Fangs of Vengeance

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Fangs of Vengeance Page 7

by Aaron Henley

  No comment. His wolf laughed.

  About two hours later, the same figure drove by again, then the woman with the silver helmet. They have always been traveling in the same direction; never going back the other way. They’re looping back around somewhere. No doubt about it, they’re up to something but what?


  After heading to a travel plaza a few miles away for a bathroom break and grabbing something to eat, Steve returned to his spot at the parking garage. The sheer amount of activity and the oddity of it was prickling the back of his neck. He had grabbed a cheap pair of binoculars that parents bought for their kids on road trips to keep them occupied. Well, at least they did before the days of tablets and 3G. Kids today have no idea how lucky they have it. As the day turned into night, the binoculars would’ve been practically worthless; however, to wolf eyes, between the stars and the security lights around the complex, it might as well have been high noon.

  Around midnight, his hearing picked up the sounds of motorcycle engines approaching. He saw the same two figures as before, two more short and squat riders on a bike each, and a final one being driven by a sheer brute of a man with a sidecar attached. He couldn’t make out the figure too clearly but something immediately grabbed his attention. What the hell is a kid doing there? He couldn’t be older than a first grader. As the bikers rode past slowly, they killed the lights on their bikes and suddenly all their motor noises died as well. What----. He watched them drive by the depot. The bikes are still moving at the same speed, they’re not coasting. Whatever they’re riding, it sure isn’t factory issue. He also saw that unlike before, they wore solid black leather jackets and dark pants. There wasn’t a hint of the colorful image he saw earlier. He continued to track them in the darkness, his vantage point giving him a clear view of the flat terrain for a good mile or two. He watched them drive about a quarter mile up the road and turn off onto a service road, still eerily silent. He watched them park and get off their bikes. They kept their helmets on with the visors down and started heading to the chain link fence that surrounded the depot. Why the hell do they still have their helmets on? They couldn’t possibly see in those things. He watched them gather around the fence and saw the large brute take a big pair of bolt cutters out of a duffle bag he had brought with them. He began snipping through the links. After a cutting a wide swath of them, he set the cutters down and pulled the fencing back. Swiftly, they all went through the gap. The man rolled the fence back into place. It took them all of twenty seconds to breach the depot.

  Steve figured they were heading for a truck to hijack and drive it off the lot. He was a bit surprised when he saw them completely ignore the three parked trucks and head straight for the main building. The woman with the ponytail knelt in front of the side entrance and pulled something out of her pocket. About ten seconds later, she stood up and pushed the door open. They all went in and Steve came to a decision. He got out of the truck, took off his clothes, and shifted to his full wolf. He could run faster on all fours then even in his hybrid form. Plus he wouldn’t look too out of place as he ran to the gap in the fence the bikers had made. Something was going on and he was going to find out what.

  He shifted to his hybrid form and walked inside. He started sniffing for any fresh scents and found the bikers trail pretty quickly. As he moved deeper and deeper into the building, he knew something was wrong. He didn’t see any guards patrolling and none of the security cameras seemed functional. As he kept progressing, he found out an answer to at least one of his questions. He saw two uniformed guards unconscious, gagged, and their limbs zip-tied together. Almost looks like a Christmas turkey. Steve passed them and proceeded down a hallway with a bunch of offices on either side. What could possibly be so important for them to risk coming down this far? This is no simple hijacking.

  Really? Well, I’m glad you’re here to tell us that.

  Now’s not the time.

  I beg to differ or did you not notice that scent on the air?

  What scent---What the hell is that? Blood?

  Oh god, do we have some work to do later. How can you even call yourself a werewolf if you can’t even tell the scent of blood unless it comes at you like a freight train? I’m honestly ashamed of us right now.

  Shut up. It’s not entirely my fault. Something about it smells different. I can’t place what it is though.

  As he crept further down the hallway, the scent was getting stronger. He knew he was getting close. He passed another unconscious guard, a bloody knife a few feet from his body. Steve didn’t see any wounds so he figured the blood belonged to the intruders. At the end of the hall was a doorway leading out to the depot’s garage and maintenance area. He went through and saw something he was completely unprepared for.

  As he walked forward, all he saw was a solid wall of black leather and muscle. His snout smashed against the back of the man’s head, causing a brief wince of pain. That helmet is stronger than it looks. That really hurt. He rubbed his snout. Uh oh. The wall had turned around, Steve saw his reflection in the visor. Before he could even think, the mass of muscle grabbed his left arm, turned, knelt, and threw Steve headlong down the garage. He crashed against a toolbox, scattering its contents in a dozen directions. Before Steve could recover, the man was on him. Steve was brutally kicked in the ribs, a haymaker knocked his head back, and then he went for another joyride as the man grabbed his arm, spun both of them like a top, and released Steve to crash into one of the concrete supports scattered throughout the garage. Dazed with chunks of concrete crumbling on top of him, Steve stood up and shook himself. All right. You want to dance? Let’s dance.

  Steve plowed into the man with all the force of a battering ram, grabbing him and trying to tackle him to the ground. Well, it was a good idea but the man didn’t budge an inch. He grunted and met Steve grapple for grapple. Both tried to reach around each other, struggling to find that one sweet spot to allow them a better hold. It was a titanic wrestling match. As he struggled for a grip, he felt a sticky spot on his opponent’s left arm. Explains the blood. Still, what is this guy made of? No human is this strong. He’s either jacked up on so many steroids that his nuts have become raisins or he’s not human. If so, he sure as hell isn’t a wolf. The blood doesn’t smell right. As they continued to struggle, Steve remembered something very important. Wait! Idiot! I’m a fucking wolf! I’ve got more than my arms and legs. Steve then bowed his head down and bit the man in his left shoulder as hard as he could. Leather and skin punctured; blood flowed into Steve’s mouth; the man howled in pain. His grip loosened and Steve took advantage of it. He battered the man with all his strength. Each impact sent visible shockwaves through the man’s clothes. Steve grabbed a heavy wrench from a table next to him and started swinging at the man’s head. Blow after blow rang down on the man. Finally, with one last swing, the visor cracked and the man fell to the ground. He didn’t get up again.

  Steve checked to see if he had just killed the man but he could still feel a pulse and the man’s chest rose and fell. Just knocked out. Good. I’m ready to kill but only Lilith and her goons. I’ll leave this guy for the cops.

  “BOB!” Steve heard a high-pitched feminine voice ring out. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!”

  Oh great, it’s the kid! Well, I better get her out of here. These thugs probably kidnapped her and now she’s suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or something. I’ll have to deal with the others later. Kids always come first in my book.

  As the little girl ran to check on Bob, Steve scooped her up and carried her under one arm, sprinting back the way he came.

  “Hey! Let me go you overgrown mongrel!” She began flailing her fists against him.”What did you do to Bob?! If you hurt him, you’re going to pay! Put me down!”

  “Look kid,” he growled. “I don’t know what they’ve done to you but you’re safe. I’ll get you out of here, grab the first cop I see, and get you back to your parents. You’re safe. I promise!”

  “Are you out of your fre
aking mind?! Put me down! I have to check on Bob! PUT ME DOWN! This is your last warning!”

  Steve didn’t reply, he just ran faster.

  “Okay then. I warned you Fido.” Managing to wriggle her arms free, she reached for something in her jacket.

  Steve suddenly felt a sharp searing pain in his bicep. The fire burned throughout his arm. He couldn’t believe the agony. He immediately dropped the girl, who let out a little oof of her own. As he looked at his arm, he saw the source of the pain. Some kind of vial with a needle was poking out from the top of his arm. As he reached to pull it out, he suddenly felt very groggy. Every limb he had felt as if it was encased in lead. All he wanted to do was sleep.

  Hey now! None of that! You doze off here and it’s curtains for us!

  I’m trying. I don’t know what she shot me with but I’m losing it here. We have to get away now!

  Staggering, Steve kept heading down the long office hallway. He couldn’t be stopped now. He hadn’t even done anything against Amethyst. No way was he going down the first night out! Have---to---keep---moving. Have---to---keep---moving. He made it about five more steps before he collapsed to the floor. “Bec---ca---”

  Chapter 10

  “BECCA!” Steve cried as he shot up in his bed. Well, there were only a few things wrong with that though. First, it wasn’t his bed or even his bedroom. Second, he was stripped to his boxers with his arms and legs handcuffed to the bed. Kinky but what’s with these rags they wrapped inside of them?

  Don’t know. But it can’t be good.

  You’re awake too?

  Okay, that’s it! I’m getting the flashcards! When you’re awake, I’m awake genius! When you’re out cold, I’m out cold!

  Okay. Steve thought placatingly. Okay. Well, no matter where we are, one thing’s for sure. We’re in trouble. A soft grunt came from his left. Steve twisted his head and saw what he assumed was Bob standing by the only door in the room. Okay. Make that a lot of trouble. As his panicked mind calmed down and he started thinking more clearly, Steve Harper realized that trouble didn’t even begin to describe Bob.

  He was just a shade under seven feet tall and every inch of him seemed to be pure muscle. The jeans and T-shirt he wore under his leather biker vest seemed almost ready to rip if he moved the wrong way. The man had a bald head which was covered with a gauze bandage and his left arm was in a sling. Must be a result of last night. A topknot of black hair reached down his back to his waist and very blue eyes. As impressive as he was, that wasn’t what Steve focused on right now. What caught Steve’s attention was the two large incisors, almost tusks, jutting out from his bottom lip and that the skin of the man was green. You have got to be kidding me. There’s just no way. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  “Hey, buddy. Mind fetching the warden or something? It’s not exactly summer in here.”

  The green-skinned man just grunted and walked out the door. About a minute later, he came back and resumed his guard. A few minutes later, a older man walked into the room. He had salt and pepper hair cut into a flattop, a rugged face etched with wrinkles and experience, and a gait that instantly signaled he was the Alpha of this pack. Taking a sniff, Steve realized in more ways than one. The man wore an almost identical outfit to Bob’s. The only difference being cowboy boots rather combat boots. The man just stood there at the foot of the bed, staring at him. He didn’t move a muscle. His brown eyes as hard as flint and about as warm.

  “You want to explain just what the hell you were doing at the depot last night and why you decided to kidnap one of my own?”He didn’t raise his voice, he didn’t have to. He spoke with the command of an experience leader. His voice could have come from any of a dozen different actors Steve could name from some of his favorite westerns. The man fit in perfectly with the image of a grizzled sheriff ready to remind the town who the law was. Too bad he’s on the wrong side of it.

  “I could ask you the same thing there Chief. Pretty sure that having to break into a place at night and taking out security doesn’t exactly put you on the side of the angels. As for the kid, if you hurt her, I’ll tear your throat out you mangy cub.” He pulled futilely at his bonds. For adult werewolves, being called a “cub” was one of the lowest curses you could be called. It meant you were weak, helpless, barely able to walk with your eyes open. For a species that prided itself on discipline and training, there couldn’t be a worse insult.

  “That “kid” is the only reason you’re still breathing Cub. She told me what you told her and I can smell your telling the truth about what you thought regarding her. Otherwise, I’d have a new rug for the den. But you still haven’t answered my question.” Pausing between each word as if speaking to an unruly toddler, he continued, “What---the---hell---were---you---doing---there?”

  “None of your damn business. Now get me out of these stupid things.” Steve tried moving his arms to dislodge the cuffs around his wrists but all he did was move the rags stuffed between them and his skin.

  The older man wagged his left index finger. “I wouldn’t do that Cub if I were you. Those cuffs are one hundred percent silver. Those rags fall and you’ll have one hell of a rope burn.” Then he waved his hand in complete dismissal. “Oh, we also won’t put the rags back if they come out either. So you either stop struggling or start howling. It’s your choice Cub. Oh, and just in case you think I’m bluffing.” He grabbed the chain of the cuff holding his left leg to the bed with his right hand. Instantly, his hand began smoking, the skin blistering. He didn’t even flinch. He stared into Steve’s eyes while the silver wreaked havoc on his hand. For a full five seconds, he held it. He finally let go and turned back to Steve’s green guard dog. “One of the twins will be by in a bit to relieve you. I have to go talk to Ayla. If he wants to talk, you’ll know where we’ll be.”

  Bob just nodded, his gaze never leaving the bed. “Chief” walked out of the room. “Look, Bob...can I call you Bob”

  “ .... ”

  “Okay. Look Bob. Eventually, I’m going to need to take a piss. You don’t expect me to do it right here on the bed?”

  “ ….”


  Bob’s steady gaze was his only reply. “Look. Okay. I get it. You’re pissed I beat you. Fine. Just don’t leave me soaking in my own piss okay?”

  “That’s not it,” Bob replied in a very deep baritone. “You almost hurt Lexi. If you had, you wouldn’t be there.” He pointed to the bed. “You’d be here.” He pointed to his stomach. “Kurt says wolf tastes just like chicken. I love chicken.”

  “Understood,” Steve replied meekly. He swallowed nervously. “So--- how do you think the Seahawks will do this year?”

  “ ….”

  Sighing, Steve tried to make himself as comfortable as he could, which basically boiled down to shoving his neck around to try to move the pillow he was laying on to a different spot. He finally settled down and closed his eyes. Well how could this possibly get worse?

  Waking up and seeing that the clock by the bed had ticked over a few hours, Steve found out just how worse it could get. He had a rather nice dream of him, Becca, the beach, and very little else. So when he awoke, he was rather surprised to see a pair of extremely large violet eyes peeking out at his bedside. He was also surprised to see his boxers tented quite a bit.

  “Yaaaa!” Steve exclaimed, his cheeks flaming crimson. He tried to cover himself but after a quick pull, he remembered that he was still cuffed to the bed. “Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean---I mean---I can’t--” he rattled the chains very lightly.

  “Easy there Fido. You’ve got nothing I haven’t seen before and I’m not interested. I’m a one man kind of woman and I’m taken.”

  Steve was too embarrassed to really listen to what the girl was saying. He was hoping that would fade away after spending some time with Becca; but, at this moment, he was still too shy for what his body was telling the whole world. It probably wouldn’t have been as bad if he had been able to cover himself; however, since
it was out of his control, all he could do was try to relax and let his erection fade. Easier said than done while a female was watching him like a hawk. He finally closed his eyes and took deep breaths. After a few minutes, he started to calm down and the tent is his boxers lowered. He opened his eyes to see her still there. “Sorry about that.”

  She shrugged. “No biggie.”

  Steve chuckled. “Not sure how I should feel about that. Also, aren’t you a little young to be sneaking on adult men in their underwear? Surprised Big Green over there even let you in.”

  Now it was her turn to chuckle. “You haven’t gotten out much have you? You never seen a gnome before? I’m twenty-seven.”

  “A gnome? I thought they wore pointed little hats and Dutch clothing.”

  “I really get tired of that stereotype. Just because some gnome had a brilliant idea to start making statues of his family to sell to tourists, suddenly all gnomes have to be either forest or lawn guardians. Then don’t get me started on those video games. Sure, we like to tinker and work on stuff but it’s not all we do.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend.” He cleared his throat. “You’re right though. You are the first gnome I met. Also, sorry I tried to kidnap you I guess. I thought you were just a little girl who was kidnapped and wanted to help.”

  “No biggie. You’re not the first one to make that mistake. Bob usually straightens them out before any trouble starts. But you---,” she poked his right side, “what gave you the right to have to update my husband’s rabies shot? He’s lucky that helmet I built protected that gorgeous cranium of his otherwise he’d have one hell of a concussion.”


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