Dance of the Dragon Sorceress

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Dance of the Dragon Sorceress Page 21

by Heather Rainier

  The morning had started with a big bang, and she was grateful for a chance to proceed more slowly. Her belly was full of a hearty breakfast, but her heart ached, and a lingering question returned to her mind.

  “I’m curious about something,” she said.

  “Ask us anything,” Rainger murmured.

  “Why did Zayrgrud return but none of the other dragons came with him? Especially since he’s brought their future queen with him. I mean he knows and I know that I would fight to the death to protect her, or any of you for that matter, but why send them alone without reinforcements? Draconia is a threat to their kingdom, is she not?”

  Rainger said, “Yes, definitely. It will be easier to understand if you try to leave emotional attachments out of the equation.”

  Basile said, “The dragons believe in balance. If they came with Zayrgrud for the purpose of fighting Draconia, what would stop them from simply taking over the Western Kingdom?”

  “Well, that wouldn’t be very nice.”

  “‘Nice’ doesn’t factor into their way of thinking. Either we can take down Draconia…or we can’t.”

  “That’s not to say that they want to see us defeated so they can conquer the Western Kingdom. The forest is tricky for landing and fighting in, and they much prefer the heights of the Unsunderable Cliffs that form the boundary of the Eastern Kingdom. But if a power vacuum were to develop because we need their help, or because Zayrgrud needs their help, then he is not fit to rule them, and we are not fit to bring Draconia to justice.”

  “Sheesh, I thought politics were weird at home.”

  “To them, alliances are about maintaining balanced strength, not about shoring up each other’s weaknesses.”

  “That seems cold.”

  “It might because you’ve not spent time among them.”

  “What about the loss of their dragon babies? Surely they want revenge, no matter how unemotional they are about it.”

  “They do, but they do not want to create the power vacuum when they can stand witness while we take back our kingdom and affirm our right to rule in peace.”

  “Did Flappy talk to them? I mean did he share his thoughts, the way he thinks?”

  “Yes, and they thought it was very odd at first but acknowledge that he is strong enough to be their ruler now and they are willing to have discourse about his experiences in the future. It’s not that they are opposed to emotional attachments. Up until now they just haven’t seen any use for them.”

  “I hope they will continue sending baby dragons to the abbey.”

  “I think that would depend on who was here to facilitate with the dragons,” Basile said with a grin directed at her.

  “I hear what you’re saying.” Loud and clear.

  “Besides his larger-than-average size, Zayrgrud is really no different than other dragons. He simply responded to your kindness and caring for him. It could be that you have a special gift for reaching them. After all, small children was your area of training in your own world, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah. And we bonded pretty quickly.”

  Basile smiled and pointed at her breastplate. “With every beat of your heart and every word you utter, she is learning that you care for Zayrgrud, and for her. Have you felt any connection with her yet? Up here?” he replied as he tapped his temple. “I know that you said you’re not a sorceress, but you’ve developed a gift for communication with him that could extend to her or any other dragons placed in your care.”

  “I already tried. Nothing so far.” On the straight path, she’d closed her eyes and tried to focus but hadn’t felt anything past the currently closed connection with Zayrgrud. Maybe there was too much on her mind?

  Returning the way they’d come, they re-entered the main hall through the doorway beneath the stairs. She was amazed by how many people were now milling around, finding their place in the chaos. She had no idea so many people lived in the forest.

  No one was allowed above the top of the first landing of the huge central staircase, though, so it was much quieter as they made their way higher.

  Rouge and Bleu caught up with them on the stairs, a bag evidently filled with foodstuffs to share amongst them hanging from Bleu’s shoulder. “We came as soon as Lord Violet told us you needed guards up here.”

  “One of us could stay with you, as well,” Basile murmured once they’d reached the painted dome. For the time being, the knights stayed on the landing, giving them a little privacy.

  “No, every able-bodied man should be down there. I wouldn’t mind if Rouge and Bleu went with you, too. Draconia thinks I’m dead, so no one will even think to look for me up here. I can communicate telepathically with Flappy, so if anything is amiss, you’ll all know right away.”

  “They stay,” Rainger said, brooking no argument as he gestured with a thumb at the two knights. “It’s hard to leave you alone with just them. It would be impossible to do if you were all alone.”

  She beckoned them to the railing that faced the same direction as the dragon’s lair did. The scent of smoke was strong on the shifting breeze, and she pointed toward the spots where the smoke originated. “They are surrounding the abbey, approaching from all directions in groups. Please be careful.”

  Rainger was clad in the thick but flexible raiment of a huntsman, and Basile was in his usual clothing, but he wore a garment similar to chain mail beneath it.

  Basile kissed her and then said, “We will, Elaina the Glorious. Stay back from the railing where you won’t be seen, and we will return for you as soon as we have dealt with her.”

  Rainger drew close and said, “Should the talks go afoul and battle occur, Rouge and Bleu can show you a path to safety.” His kiss was tender and slow, and she could see the worry in his green eyes as he kissed her once more.

  Basile opened the main compartment of her backpack and withdrew the Star Wars toy lightsaber and handed it to her. “I’d feel better leaving you here if you have a weapon in your hand.”

  “You really think it will come to that?” she asked. Because if it does, I’m shit out of luck.

  “We won’t let it. Just stay hidden.” He kissed her one last time and backed away from her, holding her gaze, mouthing the words, “I love you,” before turning away.

  Her lips tingled as she watched them walk away and shook her head when Rouge offered her a small loaf of bread and a small chunk of cheese.

  “If you don’t mind, guys, I’m going to go sit in that archway. I just want to be alone with my thoughts for a little bit.”

  “Of course, Elaina. Do as you wish. We will keep you safe,” Bleu said with a nod and an imperious wave of his hand. His nose looked fine, but his blackened eyes gave him a bandit-like appearance.

  Rouge nodded and smiled. “You will let us know if you require anything? Lord Violet explained you would be serving as a lookout.”

  “Yes,” she replied with a nod. Among other things. Making sure the lines of communication she now shared with Flappy and Lord Violet were open, she sat down on the stone step, keeping a hand over the place where the dragon’s egg rested, next to her heart. She’d do anything it took, especially now that she knew the future dragon queen’s fate also hung in the balance.

  She’d been thinking about the nightmare she’d experienced the day before, speculating on how she might be able to help that was even more crucial than just serving as a lookout. Knowing how they’d all feel about it, she hadn’t said a word to any of the men. Even Flappy thought she should sit up there under the dome like an obedient little damsel.

  Not happening, boys.

  Rapid tapping in the shell made her smile, and she stroked the top of the egg. I’m so glad you agree, little chickadee. Don’t you worry about a thing. I’m just doing a little spying from the safety of our perch. You keep up the good work. I’m right here, waiting to see you.

  It would just take concentration and calm. To slow her heartbeat and get in the right headspace, she closed her eyes and used the breathing tec
hniques she’d learned in a meditation group. Slow breaths in for a count of five and then slow breaths out for a count of five, counting forward and reverse.

  As her concentration increased, she could sense the little pinpoints of life force surrounding the abbey. Some nearer the abbey were forest inhabitants who had dragged their feet until the last minute and now hurried to seek shelter beyond its enormous doors.

  The structure wasn’t meant to be used in a siege, but the mountain it was on was the most defensible position in the forest.

  Farther out from those stragglers were groups of huntsmen. Young and old, the blue and green pinpoints signifying their life forces were unique, possibly because of the huntsmen tattoos Draconia had forced upon them.

  Elaina breathed deep, sensing their approach on all sides, in groups of one hundred to two hundred men. It was hard to count pinpoints of different colored light in her mind.

  Slow breath in for a count of five. Slow breath out for a count of five. Draconia’s pinpoint, a lurid red amongst other dark red life forces nearly as corrupt as her own, appeared.

  All Elaina needed was to find that creepy conduit. Like a little mouse seeking an opening into a tightly closed house, if she could find a way in, she might be able to discover intel to help circumvent the coming disaster.

  To be honest, she didn’t see how any of them would survive if it weren’t for Zayrgrud. He’d do whatever it took to protect the inhabitants of the abbey and the forest. But the last thing she wanted was for him to have no other choice but to incinerate all those poor huntsmen, many of whom were truly unwilling if she could judge by the varying shades of heartsickness she could sense through those pinpoints.

  Draconia and her group drew forward in Elaina’s mind, and Elaina’s heart stuttered when she realized that Basile and Rainger were down below at the front of the defensive force, ready to meet her face to face.

  Worry not, Elaina. I am watching over your men.

  Thank you, Zayrgrud. His voice sounded so deep and grown up in her head she didn’t feel right about calling him Flappy.

  He chuckled in her mind. Call me whatever you like, as long as you call me for Peeps. What are you up to?

  Just watching.

  Watching only? Or watching and planning something?

  Don’t worry. I’m behaving. Just me and Her Widdle Flappyness up here enjoying the breeze. You need to get your head in the game and stop worrying about me.

  I think you are very brave, Elaina. Do not be alarmed by what is about to happen.

  Why is it that people think warning someone to not be alarmed by something that’s about to happen will actually succeed in them not being alarmed? What is it? Who is it?

  A big hand gently cupped her shoulder, and when she opened her eyes, Rouge pointed to the horizon.

  Holy shit. She’d been so focused on watching the oncoming legion, she’d missed the multitudes approaching by air.

  “Quite a sight, isn’t it?” Bleu said as he offered her the flask he held.

  The horizon was filled fucking full of dragons. She took the flask from him. He and Rouge chuckled when she took a huge gulp and then choked it down. A fireball burned all the way to her stomach. “That wasn’t wine, was it?”

  Bleu chuckled and shook his head. “It is my own home brew.”

  I sense distress, Elaina. Are you well?

  Yes, I just had a bit of Bleu’s homebrew to settle my nerves.

  You know what he calls that, right?


  Dragon’s breath. His rumbly chuckle in her head was comforting.

  Uh, yeah, I can see why. So, are they here to help us? The drink did a remarkable job of settling her nerves, and the pinpoints of life grew steady in her mind, came into sharp focus.

  No. They’re here to bear witness.

  Witness to what?

  Elaina, I am needed. This will take all my attention for the time being. I will explain more later.

  Go do your thing. After all this is over, I want you to tell me all about why your people would come to bear witness but they’re not here to help one of their own.

  A chuckle sounded but had a broken quality to it. It would be my pleasure. Don’t worry about that. I’m more concerned for you right now. The light signaling his attentiveness to her thoughts flickered and then blinked out.

  Bracing herself with her palms flat on the stone paver beneath her bottom, she focused on the darkness within the darkness that surrounded Draconia’s pinpoint. A chill crept up her spine, and she breathed to stay calm as the darkness coiled like a snake as she approached.

  If she could sneak in, she could reveal Draconia’s moves to Zayrgrud before she made them. If she got in trouble for helping afterward, so be it.

  A sick feeling crept over her as she felt that sucking drain sensation. She needed to be pulled in, but not too far, not so close she was noticed. Pain lanced her head, and her stomach rolled as Draconia’s voice echoed in her head.

  …think I don’t know they would forsake me at the first moment. They talk-talk-talk and infect the others with their whining. I should suck them all dry at once and be done with it. But then who would dispose of the bodies? As it is, the huntsmen who remain will come upon those companies in the forest and think they were just ambushed. I need them still…

  Breaking off from Draconia’s internal grousing, she tuned in to her favorite dragon. He was going to be pissed but this was more important. Zayrgrud, she intends to extinguish them a group at a time.

  I knew it! I knew you couldn’t help yourself. Get out of there.

  Nope. Not happening. You can use my help.

  Very well. You are in so much trouble when this is over.

  I’m shaking in my useless armor-clad boots, dragon boy.

  He spoke in the dragon language, harsh guttural syllables that left no doubt he was pissed off.

  Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? For shame! Let me do my thing and you do yours.

  Fine. Warn me if she sounds like she’s about to strike a group. I want to give the huntsmen a chance to all arrive. And for the record, dragons do not kiss.

  Now that is a crying shame.

  Cursing and screaming erupted in the connection, causing her to cringe. Draconia had the shrillest, piercing voice, made worse when she raised it. Elaina crept closer, hoping to get a glimpse of what Draconia saw, but self-preservation halted her. The queen wasn’t upset. She was excited. It was soon apparent why. She’d only just spotted the dragons so hadn’t expected their presence.

  Look at all that majestic dragon power! Once Zayrgrud the Terrifying is mine, I will regain my glorious dragon tangere. I will have no rival and I will command them all! Yes, come to me, my dragon slaves!

  A second of silence occurred, as though the connection was broken, and Zayrgrud breathed out, slaves?

  You heard that?

  Zayrgrud growled low in the connection and an unfamiliar deep, gravelly voice said, We all heard that.

  The reptilian growl in her head sent a wave of chills over her skin.

  Fear not, Elaina the Glorious. Lord Violet shares a connection with my father, as well as with me. It was his voice you heard.

  Within the protective covering of her dragon scale breastplate, Elaina felt and heard a cracking sound.

  Abruptly, the connection snapped back into place with a painful crackle, and in her mind’s eye, Draconia’s face appeared. “You! Come!” Her bony hand clasped into a tight fist, and Elaina screamed when she was suddenly jerked through the conduit and right into the evil queen’s presence.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “What is she doing?” Basile struggled to break free from Lord Violet’s hold, desperate to reach Elaina. Beside him, Rainger was similarly restrained within Zayrgrud’s monstrous grasp.

  “Stop and listen to me!” Lord Violet shouted over the growing roar in his ears.

  “She has Elaina!”

  Zayrgrud roared, and a bolt of fire shot into the sky. Across the op
en field, Draconia cackled with glee as she gripped the woman he loved by the throat. Elaina remained perfectly still. Surrounding them, spears at the ready, were Draconia’s personal guard. A squadron of men willing to do anything for her.

  Lord Violet pulled him close and said, “She has Zayrgrud’s mate, as well. Calm down. Zayrgrud is talking to Elaina. She, at least, is listening.”

  Basile shook free and moved to stand beside Zayrgrud and Lord Violet with Rainger as the Draconia’s legion revealed itself from the forest. He looked back at the abbey and saw the forces coming out of the trees beyond. They were flanked, as expected.

  Elaina lifted a hand and grasped Draconia’s wrist. Lord Violet revealed what Elaina was communicating through Zayrgrud to the knights. “She is demanding to be released.”

  Draconia cackled. A moment later, though, she did let go of Elaina’s throat when the lightsaber came to life in Elaina’s hand, the crackling whirring sound audible across the otherwise quiet field of battle.

  Zayrgrud gave a trumpeting call to the arriving dragons, and they replied in kind as they landed all around, some taking perches on the mountain the abbey was built upon, the dragon’s lair ledge, some landing on the field of battle, others lighting on the edges of the forest, smashing trees and driving the rest of the dragon huntsmen out into the open, squeezing them in tighter.

  It was odd that, though they were crowded in, the huntsmen still maintained that distance from Draconia. Perhaps the rumors of desire for defection were true.

  Rainger stepped forward and took the opportunity to address the huntsmen. “I see among you men I have known since boyhood. Many of you have also known Basile as long. On the basis of that friendship, I call on you to listen while you can—”

  “You must be mad, traitor to the huntsmen, to defend these slaughtering dragons!” Draconia screeched before pointing to the horde of dragons who glared in stony silence. “The very dragons who destroyed your home, Basile, sit amongst you like friends. The murderers of your father and Rainger’s father.”


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