Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 3

by Riley Edwards

  What was that about?

  I also hadn’t allowed myself to think about the angry glint in Alec’s eyes when I’d turned around and saw him staring at Doug’s back as he left the daycare.

  Nope. Not going to think about Alec at all.

  I had bigger things to worry about, namely my ex who’d started a new game, a game I didn’t have a good feeling about because it involved my children.

  It hadn’t taken Doug long after the divorce to start reneging on the custody agreement. His weekday visit was the first to go. He fought to get alternating Wednesdays with the kids. The weeks he didn’t have that visit he had the whole weekend. That was what he said he wanted. He fought tooth and nail to get to see the kids six days a month.

  My parents told me to go for full custody, Jonny told me, my attorney told me, pretty much every person who knew Doug told me to get my kids away from his poison but I couldn’t do it. Rory loved her dad, mainly because when she was around Doug had a personality transplant and he was sweet as could be to her. Seriously, it was freaky as shit. Total case of the body snatchers the way Doug was with Rory. Which was worrisome. Everyone told me that, too. But stupid me, always looking for the silver lining, I was happy Doug wasn’t his normal dickhead self to my girl.

  But long ago he’d stopped seeing the kids during the week and then he’d gone months without picking them up for his weekends. Now, he was up my ass calling me, showing up where I was, telling me he wanted time with his kids.

  At first, I thought he’d pulled his head out and wanted to start being a good dad. But now I wasn’t so sure that was it. When Doug did see the kids he was no less sweet to Rory, he seemed to be trying to reconnect with Caleb, but Doug did it in a way that made Caleb uncomfortable which made me very uncomfortable.

  This led to me not allowing Doug to take the kids except when I was legally bound to allow it. It also meant when Doug demanded to see them and I said no, we fought. The first few times Doug had shown up when I told him not to, it meant there was an ugly—and I mean U.G.L.Y. fight on my front porch.

  Caleb had heard, and I slid past guilt straight to angry.

  Now I was forced to hide my kids when Doug threatened to show up.

  Sometimes I found things for us to do that would take us from the house early, other times I relied on my parents and they took the kids for the day so when Doug came by the house and banged on my door, then preceded to shout the neighborhood down, Rory and Caleb didn’t hear.

  So there I was sitting on my shitty couch, in my shitty little house, my kids sleeping in their beds, thinking on how much I despised Douglas Spencer.

  And just like all of the other times I’d done this very thing, my eyes burned with it, my throat clogged with shame. I didn’t hate Doug because he’d shitted all over our marriage, I didn’t even hate him because he’d destroyed my dreams. I detested him because he’d broken our family and in doing that he’d hurt my kids. Every time I saw the hurt in my son’s eyes that revulsion grew.

  I was hanging on by a wing and prayer. The thinnest of strings, and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take before I snapped. No, that wasn’t true, I’d hold on—for my kids.


  Alec awoke before dawn.

  After checking that Jocelyn was still asleep, he made his way downstairs, started coffee, and fired up his laptop.

  Before the joe had even finished brewing, he had Macy and Doug Spencer’s divorce decree pulled up. He was surprised to see it was only four pages and that included the custody agreement.

  Alec poured himself a cup of coffee and went back to his too-big-for-a-single-man dining room table and reread the document. The only asset the couple had shared was their home, which was sold to pay off debt. There was no mention of the contents. No bank accounts to split. No investments. Macy had taken her car, Doug had taken his pickup, and she’d walked away. No alimony. No child support.

  What a fucking prick.

  Ten years of marriage and the douche scraped his wife and kids off and didn’t even have the balls to take care of them financially.

  Alec put the Spencers’ divorce aside and concentrated on digging into Doug. It didn’t take Alec long to find what he was looking for—drunk and disorderly, criminal trespassing, DUI. Those were the only three charges Doug had been convicted of. A second DUI was thrown out because the field sobriety test had been faulty. A traffic stop that had led to pot being found in his truck wasn’t prosecuted because even if Doug was on probation, there hadn’t been enough weed in his possession to make it worthwhile.

  Then Alec found Doug’s adoption records, and things started to make a little more sense. Yesterday Alec could not believe that Doug could share blood with his buddy Jonny Spencer. Not only in looks but in character Doug and Jonny were opposites. Jonny was a good man, a damn good cop, and all-around good friend. Knowing that the Spencers had taken in Doug when he was a juvenile took the shock out of finding out the men were brothers.

  Alec heard Jocelyn stir, checked the time, and made a few quick decisions. After he fed his daughter he was calling McKenna. She’d jump at the chance to babysit. Then he was calling Jonny. After that, he was headed to Macy’s.

  Alec didn’t have a plan after that—he’d have to make it up on the fly. Something that Alec wasn’t used to doing. He liked order, he like strategy, he liked knowing what move his opponent was going to make before they made it.

  But he didn’t have time. The prick of an ex had threatened to be at Macy’s at eleven so Alec would be there, too.

  “Thanks for doing this,” Alec said as he handed Joss to McKenna.

  “You know you never have to thank me for watching this cute little princess,” she returned. “Say bye to Daddy, we're gonna go make some cupcakes before we turn on PAW Patrol.”

  “It’s ten-oh-five,” Nixon reminded his wife.



  “Never too early to start baking cupcakes, Nix. Besides, they’re for the party tomorrow.”

  And just like all of the other times Alec had dropped Joss off with McKenna, the woman whisked his daughter away without giving Alec a chance to say goodbye. Which was part of the reason Alec was worried McKenna Swagger was planning to take his kid and run.

  “She’s totally gonna steal Joss,” Alec mumbled.

  “Not that I mind watching Joss, but what’s going on this morning?” Nix asked.

  “Do you know Macy Spencer?” Alec inquired instead of answering.

  “Yeah. She’s a few years older than me but she’s Jonny’s sister-in-law.”

  “Ex sister-in-law,” he corrected.

  “Guess you’re right. I wasn’t around then, but I heard Doug went from being his normal asshole to supreme asshole, and about three years ago, Macy finally got shot of his ass.”

  “Supreme asshole?” Alec pressed, not liking the direction the conversation was headed.

  “Small town, brother, you know people talk. Heard he stepped out on her and didn’t mind her and everyone else knowing. He did it local, did it regular, and like I said, didn’t hide it. I was a freshman when she was a junior, Doug was a senior. They were together then, too, and I have first-hand knowledge he was fucking every cheerleader that spread for him. Only then he was careful, so Macy never found out.”

  What the fuck?

  “You knew he was stepping out and you didn’t say something? Doesn’t sound like you.”

  Nixon shook his head and muttered, “Macy and I weren’t friends, at least not friends enough I had her ear. Besides, I was more worried about what was going on with Dillinger at the time. He was making his moves even back then. I was a freshman and she was a junior—didn’t really think it was my place to tell her I saw her boyfriend balls deep in Becca in the bathroom of a party.”

  Alec had gone from thinking Doug was a douchebag to a stupid fuck.

  Why men cheated was beyond him—why a man would cheat on Macy he couldn’t fathom. She was beautiful at thirty-five a
nd he could imagine at sixteen she would’ve been no different. Alec could’ve been wrong, but he couldn’t picture her being a nagging bitch either. He understood women could behave one way when they were trying to sink their hooks in a man and turn out to be something else entirely but Macy wasn’t putting on a front when she was kissing Joss on the belly making her squeal. And she was not putting on a show when she smiled at him every day.

  “Why the sudden interest in Macy?” Nixon’s question pulled him from his thoughts.

  “She’s the director at the daycare Joss goes to.”

  “Know that. Also know Jocelyn’s been going there about nine months and you’ve never asked about Macy.”

  Alec thought about how much he wanted to tell his friend but it didn’t take much contemplation. Nixon was a good friend, he trusted him, therefore, he didn’t hold back.

  So he laid it out and told Nixon everything he’d seen and heard yesterday and what he’d found that morning. He also explained he’d called Jonny but hadn’t heard back, which meant he also told Nix where he was headed.

  “You sure you wanna wade in? Maybe it’s better if you let Jonny handle it.”

  Was he sure? Hell, yes. Would the smarter thing to do be letting Jonny handle his brother? Absolutely. Was it going to stop Alec? Fuck, no.

  “Yesterday I stood by and listened to that asshole get in Macy’s face and threaten her. Something that didn’t sit right. When it was over, she looked at me, and brother, she was freaked. More than that, she was scared out of her skull. Not only did that not sit right, it felt like acid in my gut. So, yes, I’m positive I want to wade into it. I’m also positive I’m gonna find a way to put a stop to it. She’s got two kids, she’s sweet, she’s good to my daughter, and she has an ex who’s a dick. No way in fuck am I sitting back knowing what I know and doing fuck-all about it.”

  “And she’s beautiful,” Nix added, his mouth twisting like he was fighting a smile.

  “Not sure what that has to do with anything.”


  “So you’re saying that if Macy wasn’t beautiful I’d sit back and allow a good woman to be fucked over?” Alec growled, not liking the implication he was a shallow prick.

  “Nope, not saying that at all. Just pointing out the fact that Macy Hartley was a knockout in high school and when she grew up she went straight to beautiful. Back then everyone knew why she was with Doug. He was popular, he played sports, he held the promise of a bright future. When she hit her mid-twenties, only saw her once when I came back to visit and even with a baby on her hip she looked good. That trip home sitting in a bar, I heard all about Doug’s extracurricular activities. The town was buzzin’ with it. McKenna and I saw her recently, two kids in tow looking no less pretty even if she looks worn down and tired. So I guess what I’m saying is, go easy.”

  “Come again?” Alec’s eye narrowed trying to process the fact that Nix had gone from implying he was a shallow prick to a motherfucking asshole.

  “She’s been made a fool—”

  “And what? You think I’d fuck her over?”

  “Not intentionally. Not knowingly. But Macy’s also sweet and it is no secret she’s a pushover—total people pleaser.”

  “Now you’re just pissing me off.”

  “Not my intention. But I do know that right now your head is twisted and you’re still trying to work out what Jaime—”

  “Don’t say her name,” Alec growled, trying to beat back the sour in his stomach that churned at the mention of Jocelyn’s mother’s name.

  “That right there, is why I’m warning you to tread lightly with Macy.”

  Needing to end the conversation before he said something he regretted, Alec checked his watch and noted it was time to leave.

  He gave his friend a quick goodbye and headed to Macy’s.

  When he pulled into a not-so-nice neighborhood, Alec’s earlier irritation spiked. What kind of father allowed the mother of his children to live in this kind of ‘hood? It wasn’t as horrible as it could’ve been but it wasn’t nice either.

  All thoughts of houses, child support, and alimony flew from his mind when he saw Macy on her front lawn, Doug in her face. Even though the windows were up and his SUV was running Alec could still hear the motherfucker shouting at Macy.

  Hell to the mother-fucking-no!


  “You never listen do you, Macy? I told you. I fucking told you to have my son ready, you stupid bitch!” Doug shouted in my face. He was so close, spittle actually hit me.


  In my face.

  Anger like I’ve never felt raced up my spine, but before I could do anything, Doug was gone.

  Just gone.

  One second I could smell his nasty breath, the next, nothing.

  This was because Doug was no longer in my face. He was five feet away from me on his ass. The whole thing was so shocking I blinked, then blinked some more, and Doug was still across my yard on his ass. Then I focused on the second man—Alec. What in the world was he doing there? He’d somehow appeared out of thin air and was standing over my ex-husband a hair’s breadth away from going apeshit.

  Admittedly, I didn’t know Alec all that well. So I wasn’t sure how I knew, but I was certain Doug’s life was in danger.

  “Get in the house and get your phone. Call Jonny. If he’s not available, tell him to send a unit,” Alec bossed.


  “Tell Jonny he has five minutes. He’s not here, I’m dealing with the fucktard. When I’m done, Jonny might not be too happy but I suspect Doug here will finally understand you’re off-limits,” Alec continued, and though what he was saying might’ve made sense to him—because he looked deadly serious—I wasn’t following.

  Therefore I repeated, “What?”

  “Babe, get in the house and call Jonny, yeah?”

  At this point even though I was confused I felt it prudent to get my phone and call Jonny. So I didn’t bother asking Alec to elaborate on what off-limits meant, or why he was at my house to begin with, and jogged into the house.

  My phone was on the kitchen counter so I made my way through my cracker box house, nabbed my phone, and hit Jonny’s name. While it was ringing I went back to the living room and stared out the front window.



  “You okay? The kids?” Jonny rushed out.

  “I think you need to get to my house, right now.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” he asked even though I heard keys rattling in the background.

  “Doug’s here. He was screaming at me in the front yard. Then he wasn’t.”

  I focused on Doug still on the ground and even though I was seeing it I couldn’t believe it.

  “Macy, what does that mean?”

  “Alec is here. He saw Doug yelling at me. He told me to call you and tell you that you have five minutes to get here and pick up Doug before he deals with Doug.”

  “Alec Hall?”


  “Fuck. You wanna tell me why Alec Hall’s at your house?”

  “No idea.”

  “No idea?”

  “No. One minute I was outside explaining to Doug why the kids are not here and he was being his normal dickhead-self screaming at me. The next minute, Doug was clean off his feet flying through the air and Alec was standing over him. That’s it. That’s all I know. Except for the part about Alec saying you only have five minutes to get here. And by the look on Alec’s face I think that really means you only have three minutes because he looks pissed.”

  “Fuck,” Jonny grunted. “Tell—”

  “Um…I take it you know Alec, so you know I’m not telling him anything—not right now. And after this latest stunt your brother pulled, I’m done, Jonny—beyond done. Years I’ve been putting up with him. Years! So no, even if Alec didn’t look like fire was getting ready to shoot from his eyes, I wouldn’t tell Alec a damn thing, because right now, if I didn’t think my
children would hate me for the rest of their lives, I would kill—”

  “I get it. Be there in two.”

  Jonny disconnected and I stood frozen watching the two men on my lawn. Doug’s mouth was moving and his face was twisted in anger. Alec was staring down at my ex-husband and even from a distance, there was no missing the disgust in his gaze.

  And that was when everything hit.

  Embarrassment scorched my insides and shame slithered up my throat choking me. Alec had once again witnessed Doug being…Doug.

  Perfect, handsome, good dad Alec Hall. With his nice clothes, nice car, good job, pretty little girl, nice life, Alec-freaking-Hall had an up-close, front row seat of my shitshow of a life.


  Fucking perfect.

  Not only did I want to never, ever, see the man again, I was afraid he’d call the owner of Little Lights and tell Monica I was a whack job and he was pulling Jocelyn unless I was fired. Of course, Monica knew all about Doug. Everyone did. Every damn person in town knew he was a loser and I’d stayed married to him for ten years. Making me an even bigger loser.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  Fuck Doug.

  Jonny’s truck pulled in behind an SUV I’d never seen before, parked on the street in front of my driveway therefore it was blocking in my car. Not that it mattered at the moment because it wasn’t like I was going anywhere seeing as I had an ex-douche, Jonny, and a very pissed-off Alec to deal with.

  Jonny jumped from his truck and boy did he look like he was getting ready to go apeshit, too. I’d seen Jonny mad at his brother before, but never this angry and that was saying something. For years, Doug had made an art out making pretty much everyone angry.

  I opened the door and made it two steps out when Alec turned to me, some of the hate dissipating but his voice still sounded snarly, “Babe. Stay in the house.”

  “Tell that fucking cunt—”

  Alec’s head snapped back to a still-prone Doug and a miracle of all miracles happened. Doug snapped his trap shut.


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