Trucker and Pup

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Trucker and Pup Page 15

by Drew Hunt

  As he knelt on the tiled floor, praying to the porcelain, Joey heard the door open. Looking up, he saw Kevin nervously poke his head into the room. Joey returned his attention to the toilet and expelled another mouthful of foul tasting green fluid. Kevin entered the room, went straight to the wash hand basin and ran a face cloth under the hot tap. He then wiped Joey’s cold and clammy face.

  “Sir, I’m worried about you. Are you sure you don’t want me to call a doctor?”

  “I’m fine,” Joey croaked. The regurgitated bile had left a bitter taste in his mouth. “Water.”

  Kevin filled a glass and held it out to Joey, who took several deep gulps, the sudden shock of the cold water causing him to retch.

  Joey felt Kevin’s soft caresses on his bent back, then a gentle kiss between his shoulder blades.

  “Go back to bed, Sir. I’m gonna call the doctor.”

  “No, I don’t need a doctor.”

  Ever since he’d been a kid—and had to go to hospital to have his right arm set in plaster when he’d fallen out of a mate’s tree-house—he’d hated everything to do with the medical profession. Getting unsteadily to his feet, Joey wobbled his way back to bed. He pulled the quilt over himself, grateful to feel the warmth that was still trapped there.

  “You sure, Sir, I—”

  “For fuck’s sake! I said I didn’t want a bloody doctor!” Why won’t people just leave me alone?

  Kevin quickly backed out of the room and closed the door behind him.

  “Shit!” Joey’s head pounded. He shouldn’t have raised his voice. Closing his eyes momentarily, he tried to stop the jack-hammer which had taken up residence in his skull.

  Punching his pillows, Joey tried to get back to sleep, but it was no use. The hurt look on Kevin’s face kept floating into his mind.

  Swearing under his breath, Joey got out of bed, donned his dressing gown and went in search of his pup, hoping he hadn’t slunk off home.

  Hearing the muted noise of the TV, Joey headed for the living room. He spied Kevin curled up at one end of the sofa, his head resting on his drawn-up knees. Joey remained in the doorway for a few moments watching the changing light from the TV screen as it played across Kevin’s face. His heart began to ache. He’d hurt the most precious thing in his life. Kevin was just so sweet, constantly giving out love and expecting little in return.

  Joey suddenly sneezed, which caused Kevin to jump. Kevin’s moist brown eyes looked up, searching Joey’s face. The older man had a good idea what he was seeking.

  Walking to the front of the settee, Joey sank to his knees in front of Kevin. Taking hold of his lover’s hands, Joey looked up into those deep, trusting eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you. I know you were only trying to care for me, and I really appreciate that. I’m not myself lately, but that’s no excuse.”

  Kevin leant forward, wrapped his thin arms around Joey’s neck, and gave him a tender squeeze.

  Letting out a deep sigh of contentment, Joey pulled Kevin into a hug. “I’m sorry,” he said, hoping Kevin had forgiven him.

  “Sir, this isn’t right.”

  Joey’s heart quickened.

  “It should be me kneeling in front of you, not the other way round.”

  Joey shook his head. “Okay if I sit next to you then?”

  Kevin smiled his agreement.

  Joey got up from his knees. The room wasn’t especially warm, and he began to shiver.

  “You’re cold, I wish you’d go back to bed where it’s warmer. Sorry.” Kevin ducked his head no doubt worried Joey would be mad at him for speaking out of turn.

  Joey kissed the top of Kevin’s head, before having to turn away to sneeze. “I’ve spent the past three days in bed, and I’m bored out of my bloody brains.”

  “Do you want me to bring your duvet in here?”

  “Thanks, Pup.”

  Joey hated being ill. The worst part was the constant pounding in his head. He rubbed at his forehead, trying to remember if it was time for his next dose of pills.


  Joey looked up. Kevin was standing in the doorway, the folded duvet in his arms.

  “I’m all blocked up. Always happens when I get a cold.”

  Kevin frowned. “Okay, Sir, let me try something.”

  Kevin spread the duvet along the back of the couch, sat at the far end and patted his knee and asked Joey to lay with his head on Kevin’s lap.

  Joey took off his dressing gown—making sure Kevin got an eyeful of his naked body—before settling on the sofa cushions. Kevin pulled the duvet over Joey, tucking in where he could reach.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Joey grinned. Was Kevin’s voice a little shaky? Smiling, Joey willingly submitted himself to whatever Kevin was going to do to him. Kevin pressed his fingers onto Joey’s forehead, applying gentle pressure to the area just above the bridge of his nose. Kevin’s fingers then glided outwards towards the temples, where he drew a number of circles.

  “Wow, Pup, where’d you learn this?” Joey asked, opening his eyes to see Kevin’s tongue peeking from between his lips, his face a mask of concentration.

  “That’s naughty, keep those eyes closed.”

  “Oy, I’m meant to be the bossy one.”

  Kevin removed his fingers from Joey’s head and looked penitent.

  “Sorry, Pup, please carry on, you’re doing great.”

  As Kevin unhurriedly performed his massage, Joey could feel a growing bulge pressing into the back of his neck.

  When Kevin announced he’d finished, Joey turned round and lightly bit the lump in Kevin’s pants. “What do we have here?”

  Kevin went red. “It’s, um, well.”

  Joey cocked an eyebrow.

  “Well, um,” Kevin’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I got it ’cause I was touching you, Sir.”

  “Com’ere.” Despite not wanting to pass on his germs, Joey raised himself up and tenderly kissed Kevin on the lips. “You’re an angel.”

  Kevin’s smile of happiness warmed Joey’s insides.

  “Are you feeling any better, Sir?”

  Joey considered the question. His headache hadn’t gone away completely, but it had definitely lessened. “Yeah. Never knew my Pup had such healing hands.” Joey took hold of Kevin’s fingers and kissed them, causing the younger man to quiver. “I’ll just go and swallow a couple aspirin. They should see off the rest of my headache.”

  “It’s okay, Sir, I’ll go. You stay here under the quilt.”

  * * * *

  While Kevin was in the kitchen, someone knocked on the door. Thinking it best he answer it—he wouldn’t put it past his sir to greet whoever it was while still naked—Kevin called out that he’d get the door.

  “Trick or treat!” A group of three kids called out. The youngest, a little girl, was decked out in a witch’s costume, which looked about three sizes too large for her. The pointy hat she wore kept slipping down her face. The other two kids—both boys—wore whatever the male equivalent of a witch was. The children were accompanied by a rather bored looking older boy, whose only concession to the spirit of Halloween was an illuminated plastic pumpkin, which he held in his right hand. No doubt he’d been press ganged into the task by one of the kids’ parents.

  “Err, I’d forgotten it was Halloween,” Kevin said, wondering what he could give them. He didn’t think Joey would have any mini Mars bars or anything like that in the place.

  “Who is it?” Kevin heard from further up the hall.

  Shit! Kevin pushed the door until it was almost closed and whipped round to face his lover. To his relief, Joey had put on his dressing gown.

  “It’s okay, it’s only some trick or treaters.”

  “Send ’em away, I don’t believe in all that American crap. We didn’t have anything like that when I was a kid.”

  Kevin opened the door again, but he couldn’t send them away empty handed. “Sorry, I don’t think we’ve got any sweets. Here,” he dug into his p
ocket and gave the girl some money.

  “Thanks, Mister,” she said, smiling sweetly up at him.

  Kevin closed the door, and turned to face Joey, who was now standing next to him.

  “How much you give them?”

  “Only a pound, I didn’t have anything smaller.”

  “A quid? Fuck, You know what’ll happen now, they’ll go round and tell all their little friends that there’s a real soft bloke on the third floor. We’ll be plagued by the little buggers all evening.”

  Squeezing past Joey, Kevin said, “You know, you sound just like your mother.”

  “Com’ere, ya cheeky little sod!” Joey chased a giggling Kevin into the living room. Kevin managed a couple of circuits of the settee, before Joey tackled him to the carpet and sat on his chest. After wiping his runny nose with the sleeve of his dressing gown, Joey pinned Kevin’s shoulders to the floor. Kevin looked up at his lover’s unkempt short hair and his strong firm jaw, which showed a couple days worth of beard. He sprang an instant boner.

  “Right, you’ll pay for that comment.” Joey grinned evilly.

  Kevin was now so comfortable with his lover, he wasn’t frightened. He knew his sir would never hurt him. In fact he could tell Joey was keeping part of the weight of his body on his knees. However, Kevin thought it best to play along.

  “Oh, Sir, don’t hurt your poor innocent pup.” He smiled, just to let Joey know he was okay.

  “Innocent, you?”

  Joey began tickling Kevin, who squirmed around, but was unable to escape. He laughed until tears began to roll down his cheeks.

  When Joey stopped, Kevin took a couple of minutes to compose himself before asking, “Okay then, what would your mother have said if she’d come across those kids?”

  Joey pondered for a few seconds, before a broad smile lit up his face.

  Kevin knew he’d won the argument.

  “That’s neither here nor there.” Joey leant forward and kissed Kevin tenderly on the lips before rolling to the side.

  Kevin lay, looking at his lover. Despite Joey being the dominant one in their relationship, he was still capable of small acts of tenderness, which Kevin craved.

  “I’m going into the kitchen to get my pills. Sit and stay!” Joey said, pointing to the carpet.

  As well as his tender side, Kevin also thrilled when Joey indulged in role play with him.

  “If anyone comes to the door, I’ll get it, understand?” Joey said.


  Joey ruffled Kevin’s hair. “There’s a good pup.”

  * * * *

  Shaking a couple of aspirins into his palm, Joey swallowed them with a sip of water. The horsing around with Kevin had tired him out. He hated being weak. His cold had certainly laid him low. Giving the front door a serious stare, he padded back to the living room, thankfully now much warmer; Kevin had told him he hadn’t turned up the central heating, saying it hadn’t been worth putting it on just for him. Joey shook his head, knowing he still had some serious self-confidence boosting to do.

  Walking across to the settee, Joey felt Kevin’s eyes watching him. Like the obedient pup that he was, Kevin had remained on the carpet as ordered. Before sitting, Joey loosened the belt of his robe, causing it to fall open. Spreading his knees, he crooked his index finger and beckoned to Kevin “Come, heel.”

  Kevin began to crawl towards his master. Once there, he sat back on his heels and held his hands at either side of his chest and whined.

  “You been a good puppy for your owner?”

  “Woof, woof!”

  Joey smiled. Looking down at his penis, which had risen to full hardness with all the role play, he said, “Get at it then, Pup.”

  Kevin moistened his lips, sank to the carpet and to Joey’s surprise and total delight, began to lick the tops of his feet. He groaned. It was such a fucking turn on to be paid homage to like this. Joey reached down and began to rub Kevin’s shoulders, whispering soft words of encouragement.

  The unhurried act of worship continued for a number of minutes, Kevin steadily licking and kissing his way up his owner’s muscular legs. When Kevin bit very gently on Joey’s inner thighs, the older man thought he was going to shoot his wad. Joey was aware that area of his body had always been sensitive, but up until that point, he hadn’t realised exactly how sensitive.

  “Fucking hell!” Joey said when he heard someone knocking at the door then ring the bell. Kevin raised his head, spittle hanging from his lips, and looked pleadingly up at his master. “I bloody knew this would happen.”

  Kevin whimpered.

  “Go on then, fetch.”

  Kevin barked once before scampering away on his hands and knees. Joey wondered if Kevin would answer the door while still in character. He thought about going to check, but couldn’t be bothered, he needed to cool down from his tongue washing.

  Head resting against the back cushions of the sofa, Joey closed his eyes and relaxed. His eyes snapped open again when he felt wet kisses on his inner thighs. Pushing his hips out further, Joey watched his pup as he advanced towards his ultimate goal, which lay rigid and erect, flat up against Joey’s abdomen. A moan of satisfaction escaped from Joey’s throat when Kevin began to lick at his scrotum. Opening his soft lips wider, Kevin sucked first one then the other of Joey’s sensitive eggs into his warm moist mouth. Joey’s pleasure increased yet further when Kevin started humming, the vibrations spreading throughout Joey’s groin.

  “Jesus, Pup, I’m not gonna last much longer.”

  But it seemed Kevin wasn’t ready to finish his oral treatment quite yet. Releasing the suction on his lover’s left testicle, he swept his tongue further down, and began a series of broad, laving strokes along Joey’s perineum. Joey's eyes widened in shock. No one had ever done that to him before. It seemed way too much like him assuming the role of the bottom. But Joey was paralysed with pleasure. He couldn’t have stopped Kevin if he’d have wanted. And he didn’t want the feeling ever to end. He found to his amazement that he was raising his legs, giving Kevin even greater access to his anal region. Kevin must have sensed the unspoken permission, and he moved his tongue into Joey’s arse-crack.

  When Kevin’s tongue made contact with Joey’s tightly closed pucker, Joey’s whole body went rigid. “Jesus fucking Christ!” he exclaimed.

  When Joey’s mind registered the fact that the ecstatic ministrations had ceased, he focused his eyes on Kevin, who was sitting back on his heels, a worried expression on his face. “Get back to work!” Joey pushed Kevin’s face none too gently back against his exposed rear.

  An emboldened Kevin resumed his tongue worship with greater zeal, concentrating even more on Joey’s virgin sphincter.

  After a couple of minutes of gentle probing, Joey felt his muscle relax sufficiently to allow Kevin’s tongue to enter. Joey’s head thrashed from side-to-side, he moaned inarticulately as his brain registered stars, fireworks, nuclear explosions. But through his haze of euphoria, Joey still managed to hear the doorbell. He swore and clamped his hands on Kevin’s head, preventing him from pulling away. The vibrations caused by Kevin’s giggles around his now fully sensitised arse lips were the final straw. Letting out a primal scream, which probably scared away the trick or treaters, Joey’s cock began to erupt with massive amounts of semen.

  As his climax ebbed, Joey felt more than heard Kevin choking. Looking down, he saw that somehow he’d moved his lover’s face from his arse and impaled him on his cock. Joey had no memory of performing such an action. Pulling a coughing Kevin from his penis, Joey watched as the last few weak spurts of his climax landed on Kevin’s cheeks. The semen mingled with the tears that were flowing freely down Kevin’s face. Joey felt guilty; he’d selfishly if unintentionally hurt his pup. Licking Kevin’s wet face, he began to apologise profusely.

  After coughing a couple more times, Kevin was able to croak out, “Don’t worry, Sir, I’m okay.” Clearing his throat again, he continued, “Wow, you came so much. I thought for a minute I wa
s a goner.” After wiping his lips with the back of his hand, Kevin smirked, “But what a way to go.”

  Joey smiled broadly. “Thanks, Pup. But you know I’d never hurt you intentionally. I couldn’t.”

  Kevin laid a hand on Joey’s knee. “I know that, Sir, please don’t worry.”

  Cupping his lover’s face in his hands, Joey looked fondly down into those trusting eyes. “Pup,” Joey sighed, “Thank you. I’ve had, well,” Joey blushed, “I’ve had lots of men before, but you’re the tops.” He railed at his inability to get past all the macho crap and tell Kevin how he really felt. “Shit, I’m no good at all this.”

  Staring up at him, love shining in his eyes, Kevin said, “Don’t worry, Sir. It was better because, well, because you realised I was doing it out of my love for you.”

  “I know,” Joey nodded. “Thanks, Pup.”

  Looking fondly down at his man kneeling submissively in front of him, Joey realised Kevin hadn’t come. As he was still erect, Joey thought he might try something he’d read about. Lifting Kevin onto his lap, Joey reached for Kevin’s cock and retracted the foreskin. Joey then rolled the loose skin over his own circumcised glans. Being Jewish, Joey had never known what it was like to have that extra piece of skin covering his cock head. For years he’d despised his parents, the rabbis, the doctors or whoever it was who’d cut him when he was a baby. The cocooning warmth of Kevin’s sheath was magical. He thrilled at how the pair of them could join in such a special way. Wrapping the fingers of his right hand around the join, Joey began to slowly jerk the both of them off. He had to go slow so as not to break the connection.

  When Joey mouthed, “Come for me, Pup.” Kevin’s body started to convulse in orgasm. Joey tightened his grip trapping all of his lover’s seed inside their connected cocks. The feel of hot semen on his own cock-head brought Joey to the brink.

  It only took a couple more strokes before Joey shot for the second time. The volume of semen was too great to be held captive, and it oozed around both their softening members. Joey watched in childish fascination as their combined seed continued to leak out. When the flow had abated, Joey pulled Kevin onto his chest and kissed him deeply. As their tongues wrestled, their penile bond broke, allowing the remainder of their juices to flow freely.


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