My Princess: A Hotwife Novel

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My Princess: A Hotwife Novel Page 1

by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  1: New Job

  2: Princess Training

  3: Assignment: Princess

  4: Party Down

  5: On Assignment

  6: Falling

  7: Date Night

  8: Date Night

  9: All the Way

  10: Party Time

  11: Confrontation

  12: Odd Behavior

  13: Confession

  14: Invitation

  15: New Arrivals

  16: Fun With Friends

  Keep Reading!

  More from Lexi Archer

  Bonus Story! Model Bride

  1: Job Prospects

  2: Out of the Bag

  3: New Fantasy

  4: Processing

  5: Drop Off

  6: Naughty Interview

  7: Naughty Audition

  8: Cheating or Fantasy?

  9: Indecent Offer

  10: Fantasy World

  11: Almost Caught

  12: The Plot Thickens

  13: Video Evidence

  14: Secret Revealed

  15: Confession

  16: Negotiations

  17: Down the Aisle

  18: Wedding Night

  19: Dirty Honeymoon

  20: To Have and to Hold

  More from Lexi

  My Princess

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2016 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, September 2016

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: New Job


  I paused at the entrance to the backlot. It seemed a little silly to call it that since this was an amusement park, but they liked the comparison to the movie industry for the “guests” so I figured that’s what I was going to call it now that I was an official employee of the Royal Company working at Royal Realms.

  I still couldn’t believe it. Sure the pay was shit, but you didn’t go to work at Royal Realms for the pay. No, you went for the experience of working at a fucking American institution. You went for the fun summers away from home. It also would help quite a bit with my resume when I got done with my internship.

  All I had to do was cross that barrier from the park proper to the backlot where the employees went. I knew the magic stopped once I went across that barrier, but it was still difficult to not have a bit of a moment here.

  I’d made it.

  I took a deep breath and stepped up to the bored looking security guard in a crisp white uniform who was looking at me as though he saw hundreds of starry-eyed college students showing up with the same look of disbelief I just had.

  He probably did.

  “Name?” he asked.

  “Isaac Thomas,” I said. “I’m part of the new…”

  “Go on through Isaac,” he said with a smile that never quite reached his eyes. At least he had the smile down. It seemed like everyone who worked at this place smiled. I was never sure if that was because they genuinely enjoyed their jobs or if there was a Royal Realms Stepford thing going on here where no one was allowed to be happy.

  Thankfully they’d set up signs leading new recruits to the orientation. I went through a maze that was a dizzying array of everything I loved about this park when I came here as a kid and a teenager. People in costumes. Technicians moving back and forth. Even the people who were walking around with brooms and trash cans like they were off to clean some mess seemed to be happy about being back here.

  It had to be a great place to work if the people sweeping the trash were stoked about the privilege of getting to sweep the trash!

  Though the people picking up the trash weren’t the real highlight. The people walking around in semi-creepy costumes representing some of the most iconic cartoon characters in history weren’t even the draw. No, the real draw were the people all dressed up in costume who showed their faces. The princes and princesses from Royal Company movies.

  I paused and gawked as a gorgeous redhead walked past. She was in a bright purple dress that clung to her body in all the right places. I wondered if the costume designers did that on purpose to give a little something for the dads to enjoy while their daughters were spending time with their princess of choice.

  I saw several of them as I walked around the behind the scenes area, and every one of them was more gorgeous than the last. I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven and I was surrounded by supermodels on all sides. There would be more time for that later, though. Right now I had an orientation to get to.

  If I was late to that there was a good chance I’d get fired on my first day and then I’d never have a chance to hit on one of those supermodel princesses.

  I made my way through the dizzying maze until I found myself in front of a nondescript building that looked like it hadn’t been updated since this whole place was thrown together back in the ‘60s. Thankfully there was air conditioning. That was a must in a park like this where it was hot all day long and the temperature could easily climb into the 90s.

  I took another deep breath, I seemed to be doing that a lot today, and stepped through the door into the icy air beyond. Someone took my name and I was pulled down to a class where apparently all the new hires of the day were being shown a video about the Royal Realms legacy and the importance of keeping to the park’s high standards.

  I looked around the room and smiled as I saw someone waving me over. Dan. One of two roommates I’d be spending the summer with. Royal Realms might pay people to come out here for internships, but they also stuffed people into small apartments with as many people as could fit. There were times I was surprised I didn’t end up with bunk beds. That would’ve really put a cramp on my social life if I ever happened to get with one of those lovely princesses!

  “Thought you weren’t going to make it,” Dan said.

  “Yeah well I got a little distracted while I was on the way in here,” I said.

  Dan rolled his eyes. “Were you looking at the beautiful people dressed up to play pretend?”

  “Maybe,” I said with a touch of defensiveness coming to my voice. Dan seemed cool enough, but he definitely didn’t buy into the magic of working here. To him it was just a job. Albeit a job in a very nice part of the country surrounded by hotties on all sides.

  We quieted down as the movie rolled and went through a cartoon explaining exactly what was expected of us now that we were embarking on our summer careers at Royal Realms. Even though it was done by the Royal Company it was a little boring, and it looked like they hadn’t updated the orientation cartoon since at least the ‘80s. I could tell that a couple of the characters were still using older voice actors from around that time period, not that I thought anyone else in the room was obsessed enough to notice.

  The rest of the morning’s orientation was a breeze from there. It was all generic stuff that they went over with everyone and it was pretty boring. We had to fill out a few forms and there was at least one pop quiz to make sure we were paying attention to a couple of the videos, but soon enough we were let loose in the staff commissary to enjoy our lunch.

  I sat down with a tray loaded with a burger and fries. I took a bite and was a little surprised at how good it was, though I don’t know why I should be surprised. Everything they did here was done with an insane attention to detail, and it seemed ridiculous to assume they’d do any less for the staff area.

  “So what do you think of everything so far?” Dan asked.

  “It’s pretty amazing being here,” I said. “I mean I came here on vacations every couple of years with my parents, but we always had to leave and I always hated it. The idea of being here for an entire summer is pretty wild!

  “I bet it is,” Dan said. “The first years are always a little weird like that, but you’ll realize it’s just a job soon enough.”

  “Wait, so this isn’t your first year here?” I asked.

  “Not at all,” Dan said. “This will be my second. I know a couple of people who are here for year three. Good work if you can get it, even if they do pay for shit.”

  “I think it’s reasonable enough considering they’re putting us up for the summer,” I said.

  I was about to go on defending my new employer when I was distracted by something in the background. More particularly several somethings walking past behind us in bright dresses. More princesses, every one of them absolutely gorgeous. Every one of them carrying a tray with food that wouldn’t run the risk of getting on their dress and staining it. Not to mention that it didn’t seem that any of them were eating all that much to begin with.

  I guess it took some work to be able to fit into those dresses all summer long.

  One in particular caught my eye, though. A pretty blonde with striking green eyes and a perfect body that was outlined in her dress that was tight in all the right places without being immodest. The whole Royal Realms schtick seemed to be to sexualize that stuff just enough that it encouraged people to look but not enough that parents’ groups got up in arms about them destroying the fabric of American morality or anything like that.

  As they walked past the blonde with the gorgeous green eyes turned to smile at me and I felt my heart stop. None of the others looked in our direction. They had their eyes forward and their noses up like they were too good for this place or something, which seemed odd since we were all in this together. Not the blonde, though. She locked eyes with me and if anything that grin got even wider.

  At least until she nearly tripped on her dress because she wasn’t watching where she was going. She managed to catch herself at the last moment before she slammed into the girl in front of her and then she was rushing off with a blush. Which was a pity. I wouldn’t have minded having her around for a little while longer!

  Dan followed my gaze and grinned as he obviously checked out the girls walking away from us. I had to admit it was a singularly hypnotic sight watching them walk in those dresses. It was difficult for me to pull my attention away.

  “You can forget all about that, buddy,” he said.

  “What do you mean? I’m pretty sure that blonde was checking me out!”

  “Yeah? And I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you. She wasn’t checking you out. Trust me. If she looked over here then it was just because she saw a prince or something behind you. They get a lot of attention from the ladies even if most of them are gay,” he said.

  “Most of the princesses are gay?” I asked.

  “No, you idiot. Most of the princes are. Means that the few who are straight get most of the action from the princess set,” he said.

  “What are you talking about? You’re going on about them like they’re actual royalty or something.”

  Dan sighed and put his fork down. “Isaac, my boy. You had to learn this eventually. I’m just sad that it had to be from me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Is this some more of that wisdom you said you were going to pass down to me or something?”

  “Of course it is! Now listen closely. All of those girls might as well be royalty as far as you’re concerned. You’ll learn about this sooner or later. There’s a pecking order to things around here. It’s the way the world works. Nothing you can do about it.”

  “A pecking order?” I asked, not quite sure what the hell he was talking about. This was the first I’d heard of anything like this.

  “Exactly,” he said as though that was all he needed. As though that made all the sense in the world.

  “So what do you mean by a pecking order?”

  Dan sighed. “What I mean is that there is a way things work around here. I thought I explained this?”

  “You didn’t. You just said there was an order. You didn’t tell me what it was,” I replied.

  “Newbies,” Dan muttered. “So here’s how it works. You have people who work in the park on the low end of the totem pole. We hang out with each other outside of the park and it’s a pretty cool group. You’ll find some pretty good lookers in that crowd too, but more girl next door types. Nothing like the supermodels you see playing characters.”

  “Dude, you’re talking like we don’t have a chance with those girls or something,” I said. “That’s crazy!”

  “Is it? The thing I’m trying to get across is you don’t have a chance with those girls. They won’t even date the people in the full mask costumes. It’s just the way things go.”

  “But I’m a good looking guy and I know that girl was checking me out,” I said.

  “You’re just doing some wishful thinking buddy,” he said. “That girl wasn’t checking you out and even if she was she’s not going to date you because you’re just a worker. You’re not one of the exalted actors. Trust me. I’ve seen the aftermath of a guy getting too big for his britches and thinking he could ask out the royalty. It’s not pretty.”

  “You’re full of it,” I said.

  “Oh yeah? Watch this?” he said. He pointed to a guy on the other side of the commissary who was approaching one of the princess tables. “Happens to one guy at every orientation. Poor bastard doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.”

  The guy reached the table and tried to say something to a pretty girl with dark hair. They were far enough away and there was enough noise all around us that I couldn’t really make out what was being said. It was pretty damn obvious that the girls at the table weren’t interested in what he was saying either. They acted like they didn’t hear him at all. They just ignored the poor bastard.

  “See? What did I tell you?” Dan asked. “As far as they’re concerned he doesn’t even exist.”

  “Damn. That’s cold,” I said. “But that doesn’t mean anything. The guy went up to her cold. Maybe she just wasn’t interested?”

  “Trust me. They’ll do that to anyone. Watch around the commissary. You have a lot of poor bastards who come out here thinking they’ll be the one special snowflake who bags a princess and they always get ignored if they’re lucky.”

  I went back to my burger, but I did keep an eye out for the rest of the l
unch. I saw at least a couple of other people go up and try to talk to one of the actors, but they were ignored too. I also noticed that people were definitely congregating with other people from their level. Workers like us and orientation people sat together. There was a table of gorgeous girls who weren’t in their princess outfits yet, but it was pretty obvious that they were going to be actresses out in the park soon enough.

  Huh. I guess even now the division was starting. Weird.

  I refused to believe that’s what it was like for everyone though. Of course someone was going to get turned down if they were so awkward that they thought it was okay to go up and bother someone while they were eating lunch. Maybe I was a dreamer, but I still wanted to believe in the magic.

  Even if in this case the magic was a night with one of those beauties.

  2: Princess Training


  I stepped into the commissary and had a look around. I’d been looking forward to this all year. That magical moment when I stepped in and saw everyone so excited about being at Royal Realms for another summer. Everyone so excited to be a part of something that was truly magical.

  I knew that I got to be a part of something magical. Spending my entire day dressed up like a princess and letting little girls feel like they were princesses? This had been my dream job ever since I was a little girl and saw videos of the park on the Royal Realms Channel.

  “Isn’t this all so amazing?” I asked.

  “Amazing? You know you don’t have to do that bubbly routine when we’re not out with the public, right?”

  I cast an irritated look towards Brandy. Sometimes it amazed me that she could be as good at this job as she was. I guess she was proof that sometimes all you needed was to be a really good actress. I tried to live the role of a Royal Realms princess. Brandy, on the other hand, could be surly and sarcastic right up to the moment she stepped out in front of people and then she was all glowing smiles.


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