Bound: Mason's Alphas

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Bound: Mason's Alphas Page 16

by D. J. Heart

Mick could be a real-hard ass when it came to working out, and if Mason let him the alpha would work him to the bone.

  Checking his watch, he knew that he had at least a few hours before they were back. It was plenty of time to get some fluid in Vincent and get some answers.

  Wiping his mouth and downing a glass of water, Chris went back into the basement and put his gloves back on. He disconnected the electric stimulator attached to Vincent’s nipples, but the alpha barely reacted. He just lay there with his cheek on the floor, breathing hard.

  Chris grabbed another I.V. needle and pushed it into a vein on his arm, taping it down with a piece of duct tape before connecting it to another bag of fluid and glucose. Once that was in place, he removed the clamps from Vincent’s nipples and held him down as the roaring pain brought him out of his stupor and sent him back to thrashing wildly.

  “Calm down. I’m done hurting you,” he said, stroking Vincent’s hair. “You get another chance to talk. Are you ready?”

  Vincent nodded. Chris stopped petting him and cut away the duct tape covering the lower part of his face.

  “Good. Because if you give me any trouble now—or tell me something that I know is false—the first thing I’m going to do is castrate you. In my experience, nothing breaks an alpha like having his balls snipped.”

  Vincent shuddered and closed his eyes, and Chris stroked his hair again. Interrogations like this were oddly intimate, but Chris wasn’t aroused. Maiming people and inflicting serious damage didn’t do anything for him sexually, for which he was glad.

  He knew some people who got off on the work they did, and every time he saw them work he’d been disturbed.

  “The Governor intervened with the DA and got them to stop building a case against you. Tell me about that.”

  Chris leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, watching as Vincent frowned up at him.

  “The money laundering case?” he asked, looking a little confused. “This isn’t about the drug money?”

  Chris resisted the impulse to pinch the bridge of his nose and close his eyes. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and tilted his head.

  “This is about whatever I say it’s about. Now. Talk.”

  Vincent looked down and shook his head.

  “It’s a small biotech company. I don’t know where they get the money, but I route it through the Virgin Islands and then funnel it back to them as private research grants.”

  Chris frowned. A biotech company? Why would they be in the business of running an illegal omega brothel? There must be better ways to fund their research. Besides, Chris couldn’t imagine that the money the club made was enough to fund anything but the smallest of studies.

  “I’m going to need names,” Chris said. He hoped that Emily hadn’t gotten it wrong. If Vincent turned out not to have anything to do with Rover, Chris was going to feel guilty for torturing him. Then again, if he handled drug money he probably deserved whatever he got.

  “Brendan Grover is the CFO. He’s the one I deal with. Then there’s the foundation that administers the grants: a woman named Marcia Knox runs that. They’re the only people I deal with directly.”

  “And the name of the company?” Chris asked. He was confused, but he wasn’t going to show it.

  “Phermo BioTech,” Vincent said. “It’s a privately owned company founded by a doctor named Clarissa Minster. That’s all I know. Grover hired me a few years ago, and all I do is launder the cash they send me back to them. That’s all I do.”

  Chris still didn’t understand. Why was a biotech company running a brothel?

  “And the Governor, do you know why he asked the DA to back off your case?”

  Vincent shook his head. “I don’t have anything to do with that side of things. I just deal with the money.”

  Chris needed to do some research before asking more questions. He left Vincent where he was and headed back up to the kitchen, stripping off his gloves and bloody shirt and finding his laptop.

  A quick search on the internet later, and Chris was on Phermo Biotech’s web page. Reading through the executive team bios, he was shocked to see Dr. Bisol from the brothel listed among them as a senior researcher.

  At least now he knew that Vincent wasn’t feeding him shit.

  Exiting the executive bios page, Chris started reading about the company. It turned out they made heat drugs marketed toward omegas. Heat suppressors and heat inducers, six of which were on the market and were FDA approved.

  Chris couldn’t believe it. Looking through news reports, Chris found an article on the company and its founder, praising both for their remarkable success rate when it came to clinical trials.

  Of course they were successful, Chris thought to himself. They were probably doing the real tests on the omegas in the brothels. An unlimited pool of test subjects and no restrictions? It was an unethical scientists wet dream.

  But were they responsible for more than just the activity at the Rover brothel? Chris didn’t know, but maybe Eric could give him some answers.

  He headed back into the basement.


  Chapter 28

  Mick peeled off his jacket and hung it over a low hanging branch, looking out over the small lake before turning back to Mason. The omega had dropped down onto a fallen log, sitting there and panting like he’d just run a marathon instead of going on a mildly difficult walk.

  “Doing okay?” Mick asked. He walked over and sat down next to his omega, putting his arm over his shoulder and hugging him against his side.

  “I told you I’m not used to walking,” he said. Mick grinned. He liked Mason like this: sweaty, tired and adorable as fuck.

  “You’re doing good,” Mick said, squeezing his shoulder. Mason sighed and leaned into him. Mick’s balls felt tight and heavy, and he lowered his free hand down to give his bulge a squeeze.

  Mason looked down, watching him grope himself, his breath going quiet for a second before starting up with an aroused shudder.

  “What’s the deal with you and Chris?” Mason asked, putting his hand on Mick’s thigh. He curled his fingers down and scratched over the denim, moving his fingers up and down.

  “What do you mean?” Mick asked.

  “Are you together now?”

  Mick looked down at him, but Mason was looking out over the water. He didn’t seem upset, just thoughtful.

  “We’re all together, I’d say. Me and you and me and him and him and you.”

  Mason smiled. “That’s a mouthful.”

  “Is that okay?” Mick knew that they hadn’t really talked about how things were going to be, and out of all of them, Mason was the one who’d had the least choice in how things turned out. It hadn’t really occurred to him that Mason might not want to share his alphas with each other.

  “Depends, I guess,” Mason said.

  “On what?” Now Mick was curious.

  Mason shrugged. “If you turn out to be assholes or not.”

  Mick stared at him, his mouth open, and then he laughed. Mason wasn’t wrong, but Mick didn’t think many omegas would have had the balls to put it like that.

  “Oh, we’re assholes, but we’re your assholes,” he said. “But we’re not going to go all traditional on you. Neither one of us thinks that we have any right to be deciding where you work or what you do or anything like that.”

  “That’s good.” Mason sounded content, and Mick got a warm feeling in his chest. It was weird how much he liked making Mason happy.

  “And sex?” Mason asked. This time he turned his neck and looked up at Mick’s face, then down to his bulge. Mick’s cock throbbed at the sudden attention.

  “What do you mean?” His voice came out just a little rough.

  “You guys are pretty… intense,” Mason said, choosing his words carefully. “Are you always like that?”

  “We’re both alphas,” Mick shrugged. “Dominating our partners in bed kind of comes with the territory. Why? Would you prefer it we were a little less… intense?”

  Mason licked his lips and blushed, and Mick’s cock got fully hard. He wanted to see just how far down that blush went.

  “No, I like it…” Mason said, trailing off. He took his hand away from Mick’s thigh and folded his hands in his lap. “It’s weird. I never would have thought someone sitting on my face could be hot, but… well.”

  Mick grinned. He couldn’t wait to see in what other ways Mason liked being dominated.

  “It’s how we’re wired. As long as we’re all having fun and we respect each other in the morning, what’s the harm?”

  Mason grinned. “My ass is pretty sore,” he said, looking up. “I don’t think you realize just how big your cock is.”

  Mick licked his lips and gave his bulge a slow squeeze, spreading his legs out in front of him and planting his ankles on the ground. He liked that he was big. He liked that he was taller and wider than Mason—that he could lift him up and move him around like it was nothing—and he liked that his cock and knot were big enough to make him really feel it.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea,” he said, unbuckling his belt and popping open the first button on his fly. Mason’s eyes widened, his gaze glued to Mick’s crotch. Mick gently nudged him off the log and down to the ground, guiding him in between his legs with a firm grip on his neck. “But maybe we should take it out and check again.”

  Mason looked up at him and licked his lips, nodding once, and Mick felt his abs contract. He was so aroused it felt like one touch and he’d shoot.

  “Do you like being on your knees in front of me?” Mick asked, dropping his grip on Mason’s neck and leaning back. Mason swayed, almost like he was going to fall, but then he righted himself.

  “I do,” he said, blushing even harder. He was holding his hands in front of him like he didn’t really know what to do with them, and Mick got an idea.

  “Because it makes you feel vulnerable,” Mick said, squaring his shoulders and making himself loom. He looked down at Mason with a stern gaze. “It makes you feel subservient.”

  Mason shuddered, turning his face down and nodding hard. Mick grinned, brushing his hand through the omega’s hair before tightening his fist and using Mason’s hair to pull his head back.

  Mason’s eyes were wide, and his pupils were like black pools.

  “Put your hands behind your back.” Mick spoke with the same firm tone he’d use on a new recruit—the one that said that anything but instant obedience would be punished. He knew it made him sound like a big scary alpha, and that was exactly the effect he was going for. He wanted Mason to feel like the very essence of an omega.

  Mason put his hands behind his back, breathing hard as he looked up at Mick’s face.

  Letting go of his hair, licking his lips and moving like he had all the time in the world, Mick pulled off his belt and grinned.


  Mason watched as Mick folded his belt in half and slapped it down into the palm of his hand, the smack making his balls pull up tight and a bead of pre-cum form at the tip of his cock.

  He didn’t know if he wanted Mick to use the belt on him—to spank him—but just watching Mick wield it was hot as hell.

  “Look at you,” Mick growled, taking Mason’s chin in his fist. He pushed his thumb over Mason’s lower mouth, tracing his lower lip before pushing inside. “So eager to be used by your alpha.”

  Mason shuddered and sucked on the thumb in his mouth. It curled down over his teeth, and Mason licked at it with his tongue.

  “You like keeping that hot little mouth busy, don’t you?” Mick growled. It almost sounded like he was talking to himself, but Mason answered him anyway.

  “Yes, alpha.”

  “Alpha?” Mick grinned, the expression predatory. “Oh, I like that. Say it again.”

  “Alpha,” Mason breathed out, needing something to happen. Just sucking on Mick’s thumb wasn’t enough. Mason wanted to feel Mick’s cock on him—in him—and he needed it now.

  “But you didn’t like it when Chris tried to put his cock in there, did you?” Mick sounded chiding, and Mason closed his eyes.

  That was different.

  “How about we try working a little on that throat of yours, but we do it at your pace instead of rushing full speed ahead. Does that sound good?” Mick reached up and fisted his hand in Mason’s hair again, giving it a little tug.

  Mason breathed out and nodded. That did sound good. He loved putting his mouth on his alpha’s cock, and he wanted to swallow it down his throat. He wanted to feel it filling him up, throbbing against the lining of his throat.

  Doing it at his own pace sounded like heaven.

  “Good.” Mick leaned in closer. “But first I want to tie your arms behind your back. All I want to feel is your mouth on my cock. No hands.”

  Mick reached behind Mason and wrapped his belt around his wrists, tying them together in an inefficient knot. If Mason tugged on his arms he’d have no problem getting free, but it still made him feel deliciously submissive to be bound.

  “Oh, you like that,” Mick growled, his voice dark and pleased. Mason licked his lips and nodded, his cock pressing against the inside of his jeans and his hole aching to be filled.

  He realized that with his hands tied behind his back he wouldn’t be able to jerk himself off as he sucked on Mick’s cock, and somehow that just made it hotter.

  The ground was slightly damp, the air smelling like earth and leaves, and Mason could feel the knees of his jeans getting wet. He leaned forward, ready to get started, but Mick yanked him back.

  “This isn’t your show, Mason. Be patient,” Mick said, his voice a low rumble. He reached down and stroked himself through his jeans, taking his time before fishing out the hard length of his cock.

  Mason was transfixed. Mick’s cock was everything an alpha’s cock should be, thick and hard and long, and drool started pooling in the bottom of his mouth. He swallowed noisily.

  “Open up and stick out your tongue.” Mick held his cock by the base. He squeezed his knot and reached down to wipe a bead of pre-cum off his slit with his index finger, feeding it to Mason. He wiped his finger on Mason’s tongue, and Mason shuddered.

  “That’s it. Taste your alpha,” Mick said, and Mason’s cock spasmed. He sucked on Mick’s finger, closing his lips around it, whining when it was pulled away.

  “Stop that,” Mick growled, stern. Mason clamped his jaw shut and stopped whining, embarrassed. “I told you to open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

  The words were strict, and Mason rushed to obey again. He opened his mouth and pushed out his tongue, panting and wishing that Mick would just get started.

  “Good boy.” Mick pulled him closer, and Mason was rewarded with a taste of the alpha’s cock. Mick pushed the bulbous head down, letting it rest on Mason’s tongue without moving it into Mason’s open mouth.

  It was excruciating. Mason wanted more than just a taste. He wanted to suck it.

  After a few seconds he got his wish. Mick pushed forward, the head of his cock sliding over Mason’s tongue and moving into his mouth. It tasted delicious, like salty come, and he could smell the scent of Mick’s body rising up into his nose.

  “No teeth,” Mick warned him, and Mason opened his jaws wider. He had to stretch to get Mick into his mouth, and even opening his jaw as wide as he could he couldn’t help but scrape the widest part of Mick’s head.

  “Look at you with your alpha’s cock in your mouth,” Mick growled. He sounded like he was just as affected as Mason felt. “Now show me what you can do.”

  At first Mason was confused, but when Mick just leaned back and watched him, he understood.

  At his own pace, that’s what Mick had said. It was up to him now to see just how much of his alpha’s cock he could take.

  Closing his lips over his teeth, he started pushing his mouth down on the hard length in front of him.

  Drool coating Mick’s cock, mixing with a steady stream of pre-cum, Mason got to work.


  Mick clenched his fists and closed his eyes, trying just as hard not to shoot his load as he was trying not to reach down and grab Mason by the hair and push him down on his cock.

  Mason was doing a much better job than he’d expected. He’d managed to fit the entirety of Mick’s length down his throat, though he didn’t stay down for long. His eyes were teary and he was choking himself, and each time he pushed himself down he gasped for breath like he was diving under water.

  It was amazing, and Mick wondered why he’d had such trouble getting his throat fucked.


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