The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide

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The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide Page 28

by Stephenie Meyer

She also loved his pack; she never forgot how Jared had cared for her, and she began to think of them all as her younger brothers.

  Emily was surprised by how happy she was with Sam. She'd never dreamed of such an easy, joyful relationship. She also loved his pack; she never forgot how Jared had cared for her, and she began to think of them all as her younger brothers. Because few of their parents knew about their real lives, Emily took it on herself to care for the boys as much as possible--feeding their immense appetites, finding replacement clothes for them, giving them a place to hang out when they were keeping odd hours. She felt that in some ways, she was preserving the most important Quileute tradition of all.

  When Leah joined the pack, it healed her relationship with Emily, on the surface at least. Emily knew that Leah no longer held her responsible for what had happened, but she also knew that it hurt Leah to be near Emily. Emily did her best to protect Leah from extra pain, and hoped fervently that Leah would find a way to be happy again.


  "So, you're the vampire girl." New Moon, Chapter 14


  QUIL ATEARA IV Quil Ateara IV was the son of Old Quil Ateara and Molly Swan. He married Joy Quehpa, and they had a son, Quil Ateara V. As a descendant of the previous werewolf pack through both parents, he passed the shape-shifting gene on to his son. It is also possible that he was Embry Call's biological father and passed the chromosome on to him as well. He died before he was thirty years old, when his fishing boat capsized during a big storm.

  SARAH BLACK Sarah Black was the granddaughter of Quil Ateara II, the wife of Billy Black, and the mother of Rachel, Rebecca, and Jacob Black. She was a full-time mother and a part-time artist, working mostly with watercolors. She died in a car accident when her daughters were thirteen and her son was nine. She knew the truth about the Quileute wolves, but hoped that her son would never have to live that life.

  RACHEL BLACK Rachel is the daughter of Billy and Sarah Black, and the sister of Jacob and Rebecca Black. She and her twin sister had a difficult time dealing with the death of their mother. Rachel left La Push as soon as she was old enough, and rarely returned home to visit. However, when she returned home after graduating from Washington State University with a degree in computer engineering, Paul Lahote imprinted on her. Though she had intended to leave again soon, she was very drawn to Paul. He told her the truth about the Quileute wolves, and so she understood his dilemma. She decided to work from home in La Push until Paul was able to leave with her.

  REBECCA BLACK Rebecca is the daughter of Billy and Sarah Black, and the sister of Jacob and Rachel Black. She lives in Hawaii for most of the year with her husband, a professional surfer; they travel frequently for his competitions. Like her mother, Rebecca is an artist, though Rebecca prefers oils. She does not know of the existence of wolves in La Push.

  HARRY CLEARWATER Harry Clearwater was the father of Leah and Seth Clearwater. He was a tribal elder and a very good friend of both Billy Black and Charlie Swan, often accompanying them on fishing trips. He was a descendant of the Ateara werewolf line and extended that lineage to his children.

  KIM Kim was one of Jared Cameron's classmates. She'd had a secret crush on him for a while, so she was thrilled when he imprinted on her.

  JOSHUA ULEY Joshua Uley is Sam Uley's father. He disappeared when Sam was very young, leaving abruptly when he realized he couldn't cope with the responsibility of having a family. It is possible that he is also Embry Call's biological father.

  CLAIRE YOUNG Claire Young is the young cousin of Emily Young. When Claire was two, Quil Ateara V imprinted on her during a visit to the La Push reservation. Claire considers Quil a big brother.


  --Jacob (Twilight, Chapter 6)

  The vast majority of the people living in and around the town of Forks, Washington, do not believe that either vampires or werewolves exist in reality. Bella's family, her classmates, and other members of the community live their lives oblivious to the occasional hints of the supernatural world that surrounds them.

  Family and Friends of Bella


  NAME: Charlie Swan


  PLACE OF ORIGIN: Forks, Washington


  EYE COLOR: Brown

  HEIGHT: 6'0"

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Charlie is fairly tall and has an average build.

  EDUCATION/OCCUPATION: He is the chief of police.

  HOBBIES: He enjoys fishing.

  VEHICLE: A police cruiser

  FAMILY MEMBERS: His parents were Geoffrey and Helen Swan. His ex-wife is Renee Dwyer, and his daughter is Isabella "Bella" Swan. He is currently dating Sue Clearwater.


  Charlie was born and raised in Forks, Washington, by his parents, Geoffrey and Helen Swan. Geoffrey and Helen were both in their mid-forties when Charlie was born; they had thought they were unable to have children, so Charlie was a huge--but very welcome--surprise. He remained an only child and stayed close to both his parents. Billy Black, Harry Clearwater, and Quil Ateara IV were his close friends since childhood. During his teenage years, Charlie always felt a little bit on the outside of this circle of friends. He attributed that distance to the fact that the others all belonged to the Quileute tribe and he did not. In reality, Billy, Harry, and Quil were caught up in the secret world they were forbidden to tell Charlie about, hoping that a vampire would come their way so they could all become superheroes.


  --Bella (Twilight, Chapter 1)

  As an adult, Charlie joined the Forks Police Department. He wanted to go to college, but his parents' health began deteriorating at that time and he felt that he needed to stay close to home. His mother was in the early stages of Alzheimer's and his father's mobility was being curtailed by severe arthritis. Charlie did everything he could to help care for them.

  Renee was impetuous and romantic by nature, and she loved the passionate whirlwind relationship. Charlie quickly proposed, and Renee accepted.

  During Charlie's first summer as a cop, he met Renee Higginbotham. She was driving up the Pacific Highway with a group of her girlfriends, and they stopped to camp at First Beach in La Push. Charlie was visiting Billy when he met Renee on the beach. There was an instant attraction between the two. They spent a few days together before her friends were ready to continue their journey. Renee promised to visit Charlie on the return trip. In her absence, Charlie realized just how much he had fallen for Renee. She returned as promised, and he convinced her to stay when her friends left. Renee was impetuous and romantic by nature, and she loved the passionate whirlwind relationship. Charlie quickly proposed, and Renee accepted. They were married at the courthouse in Port Angeles, Washington, just a few weeks later.

  Charlie bought a small house down the street from his parents' home. For a little while, he and Renee were deliriously happy. Charlie was even happier when he found out Renee was pregnant with their first child a few months later.

  Charlie's life took a downturn during Renee's pregnancy. Both his parents' conditions worsened. His father needed Charlie's help with his mother every day. At the same time, depression began to take a major toll on Renee. She wanted Charlie to leave Forks with her and start over somewhere sunnier, but Charlie couldn't do that. Renee had the baby, and her depression was only compounded by the postpartum hormones.

  A few months after Bella was born, Renee decided she couldn't live in Forks anymore. She left with Bella, leaving Charlie devastated. Charlie wanted to follow her, but he couldn't leave his parents. He didn't contest the divorce or the child support. All he asked for was time with Bella.
He did not stop loving Renee.

  Four years later, within six months of each other, Geoffrey and Helen Swan died. Charlie was alone, aside from his summer visits with Bella. He devoted himself to his job and worked his way up through the ranks to become the chief of police in Forks. He maintained his longtime friendship with Billy Black and Harry Clearwater, and the three friends spent a lot of their free time fishing together. Billy in particular was a great support to Charlie during the difficult years following his divorce and the loss of his parents; they became even closer. Later, when Billy lost his wife, Sarah, to a car accident, Charlie was able to be there for Billy as Billy had been for him.

  Charlie always felt awkward with Bella, and was never sure how to express his love for her.

  Charlie always felt awkward with Bella, and was never sure how to express his love for her. He did recognize that Bella was much more like him than she was like Renee, despite her living with Renee year-round. He was truly thrilled when Bella decided to live with him for her last year and a half of high school.


  "You aren't turning into a tree-hugger on me, are you?" New Moon, Chapter 12

  "It's not normal, Alice, and it... it frightens me. Not normal at all. Not like someone... left her, but like someone died." New Moon, Chapter 17

  "Isn't Edward up for a little healthy competition?" Eclipse, Chapter 1

  "Maybe I'm just feeling... superstitious after hanging out with Billy while he was being so strange all day. But I have this... hunch. I feel like... I'm going to lose you soon." Eclipse, Chapter 26

  "You're pregnant! You're pregnant, aren't you?" Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1

  "I don't want to know everything, but I'm done with the lies!" Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25

  "I would have tried to protect you, too, if I'd known how. But I guess you've never fit into the fainthearted category, have you?" Breaking Dawn, Chapter 26


  NAME: Renee Higginbotham Dwyer (previous married name: Swan)





  HEIGHT: Around 5'4"

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Renee looks a lot like Bella, but she has short hair, blue eyes, and laugh lines.

  EDUCATION/OCCUPATION: She is a teacher; she has taught kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. She has also worked as a substitute.

  HOBBIES: Renee has had too many hobbies to list. She doesn't stick with any of them for very long.

  FAMILY MEMBERS: She is currently married to Phil Dwyer. Her daughter is Isabella "Bella" Swan, and Bella's father, Charlie Swan, is her ex-husband. Her mother was Marie Higginbotham.


  Renee was born in Downey, California. Her parents divorced when she was still a child, and she never had much contact with her father. Her mother, Marie, was a difficult, bitter woman, but hardworking and loyal. Renee had a very different personality: fun-loving and artistic, but flighty and inconstant. Renee did not do well in school, despite the fact that she tested well. During her teenage years she was never able to hold a job for long, though she always interviewed very well.

  The first year after high school, Renee worked several temporary jobs, making enough money to move in with a girlfriend who had space available in her small apartment. Renee couldn't take living with her pessimistic mother any longer. The next summer, one of her girlfriends decided to take a month off and travel the length of the Pacific coast, camping along the way. This was exactly the kind of adventure that Renee loved. She went on the trip with a few other girls, having no idea where she would live when she got back, if her roommate rented the space to someone else.

  Renee loved being in love, and she loved feeling like she was living an adventure.

  On First Beach, Renee met Charlie Swan. She was very attracted to him; he was different from her usual boyfriends, so serious and responsible, but funny and kind. She fell head over heels. She thought about Charlie for the rest of the trip north, and when she returned to Forks, she was easily convinced to stay for a little while longer. Renee loved being in love, and she loved feeling like she was living an adventure. When Charlie proposed, getting married sounded like the perfect cap to the whirlwind romance. They were married by a justice of the peace, with only Charlie's parents and three best friends in attendance. Renee sent her mother a picture from the wedding, but Marie didn't respond.

  For a while, Renee enjoyed the novelty of being married. Charlie was a much easier person to live with than her mother had been, and his passionate adoration of her was very pleasant. She had a great deal of fun decorating the little house. She liked Charlie's kind, quiet parents. The tiny, quaint town was very different from L.A. She worked as a waitress for a while, and she liked meeting new people.

  When Renee found out she was having a baby, it seemed like the next big adventure. She learned to knit and started decorating the nursery. She wrote to her mother again, and this time Marie sent a gift: her own mother's handmade quilt. Renee was touched.

  When Bella was born, it changed Renee in some ways, but not in others. She became more responsible, better able to focus on what had to be done.

  However, after a few months, everything seemed to get stale. The rain didn't let up for even an afternoon; Renee had never gone so long without seeing the sun. Charlie was busy with work and his parents, and Renee felt trapped and unhappy. She still loved Charlie, but there was no adventure left in their now staid relationship.

  When Bella was born, it changed Renee in some ways, but not in others. She became more responsible, better able to focus on what had to be done. But she still felt trapped by the sunless small town. She hated the thought of letting her baby grow up in the gloom. She begged Charlie to leave with her, though she knew that was not a kind thing to ask. Finally, she decided that she needed to leave on her own and get her life in order, for Bella's sake. She realized that she had made some life-altering decisions without much thought, and she wanted to start over and proceed more carefully.

  Renee went back to her mother, who was still difficult, but who doted on Bella. She enrolled in school and got her elementary education degree--spending time with Bella had made her realize that she was good with children and enjoyed them. Once she had her degree and a job, she moved a little distance away from her mother, to Riverside, California. There she began teaching kindergarten. Bella grounded Renee, who found ways to be satisfied with small changes in her hobbies and recreational activities. She made many close friends among the other teachers, and she got a lot of sunshine.

  Renee's life was still more than a little chaotic, however. She was always getting herself into messy situations. As Bella got older, she began to assume many of the adult responsibilities in the home, simply because she was better suited to them than Renee was. When she took over the bookkeeping at age ten, it made both of their lives much easier.

  After living in Riverside, California, for six years, Renee decided that she wanted to try living in a new place. She ended up getting a job in Phoenix, where she and Bella lived for five years. Renee's mother, Marie, died when Bella was twelve, after which Renee did not visit Califonia as often as she had when Bella's grandmother was alive.

  "I rarely write about just humans. You can get humans anywhere."


  Renee missed Charlie, but always thought of him as a childish infatuation. She recognized that she was not well suited for serious relationships, and she did her best to keep herself from becoming entangled romantically, worried about the impact such a relationship would have on Bella. When Bella was in her teens, she encouraged Renee to date more, sensing that her mother was a little lonely. After a few relationships that didn't take, Renee met Phil and fell hard. Phil had an adventurous spirit, too, though he was a little more practical than Renee. They married when Bella was seventeen.

  Shortly after they were married, Phil went on the road wit
h his minor-league baseball team. It was difficult for Renee to stay behind, for multiple reasons. She missed Phil a lot, and he was off having the kinds of adventures she still craved. Renee never considered leaving Bella, however. But when Bella suddenly announced her intention to live with Charlie for her last year and a half of high school, Renee did not fight her decision as much as she would have before Phil.


  "I think that boy is in love with you." Twilight, Chapter 24

  "The way he watches you--it's so... protective. Like he's about to throw himself in front of a bullet to save you or something." Eclipse, Chapter 3

  "You've never been a teenager, sweetie. You know what's best for you." Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1


  NAME: Angela Weber


  PLACE OF ORIGIN: Forks, Washington

  HAIR COLOR: Light brown

  EYE COLOR: Light brown

  HEIGHT: 6'1"

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Angela is tall and has honey-colored highlights in her hair.

  EDUCATION/OCCUPATION: She is a graduate of Forks High School.

  FAMILY MEMBERS: She lives with her mother and father and her nine-year-old twin brothers, Joshua and Isaac Weber.


  Angela Weber was born and raised in Forks. She is the only daughter of a Lutheran minister and his wife. Her twin brothers, Joshua and Isaac, are eight years younger than she is and are very loud and demanding of attention, but Angela dotes on them. Angela's unusual height made her self-conscious, and she developed into a shy, reserved person. She was a good all-around student and well liked despite her shyness, thanks to her kind, sweet nature. Angela started dating Ben Cheney during her junior year. She was accepted to the University of Washington, where Ben also planned to attend.


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