure she stays in Miami is top priority in my life right now.

  It’s after closing time, and Dante and I sit in a booth, relaxing. Well, I’m relaxing. He’s finishing the drawer counts for the nightly deposit. I swallow the last of my drink, and twirl the glass around on the table absentmindedly. The melted ice leaves heavy water marks on the table.

  “Why are you sitting there looking defeated, bro? We’ve had a good night, despite the inspectors showing up,” Dante asks.

  “I had something to do tonight. This is the last place I want to be,” I explain, ending on a heavy sigh setting my empty tumbler down and hearing the half-melted ice clink in the bottom of the glass.

  “What the hell is wrong with you and Thiago? I swear I don’t get either of you lately,” he frowns shaking his head in disbelief. “I thought we agreed— no women. EVER.” He zips up the deposit bag and tosses it down on the table so hard, it bounces off landing on the floor.

  “Ah, little bro. I meant no women until the right one comes along,” leaning in and confiding to him, taking the final swallow of remaining ice and crunching it between my teeth. “I don’t know what the fuck Thiago meant.” I bend forward and scoop the bag off the floor, placing it back on the table in front of him as I stand. Tapping the bag as I push it towards him, “Dante, don’t be afraid to fall in love. It’s practically inevitable, and no matter how hard you fight it, it still bulldozes its way in.”

  “No fucking way. The brilliance of being in this line of work is the amount of pussy that comes along that I get to take advantage of,” he says credulously with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I plan on indulging until my dick falls off.”

  “And with that attitude, it probably will,” I scold. “Just make sure it falls off from being overused, instead of diseased.” I toss that piece of advice over my shoulder as I walk away laughing.

  Walking through my apartment, the quiet surrounds me and I hate every minute of it. It’s morose and lonely. Cassee should be here, or I should be with her. She’s a solar flare in my life, and I need her intense, bright energy to feel alive. I stop and pick up the only picture of my mother, tracing her face with my fingers. She and Cassee look alike with that long waterfall of dark curling tresses and bright smiles. Staring at her reminds me of the way Cassee smelled like her that first day, and memories of my mother come rolling forth.

  “Mama, can I marry you when I’m older? The girls in my class are so mean.”

  “No, Baby. Someday you’ll meet the one that makes you feel like you’re constantly standing in sunshine. I promise.”

  “Is that how Daddy makes you feel?”

  “Well, yes, at times. You see, people in love are like the Earth and Sun. The Earth circles around the Sun in its orbit. The Sun stands still and waits for the Earth as it gets closer and closer, eventually passing by. As it does the Sun lights’ up the Earth giving it en
ergy and warmth for all good things to grow and happen. After it passes and it’s not near, the Earth is cold and dark.”

  “Is that when me and Thiago sleep?”

  “Yes, exactly, my dear. I’m just waiting for your daddy to come close again so I can give him my energy and warmth.”

  “How long does that take, Mama?”

  “Sometimes, it feels like forever, Mateo, but I don’t give up. Some people are worth waiting for.”

  She always seemed so sad when Dad was near, yet she dropped everything for him when he asked. His mind only focused on business. Mom might still be around, if he focused on her a little more. She died of a broken heart. It just gave out one day; too weak to wait anymore. Waiting is so fucking tiresome, and I refuse to wait any longer.

  I grab my car keys off the counter and race out the back door, heading to Cassee’s. A few blocks out, I dial her number.

  “Hello,” she says, sounding tired but awake.

  “It’s me. I’m on my way over,” I inform her, shifting gears and rolling through a stop sign.

  “Shoot. Really?” she asks, her voice full of surprise.

  “Are you disappointed? I need to see you,” I beg, practically whining with my need to be with her.

  “No, it’s just that my creative process is kinda messy. The place is dirty and if you’re on your way, I don’t have time to clean it up,” she admits to her frustration.

  “I’m coming to see you, not the place. And I’m actually here now. Can you buzz me in?” I ask, racing through the parking lot to get to the front door. If I don’t see her within the next five minutes, I swear I’m gonna die.

  “Yes, c’mon in,” she says right as the door buzzes and the phone clicks to end the call.

  I race through the front doors when the buzzer sounds and luck must be with me tonight because the elevators are actually on ground level. Within a minute, I’m knocking on her door.

  The door swings wide and there she stands looking like a working woman on a deadline. Her curly hair is twisted up in a bun that is clearly falling out of its holder. Tiny tendrils of hair spring out, making my fingers itch to reach up and smooth them back into place. Her face is clear of makeup, and for the first time, I see freckles scattered across her nose and spread out onto her cheeks. Small wire-framed glasses illuminate her clear blue eyes. I swallow the breath that I didn’t know I was holding. She’s simply beautiful.

  I reach up and pick a tiny sliver of fabric out of her hair and pull a few loose threads off her t-shirt, letting it all dangle to the floor. She looks down at her clothing for anything else hanging, but can’t find anything so she smoothes down her shirt and dusts off her comfy leggings for extra measure.

  “There, I should be presentable now,” she laughs, tucking her loose hairs back behind her ears.

  “You look beautiful, always have - always will,” I state, looking her directly in the eyes. I watch them go soft as my words sink in.

  “I like how you make me feel needed,” she whispers, sliding her arms around my neck. She leans in and presses her lips to mine. She nips at them at first, not sure how to take the lead, but once I place my hands on her back and pull her closer to me, a heat consumes us both and we are devouring each other. Each giving as much as we are taking.

  I pull back from the kiss as it starts to wind down, remembering that I interrupted her work. “Don’t let me disturb your work. I’m happy to just be here with you.”

  “No, I needed to take a break anyway. My back was starting to get tight with leaning over the sewing machine,” she advises.

  “Show me what you are working on?” I ask.

  “Nope. Not now. They aren’t finished, and I think we want it to be a surprise,” she squeals with excitement. “They are turning out even better than I imagined.” Her eyes are wide and shimmering. I can feel the excitement bubbling in her. She loves her job, and I love that about her. It’s a rarity.

  “Okay. I completely trust you,” I admit, looking into her eyes again. I need her to know this one fact with certainty.

  “You do?” she asks hesitantly with a little bit of shock mixed into her voice.

  “Of course, I do,” I say, searching her eyes for the source of doubt that suddenly swells between us. I wish I could erase it from her mind completely, but we both know this relationship is new. Trust is usually built over a long period of time, but with her it feels right. She’s a loyal soul, and I want that in my life more than anything. “You have news to share and I want to hear it. Tell me?”

  We walk over to the couch and sit cozily with her wrapped up in my arms. Her legs are thrown over mine, and right now there isn’t anywhere else in the world I’d rather be.

  “Back in the late winter term at school, there was an assignment to enter one of our designs into a contest for the Summer In Savannah fashion show,” she squirms around in my arms. Her voice goes up three octaves and her hands are flailing around in the air as she talks, her excitement is building as she forms each word in the story. “The winner gets to have their piece modeled at the fashion show next month. They also win a paid trip to New York City’s Fashion Week where they get to meet and tour a famous design house, aaaaand also get their piece modeled in a show. And I’m the winner!” She practically jumps out of my arms only to fly right back into them and hug me tightly.

  “It sounds like a celebration is in order,” I announce, pulling her in close and kissing her soft lips. “What would you like to do?”

  She stands and paces the floor. One finger taps those luscious lips while she thinks. Hmmmm. She’s in a conundrum. What will she ask for, I wonder? I’m a patient man, so I wait - watching her pace a hole into the rug. Several times she stops abruptly like a thought strikes her, but then she continues on letting it pass by. I lift my hand a few times, wanting to interrupt and tease her, but I lower it every time enjoying the suspense that she provides. Cassee completes my world and I don’t see how it could get any better than this. My life will never be dull with her in it.

  Chapter 12 – Cassee

  How do I want to celebrate my win? It’s an easy enough question, but it’s also like asking a kid in a candy store which item they want first. I pace the floor with hope that an answer will pop into my head. It’s an impossible situation for me. I’ve never won anything to get to choose a celebration gift. Maybe I could ask for a dinner date? Nah, that’s too boring. I look over at him sitting there spread out on the couch. It’s late. His shirt collar is open and his tie knot is loose. He’s so sexy and cute at the same time. Cute? What am I, fifteen?

  Wait, maybe I should ask him to take me to breakfast, after he stays the night? Will he stay the night? The whole night? I stop dead in my tracks and think about those possibilities. My thinking game is running rampant in my mind, with so many ideas bursting forth at once. Is this the one I want to settle on? There’s a little wrinkle of doubt in my mind, so I pace again. My toes sink into the carpet, and my mind wanders to other possibilities. Mat keeps lifting his hands to interrupt but never says a word. He’s got this smirk on his face that’s a little devilish. I think I like it, if only I could tap into his thoughts.

  C’mon, Cassee. Devilish thoughts come forth to me. Sexy thoughts, please come my way. What haven’t we done already? I’ve got it, and I’m so proud of this one I practically jump over the table and land in his lap.

  “I’ve got it,” I shout excitedly, and a little too loud. He throws his hands up to his ears, protecting them from the noise, but he’s smiling and I know teasing me.

  “Really? I never would have guessed. What would you like to do to celebrate your win?” he asks, wrapping his arms around my lower back and rubbing his hands down my ass. He squeezes my butt cheeks and pulls me closer.

  “I’d like to go play in your private room at the club,” I admit, but the look on his face tells me that was not a good decision. He jumps up, dumping me on the couch, and not too gently either.

  “What the fuck, Cassee?” he asks. “
Absolutely not!” His voice bellows and reverberates through the walls. I know my neighbors heard it because one bangs on the wall as a notice to keep the noise down. Now he’s pacing the floor at a much faster clip than I was, balling his hands into fists. His jawline is clenched so tight it looks like it will crack and break any moment. The tension in his shoulders is enough to make me prepare for a tongue lashing. I always knew I was in trouble with my pappy when his shoulders were tense. I did nothing wrong here. Mat asked and I replied.

  “Tell me why not,” I demand, standing to put myself on the same level as him. The more he paces without talking, the madder I get. My stubborn streak just woke up. Game on, Mateo.

  “I’m not taking you into that nest of carnal, dirty deeds,” he admits, gnashing his teeth together.

  “But I want to go there and experience it with you,” I confide. “I want to be a part of your world.” I take his hand, pleading with him to calm down so we can talk civilly.

  “No,” he growls. “Damn it, Cassee. No! I won’t have you there in that room. End of story.” He shakes his hand loose from mine, and walks away. He scoops his keys off the counter, holding them in his clenched fists.

  “Do you have someone there that you don’t want me to know about? Do you keep both of us on a string?” I ask, not really wanting to hear the answer but I need to know if he’s like all of my past boyfriends.

  His face falls and his shoulders slacken. The tension he had been holding onto is no longer visible. He looks defeated and suddenly I’m ashamed of myself. He turns away from me and walks toward the front door. Before exiting the condo, he rears back and punches the wall in the entryway. The next sound I hear is the lock clicking closed on the door. He’s gone.

  I look into the hallway and see the crater that his fist left, giant cracks spread across the drywall. There is no mess on the floor, just the solid contained state of Mateo’s anger on the wall. “What did I do wrong?” I ask aloud but the words echo off the walls without a reply. The silence reminds me that I’m alone again. Sinking to the floor, my tears fall. The carpet soaking them up like a dry riverbed. How did that go so wrong so quickly?


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