Answered Prayers

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Answered Prayers Page 11

by Max Hudson

  “Anderson Grant, I declare before these witnesses that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, Jude Carter, may not take you to be my husband. Will you marry me?”

  Jude watched as tears filled Andy’s eyes and he struggled to speak, swiping at the tears as they fell. Jude reached into the top pocket of his jacket and took out the hanky that was neatly folded there.

  “Here, let me,” he said, and held Andy’s chin between the fingers of one hand while he mopped up his face with the other. Then he handed it to Andy and said, “Blow!”

  Andy burst out laughing, and for one dreadful moment Jude thought Andy found his proposal amusing. He looked up with uncertain eyes, and when he saw the mischief in Andy’s eyes, and followed them down to Andy’s lap, he realized where his lover’s dirty mind had gone. Jude slapped his chest and scolded him.

  “Behave, you!”

  Andy blew his nose and swallowed his chuckles, fighting to keep the grin off his face.

  “I love it when you talk dirty to me,” he whispered, leaning in to speak into Jude’s ear. Jude blushed, and then Andy answered his question. “Yes, I will.”

  Jude withdrew the rings from the box and took Andy’s hand in his, sliding Andy’s ring onto his finger. It was a beautiful platinum band engraved with interlocking hearts inlaid in gold.

  “Where’s yours?” Andy asked. “I want to put it on you as well.”

  Once the ring was in place, Andy took both Jude’s hands in his and said, his voice thick with emotion,

  “They’re beautiful, Jude. They shine bright like your beautiful heart. Thank you. I love you.”

  Jude kept the kiss brief, because much as he liked Mase and Cindy, he preferred to keep the PDAs PG as much as possible. After drinking to each other’s health and much back slapping and hugging, Mase and Cindy said their goodnights. Jude barely managed to let the door close behind them before he was on Andy, pushing him up against the nearest surface, which just happened to be the front door, and attacking his mouth. All his simmering passion burst out, especially when he saw Andy admiring the ring on his finger.

  “Do you really like it?” he asked, when he came up for air.

  “I love it,” Andy said, and pulled Jude back in for another kiss. They kissed deeply, searching for and finding the heat that would drive their passion higher.

  Jude was determined to show Andy how much he loved him. The proposal was only half of his plan. The other half involved lube and condoms. Hiding those had been more difficult, but he had managed it. While Andy had been waiting for him to get dressed earlier, he had transferred them to Andy’s bedside table drawer where they waited for his lover to put them to use.

  “I’m glad,” Jude said, “because I have another surprise for you.”

  Andy pulled back to look at Jude. “Will I like it?” he asked.

  “I guarantee it!”

  “Cocky much?” Andy teased.

  “I sure hope so,” Jude said, reaching down to stroke Andy’s cock though his pants.

  Andy laughed. “You’re on a roll tonight, aren’t you? What’s gotten into you?”

  Jude barely managed not to say “You, I hope!” Instead, he said, “Just loved hearing you call me your boyfriend earlier. It set me off.”

  “Guess I need to do that more often, huh, boyfriend?”

  Jude nipped Andy’s lip before sliding his mouth across Andy’s cheek to his earlobe, which he gripped between his teeth for one agonizing second while he stroked his lover’s dick. Andy’s gasp was all the reward Jude needed. He licked the wounded earlobe, and then went back to drink from Andy’s lips.

  “Jude, can we take this somewhere more horizontal?” Andy asked, barely releasing Jude’s mouth to make the request.

  “Anything you say, big guy!”

  Andy pulled him into their bedroom and pushed him onto the California king-sized bed. Jude watched him strip to his boxers. Andy knew Jude liked to pull those off himself, preferably with his teeth. The thought made him shiver. Then Andy stripped him, casting the clothing aside carelessly and palming Jude’s cock and stroking him teasingly, sliding his fingertip into the slit which had begun to leak precum.

  “You’re so ready for me, aren’t you, babe?” Andy asked, kissing his jaw as he stroked him.

  “More than you know,” Jude said with feeling. “I want to show you that I’m all in with you, that you’re it for me. And there’s only one way for me to do that.”

  “And what way is that?” Andy asked absently, sending one fingertip into Jude’s ass to the first knuckle.

  “Open the top drawer,” he told Andy, gesturing to his bedside table.

  He watched Andy’s eyes go wide when he saw what Jude had put in there.

  “Babe, are you sure? This is a big step.”

  Jude reached over and dragged Andy back to him so he could kiss him again. “Yes, I’m sure. I want to know you in every way. I want to be yours intimately and completely.”

  Andy’s eyes blew wide with lust, but his touch was tender as he prepped Jude for his possession. Every searching push into Jude’s ass, every stroke of his prostate, every kiss that probed his mouth as Andy’s fingers probed his ass drove Jude higher up the peak of pleasure. He was a writhing, sobbing mess of want when Andy pressed three fingers into him, grazing his prostate on each stroke in and out, and Jude screamed out his need and pleasure. Never in all his life had he been so blown away, so lost to who he was, to where he was, to anything but the joy of being possessed by the man he loved.

  When Jude came, Andy’s name was a paean of praise on his lips. He growled and whimpered and sang as Andy expertly undid him from the inside out. His cock had not been touched, and the small part of his brain that still functioned wondered how he could have cum so hard just from ass play and kisses. He reached up a languid hand to stroke Andy’s hair, and frame his cheek, and pull his head down for a lazy kiss.

  “I love you,” he whispered into Andy’s ear. “So much.”

  Andy opened his mouth over Jude’s, kissing him back hungrily. “I know,” Andy said. “And now it’s my turn to show you how much I love you.”

  Words became superfluous then as they kissed and caressed and stroked each other. Love fueled the soft touches and hard thrusts, and when Andy sent his lubed fingers back up the pleasure path inside Jude, he pushed down against them, needing the touch, needing the feeling of total possession. Then Andy slid on a condom and Jude slicked up his cock with lube so he could have a chance to stroke his lover, to feel the iron that was about to breech his ass, to revel in the strength of the man who was about to pop his cherry. The thought made him shudder and smile at the same time.

  Andy lay him on his back, and Jude instinctively raised his legs, presenting his hole to his lover.

  “Ready?” Andy’s question was a harsh whisper of sound, and Jude nodded.

  The press of flesh against his tight hole was a pleasure that bordered on pain, and when his muscle finally relaxed and Andy pushed in, all Jude felt was full to bursting. The burning slowly gave way to tingles, and over all, that fullness that told him he belonged to someone who would care for him and be with him until the day he died. He let himself go, and pushed up to meet Andy’s downward thrusts, each man calling out the other’s name as they peaked. Andy raised Jude’s legs until they were resting on his shoulders, and then he thrust in once, twice, again, and roared as he came. Jude knew he was near, and needed just that extra touch, and then Andy’s hand was there, stroking his cock and pumping him hard, dragging him over the edge.

  A ragged scream scorched Jude’s throat as he came, panting and sweating and thrusting, not wanting the feeling to end. He shuddered and shook, and when the last of his seed had spilled, he collapsed, his legs falling to the bed, his arms thrown wide, his eyes closed.

  Andy leaned down to whisper in his ear, “Hey Jude! I love you.”

  They fell asleep, a tangle of arms and legs, the wet spots growing bigger. When they woke, they scrambled out of bed, and
Andy changed the sheets while Jude set the water temperature for their shower. Still exhausted from their exertions, they washed each other and went back to bed, cuddling and kissing until they fell asleep again. Morning found them once again tangled in each other, but this time, things were different. This time they were at peace.

  “I love waking up in your arms,” Jude said, stroking the hairs on Andy’s chest.

  “That’s good to know,” Andy replied, “because now that I’ve got you, I’m keeping you, and that’s all that matters.”

  Jude smiled into Andy’s chest. He was very happy to agree.




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