Fangs of Vengeance

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Fangs of Vengeance Page 25

by Aaron Henley

  He ran back to the office and laid Marisol down behind the desk. “Mari?”

  “She’s fine little one,” it took all of his effort to keep his voice calm and soothing. “She’s just sleeping.” Now the hard part. “Emily, I need you to be very brave okay? I’m going to show you something that might be very scary. Don’t be afraid, it’s just to help keep you and your sister safe. Can you do that for me little one? Be a very brave girl?”

  She nodded, tears starting to run down her wide eyes.

  Charlie stepped back and shifted. Where once there had been a middle-aged black man, a large snake with arms and legs appeared. His head had transformed into a cobra’s, the hood wider than her outstretched arms. Long ivory fangs reached out of the reptilian mouth. Blue-green scales covered his entire body interspersed with the remnants of his clothing. “I’m sorry to have kept this from you little one,” he said, his voice rasping and stretching out the “s” sounds. “Please don’t be afraid. I’m going to protect you and your sister. There’s some bad men coming and I need you to stay here and be absolutely quiet. Can you do that for me please?”

  She nodded. Charlie started for the door when she spoke softly, “Charlie?”

  He stopped instantly. “Yes little one?”

  “You’re not scary to me.”

  He smiled the best he could, his heart soaring, and said, “Thank you little one. Now hush dear. I have to make sure Ms. Kiera and Lexi are okay too.” The little girl nodded and crept back further under the desk. He ran out and headed upstairs.

  The living room was a mess. The shockwave from the explosion had toppled the bookcases and the furniture was strewn about. He ran to the bedrooms. The door to Kiera’s room was blown completely off and wedged against the wall. He ran inside and saw a brief vision of hell. Nothing was standing erect. Smoke filled everything. He’d have to get everyone out as soon as he made sure it was safe. He looked around but didn’t see Kiera. He knew she was up here. He flicked out his tongue and tried to find her by body heat. It was hard to make out amongst the small fires but there was a large source next to the closet. He shoved the bed blocking his view and found her lying in a pool of blood. Her hand clasping a large box. He saw the blood trail from where she had dragged herself over before collapsing. What could possibly be so important? He grabbed a bedsheet and ran to her and flipped her over onto her back. There was a large gash down her chest and he shoved the sheet against it. She didn’t react at all. He looked inside the box and suddenly realized what she had been trying to reach. Steve’s colors. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it quickly around the leather vest then picked up Kiera with both arms. Hoping the weight of the blanket and vest would provide some good to the blood-stained bed sheet, he ran back downstairs to Kurt’s office. He gently laid her body next to Marisol’s. He looked at Emily. “Little one, Ms. Kiera needs your help. She needs you to press the sheet as hard as you can to stop the bleeding. Can you do that?” The little girl nodded and crawled past her sister. “You’re a very brave girl little one. Now I have to check on Ms. Lexi in the garage. I’ll be right back.” Emily nodded and pressed her small hands against the sheet. He hurried out to the front entrance and saw a bunch of men in the garage, ducking and firing at something ahead of them. A small smile appeared on his lips and his fangs began dripping venom as he silently approached the garage.

  Chapter 34

  Lexi was in trouble. She only had a couple spare magazines taped next to the gun and she just loaded her last one. She was pretty sure she had gotten at least two of the bastards. She didn’t know what was happening with the others but she hoped they were okay. She had managed to crawl to one of the concrete support pillars during a lull in the firing. She leaned out and fired a few shots at a soldier who poked his head out. She hit and a large spray of red flew out the back of it and he fell lifelessly to the floor.

  “How do you like that you bastards! Do you know how pissed I am for what you did to my babies?!” A stream of bullets was her reply sending pieces of concrete flying. She knew there wasn’t much hope unless the guys got here soon. She checked the magazine and only had a few shots left. Well, it’s been a good run. I love you Bob. She was about to lean out again when she started hearing screaming and gunfire. The first thing she realized was the fire wasn’t coming her direction. She leaned out and saw flashes of blue-green scales and a large tail flying. “Charlie! Welcome to the party!” She saw him walk towards her, carrying a soldier, his fangs firmly embedded in the man’s shoulder and neck. He pulled his head back and dropped the dying man. She ran to him and the two friends embraced. “How’s Kiera and the girls?”

  “Marisol’s unconscious and Kiera’s in bad shape. Emily is trying to keep her from bleeding out but we need Mark. I saw a lot more men coming and they saw me. I don’t think we can get back to the tavern without help.”

  Just then a blood-curdling roar echoed across the courtyard. A man screamed and the two saw a head rolling past the open garage door.

  “I love that orc,” Lexi grinned and ran over to the weapons rack to get more ammo.


  Bob red-lined his engine the whole way back. He knew Lexi would kill him when she saw what he did to his bike but he didn’t care. He hit the silent running toggle a mile from home and barrelled up the driveway. He saw some men standing guard but he didn’t care. He leapt off the bike and unsheathed his longsword. He never really felt the rage his people were known for until that day. Now he reveled in it. Roaring with all his might, he brought the sword down and decapitated one of the soldiers. His head went rolling down the courtyard but Bob was already turning to slash at the other men. They never had a chance. In a moment, the only one left standing was Bob, covered in blood and gore. He felt great. He started running for the garage.

  He just entered it when a pink-haired bundle leapt at him. He dropped his sword and caught his wife, kissing her deeply. He set her back down. “The others?”

  “Kurt’s office. Kiera’s hurt bad Bob,” Lexi answered. “The hard part is going to be getting there.” He nodded and picked her up with one arm and bent over her body to shield her. He grabbed his sword with the other. He and Charlie sprinted for the tavern, dodging the fire that came their way. He grunted as he was hit a few times but he didn’t care. All that mattered to him was Lexi’s safety. They burst inside and took cover behind an overturned table as gunshots filled the room. Lexi returned fire, driving the men back to the kitchen. She looked over at Bob and Charlie. “I’ll hold them here, get the girls out to the garage!” Bob looked about ready to offer his opinion on that but Charlie beat him to it.

  “She’s right Bob. She can’t carry either Marisol or Kiera. We’ll have to make two trips. We get the wounded out and then get Emily and Lexi.” He rested a clawed hand on the orc’s shoulder. “Believe me my friend, I hate it just as much as you.” The orc took a deep breath and nodded. Just then, they heard a roar of engines approaching and realized reinforcements had just arrived.


  Kurt and Steve were the first to come screaming up the driveway to draw any fire. They shifted into their full wolves and started running for the treeline. Bullets splashed the dirt around them and some hit but they didn’t slow down. They each pounced on a soldier, bringing them to the ground and locking their jaws around their victims’ throats. Once finished, they moved on to their next targets.

  Ayla followed them. She looped around, firing her dual Desert Eagles with pinpoint accuracy. Bodies and heads exploded into fountains of gore. She only paused long enough to reload and resume firing.

  Meanwhile, Bob and Charlie were each cradling Kiera and Marisol with Lexi holding Emily’s hand, the little girl’s eyes shut, as they raced to the garage. They went inside and Lexi slammed the garage doors shut. Bob and Charlie stood guard over the side door while Lexi guarded the girls. All they could hear was the sounds of gunfire, howling, and screaming. A few minutes passed, then silence. Next, they heard the sound of a large engine pulling up.
“Bob, get out there and get Mark now! I can’t stop her bleeding,” Lexi called out. The orc rushed outside, almost barrelling into Kurt as the older man walked toward them. Everyone rushed inside.

  “What the hell happened,” Kurt asked.

  “I was hoping you’d know,” Lexi replied.

  “We fell into a trap,” Ayla answered. “They must have been watching us for some time. It’s the only explanation for this. They suckered us with the data we stole and figured a dragonspawn would be enough to finish the job while they destroyed our home and any who were here.”

  Kurt nodded in agreement. “If it wasn’t for Becca, it would have worked too. Nothing we had even touched him.”

  Just then Steve and Becca rushed in. Becca saw her unconscious mother and ran to her, Steve’s jacket that she covered herself with flying. Steve right behind. Bob barrelled in, carrying a very upset Mark. “You daft greenskin. I can walk you know.”

  Bob pointed at Kiera. “She needs help. Fix it!” He set the dwarf down and he ran to Kiera.

  “Michelle! Grab my staff! Now!” He looked over the unconscious woman. “Damn it. She’s lost a lot of blood.” He looked over at Becca. “You the same blood type?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. She never let us test that before.” Her eyes widened in realization. “Shit. Mom, why did you have to be so secretive?”

  “I can do it,” Steve answered. “I’m O positive. That should work right?” Becca looked to Mark and the dwarf shook his head.

  “I’m sorry Steve. The werewolf in you would tear through her and do more harm than good. Not even normal human blood would help. Species has to match. Damn it.” Steve’s shoulders slumped in defeat.

  Michelle ran over to him, and he grabbed the staff out of her hands. He started chanting, an intense glow filling the garage from his hands and staff. Sweat started dripping from his brow as the glow got brighter. His chanting increased in volume, his throat tearing but he didn’t stop. He pushed everything he had into his spell, trying desperately to heal Kiera. Finally, he collapsed to the ground and the glow faded. Michelle ran over to her brother to support him.

  Panting, Mark looked at Becca, his hoarse voice soft. “I’m sorry. I tried everything I could Becca. She’s lost too much.” Tears flowed down the dwarf’s cheeks. “There’s nothing else I can do. I’m so sorry. It’s only a matter of time now.”

  Becca wailed, throwing herself onto her mother’s body weeping. Everyone bowed their heads in sorrow. Ayla and Lexi each clung to their lovers who tried to support them in turn. Emily ran over to Charlie who took her in his arms and pressed the weeping girl to his chest, his tears joining hers. Only one person wasn’t giving up.

  “It’s not over yet,” Steve said, his voice hard and firm. “It’s not over Becca.” She looked up at him, a slight hope in her eyes. “You could try. You’ve been learning from Mark after all. You’re a dragon Becca. You have got to have more strength than Mark ever could. I know you can do it. I believe in you.”

  She looked in his hazel gaze and found the surety of his statement. His eyes glowed amber, “I believe in you Becca.” They returned back to his normal hazel eyes.

  She nodded and looked down. She took off the jacket and shifted. She started focusing her magic, trying to remember everything Mark and her mother had taught her. She began chanting and her hands glowed. The light glowed even brighter and more intense than Mark’s had, causing everyone to turn their heads away. Becca put all of her strength into the spell, her wings flew open wide in the exertion. She then placed her hands on her mother and the light infused her body. Kiera’s body glowed like a miniature sun. Becca’s wings fell back down and the glow faded. Steve rushed over to support her. Everyone held their breath and prayed. Slowly, Kiera’s eyes opened and she gasped loudly.

  She looked around confused for a moment then saw her daughter weeping with joy. “Oh my,” she whispered. “What exactly did I miss?”

  Kiera shifted back to human and wrapped her arms around her mother. “I’ll tell you later Mama. I love you.”

  There wasn’t a dry eye in the garage.

  That was when it happened.


  When the bomb had detonated, a dozen small fires had sprouted throughout the kitchen. In all the confusion, Charlie didn’t notice the softly leaking gas line from the stove. It was taking quite a long time for the fires to spread around the once immaculate kitchen. Once, they reached that little tear in the line, the flames eagerly followed the gas and consumed it greedily. The resulting explosion tore through the already weakened structure, collapsing support beams and framework. The shockwave sent debris hurtling through the building at near supersonic speeds, tearing through walls like a freight train. Shrapnel and debris flew upwards with the fireball, raining down for a quarter mile in every direction. Some impacted the closed garage doors, denting the thick steel inwards. Everyone tried to protect each other as the ground rumbled beneath their feet. Soon, the sounds of debris striking the building and the rumbling stopped. Kurt cautiously poked his head out of the open doorway and leaned heavily against the doorframe.

  The Howling Moon was completely gone.

  Ayla stood next to him, wrapping her arm around his waist. She knew how much that place had meant to her lover. How much it meant to her. Slowly, she felt his arm wrap around her and the two leaned into each other, mourning.

  Chapter 35

  “You’re sure about this Pops?” Steve asked as he adjusted his emerald bowtie for the tenth time that afternoon.

  “Yeah. I am. I think Derrick’s Falls is big enough for two packs, just as long as they obey the traffic laws.”

  Steve chuckled. “No promises after midnight. Sometimes we just have to run you know?”

  Pops grinned. “Yeah, a wolf’s got to run. Now stop fiddling with that thing. It’s just fine.”

  Steve let his hands fall to the sides and looked at himself in the mirror, letting the events of the past two weeks wash over him. After the explosion, the Dragon’s Bane had been lost and confused. Fortunately, a very grateful dragon queen had a house that could hold all of them and more and offered them a place to stay. She even offered to help rebuild but Kurt had declined. That part of their life was over and he wanted to go back home and bury the hatchet with his brother. The rest of the gang followed his lead, including Charlie and the girls, and they loaded up what little they had and burned the rest of the compound to the ground, giving their home the funeral it deserved. Kiera then booked them on a private plane while a delivery company would take care of their things. As soon as they landed and unpacked, they traveled to the hospital and Becca helped bring her father fully out of his coma. She shifted and rushed to the bathroom to change as her father regained consciousness. Now, it was the day of the long delayed wedding and Steve was beaming.

  “You look great Cub,” Kurt spoke from the other side of the room. “Now get your ass in gear. Everyone’s waiting.”

  Steve nodded and walked out of the bedroom. Richard walked over to his brother and hugged him. “It’s good to have you back Kurt. Thanks for keeping an eye on him.”

  “Family comes first Richard. You know that. I’ll try not to mess up so much this time.”

  “I don’t doubt it. I can only imagine what an angry elf can do.”

  “Brother, you have no idea.” Both brothers laughed and followed Steve to the backyard.


  Steve stood there under the gazebo and waited. He kept fidgeting but he couldn’t help it, he was just too nervous. The audience was much smaller than originally planned but he didn’t mind. All of the Dragon’s Bane were in attendance along with some close friends who had a few secrets of their own which allowed everyone to be themselves for the occasion.

  The wedding photos are probably going to look like something out of a comic convention.

  Yeah probably. Don’t care though.

  Me either Rex.

  Just one question though.

s that?

  Do we have to do the vows twice for me to count?

  Steve laughed. I’m pretty sure just once will be fine. Just remember, I get first dibs tonight.

  Rex replied as seriously as he could. I know. I’ll be patient. I’ll only come out when she asks. I won’t break that rule. I love her too much.

  I know buddy. Me too.

  This could lead to another problem though.

  What’s that?

  Who do we name our first son after? Rex Jr. has a nice ring to it.

  Steve chuckled. Let’s get through the wedding first okay?


  Everyone took their seats and the music softly began. First to come down the aisle was Kiera escorted by Kurt. She looked like a queen in her sea-green gown while Kurt looked quite handsome in his tuxedo. As they passed, Lexi handed Bob a handkerchief and whispered, “You do great work honey.” The orc wiped a tear from his eye and handed it back to his wife. Kurt and Kiera each took their places by Steve and the soon to be arriving Becca. The music changed to the Wedding March and Steve gasped at the goddess walking towards him.

  She was radiant in her white gown, the golden locket gleaming in the afternoon sun. She walked slowly, her hand by her waist, holding her father’s. He slowly pushed his wheelchair in time with her. Having spent the past two days getting it right for his little girl. He was still too weak to walk but he wouldn’t have missed this for the world. As they reached the altar, he passed her hand to Steve’s and whispered softly.

  “She’s yours now son. Treasure her always.”

  “I will sir. Always.”

  He rolled back to his place next to Ayla and wiped a tear from his eyes. Steve and Becca stood before the altar and Richard began.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Steven Thomas Harper and Rebecca Samantha Daniels.”


  Lilith fumed. How could a mangy gang of bikers possibly have survived Edward? Not only that, but killing him as well! Not to mention, that Kiera was not only alive but her husband was out of the coma. It wasn’t possible! It just wasn’t---Wait. The daughter. She must have transformed. Only a dragon could wound another dragon. That had to be it. Well fine. It was time for the daughter to pay for her sins as well. She didn’t love Edward but he was a valuable tool and she hated losing that. Fine, if they want a war, then they shall have a war!


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