Alec's Dream

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Alec's Dream Page 19

by Riley Edwards

  That kinda freaked me out. I’d lived in Kent County my whole life, therefore I knew the ways of a small town, including how when gossip started making its rounds you could only believe a sliver of it. But McKenna’s trouble had made the paper. Kennedy’s too. So I knew a few facts including that both had almost died.

  I didn’t know Kennedy, though I’d known of her even before the news hit about her near-drowning. She was four years younger than me and the only thing I knew about her was everyone loved her. Loved her parents, too. When Mr. Lane was murdered, it had rocked our small town. Kennedy being the daughter of a slain citizen had become the beloved daughter of the county.

  So with all I knew, I was afraid to hear their stories. The real ones, the behind-the-scenes, the emotional part, and most especially what role the men had played.

  “I see you have that look.” Kennedy smiled. “The one that says you’re trying to figure out why Alec is with you and if he and all the other men have God complexes.”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “No, but I had some of those same thoughts. Guilt too. The truth is, it's not so much that they have a God complex as they are protectors. They fix things. And when someone they care about is in danger, all those qualities come to life in a big way. They’re bossy, they like to be in charge, but believe it or not, they do it because they truly care. If Alec has made a stand, and in case you missed it, he threw down for you, it’s because he cares—no ulterior reason.”

  Maybe I needed to ask Alec if he minded if the girls came over—Becky, too. I was certain I wanted to explore the attraction I undeniably felt toward Alec, but maybe I was missing the bigger picture. Which scared the bejesus out of me.

  “If your offer to come over still stands, I’ll talk to Alec.”

  “It’s a standing offer. If not tomorrow, then whenever you feel up to it. And I hope you take me up on it. I’d like to get to know you better. I have a feeling we’re gonna be neighbors.” Kennedy’s bright smile and giggle didn’t scare the bejesus out of me—it scared the fuck out of me. “On that note, Jameson’s ready to go home so I’m going with him. Don’t forget to call if you need anything.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered, unable to say more after her neighbor comment.

  Kennedy gave me one last smile and dashed to the front door where Jameson, Nixon, and McKenna waited for her.

  Weston, Silver, and baby Dylan had already left. So had Becky and Rob after Becky had apologized thirty times for upsetting Aurora, which had not been her intention. My best friend loved us fiercely and she tended to allow her emotions fly. It was part of her charm, Becky held nothing back. But I had to admit, when Becky rolled through Alec’s house like a hurricane, it reminded me of the toll the day had taken on my mental state and I had to work hard to keep my spirits up.

  In other words, I’d lied my ass off to my best friend, telling her I was fine when really I was a mess. But I knew if I showed a moment of weakness, she’d go into hyperdrive wanting to heal my fragile psyche, and I was too exhausted to explain everything I was feeling.

  Jonny had made his excuses leaving after he’d given Rory and Caleb hugs and promises to see them later. He’d hugged me, too, gave me his normal kiss to the side of my head, but he didn’t make eye contact and it was heartbreakingly obvious Jonny didn’t want to spend more time than necessary near me.

  That was something I’d deal with later when I wasn’t so emotionally spent, it was a miracle I hadn’t blown into a thousand sharp silvers of barren waste. I had too much to think about. I couldn’t begin to focus on the prospect of losing Jonny’s friendship. It was too painful.

  So now the last of Alec’s company was leaving.

  Jocelyn was awake from her nap playing with Rory, Caleb was on the couch watching TV, and I was nervous as shit to be alone with Alec after today. It wasn’t even dinner time, which meant it was way too early to barricade myself with the kids behind a bedroom door.

  And as I mentioned, I was an emotional wasteland.

  I had nothing left.

  All of my defenses had been obliterated and I was afraid with no barrier I wouldn’t be able to fight the pull of Alec. A man I’d come to know and found he was more than just the perfect father, more than a handsome man, more than the unattainable wish.

  He was kind, caring, smart, protective, (even if it was over-the-top) insanely capable, honest, and cool under fire (Literally cool under gunfire.).

  Alec was more than I could ever dream up. And so close, I wanted to believe he was real and wanted a future with me.

  I wanted to believe it so desperately. With all my shields gone after the day we had, and Alec right there within reach, I didn’t know what to say, what to do, or how to act.

  I knew what I wanted to do, but I also knew I wouldn’t. Because if I did, my kids and his daughter would possibly be scarred for life—if they weren’t already thanks to fistfights on my porch and a drive-by shooting. So with all that happened, all they’d seen, I wasn’t going to rush Alec, throw myself in his arms and beg him to kiss me until I forgot how shitty our day had been.

  Instead, I stood in the living room of Alec’s big farmhouse hoping he was everything he’d already proved himself to be but I’d been too blind to see. I didn’t need to hide from him. I prayed he was real and he still wanted to take a chance on me.

  I did all of that watching our kids lounge in a beautiful room that was far too big for a single man and a baby.

  We were all sitting at Alec’s huge dinner table. But instead of being spread out—and there was plenty of room to do that—we all smooshed close on one side.

  Even though it was freezing outside—okay, maybe it was just chilly, dipping into the forties, that being worthy of being deemed freezing by me—Alec and Caleb had grilled burgers.

  Rory and I had made the sides and sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese. I’d learned that Alec hated onions—so did I, so that worked. Unless they were breaded and deep-fried in the form of a ring—that was my declaration. Alec stood firm, stating onions in all of their forms were a no-go.

  At first, the conversation was stilted, until Alec brought up Jameson and Kennedy’s dog Tank. Being that we were staying with him and would be here tomorrow after school, he’d take them both over to meet the pup if they wanted.

  After that, slowly my kids started to talk. Not animated, not jubilantly, but they spoke. Rory mostly about Joss, and Caleb told Alec about football. Which meant I’d learned something else about the man. Not only did he like football, he’d played in high school, and had continued to play with his buds in the Navy.

  “Am I going to practice tomorrow?” Caleb asked, then shoved the last of his burger in his mouth.

  “Not yet. I’ll call Coach in the morning.”

  My son’s face got tight and I hated the disappointment I saw. Hated it with a passion but it was too dangerous.

  Surprisingly, Caleb didn’t argue or have another outburst about Doug. Whatever Alec had said to him had clearly worked. I loved my boy, adored how he was always stepping up for his sister, but I was even prouder of the restraint he showed. No kid his age should have to learn the lessons he’d been forced to endure.

  “Tomorrow after we visit Kennedy and Tank, we’ll toss the ball around,” Alec interjected.

  “I don’t have…my football’s at home.”

  “I got one, bud. If you want, we’ll play a little before dinner.”

  Caleb’s eyes came to mine and it was not lost on me what my kid was feeling. Never had Doug offered to play football with his son. Doug had also never deemed it important to go to a practice or a game. Not fucking one. God, he was such a dick. And seeing my kid shocked that a man would offer something small—which, really, was something huge because it meant Alec was offering Caleb his time and attention, neither of which he’d ever gotten from his father—only underlined what a fucking bastard Doug really was.

  “That’d be cool,” Caleb muttered.

  “They down?” Alec
asked as I walked into the living room where he was sprawled out on the couch.

  “Yeah. Rory wanted Caleb to sleep with her. My son being the big brother he is, was cool about it and agreed. Though I think he was relieved to stay in there with her.”

  Seeing as Alec was a single man living in a house with five bedrooms, only two of them in use by him and his daughter, it was a little surprising the other three bedrooms were furnished. Two of them looked to have been redone after he moved in if the third, which still had old-fashioned wallpaper, was any indication.

  “Before it gets too late, we need to talk, babe.”

  His declaration didn’t fill me with warm and fuzzy thoughts. There was a lot we needed to talk about none of which I wanted to actually participate in. It had been a long, horrible day and I wanted it to end without any added trauma.

  “Hit me with it,” I invited.

  There was a ghost of a smile when he said, “Come sit down.”

  I didn’t feel much like sitting, pacing sounded a whole lot better. But I complied mainly because I was dog-ass tired.

  “Did Jameson or Jonny call?”

  “Not yet. I hate to make a shit day worse, Macy, but I think you need to call Monica and tell her you need some time off.”


  “Pains me, but you can’t go to work in a building full of kids when Malone has proven to be a serious motherfucker. You’ll be putting all those kids at risk. Not to mention, you leave this house to go to work, you’re an easy mark.”


  He was right.

  All those sweet babies would be in danger—no way could I do that.

  Another example of Doug taking more from us. Not going to work meant no pay. Less money for me to provide for my kids during a time when I seriously needed a paycheck. I couldn’t even think of the damage done to my house and the money it would cost to repair the damage and purchase what had been destroyed.

  “You’re right. I’ll call Monica.”

  “Something else. Tomorrow I’ll go with you to drop off the kids to school. We’ll talk to whoever we need to so you can add me as Rory and Caleb’s emergency contact and let them know I’ll be picking them up after school. Also, the kids need to stay in the office until I get there.”

  My heart clenched and my stomach tightened. “Do you think—”

  “Babe, I don’t think anything. I know we’re going to play this safe, be cautious, be smart, and take every step we need to protect them. Short of you pulling them out of school, this is the best we got. Jonny’s talking to the middle school’s resource officer so he’ll be in the know and keep sharp. We’re gonna be extra vigilant. Caleb fully understands what’s going on and Rory knows all she needs to. So if you gently remind her she is not to talk to strangers, stay where a teacher can see her, she’ll be smart.”

  “Caleb fully understands?” I whispered.

  I watched with rapt attention as Alec’s entire being gentled. His gaze never left mine, with those green eyes of his that could burn with fire, or fill with love when he’s looking at his daughter, or soften and turn sweet when he was speaking to Rory, were a different kind of hot right then.

  That kind of hot—gentle, soft, and sweet—that I had no defense against.

  And as I sat next to a man who had continually proved he was good and honest, I wondered why I’d stupidly pushed him away. Then I remembered I’d decided I was done being an idiot and not for the first time, or even the fiftieth time that day, wished Doug’s shit would vanish in a plume of smoke, never to touch us again. Because right then I really, really wished Alec Hall would pull me closer and kiss me.


  Alec watched as every emotion darted across Macy’s face. Anger flashed in her eyes before it flitted away, turning into concern, then something else skimmed over her features leaving them lax.

  It was that look that intrigued him the most. Her pretty brown eyes locked onto his, her lips parted slightly, and her cheeks flushed.


  Even in the middle of a seriously fucked conversation, one soft, sexy look had him fighting against going hard. Visions of him laying her back on the couch, covering her with his body, and finally feeling all of her curves under him was wreaking havoc on his dick.


  Macy blinked, coming out of her haze, the pink deepening, and Alec knew where her thoughts had gone. Maybe not as far as his had, but she was definitely thinking about his mouth or hands being on her.

  Any other time he wouldn’t hesitate to give her anything she could imagine. But right then, with her only a few feet from him, as easy as it would be to reach out and tag her, Alec was doing his best to keep his cock in check and thoughts off all of the things he’d been dreaming about doing to her.

  “I don’t want to talk anymore.”


  “I’ll call Monica. You’ll go into the school with me tomorrow. We have a plan. No more talking.”

  There was a beat of silence. Then without warning, Macy attacked. Her palms hit Alec’s chest and as he took her weight, her mouth crashed onto his. He did not make her work for it, though when her tongue slid against his, he knew he shouldn’t have allowed it. But as his hands dove into her thick brown hair he knew he was fucked—he wasn’t going to stop it. He should’ve— it wasn’t the time nor the place—but Alec had no intention of turning her away.

  However, what he was going to do was get them off the couch where they’d be caught if one of the kids wandered downstairs. Alec slowed their kiss, when a needy mew slipped from Macy, the sound splintering the last of his control.

  Alec surged to his feet, bringing Macy with him, their lips still connected in a wild, desperate clashing of tongues and teeth that was so unbelievably great Alec’s cock throbbed in his jeans. Needing to get them to the closest place where they’d have privacy, he wrenched his mouth from hers, caught her hand and tugged her toward the utility room.

  Seconds later, he shut the door behind them, thanking all things holy that his house was old and for some reason only known to the original owners, each door had a lock. Alec turned back to Macy hoping she’d come to her senses, but at the same time needing to touch and taste her so badly his hands shook with it.


  Her head tilted back, they locked eyes, and while Alec was scrutinizing every detail, analyzing, and searching for uncertainty, his examination was disrupted when Macy pulled her tee off and tossed it on the floor.

  “Fuck,” he muttered and watched her hands go to her jeans. “Macy, baby, slow it down.”

  Alec didn’t want to slow anything down but even though his cock was hard and his heart was racing, he needed more than her getting naked to soothe his uncertainty.


  “Sweetheart, you’ve had a rough day. Hell, you’ve had a rough week. I don’t want you making a decision we can’t take back and I sure as fuck don’t want you regretting it.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Convince me.”

  Macy’s eyes narrowed. Her hands went back to work tugging her jeans down over her hips, ass, and thighs until she wiggled free of them.

  Good Christ. Alec found it hard to swallow as he beat back the urge to touch all her creamy exposed flesh. Great tits, flared hips his palms were itching to grip, lush thighs, long legs…fuck, even her damn feet were sexy.

  “How ‘bout you convince me this isn’t what you want,” Macy sassed as she reached behind her back.

  The unattractive, cotton bra went slack before Macy hunched her shoulders and the material slid down her arms.

  Alec went dizzy with lust. His desperation was at an all-time high, making it impossible to form a cognizant thought let alone an argument against him waiting to take her.

  “You are so goddamn gorgeous. Take off your panties, baby.”

  Alec saw her shiver. The tiny movement made his blood hum as it rushed south, making his already hard cock thicken to the point of pain.

/>   Jesus, this woman did it for him. Everything about her called to Alec on a primal level. Conquer. Own. Devour. Love. Cherish.

  His hand went to his back pocket. He pulled out his wallet, fished a condom free, chucked them on the dryer, and watched as bright blue panties fell to the floor.

  After that, everything was a blur.

  Alec could wait no longer, and in a frenzied, demanding kiss, he seized her mouth and tried to gain some semblance of control. His attempt was useless—Macy returned his kiss with wild abandon. Good Christ, perfect.

  His hands went to her ass, lifting her onto the washer. Hers went into his hair and tugged him closer.

  Best fucking kiss of his life. He could taste her need on his tongue and demand on his lips.


  Macy’s thighs opened wider, making room for his bulk. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and her legs went around his hips. Alec could kiss her all night, but there were other places he wanted to taste, touch, lick.

  Alec broke the kiss, loved her moan in protest, but undeterred, his tongue swept down her throat, continued lower between the vale of her full tits, stopping only to lift his gaze to find her chin tucked and her eyes open as she watched him.

  Hell yes.

  “Hold ‘em together for me.”




  Goddamn beautiful.

  “Your tits, babe. Hold ‘em for me.”

  When Macy still looked confused, he placed his hands over hers, peeled her fingers from the edge of the washing machine and brought their combined hands where he wanted them, cupping the mounds of soft flesh.

  “Hold ‘em there for me.”

  A flash of embarrassment he couldn’t understand passed over her face. Something to address when he wasn’t minutes from being balls deep in his woman, finally claiming her the way he’d dreamt of.

  Holding her gaze, Alec traced the dark pink area surrounding her nipple and watched as the blush turned into arousal.


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