Dance of the Dragon Sorceress

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Dance of the Dragon Sorceress Page 19

by Heather Rainier

  Is it you, Flappy? We’re coming to you right now. Are you okay? Are you still recovering? You must be exhausted from the journey. Selena said Draconia is coming—

  A deep chuckle rumbled across their connection. Yes, I know. But I want to hear all about you. Come outside.

  They reached the opening, and she recalled he’d told her once that there was a ledge jutting from the mountainside that was perfect for landing and taking off. Pausing so as not to be trampled under his feet, she looked out but didn’t see anything. From overhead, Lord Violet suddenly leaped down in front of them.

  “Welcome back, Lord Violet,” Basile said, sweeping the sky with his gaze and then smiling up at a spot behind her. “Welcome back, Your Highness!”

  She turned and nearly fell over, shouting in alarm at the massive beast clinging to the mountainside above the ledge. It tilted its head and then curled its lips upward, baring enormous fangs. Her knees buckled, and the absolutely gigantic dragon’s amber eyes widened in alarm when she hit the ground.

  Meemee, do not be frightened. It is me, your Flappy.

  He inched closer as the men helped her to stand on shaky legs. Heat emanated from the dragon as he slowly brought his head within arm’s reach and gripped the upper edge of the cavern opening with a scaly, majestic hand. He flexed his claws, and when she looked down, she spotted a slightly bedraggled flowered headband stretched around one claw.

  A wave of emotion washed through her as she looked into his amber eyes once more. “Flappy! It’s really you!”

  It is.

  Lord Violet nodded at the headband and said, “He hasn’t taken it off since we left here. Even once it no longer fit, he wouldn’t part with it. The other dragons thought it was quite ‘the thing’ that he was so attached to it.”

  “‘The thing’?”

  He nodded. “Dragons are not into personal possessions. He told them that it was a gift from his trainer.”

  “But you’re his trainer.”

  Lord Violet grinned up at Flappy before directing his gaze to her. “You’re as much his trainer as I have been.”

  With a whooshing flap of his leathery wings that blasted her hair back, Flappy rose in the air and then landed with a great thud on the ledge. He placed a clawed hand over his massive scaly chest and bowed to her. My trainer. I thank you.

  His head tilted when he raised it once more, and she backed up so she could truly look at him. Honey, this is going to take some getting used to. I see that your spikes came in very nicely. She reached out gamely and patted one of them, noticing that it was very warm. He was a fire-breathing dragon after all. And she was the surrogate mom to this dragon. Too cool!

  “Spank my fanny and call me Daenerys!” she suddenly crowed and then surprised even herself by jumping up and down, cheering and doing a victory dance.

  “She’s having a fit,” Bleu muttered.

  “Or casting a spell,” Jaune the Cautious replied.

  “No, she’s pronouncing a blessing,” Indigo the Gentle responded.

  “Never mind! I’m fine. I’m just really really happy His Highness Zayrgrud the Terrifying is back.”

  Flappy laughed in her mind at the same time the dragon reacted, laughing in a great lurching coughing sound and then shot a stream of fire straight up into the sky.

  As if reminded that he was royalty, all the knights bowed before Zayrgrud. He gave them a regal nod but glanced at her with those riveting amber eyes, identical to her own now. To you, Elaina the Glorious, I will always and ever be Flappy McFlapperson.

  * * * *

  “No, absolutely not,” Elaina said, shaking her head so her white curls danced on her shoulders.

  The set of her jaw told Rainger that they were in for a fight if they thought she was letting them send her somewhere safe from harm. Selena had yet to return, so they didn’t even have her to advocate for their plan.

  They sat within the coil of Zayrgrud’s massive body, just within the opening of the cave and out of the rain. The heat Zayrgrud emanated was more than sufficient to keep them comfortable despite the dampness in the spring air, but they’d built a small fire to provide a little light. Zayrgrud’s tail was wrapped around his body, and he rested his spiky head on the equally spiky tail and listened to their conversation. After they’d eaten, they’d talked strategy. Word would spread that Zayrgrud had been sighted flying over the forest, which would incite Draconia to action.

  Under cover of darkness, Zayrgrud would survey the forest, searching for all possible pathways Draconia’s forces might take to reach the abbey.

  Rainger didn’t attempt to intrude, but he thought that Elaina and the dragon were having their own separate conversation because she would occasionally speak out, by mistake, in response to something he’d told her in her head.

  “I won’t leave. I’m not in any danger—okay, okay, not in very much danger since she already thinks I’m dead.”

  “If something were to happen to you,” Basile said, entwining his fingers with hers, “it would be devastating.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to be apart. You already know she’s not bringing the legion to attack the abbey.”

  Many of the huntsmen in that legion Rainger still considered his friends. It pained his heart that Draconia would use loyal soldiers in such a fashion, but he could scarcely breathe at the thought of exposing Elaina to greater danger than she’d already suffered.

  Rainger said, “That doesn’t mean she wouldn’t destroy this place. If what we fear comes to pass, she’ll have that kind of strength.”

  The flickering firelight illuminated the resolute angle of her jaw. “I don’t leave my friends, or the people I love, just because things get tough. If Angel and Caresse were here, they’d tell you the same thing. We stick together, or what good are we?”

  “Elaina—” Rainger murmured, taking her other hand into his.

  “No,” she replied, mirroring his gentle, cajoling tone.

  Zayrgrud made a grating, rumbling sound deep in his chest and then let out a sigh—and a puff of black smoke.

  A beaming smile transformed Elaina’s face, and she said, “Well, at least Zayrgrud the Terrifying can see reason.”

  Basile smirked. “He just knows a stubborn woman when he sees one.”

  “Pigheaded,” Bleu the Irascible muttered.

  “Imprudent,” Jaune the Cautious agreed.

  “Foolhardy,” Vert the Protective said.

  “Tenacious!” Orange the Amiable crowed as he reached over and yanked at the rolls of cloth that still waggled from Bleu’s broken nose.

  “Ow! What did you do that for?” Bleu howled as he put his hand to his nose, as if checking for blood.

  “It was time, you ninny! You left them just to gain Elaina’s sympathy,” Orange replied, flinging the cloth into the fire.

  Zayrgrud let out a clipped roar, and Elaina giggled. “Flappy says that you’re giving him a dull ache in his cranium. I’m tired.” She turned back to Zayrgrud, and it was obvious they were having a private conversation. He gave a small dragon smile, put one of his immense clawed hands to his wide chest, and nodded to her.

  She nodded back and said out loud, “Promise?”

  He gave an affirmative grumble and nodded then rested his head once more.

  Rainger rose and said, “We will escort you to your chamber.”

  Lord Violet, who had been remarkably quiet throughout the exchange, said, “I will remain with Zayrgrud. We still have training we must cover tonight. Sleep while you can.” He nodded at each man in turn, lastly at Rainger and Basile.

  The last thing Rainger wanted was rest. This might be the last night they had, and he didn’t want to waste it.

  Rainger felt certain that Elaina had been extracting a promise from Zayrgrud that he would do nothing to put himself in danger. She had a tender heart and didn’t realize that many more should fear him than the other way around.

  The dragon repositioned his tail so they could slip out of the comfortab
le warmth from his body. She patted his snout, and he winked at her before they made the return trip to the abbey with the knights. Rainger looked back to see that Zayrgrud had coiled up again, his gaze intent on Lord Violet as the knight paced.

  The trip to the corridor where their bedchambers were located was made in silence. When they reached the landing on the stairs, she turned to them.

  “I’ve slept for ten days, and I don’t need more rest right now. I know it’s not as cozy as our bedchambers, but I want to spend this night up top, under the painted dome, with you. When the servants brought our meal, I gave them instructions and everything we need should be up there by now.”

  Rainger stroked her cheek as she shifted her gaze between the two of them. Longing intensified as he said, “What are you asking for?”

  “We lost ten days,” she whispered, gesturing between Basile and herself. “And I lost ten days with you, Rainger. I don’t want to waste another second, not while there’s still time.”

  He wished he could tell her they had plenty of time and that, without a doubt, they could defeat Draconia. But the queen had too many huntsmen under her control. They’d do her bidding and not just because she could kill them. She also held the well-being of their families in her clutches.

  “I’d sure as heck regret not seizing this moment for all it’s worth. I want you to make love to me. Take me together. Then, no matter what, I’ll have no regrets.”

  “I don’t know who Heck is,” Rainger said, searching her eyes for a trace of humor. He had a feeling she was using another word picture.

  “I mean I am certain I’d regret not seizing this opportunity. Sheesh. I never thought I’d have to do this much sweet-talking to get the two of you to fuck me at the same time.”

  That vivid word picture ended the discussion.

  It took several minutes to get all the way up the stairs because she kept stopping to remove articles of clothing, teasing them with caresses and lingering touches as they finally arrived at the topmost landing. She dropped what she’d removed by the doorway, kicked off her boots, removed her breeches, and turned to them.

  Her breasts swayed enticingly as she reached for them, and Rainger swept her up and carried her to the center of the room, where a thick pallet of blankets, furs, and pillows had been arranged beneath the painted dome. Braziers with hot coals in them formed a circle around the cozy nest, providing a little heat and light.

  Basile carried the backpack, and when he set it down beside the bedding, she reached for it.

  “What else is in that backpack, sorceress?”

  “Something that I’m sure will come in handy.” She removed a small jar and twisted the lid off. She lifted the container to her nose and sniffed appreciatively. “Coconut oil.”

  Rainger took the container, which was rather lightweight for its size, made of an odd flexible and transparent material. “The oil of nuts? It must’ve cost you a fortune.” She grinned and scooped a dollop out with a fingertip and then pressed the container up to his nose. He sniffed and then sniffed again. “I’ve never smelled anything like this before. What is it for?”

  She transferred the dollop of sweetly scented oil to her palm. Despite the cool evening air, it began to liquefy.

  “Get naked and you can find out,” she replied as she turned, displaying that marvelous backside and then reclined against the pillows. She kept her legs closed, but the firelight glinted on the wisps of shimmering white curls that adorned her pussy. He desired her in every way, but the change in hair color in that private place excited him further.

  Rainger unbuckled both belts, losing the sword, dagger, and the kilt. All that remained was to pull off his tunic. He was more than ready beneath it all.

  He stood next to Basile while he undressed, fascinated as he watched Elaina dip her fingertips into the oil pooling in her palm and smooth them over her tightened nipples. Her cheeks had flushed a beautiful color, and in the faint light provided by the braziers, he could see that the flush had spread to her chest. She was aroused.

  Basile’s sword and dagger landed in a pile with his clothing, and soon they both stood before her, naked and equally aroused.

  She rose on her knees and rubbed the remaining oil between her hands, coating them with a thick sheen as she crawled to them.

  “Coconut oil smells good, and it has many uses.”

  She licked her lips, and his cock bobbed in excitement as she inspected them. He groaned when she wrapped her slick hand around his shaft, stroking up and down and coating his length with the oil. Her hands were so soft and warm, but the air was cool with a slight breeze, and gooseflesh broke out over his whole body as she pumped up and down.

  “Fuck!” Basile barked as she did the same for him.

  Leaning closer, she worked their cocks, and Rainger nearly lost control when she opened her mouth and took the head between her hot lips and sucked him in. She moaned in delight, slurping and sucking until he was on the verge and then released him with a playful pop of her lips. She pecked his cock on the head, gave him a tiny lick as she giggled, and then she went back to stroking his length while she reached for Basile.

  The moment was incredibly erotic as he watched her do the same thing for Basile. It was as if that was her hot mouth on him and not just her hand. Lust rode him hard, and he struggled for control as she took her time playing with them.

  Taking deep breaths, a little bit of sense returned to him, and he said, “Now that we know the benefits of this coconut oil, you must let us prepare you.”

  “Mmmm, I’d love that,” she whispered as she released Basile’s cock and gave it a lick and kiss, as well. She smoothed the remaining oil from her hands onto her breasts, lifting and cupping them, squeezing them and teasing the peaked nipples as she backed up to give them room.

  Basile eased her onto her side and then pulled her back against him, sliding his hand down the back of her thigh and then lifting it at the knee.

  She moaned and trembled as they spread her legs wide. “I love the way you take over.”

  “You know we will take good care of you.”

  “I do. I trust you,” she whispered, smiling at him and tilting up her chin to kiss him.

  Rainger stroked her inner thigh as he reached for the opened jar and smiled when she wrapped her other leg around his hips, clearly needing to touch him, as well. She murmured, “I’ve never done this before, okay?”

  Rainger nodded and leaned down to kiss her. “We’ll take good care of you. You’ve nothing to fear. Just relax.”

  How a simple nod could communicate trust was beyond him, but he could see it in her eyes and in the way she remained spread wide so he could see all of her.

  So luscious and sweet, every inch of her. Her pussy was ripe and swollen with excitement, and he growled in the back of his throat when he stroked her and he felt her cunt tremble and convulse with need. Smoothing the aromatic oil over her labia, he stroked her pussy until he could feel the firm swelling of her clit. She was biting her lip, and her movements had stilled, and when he stopped, she opened her eyes.

  “Please don’t stop. It feels so good.”

  “It’s going to feel even better soon, sorceress,” he murmured as he teased her opening with another dollop of the oil, which glistened on her skin. The sweet scent filled the air.

  He teased her clit more firmly, rubbing back and forth, up and down, lust rippling along his spine as he watched pearls of her own sweet juices overflow from her cunt at the stimulation.

  “Yes! Yes, don’t stop! Just like that!”

  He increased the pace and the pressure just a bit, and she gulped in air and then cried out in orgasm, her hips rocking against his fingers as he continued stroking her over and over until she fell limp between them.

  She shuddered once more and reached for him. “So good,” she whispered and then giggled. “Hard to be quiet.”

  “It’s all right. We love the sounds you make,” Rainger replied, leaning in to nuzzle her throat. “
Ready for more?”

  “So ready,” she said with a giggle. “I want much more.”

  Basile caught his eye, and then he lifted her knee slightly higher, giving Rainger greater access. He bit his lip as he took another small dollop from the jar and smoothed it over her anus. Her panting and moaning was a good sign as he massaged that puckered opening, working a couple of his fingertips against the tight ring of muscles, enjoying the way she clenched and relaxed against his fingers. She couldn’t decide if she liked it or feared it, sweet sorceress. He didn’t want her ever to fear an intrusion there, so he took his time, gently working in a fingertip and then two.

  The flush spread to her breasts, and her body tightened up as he eased two fingers in and out of her back opening, and her needy moan signaled she was close to orgasm. So close.

  Basile took the jar and dropped a dollop of it onto Rainger’s penetrating fingers, where it quickly melted and made entry even easier. She panted and began thrusting back against him.

  “Feel good, sorceress?”

  “So good.”

  “Ready for two cocks?” Basile asked as he smoothed oil onto his shaft, growling at the stimulation. He looked like he wanted her as much as Rainger did.

  Her answer was in the way she arched her back, wanting to take him, and the way she reached for Rainger, wanting him closer.

  Fighting for self-control, and wanting this to be good for her, Rainger steadied the backs of her legs while Basile moved into position behind her, with the head of his cock rubbing at her clenching asshole.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Please.”

  “Easy, Elaina, you were so tight. Let Basile do the work. Just relax for us.”

  She reached up to wrap her hands around Basile’s neck and breathed deep. Rainger’s gulp was audible as he paused to watch their joining. She alternated between relaxing and struggling to take Basile’s penetration. He pumped in small, tight motions, easing her open and careful to not hurt her. She kept arching her back, trying to take more, and Basile wrapped his arm around her torso to still her and then stroked her clit as he continued thrusting. It was an entrancing sight, watching the head of Basile’s cock as it disappeared and reappeared, over and over. Her panting and moaning made his balls tighten and his cock harder. Basile stopped thrusting but continued rubbing her clit.


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