Fangs of Vengeance

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Fangs of Vengeance Page 17

by Aaron Henley

  Becca chewed on her thumbnail, her cheeks blushing slightly. “It looks like there is dear.” Kiera said. “I haven’t you do that since you were waiting for my approval to go on your first date with Steve. What is it baby?”

  “This is so embarrassing,” Becca groused. “Mom, the past few days, I’ve been---well---lusting---after Steve.” She flinched expecting her mother to laugh her scaly hide off. Instead, Kiera just stood there patiently, arms open for her to continue. “It’s not that I haven’t felt anything sexual towards him before. This is different. It’s stronger somehow. Makes me do crazy things so out of character for me. I mean I tried to give him a handjob while we out riding today. All I felt at that moment was the---the---need---to have him. My whole body was on fire, I had to have him next to me, inside me. Then, just as quickly, it passed and I felt myself again. It scared me Mom.”

  “Becca, come here baby.” Becca walked back to her mother and Kiera began holding her and stroking her hair like she used to do when Becca had a nightmare. “It’s okay baby. You don’t have to frightened and you don’t have to be embarrassed about this. You can talk to me about anything and I will listen baby always. I’m afraid that this is just another example of your dragon traits coming out dear. To put it simply, you’re going through puberty baby.”

  “Are you kidding me?! I already did that once! I’m pretty sure if Daddy finds out he will never come out of the coma. He barely survived it when I was a typical human daughter!”

  “Well, unlike humans, this tends to pass rather quickly. It happens to all of us to help us find our mates and keep them. Dragons are a pretty fickle species. It’s just instinctual dear. I’ll help teach you some meditative exercises to help when it hits. I wish I could tell that it does fade away entirely but I would be lying. I’m over fifty thousand years old and I still have to use them when I see your father when he isn’t able to---um---put the best effort in. Of course, that’s not to say we can’t handle it ourselves but it is so much better with a partner. You’ll find that out soon enough. Though they do have their advantages when both parties are “in the mood”. The sex is some of the best you can ever have.” She looked down at Becca and winked at her. “I think I better add a few extra sets of bed sheets to your wedding gift. I was always able to change ours before your father noticed. I think we may need to prepare for you having a hybrid form as well just in case. With both partners having claws though, I think the mattress store down the street from Richard’s is about to have a new favorite pair of customers. Hmm...better add that as well.”

  “What worries me Mom is that we both want to wait until the wedding. If this comes on and I can’t stop it and we---.”

  “I believe the words you’re looking for are, “have sex” dear.”

  “What can I do Mom? I don’t want to give in just because some mating instinct tells me to.”

  “I think you need to talk with Steve and let him know what’s happening. You’re old enough to make your own decisions about your body and when you want to share it with him. You do it when it means something to you, when it feels right for both of you. If you both want to wait, I’m sure he’ll help keep things from going too far. Both of you want to make sure the other has an experience like no other and I know you’re both strong enough to make sure that happens when you want it to.”

  “Thanks Mom. You’re right. We do need to talk about this.”

  Becca smirked. “One thing you’re going to find out baby is that communication in a marriage can put out a ton of little fires before they become infernos.”

  “So are fire puns just a dragon thing or what?”

  “I’ll let you know in about ten thousand years. You will live for quite a very long time dear. It’s one of the blessings and curses of our race sadly. I think that’s part of why we have such good memories. It helps us relive the good times when the bad threaten to overwhelm us.” A slight note of concern entered her tone. “There is one other thing Becca. As I mentioned, there’s a good possibility of you developing a hybrid form like mine. We should keep an eye on your physical development as well as your magical.”

  “You mean, I could be like you Mom? Wings and tail and everything?”

  “Forgive me for saying this, but most “half-breeds” or “dragonspawn”, as I prefer, do have most of their dragon parents traits. Some manifest different than others but considering our lineage and just how truly amazing you are baby, I wouldn’t bet against it.”

  “Mom? Do you fly? If I get wings, could I fly too?”

  “Yes to both questions baby.” Kiera looked up into the clear night sky. “I can’t wait to share the sky with you baby. It is a dragon’s second home.” She looked back down at her daughter softly running her hand down her hair. “I’m sorry I took so much from you Becca out of fear and arrogance. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “I already do Mama. I love you Mom.”

  “I love you too Becca. Now if you wouldn’t mind closing your eyes again so I can change and get dressed, let’s have a seat next to this very comfy looking tree and we can talk more about whatever you want.”

  “Sounds like a plan Mama.”

  Mother and daughter sat nestled in the crook of an old elm tree and spent the entire night talking about everything Becca could think of from dragon abilities to magic to sex both as a human and a hybrid. Now that the ice was broken, she wanted to know just what she was in for beyond what she had read in books or heard second-hand, especially as wings and a forked tongue could lead to some very interesting possibilities. Eventually, both mother and daughter drifted off to sleep cradled next to each other in the crook of the tree, the stars twinkling above them.

  Chapter 23

  Steve went out to meet Ayla as usual for their morning run. They were going through their stretches when Ayla gave him the bad news. “You’ve been doing well Steve. Now it’s time for the advanced class. Starting, today we’re going off-road. No more nicely paved roads. It’s time for this wolf to get back to nature.”

  “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?”

  “You shouldn’t. Elves and wolves are one with the forest remember? At least that’s what all the storybooks say anyway.”

  “Yep. Definitely have a bad feeling about this. You’re grinning way too much.”

  “Come on Steve. Daylight’s burning. Also, if you stare at my ass one more time, I’ll tell Becca,” she called out just as Becca walked outside.

  Steve laughed nervously waving his hands back and forth between the two women. “She’s ---I mean---I didn’t---Red come on---”

  Becca just walked over to him, stopped, brought her hand up to her face knuckles resting under her chin in a pose of deep thought and said, “Yeah. It is a pretty great ass. Now get running Balto! Mush!” She slapped Steve’s butt hard and the two took off.

  As they ran, Ayla didn’t stop laughing for the first mile.

  After he finished with Ayla, he would spend the rest of the day with Kurt learning more wolf craft. The previous few days activities had interrupted their training schedule so they had to work extra hard to make up for it. Steve just prayed he survived till tomorrow.

  Meanwhile, Becca went to the clearing with the twins and Kiera to learn basic magic craft. The four of them formed a loose circle and sat down on the cool grass. The songs of birds filled the warm morning air.

  “Magic is actually a very simple force Becca,” Kiera began. “It is only just another form of energy like wind or heat. What differentiates it is its ability to change into other forms when used. For example, when water boils, the potential energy inside is turned into kinetic and thermal energy as it evaporates into steam. Magic could turn the kinetic energy into a solid force of air and the thermal energy into a bolt of lightning or a fireball. There are no limits to what it can do, only the ability and magical reserves the spellcaster has within them. You must be careful dear. If you cast too powerful a spell and you do not have the reserves for it, it will still complete itself but will
begin to drain your life to compensate for the missing energy. This has been the downfall of many spellcasters, especially novice ones.”

  Michelle piped up, “I lost a good friend to it Becca. It’s not a pretty sight. She looked more like a mummy than a dwarf. It’s an absolute must to know your limits and not exceed them, even in the direst of circumstances. It never ends well.” She finished quietly and Mark nodded his head solemnly, his face a grim mask.

  “I understand,” Becca replied. “I’m a little scared now to be honest.”

  “That’s good.” Kiera continued. “Just as Steve respects the dangers of the tools he uses, so should you do the same with magic. Fear gets a lousy reputation most of the time. It helps warn us of danger and tries to protect us. We just have to learn when to listen to it and when to push past it. Now let’s begin Magic 101.” Her face split with a wide grin. “Close your eyes please Becca.” She did an instructed. “Now hold out a hand.” Becca lifted her left hand. “In your mind’s eye, try to picture a small ball of light resting in your hand. Think of nothing else. Let yourself, your doubts, your worries, everything go. Then focus all of your will and strength into the image of the ball.”

  Becca began trying to clear her mind. She took deep breaths, trying to relax her muscles and whirling thoughts of flinging fireballs and building ice sculptures with a single thought. After a few minutes, she felt her calming, her mind settling. She began to picture a tennis ball made entirely of light resting in her hand. She imagined the fuzzy sphere to be made up of every color of the rainbow, casting its light over her friends. Something inside her responded and she gasped, almost losing the image completely. She frantically tried to restore her balance and the image fluctuated even more. Taking a deep breath, she willed herself to remain calm using the same techniques she had been taught when dealing with a trauma. Focus on the patient. You can throw up later. Focus on the patient. They need you. Clamp that artery, apply a tourniquet to the leg. Focus on the patient. Soon, the ball of light stabilized in her mind and the power inside her began to fuel it once more. She pictured it casting shades and hues of dozens of colors splashing the clearing like a brilliant firework. A sun of melted crayons glowing in her hand like the little toy she had as a child pushing colored pegs into a blackened paper to allow light to shine through. She wanted more. She began expanding the ball slowly as the colors rotated around its surface. Soon, it was the size of a softball. Becca was beyond giddy with excitement. She was doing it! She was casting magic! Her face split open wide with a smile and she slowly opened her eyes and looked at her hand.

  There was a tiny speck of light in her palm, no larger than a grain of rice. She gasped in both shock and excitement and lost the image in her head. The tiny speck of light then disappeared. She raised her hand to her face in wonder. Then looked across at her mother. Kiera’s face was beaming with joy and love. Becca looked over at the twins whose own faces were just as happy. As the excitement within began to die down, Becca’s smile disappeared and her face took on a confused look. “I don’t understand Mom. I pictured it so much bigger in my head. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No baby. Not at all. What you just did would take a normal novice a few months of intense training to do what you did.”

  Mark spoke up. “She’s right Becca. It took me almost a half a year to do it.”

  “But what did I do exactly?”

  “The best way to describe it is you’re learning to sit up Becca,” Kiera explained. “Just as a baby learns to use its muscles as it develops, you’re learning a whole new set of magical “muscles”. As you practice more and more, it will get stronger and easier to build.”

  Becca’s smirk was back on her face. “As long as I don’t have to wear diapers Mom.”

  Everyone laughed for a few moments then Kiera said, “Okay dear. Try again.”

  Becca took a deep breath and cleared her mind.


  Steve was gasping hard as he followed Ayla over the game trail. He had no idea where they were having lost all sense of reference. Oaks, elms, and pine trees flew by as they ran. He thought he was in the best shape of his life the night before. Apparently, he had misjudged. Badly. They eventually came to a mess of fallen trees that a storm had toppled. Some even had burn marks from where lightning had cut them down. Ayla slowed to a brisk jog then walk. She headed for a large log and took a seat. “We’re here Steve. Take a breather.” She tossed him a water bottle from her pack. “Drink.” Ayla took a second bottle and did the same.

  They spent the next few minutes chatting idly when there was a sharp crack of a twig snapping. Steve turned his head in the direction of the sound and saw Kurt walking towards them.

  “Training day Cub. Time to start earning your big boy pants now.”

  “That bad feeling is coming back again.”

  “Oh, it’s worse than you think. Strip Cub. Time for your wolf to come out and the two of you learn how to work together---for once.”

  Steve blushed and glanced over at Ayla. Kurt chuckled. “Don’t be a big baby. You’ve got nothing she hasn’t seen before. Trust me Cub there’s no need to be bashful. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll strip to keep her distracted.” A wicked gleam shown in the older man’s eyes.

  “Fine. Fine. I’ll do it.” Steve undressed and set his clothes in a pile. “There! Happy?”

  “I don’t know about Kurt but I am. Becca has no idea what’s she in for,” Ayla chuckled from her seat.

  “Not helping.” Steve said through clenched teeth as his cheeks flushed.

  “That’s enough love.” Kurt admonished her mildly. “Shift Cub. Now.”

  Steve turned into a full wolf. He looked up at the now much taller man and wondered just what he was supposed to do now.

  “You have any idea where we are Cub?”

  Steve shook his muzzle.

  “Good. Find your way home. You and your wolf work together. You do not shift back. I expect to see your furry hide walk through the door by dinnertime. You remember what I taught you so far, you’ll be fine. If I have to come drag you home tomorrow, I’ll be a tad put out. Clear?”

  Steve nodded his muzzle.

  “We’ll bring your stuff home so get going. You’re on the clock.” Steve ran back the way he and Ayla had come, fallen leaves flying up behind his paws.

  Kurt walked over to the log and sat next to Ayla. She handed him a sandwich made from some of the previous night’s leftovers. “Thanks babe.” After taking a bite, he settled in next to his lover. They could still hear Steve running wild in the brush beyond. Alya glanced over to Kurt.

  “Are you sure he’ll be fine?”

  Kurt nodded. “Once he calms down and starts using his head, he will. Right now he’s trying to remember the trail you two took to get here. I got to admit you sure do know your way around out here. Wonder how long it’ll be before he realizes we’re only about a mile from home? My guess is three hours.”

  Ayla chuckled softly. “Put me down for two. I’m a dreamer.”

  “Part of why I love you babe.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Oh? Anything else?” she asked coyly.

  “Great pair of tits.”

  She punched him hard in the shoulder and chuckled. “Ass.” After a moment or two, “They are nice though aren’t they?”

  “Best I’ve seen babe.”

  “Good answer.”

  “I thought so.”

  They just sat there together as the sounds of Steve’s wild trek started to fade away and only birdsong filled the air. Kurt finished his sandwich and brushed the crumbs off on his jeans. He then pulled Ayla to him and gave her a long deep kiss. When they broke away, she gazed up at him. “I love you.”

  Kurt didn’t answer back. He just pulled her to him again for another kiss. As they explored each other’s mouths, his hand started running down her back and went up under her shirt. Ayla broke away.

  “Down boy. What if Steve comes back? If we do this, last thing
I want is being interrupted.” She grinned at him. “Unless you want him to join that is. I wouldn’t mind popping that pup’s cherry.”

  Kurt growled possessively. She knew how to push each of his buttons and she reveled in it. “Since we’ve had so much company, we haven’t been able to and you know how cranky that makes me. That Cub’s stumbling around so much we’d hear him long before he came back and you know it.” He turned his head to the side and whispered in her long ear. “Or are these just for show?” He ran his tongue up the side of her pointed ear, sucking on the tip. Ayla shuddered and gasped.

  “What do you plan to do Kurt? Bend me over this log and take me right here?”

  He kissed her again and his hand started slipping under the waistband of her sweatpants. “For starters,” he whispered.


  It had been over an hour and Steve was totally and completely lost. He thought he had followed the trail pretty well but he had made one wrong turn which led to another and another. Now here he was lost in the middle of the woods with no idea where to go and everything looking the same no matter which way he turned.

  He snarled in frustration. He wasn’t ready for this! He barely had training with Kurt before everything got so crazy. What was he thinking agreeing to this?

  I’m pretty sure it’s because we screwed up and an lot of innocent little girls are paying for it.

  Who asked you to butt in Jiminy?

  You did whether you realize it or not. Now calm down and think! I’m the wild one remember? I shouldn’t have to be giving you tips on how to be a wolf!

  What? You mean you aren’t just going to take over like you did last time because that worked so well.

  No. Kurt’s right. We have to work as a team. We’re partners not adversaries. There’s God only knows how many Emilys counting on us to get our crap together. We made a promise and, deep in your heart, you know I’m right.

  Steve took a deep breath, which was more a pant since he was a wolf after all. Okay. Okay. Think. Kurt told us that wolves rely on all their senses, not just what they see or smell. What do we hear?


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