Fangs of Vengeance

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Fangs of Vengeance Page 3

by Aaron Henley

  For the next few months, Kiera would bring more samples to the retirement complex, while Alan would happily fill his plate two or even three times just to spend another few minutes chatting with her. Eventually, what were brief chats turned into long discussions that then turned into walks through the park and dinners at Kiera’s home and movies at his place. Finally, about a year after they first met, during one more served lunch, Alan went to one knee, put down his plate, and proposed. He softly chuckled. My hands were shaking so hard, I almost dropped the ring in the rigatoni! They were married a few weeks shortly after.

  Kiera didn’t have any living family and only a few friends with Alan being an only child with only his father still living. So they had a small private ceremony held at the City Hall by the local magistrate. About a year and a half later, Becca was born. I was a bit worried during Kiera’s pregnancy. She seemed slightly troubled at times. We were first-time parents so a little worry would be normal. He smiled at the memories. Those few months were some of the happiest of my life. I still remember holding Kiera’s hand in that hospital room, her face caked with sweat and and exhaustion. She mumbled something but I was too enraptured at the sight to pay any attention. Then she screamed one last time and the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard came from the other end of the bed. There she was letting the whole world know that their new queen had arrived. He could almost feel the slight weight of her in his arms even after all these years. She looked so much like her mother thank God! Last thing she needed was my lazy eye or slight overbite. She had my nose and ears though. Now I wonder just how much of the two of us will we see in our grandkids? He softly chuckled. The way those two kids have been looking at each other the past week makes me think it won’t be too long before we’ll find out.

  Speaking of the kids, they should be getting here soon. I better grab Kiera or she’ll have the entire dress down to stitches and end up re-sewing the entire thing. Getting up off the chair, Alan walked over to his wife, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her to him in a deep kiss. A few moments passed before he broke it.

  “Hey Baby,” Kiera whispered breathlessly and tugged a curl of her auburn hair now streaked with gray behind her left ear. “What was that for?”

  “Just being you Sweetheart. Now stop fussing with Becca’s dress.” He gently pulled her away from the white gown. “It’s perfect and you know it. We need to get downstairs and finish cooking. Everyone is going to be here soon and we’ve got a lot to do before dinner. I haven’t had your spaghetti and meatballs in ages and I’ll be damned if I’m kept from eating them longer than I have to.”

  Kiera’s face split with the same grin Becca had. “Oh really Mr. Monopoly? Since when is a week an age; let alone multiple ones?”

  “When it comes to your cooking my dear, an hour is an age.” He started pulling her to the doorway. “Now let’s get downstairs so I can go and test one to make sure it’s fit for human consumption. Better try that garlic bread too. It looked mighty suspicious if you ask me.”

  Kiera rolled her eyes and followed her husband out patting his back. “Whatever you say dear. Whatever you say.”


  The rehearsal went fine without any major delays. Since both Steve and Becca only had a Best Man and Maid of Honor, well Matron of Honor to be exact, it was a very small procession down the unrolled red carpet to the red rose-covered gazebo nestled in the center of the Daniels’ backyard. The audience chairs were placed far enough away that anyone with a potential allergy wouldn’t be bothered; at least that was what everyone hoped for anyway.

  Sitting from his assigned chair in the front row, Alan watched as Kiera finalized the positions of Steve, Richard, Becca, and Marcy. Placing little pieces of masking tape on the carpet, she marked where exactly everyone should stand; only to remove them and place them in a slightly different spot. It was a little tricky to make sure that the expected one hundred or so guests would have an unobstructed view of the proceedings but Kiera worked her usual magic. Watching Steve and Becca stand in front of the altar, Alan’s mind began picturing them in their wedding outfits.

  Steve would wear a tuxedo with a emerald green tie that matched Becca’s eyes while Becca’s white gown would be tied with a sash the same color. Alan smiled even more wider at the mental image of his baby girl standing there looking radiant with her bouquet of summer flowers. There was a slight tinge of sadness at the thought of taking her arm out of his and and giving it to Steve, but he figured that must be what all fathers felt giving their little girls away to the person they loved.

  How did I get so lucky? I’ve got a smart, funny, and gorgeous wife; a daughter I couldn’t be any prouder of; and, soon, a man I’m happy to call son. I still can’t believe his reaction when I told him what I expected he wanted to ask me that night six months ago. Anyone with eyes in their head and a brain in their skull knew that it would only be a matter of time. Those two had been inseparable since the first time they played together in a sandbox at preschool. I still don’t quite know when they both realized that they wanted to be more than just best friends; however, Richard, Kiera, and I knew long before they did. That poor kid was shaking like a leaf when he asked me for her hand. Kiera and I had discussed it and we had agreed long ago to let him have her if he asked. I don’t regret that decision at all. Now I wonder if my first grandson is going to be named Keith Richard Harper or Keith Alan Harper? Oh well. They can always have more than one. A slight pall entered Alan’s thoughts at that. I wish we had another child. Becca would’ve made a great big sister. Kiera always looked so beautiful staring at herself in the full-length mirror in the bedroom. How many hours did she spend just grinning ear to ear rubbing her stomach in front of that thing? I wish I could have given that to her again. My only regret is that I never could. I know we tried and tried but Becca was our little miracle I guess. Well you play the cards you’re dealt and, all things considered, I had a royal flush. Okay, that was cheesy even for me. I still have no idea how Kiera puts up with those after all these years. The woman must have been a saint in a past life. He drew his thoughts back to the present. Well it looks like Kiera’s not going to stop unless I intervene; plus I hear those meatballs calling my name.

  “All right dear, I think that’s enough. You’re going to wear holes in the floor if you keep moving people around much longer. I’m pretty sure the rental place has a “you break it, you bought it” policy and I don’t see much use for a fifty foot long red carpet and pad. Well maybe for our anniversary as I carry you to the bedroom…Hmmm…”

  Kiera smiled wickedly at her husband. “Dear, your back isn’t the same anymore and, last time I checked, we haven’t done anything sexual on our anniversary for the last two years. In fact, I can’t remember the last time you snuck up on me and just ravished me.”


  Kiera shrugged. “What? We’re all adults here Becca. Besides, you’re going to be experiencing something very similar tomorrow night. There’s no reason to be shy. Who knows? Maybe Steve could get a few pointers from your father before he leaves.”

  Becca just about exploded into apoplexy. “Mother --- please---I’m begging you.”

  “I’m sure Steve has all the pointers he needs Becca.” Alan chuckled nervously while glancing over at Carl and Marcy who were intensely staring at the gazebo, trying very hard to be oblivious to the conversation. Clearing his throat, he continued in a more normal voice, “Now before one of us has to carry your unconscious body to the house, let’s table this discussion and head to the dining room. I don’t know about everyone else but I am positively starving.” Taking Kiera’s hand, he led the group up the yard to the spacious house the Daniels called home.

  Between Alan’s job at the credit union, Kiera’s extremely successful catering business, and some “wise investments” her parents had left her, the Daniels were able to afford a very large home. Sitting right on the border of the word mansion, well maybe just past it, the home was well maintained, furnished
, and could accommodate groups of many different sizes. Despite the opulence and wealth such a house would instil from an outside perspective, inside everyone felt the warmth and love that were the true cornerstones of the Daniels household. After leading everyone into the main dining room, Alan gestured for everyone to be seated. The guests took their seats while Kiera, Richard, and Steve headed into the kitchen to start bringing out salads and bread for the first course.

  The room was rather spacious, it could easily have fit two more eight foot wide by sixteen foot long tables pressed on either side against the one currently occupying the center of the room. Painted in a soft cream color with large windows giving a panoramic view of the woods the house was nestled in with, the room was quite cozy. Everyone inside ate the delicious salad Kiera had prepared chatting amicably; and were completely unaware of the bear that was about to come knocking at their door.


  In a skyscraper in downtown Seattle, Washington, a phone rang in the penthouse office. A woman’s hand picked it up and brought it to her ear.

  “Strike team in position. Seven targets sighted - Three Primary, Four Secondary. Awaiting final orders and confirmation,” a male voice said.

  “No witnesses. Execute,” the woman replied. Placing the phone back on its receiver, she spoke in a cold voice, “You should have stayed dead.”


  “Before we break into my wife’s town-famous spaghetti and meatballs, I’d like to propose a toast.” Standing up and raising his wine glass, Alan looked at Steve and Becca sitting with their backs to the windows, Marcy, Carl, and Kiera sat across from them, with Richard at the foot of the table.

  “It has been a joy watching you two kids grow up. Becca, you’ve been the greatest thing I have ever done in my life. Your mother and I are so proud of you sweetheart. I wish you all the best. Steve, you’ve worked hard to make sure you could provide for my little girl, you’re a good man who’s been raised by a man just as impressive. I know if your parents were here, they would be as proud of you as Richard is. I will never try to replace them Steve, but, I want you to know that I am proud to call you son. Welcome to the family.” He paused as he wiped a tear from his eye. He wasn’t the only one.

  “Friends---no, family, to the bride and groom. May they have a long and happy ---”

  A gunshot shattered a window and Alan’s chest burst into a fountain of blood.

  Chapter 4

  Alan’s wine glass fell limply from his fingers, shattering into a hundred pieces, as he stumbled backwards and fell to the floor. Everyone was frozen in disbelief for an instant, then instincts kicked in.

  Richard immediately dove to cover Marcy with his body as Steve tried to do the same with Becca. Steve missed her as she stood to reach her father, moving faster than he had ever seen her.

  Seeing his wife protected, Carl leapt from his chair to try to protect Kiera. Years of training and reflexes propelled him forward. He was able to grab the still frozen woman and flung his back in front of her. More gunshots ripped through the room followed by the sounds of even more breaking glass and booted feet thudding on wooden window sills. A woman screamed in agony, Carl couldn’t place where it was coming from in the confusion. Suddenly, a blaze of red hot agony ripped through his back. The last thing Carl Thompson ever did was push Kiera Daniels to the floor shielding her with his own body.

  More and more gunshots tore through the room, destroying plates, glassware, family photos, and paintings. The dining room became a grisly nightmare. Steve went down with a massive red stain spreading across his back. Richard felt bullet after bullet enter his body but he had seen what happened to Carl. He would die first before he allowed the same to happen to his wife. The agony tore through him but no normal bullet could kill a werewolf. Enough could be fired to slow him down, even knock him unconscious, but kill him? No. Only silver could do that and these bastards thought they were the wolves hunting helpless prey. It’s time to show them just how wrong they were.

  Sliding Marcy under the reasonable safety of the thick oak table, Richard stood up, bullets still pelting his body. Suddenly, the fire stopped as the attackers’ magazines ran dry. Richard turned to face them. He couldn’t see their faces from the masks and combat gear they wore, but he could smell the fear that suddenly radiated off them and it was so very very sweet.

  A flash of movement caught his eye as he saw Steve try to rise but collapse to the floor. These bastards had not only killed a friend but tried to murder all the family he had left and the people both of them loved. There was only one punishment for this transgression, consequences for the Pack and the world at large could go straight to hell as far as Richard was concerned. Then again, there won’t be any survivors to worry about that now will there old man? Richard grinned.


  The attackers couldn’t believe their eyes. They had pumped dozens of rounds into what looked like an old man but there he was standing! How? How the hell was that possible?! It didn’t make sense unless….


  With a howl of rage, Richard Ford, Alpha of the Derrick’s Falls pack, transformed into his wolf hybrid. Standing before a group of shocked men was an eight foot tall mountain of silver fur and death. Richard’s eyes glowed in the light. He licked his muzzle; drool dripping from his fangs. The closest attacker never even had time to scream as Richard grabbed him by the throat, hand pressed against the man’s chin. Then, in a single motion, tore out the man’s windpipe with the other hand. A fountain of blood sprayed over Richard’s muzzle and dripped to the floor.

  Dropping the lifeless corpse, Richard licked his chops, making sure the attackers saw every movement. “You fuckers interrupted my dinner. I appreciate your offer of being the main course instead.” As he started towards them, the windows from the other side of the house blew in and even more troops stormed into the house.

  The man leading them yelled out, “Holy shit! There’s a fucking were here! All fireteams concentrate fire! Bravo team, continue primary mission!” Then, as one, ten more automatic rifles opened fired on Richard while he charged at them, blood still dripping from his snout.


  Ugh...what happened.

  Easy enough to explain, you got shot. A lot.

  Huh? Who said that?

  Good question considering you haven’t spoken to me in years. Guy could develop a complex that way you know.

  What? I don’t understand.

  Okay. We don’t have a lot of time to play twenty questions right now. You know who I am even if you’ve forgotten. Right now your grandfather is being shot by enough firepower to tear down a building, your future father-in-law is most likely dead, and I’m pretty sure Becca is down too.

  What the hell?! What are you talking about?! What happened to Becca?!

  Fine---if you don’t want to believe me, which I am not even going to begin to explain the irony of that statement right now, then believe your own eyes!

  What had once been a black void now showed a large widescreen TV which was playing through Alan’s toast. Okay. This is too weird.

  Hey don’t blame me. This is the easiest way for your mind to reconcile with what’s going on. This is all you buddy.

  As Steve kept watching, he saw Alan get shot, fall, and his missed grab at Becca. He saw the image shake and shudder a lot next. That’s the part where you got shot. The camera then tilted to the floor but just before impacting the floor, the view turned to catch a fleeting glimpse of Becca falling as well, her back scarlett.

  BECCA!!!! I have to do something! I have to help her!

  You kid? What good are you going to do? Swing a hammer at them? These guys mean business so if you want to save the woman we love, then you will listen to me right the fuck now!

  Who are you?! Why can’t I see you?

  I really don’t know how to dignify that with a response. Steve heard a sigh. Fine. I can’t believe I have to do this but desperate measures and all that.

  A spotlight from overhead beamed
through the darkness. Steve saw the largest wolf he had ever seen sitting there, amber eyes blazing in the reflected light, every muscle taught as if it was prepared to spring right at him. Actually I am. Look, we both want to save Becca and Pops. The only way to do that is if I’m in the driver’s seat okay? You have to let me out right now otherwise everyone we love is about to eat a mouthful of lead instead of spaghetti!

  The image on the TV kept replaying the scene of Becca’s fall over and over. Steve faced the wolf...his wolf and said just two words, Do it. The wolf leapt right at him.

  Steve softly groaned. No one heard it over the gunfire. Then his body twitched. Slowly he started to rise. As he did so, muscles started bulging, his clothes began ripping from the increased strain as they suddenly became too tight for the body they covered. Brown fur began covering every exposed piece of skin, finger and toenails lengthened and curved becoming razor sharp. His teeth elongated and became a mouth full of incisors, his face becoming a canine-like snout. Standing fully erect, Steve, his back to the the attackers, looked down at the motionless body of the woman he loved and howled his anguish. The attackers froze once again as they realized they had not one but two werewolves to deal with and that moment of inaction cost them dearly. Turning towards them, Steve’s hazel eyes were now a full amber and they blazed in rage. Seeing the men attacking his grandfather, he lunged at them as fast as his legs could move. He started tearing into them like a scythe through wheat. Blood and gore splashed against the walls, turned the carpets into sticky masses of red. Nothing could sate his hunger for vengeance Not even when he started tearing their faces off with his fangs. Unfortunately, in his blood rage, he completely missed the one soldier who jumped through the window and started to head for Becca’s body.


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