One Wild Ride

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One Wild Ride Page 9

by Shyla Colt

  Juliette appeared, and they all gasped. The gown made her skin glow. She was a slender vision with a giant smile plastered across her face.

  “Oh my God, you look amazing!” Evonne cheered.

  “Seriously stunning, Jul,” Hil concurred.

  Juliette spun to face them.

  Joey nodded as her eyes watered. She held a hand to her mouth, completely stunned by just how beautiful Juliette looked. This was the face of true happiness.

  “Mom?” Juliette lifted the layered material gently.

  “You look absolutely breathtaking!” Irene grabbed Juliette’s hand. “This is the one, baby.”

  “I think so too.” Juliette beamed.

  Joey couldn’t help but be swept into the joy. Mission accomplished.

  * * * * *

  “Hey man, what do you know about the Crazy Eights?” Moose asked while nursing a beer at the bar beside Shooter.

  “Depends, what do you want to know?” Shooter shrugged.

  “What’s our agreement with them exactly?”

  “Pretty much, they have the outskirts and the next town as their territory. We make nice, and everyone continues their lives. What’s going on?”

  “An Eight hit on Joey last night.”

  Shooter snickered. “She’s a good-looking girl.”

  “Yeah, but he was persistent. He wouldn’t leave her alone until she told him her name.”

  Shooter frowned. “Did she tell him she was Mayhem property?”

  “No.” Moose shook his head. “Just told him he flew the wrong flags.”

  Shooter laughed. “I’d like to have seen that. She knows a lot for someone from suburbia.”

  “I know. I’ve been meaning to ask her about it, but—she has a way of distracting me.”

  “Yeah, I bet,” Shooter mumbled.

  “Ey, don’t act like you aren’t getting hitched in a few months.”

  “Never said I wasn’t.” Shooter grinned.

  Moose rolled his eyes and flicked his wrist. “Kachee,” he said, mimicking the sound of a whip flying through the air.

  Shooter shook his head. “But back to Joey, sounded like the guy was just barking up the wrong tree. She didn’t tell him you were Mayhem, so maybe he didn’t give a fuck. Did he scare her?”

  “It was more than me not liking it. I wondered if maybe they were in league with Peter’s crew.”

  Shooter tensed. “Did he say something that made you think that?”

  “No, I would’ve told you immediately. But I think we’re all waiting for the other shoe to drop in that situation,” Moose said.

  “Yeah, we’re all thinking it. If we let it make us crazy though, they’ll win,” Shooter said.

  “I hear what you’re saying and it sounds good in theory. But let me ask you this, you willing to bet your old lady’s life on it?” Moose asked.

  “I didn’t say we shouldn’t look into it,” Shooter said.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Does the name Snubs mean anything to you?”

  “Snubs…” Shooter’s eyelids flew up. “You sure that was his name?”

  “Yeah, she said that’s what it read on the patch.” Moose frowned. “Why?”

  “Because that’s their V.P.” Shooter looked troubled. “What the hell would he be doing at that club, hitting on a chick when he has a clubhouse full of women falling all over themselves to get to him?”

  “Fucking fantastic, now I like the situation even less.” Moose scowled. The way he’d doggedly pestered Joey for her name made him twitchy. Why would he care, unless he needed it for some reason?

  “Hey, I say no harm, no foul. Chances are, they’ll never run into each another again, and if they do? Joey can set him straight.”

  “I want to look into it more anyways.” Moose scowled.

  “Figured. What do you want to do?”

  “Learn more about Snubs and the Eights. Specifically, how they treat and acquire their women.” The world they lived in was a dark one, and some had no morals.

  “I’m pretty sure they don’t peddle flesh if that’s what you’re worried about,” Shooter offered.

  “I want to be positive.”

  “All right, we can ask Maverick. He knows everyone’s dirty laundry.”

  “Good.” Moose nodded. The tension eased from his shoulders.

  Shooter finished off his drink. “I’m guessing you want me to hit him up right now?”

  “That obvious?” Moose shook his head. Women had a way of complicating life.

  “I know the look of a concerned male. I wore it long enough.” Shooter snickered.

  “How is that coming along? No trickle down?” Moose wondered about the ass who abused Juliette before she met Shooter.

  “Nothing so far, which makes me even more suspicious. If his partners were anything like Peter’s crazy ass, they shouldn’t be taking it lying down. Don’t let Joey know I’m worried. I don’t want to get Juliette on edge. She’s been through enough.”

  “You know I don’t do sharing corner like that, brother.”

  “You seem pretty tight.” Shooter raised a brow.

  “Yeah, I’m man enough to admit I’m in deeper than I ever imagined myself being. She just gets me and this life.” He shrugged. “It’s not something every woman could handle. Plus, she puts it down like a boss.”

  Shooter laughed. “Things I didn’t need to know about my old lady’s best friend.”

  “Shit, I had to tell someone. Didn’t think she had it in her, man. She’s a freaking lioness.” He licked his lips, thinking about the night before. She’d taken to the candle play like a fish to water. His cock twitched in his pants. She made it difficult not to become completely enamored with her. “Do you know what the meeting is about?” Moose asked, grasping on to the distraction.

  “No clue.”

  The door opened. Gadget and Specs walked in together. The two best friends had an apartment together not too far away. Both were sons of Lords of Mayhem patch holders, who’d done their prospecting together. The two nodded, and Moose waved them over.

  “It must be semi serious if he called in the technical twins,” Shooter observed.

  “Shit, knowing Tiny, it could be a healthy bout of paranoia setting in.” Moose rolled his eyes.

  There was a reason Tiny stayed on top. He thought about everything that could go wrong and took preventative action. They had a Plan A, B, and C drilled into their heads for worst-case scenarios.

  Moose glanced down at his watch. “Let’s open up the conference room. They should be trickling in soon. We got thirty minutes ’til we start.”

  * * * * *

  “Calling the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.” Moose tapped his gavel down.

  They all turned to look at Tiny, who stood from his seat at the head of the table. “I know this meeting was last minute. I received news that made me want to tighten up security.” Tiny cleared his throat. “We just found out Boston is pregnant.”

  Moose’s jaw dropped as murmurs rose around the room.

  “Yeah, you think you’re shocked,” Tiny said half laughing. “We’re excited. It’s about time we started working on the next generation to pass the title down to. I want more cameras around my house and the club. We’re going to get some new protocol going just for families in case of a lockdown situation with infants. This is all new for us. We haven’t had babies around in the M.C. in a long time. We were founded on a family-first mentality and I want to make sure that continues. Over the past ten years, we’ve busted our ass securing our position, building up our finances and solidifying our alliances. It’s time we expand and look inward. With Shooter’s wedding coming up and Boston expecting. I feel like we’re headed in the right direction.”

  One by one, the heads turned to look at Moose.

  “Don’t fucking look at me. Congrats, boss man!” Moose stood up and clapped the Prez on his shoulder.

  “Thanks, I’m hoping for a boy first at least. Then he can decimate anyone who even look
s at his sister wrong later.”

  They all laughed, and the mood lightened as celebration filled the space. They dismissed the meeting fifteen minutes later with Gadget and Specs headed to the local electronic stores to get everything installed and set up by the end of the night.

  “Hey, mate, you got a minute?” Moose called to Maverick.

  “Yeah what’s up?” he asked, stopping to stand beside him.

  “My sweetheart had a run-in with a guy from the Eights named Snubs. What can you tell me about him?”

  Maverick shook his head and let out a wolf whistle. “Snubs. The guy is every bit as hardcore as his name. Crazy son of a bitch.” He shook his head. “Tell me about this run-in.”

  “Not much to tell, she told him he was barking up the wrong tree, but he was persistent.”

  “She claim Mayhem?” Maverick asked.

  “No, just said his flags were wrong,” Moose said.

  “I never heard of anything going down with the Eights and women. If she told him to step off, I imagine he will. Moral compass-wise, they’re like us. A little busted, but not completely broken,” Maverick said.

  “Thanks, man, that takes the weight off,” Moose said.

  Maverick smirked. “No problem. Shit getting serious with you and Joey, I take it?”

  “Let’s just say she’ll be around for awhile, eh?” Moose answered.

  “Better be careful. With Tiny’s wild hair up his ass, he’ll have you hitched up and living in marital bliss.” Maverick rolled his eyes.

  “Fuck, man, don’t even say that shit out loud.” Moose shuddered. The thought of a ring and paperwork made him want to break out in hives.

  Maverick laughed. “That all you needed?” he asked.

  “Yeah, man,” Moose said.

  “All right, I’m going to hit up the bar. The new house mouse is sexy as hell.” Maverick wiggled his eyebrows.

  Moose glanced at the dark-haired girl with caramel skin slinging drinks in a tiny pair of cutoffs and a tight white tank top. She was pretty, but she held no pull for him. And I called Shooter whipped. Acquired by Slick in a poker game with another chapter, Layla had taken over for Red. Quiet but witty and always ready with a smile, she seemed like an okay chick.

  “Feeling better?” Shooter asked, appearing by his side.

  “Somewhat. We’ll see what happens as time goes by,” Moose said.

  “Damn, dude, I think Tiny’s paranoia is wearing off,” Shooter said.

  “Better to be prepared than unaware.”

  “Wow, quoting him too. You trying to earn some brownie points?” Shooter laughed.

  “Ah, fuck off, man.”

  “Sorry, can’t. I have a hot date with a wedding-cake tasting.”

  “You’re enjoying this entirely too much,” Moose taunted.

  “Come on, who doesn’t love cake?”

  “It’s more than the tasting. It’s the whole process. What gives? How do you go from never committing to racing down the aisle?” Moose leaned back on the stool.

  “I met the right woman. The thought of losing her scares me more than any of my other hang-ups about relationships ever did.” He shook his head. “I spent my whole life fucked up about some bitch who couldn’t have cared less. That’s a lot of power to hand over to someone who’s off living her life and not thinking twice about it.” He shook his head. “The thought sobered me up fast.”

  “Yeah, I can see how it would,” Moose said, still reeling from his friend’s about-face.

  “You think I’m nuts? I can see it in your face, but you’re halfway there yourself. Joey is special and the two of you click. Which says a lot ’cause, my friend, you are weird as shit.”

  “I prefer the word eccentric.”

  “See that whole statement…weird. Hold on to this one. ” Shooter patted him on the shoulder. “Later, man.”

  She’s already gotten more out of me than I thought I had to give. Not everyone needs a ring and a contract. I think that’s plenty.

  * * * * *

  Wanderer walked toward the house. It had been months since he last visited and never in broad daylight. His palms were sweaty and his heart hammered against his ribs. She’d be pissed. But the time for secrecy and sealed lips had come to an end. It all would come out eventually and as usual, he’d make damn sure it was on his terms. He lifted his hand and knocked, hooking his thumbs through his belt loop as he flexed and relaxed his biceps.

  The door opened, and Ellen’s full lips formed an O. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I came to talk,” Wanderer said.

  “Without calling first? What if Joey had been here?” Ellen said.


  Her brown eyes flashed and she clenched her jaw. Her high cheekbones stood out, and her almond-shaped eyes narrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Ellen asked, narrowing her gaze.

  “Exactly what it sounded like,” Wanderer said.

  “Get in here and explain yourself.” She stepped away from the door, allowing him to enter the house.

  “Have you forgotten who you’re talking to?”

  “I’m no longer part of your crew. You don’t get to command me around. It’s a right you gave up a long time ago.”

  “How long are you going to bust my balls about that, Ellen? I said I was sorry.”

  “Last time I checked, an apology doesn’t allow you to travel back in time and fix past mistakes.”

  He kicked the door shut behind him.


  “I’ll fix it if it breaks.”

  “Because money solves everything with you, right?”

  “Damn it, Ellen.” He slapped the wall.

  Ellen remained a few inches away. Her gaze was steady and she stood unflinching. She’d never been the type to scare easily, but after the upbringing she had, it didn’t surprise him.

  “What do you want?” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, and he was drawn to the cleavage visible in the formfitting black tank top. You. “I told you, to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “Joey and the man she’s been hanging out with.”


  “Is that his name?” He scowled, cataloguing the information for later.

  “Yes and she’s happy as hell. Now if you have something important I should know about this M.C. I’m willing to listen. Otherwise let the girl live her life.”

  “No, the Lords of Mayhem are good people, allies. We’ve never had a problem with them, and the Prez, Tiny, has a real good head on his shoulders.”

  “So, what’s the problem, Wanderer?”

  “Why did you leave, Stargazer?”

  “You really want to go into that now?”

  “Would I ask if I didn’t?”

  “Because, you were too scared to man up and handle your business. The title of president meant more than me, us, your child.”

  The words were a heavy weight on his chest. “You think I don’t think about that daily?”

  “You always seemed to sleep well at night to me. As long as you threw money our way and made sure we were well enough off.”

  He ran his hands through his hair. “I had an M.C. to run. My dad died unexpectedly. I was scrambling to keep the boys from flipping their shit and to make the families feel safe and well cared for. I couldn’t be the man you needed, either of you. Starting shit with your dad at that time would have been suicide. We would’ve imploded.” His thought drifted to the surly bastard who’d never taken care of her like he should. The go-to man when you needed a dirty job done, he’d have wanted his pound of flesh for Wanderer not coming correct from the start.

  A member of a charter a few hours away, her father had allowed Ellen to spend her time with them because the old ladies had taken a shine to her. None of them had missed the bruises or her cowed behavior around him.

  “And I understood that at first. What’s the excuse for after?”

  He shook his head.

  “Right.” She
shook her head. “Fucking unbelievable, Joseph!”

  He cringed at his given name. “I was young and stupid. What do you want me to say?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I want you to remain a silent partner in our daughter’s life,” she said.

  The words dug the knife deeper. “Fuck that, Ellen.” He stalked toward her, backing her into the wall. “Don’t act like we haven’t been fucking this entire time,” she said.

  “That’s the one thing you were always more than willing to do with me. Good enough to screw, just not to claim, right? Me or your daughter.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. It’s time to let the world know you’re mine, both of you,” he said. He clutched her face in his hand, refusing to let her turn away from him.

  “Because another man is trying to put his mark on Joey? No thanks,” she said, shoving him away and wiggling out from under his body.

  He bowed his head, resting his forehead against the cool wall as he mentally counted to ten. I deserve this. Anger under control, he turned to face her. “So you telling me I can’t see my own kid, tell her the truth?” he said.

  “No, I’m saying I’m not going to allow you to come at her all fucked up,” she said.

  “I’m checking this kid out, Ellen,” he said.

  “Fine, do it covertly and keep your opinions to yourself unless he’s some kind of serial killer.”

  “This isn’t where she belongs! You expect me to watch her fly their flag instead of ours? She’s not an old lady. She has a rightful legacy.”

  “Don’t you think that choice is up to her?” she asked.

  “It’s not a choice. It’s a fact of life.”

  Ellen shook her head. “Not for my daughter. I left to allow her to do whatever the fuck she wanted. I’m sorry you don’t like the path she’s taken, but no one is taking away her freedom.”

  “So we’re at a stalemate.”

  “I guess so.”

  He shook his head. “You know I’m not going to stand for this.”

  “You can do whatever you like. I’m not the one who has to prove a damn thing. So if you plan on going in all boss M.C. Prez, you might want to think about that.”

  “Never make it easy, do you?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? What do you think the past twenty-some years have been?” She balled her hands into fists and shook her head, making the dark curls bounce.


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