Broadway Baby

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Broadway Baby Page 7

by Alexandra James

  “I see that,” Shelby’s voice was thick with sleep. “Scooch so you can get under the covers with me.”

  “I’m not tired anymore.”

  “Lily it is in the middle of the night, I am very tired. Come on, keep me company while I get a little more sleep.”

  “Do I have to sleep?” Lily’s question was followed by a large yawn.

  “I just want you to keep me company, Lily. Come on, snuggle with me,” Shelby encouraged.

  “Okay Mama, but just so you don’t get lonely.”

  “Thank you, baby.” Shelby smirked in the dark as she felt Lily crawl under the covers and curl into her. Giving Lily a kiss to the top of her head Shelby allowed herself to relax once more as Lily’s breathing evened out allowing both to fall into a well-deserved sleep.

  Chapter Four

  “Mama, I’m hungry,” Lily said as she snuggled into Shelby, her tummy growling loudly.

  “A few more minutes, baby,” Shelby muttered.

  “Mama, I’m hungry now!” Lily’s whine caused Shelby to fully wake up.

  Opening her eyes she looked down at the teen cuddled into her side. “I’m awake, Lily and I can hear your tummy from here. I guess you are hungry.”

  Lily nodded. “I am really hungry, Mama. I’ve been up forever and you just kept sleeping.”

  “I am sorry,” Shelby yawned and stretched. “Let me use the bathroom and I will be ready to make you breakfast.”

  “French toast?” Lily asked batting her dark eyes.

  “French toast sounds good.”

  “Yippee!” Lily bounced on the bed while Shelby moved off to the bathroom. “I’ll wait for you in the kitchen, Mama. I can help.”

  “Don’t you get anything out, Lily Anne, wait for me.”

  “Okay Mama.”

  * * *

  “Lily Anne Prescott!”

  Shoving another cookie into her mouth, Lily waved to Shelby with one hand while trying to hide the half-eaten package behind her back with the other. The bowl of fruit was still on the floor along with a bag of bagels, where they’d both been knocked off the counter during the cookie rescue mission. Lily’s face was covered in chocolate streaks, and her pajama top was littered with cookie crumbs.

  “What are you doing?” Shelby demanded moving forward quickly and taking the almost empty package of cookies from the teen.

  Swallowing hard Lily smiled, “Having a snack before breakfast. Those cookies sure were good. You should try one, Mama. They’d take that frown right off your face.”

  “Didn’t I tell you not to get into anything or take anything out?”

  Lily nodded. “I didn’t get into just anything, Mama. I got into the cookies. I didn’t take anything out for breakfast. You never said I couldn’t take the cookies out.”

  Saying nothing Shelby moved to the pantry and placed the cookie bag on the top shelf. “These cookies stay here unless I get them for you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Mama,” Lily frowned. “But those sure are good cookies. Are you sure we can’t have one more?”

  Holding her smile Shelby put on the most serious face she had, “I am sure, Lily Anne. No cookies for breakfast.”‘

  * * *

  “This sucks,” Lily pouted as she faced the corner moments later. Shelby had guided her there without a word and then gave her a good swat telling her to not move.

  “Not another word, Lily,” Shelby directed.

  A heavy sigh met the direction, and Shelby looked from the stove, where she was putting the finishing touches on a real breakfast, to the corner. Damned if Lily didn’t look too cute for words. Her short-set pajamas gave her the look of a much younger girl, and the fact that Lily had her head leaning against the wall while she waited was, to Shelby, adorable.

  Placing the last of the French toast on the plates, Shelby put the food and condiments on the table before asking Lily to join her. She then put a glass of juice at Lily’s seat and a mug of coffee at her own. Shelby couldn’t stop the smile when Lily looked longingly at the coffee in her mug.

  “Couldn’t I have just a small cup of coffee, Mama?” Lily asked.

  “Juice for you, Lily.” Shelby’s voice was firm making Lily sigh once more.

  “Fine, but when I complain of a headache later you’ll only have yourself to blame.”

  “I’ll take the risk. Eat up, little girl, you and I need to talk about a few things today.”

  “Are cookies part of that talk?” Lily asked pausing from shoving her toast into her mouth. “Because I think we should have a rule that cookies for breakfast can be a very good thing.”

  “Yes Lily, I promise you that we will talk about cookies.”

  “Goody.” Lily began to swing her legs under the table. “This is the best French toast, Mama. How did you learn to make it just right?”

  “Years of practice.”

  Lily nodded, “I guess so, after all, you’re almost ancient. I mean when was the last time you jumped on the bed or decided to have cookies for breakfast?”

  “Back when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth.”

  “Wow, did you get to ride in cars like Fred Flintstone?”

  “All the time.”

  “And did you…”

  “Yes, I had a Pebbles hairdo as well,” Shelby teased.

  Lily giggled as she put the last of her breakfast in her mouth. “You’re silly, Mama.”

  “I try.” Shelby finished her food as well and motioned for Lily to help her put the dishes in the sink. “Ready for a bath before we talk?” she asked turning from the sink and looking down at Lily.

  “With bubbles?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll be in the bathroom waiting,” Lily called stripping as she ran through the apartment.

  * * *

  Entering the bathroom Shelby took a deep breath, “Freeze, little girl.”

  Stopping before the bubbles were tipped into the tub, a now naked Lily turned slowly. “I was just helping, Mama.”

  “Thank you for wanting to help, Lily, but Mama gets the tub ready for your bath.”


  “Because I don’t need you to use the whole bottle to make bubbles,” Shelby explained.

  “But I wasn’t gonna use the whole bottle,” Lily protested as she flushed the toilet. “Just half.”

  “That’s still too much, Lily.”

  “But I like tons of bubbles.”

  “And you will have a ton of bubbles,” Shelby promised. “Pick some toys for your bath and by the time you’re done you can get into the bath.”

  “Okay.” Going to the basket of toys in the corner of the bathroom, Lily rooted through it, quickly and pulled out three of her favorite toys in addition to a large bath crayon. “I think I’ll use purple today, I feel it’s a purple kind of day.”

  “Ready?” Shelby asked.


  “In you go,” Shelby helped Lily into the tub handing her the toys and placing the bath crayon on the edge of the tub. “I’ll let you play for a bit, and then I’ll help get you washed.”

  “Will you wash my hair, Mama?”

  “Don’t I always?”

  Lily nodded, “Yeah, but I had to check. You are getting old,” Lily teased again.

  “You are such a scamp,” Shelby kissed the top of Lily’s head and sat down on the closed toilet lid, allowing Lily to play as she had promised.

  Shelby watched as Lily seemed to lose herself completely into little Lily. The girl was singing to herself as she played with her toys and then began telling a story as she took the purple bath crayon and began to draw pictures to go along with the story on the wall.

  “Do you like my pictures, Mama?”

  “I love your pictures, baby.” Shelby kneeled on a folded towel on the floor and grabbed the nearby washcloth. Dipping it into the tub she once more thanked the inventors of three in one bodywash. Shelby slowly began to wash Lily’s back as gently as possible.

  “Tell me about the cookies
this morning, Lily.”

  “I just felt like cookies, Mama.” Lily shrugged. “They make me feel better when I’m sad.”

  “And you were feeling sad this morning?” Shelby pressed.

  “Maybe just a little bit,” Lily admitted. “But not as sad as I was last night.”

  “Can you tell me what made you so sad?” Shelby moved to wash Lily’s arms being sure to take her time and pay special attention to massaging her fingers.

  “I’m glad you’re my Mama,” Lily replied skirting the question.

  “And I’m glad you’re my baby girl, but you didn’t answer my question, Lily.”

  “Do I hafta, Mama? I don’t like to think about it.”

  “I think it would help if you talked to Mama about this,” Shelby pushed. “I’m safe, Lily and I will not get upset at anything you have to say.”

  “You promise?” Lily whispered as Shelby began to wash Lily’s torso.

  Putting her hand under Lily’s chin Shelby moved her face until they were staring into each other’s eyes. “I promise, baby. I will never get mad or upset with you when you have something important to tell me. I love you, Lily Anne Prescott, and there is nothing you can tell me that will change that.”

  Looking into Lily’s eyes Shelby tried to convey the unconditional love she had for her. She was rewarded by four words, “I believe you, Mama.”

  “Good,” Shelby returned as she continued to gently wash Lily. Putting the washcloth down she picked up a cup and began to wet Lily’s hair. “Tilt for Mama, baby girl.”

  Closing her eyes as Shelby massaged her scalp, Lily spoke once more, “I was sad because Cora doesn’t love me the way I wish she did. Why doesn’t she love me like you do?”

  Feeling her heart break into pieces, Shelby stood and took down the shower attachment. Turning the water back on, she gently rinsed Lily’s hair in the silence of the room. Finishing up she pulled the plug and watched as the water began to drain.

  Picking up Lily’s favorite towel Shelby helped her from the tub and wrapped her in the towel before speaking again. “I don’t know why Cora doesn’t love you the way a mother should, Lily. I only know that she is missing out on one great kid and I am very lucky that you’re mine.”

  “Really?” Dark eyes looked up into Shelby’s face with a look of disbelief.

  “Really,” Shelby affirmed moving to pick Lily up and carry her the short distance to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed Shelby held Lily in her lap. “I love being your Mama, Lily. As much as I enjoy big girl Lily I feel so blessed that I also get to know little girl Lily.”

  Lily placed her head on Shelby’s shoulder. “I’m glad I have both Shelby and Mama in my life,” she said softly. “I don’t think I’d feel complete without both of them.”

  “I love you, Lily.”

  “Love you too, Mama,” Lily yawned and then groaned. “I haven’t even been up for two hours, how can I be tired?”

  Shelby laughed and kissed Lily on the temple, “I think that you are emotionally worn out, little girl. So it’s time for us to have our little chat about getting into the cookies before you take a morning nap.”

  “Did you say cookies?” Lily’s face broke into a wide smile.

  “I did,” Shelby picked up the long t-shirt on her bed and pulled it over Lily’s head.

  “Mama, you forgot my panties and shorts.”

  “You don’t need them yet, baby girl,” Shelby explained as she grabbed Lily’s arm and quickly pulled her over her lap. Taking a moment to appreciate the naked backside in front of her, she gently patted the girl’s bottom as she continued. “It’s time to have that chat about the cookies.”

  “Aw Mama, no fair having a chat with my hiney,” Lily protested.

  Pushing Lily’s t-shirt up to expose her bottom Shelby placed her hand on the now exposed orbs. “I think having a chat with your hiney is just what needs to happen, Lily. Do you know why?”

  “‘Cause you have something against cookies for a breakfast snack?” Lily yelped when a sharp swat was brought to her bottom.

  “I would watch that attitude in your position, Lily. Would you like to answer Mama the right way, please? Why am I having a chat with your hiney?”

  “Because I was a little bit naughty.”

  “And how were you naughty, Lily?” Shelby’s hand began to slowly pat Lily’s bottom.

  “I got into the cookies even though I’m not supposed to climb for them or eat them unless you say it’s okay.”

  A painful swat made Lily yelp once more, “You’re closer, but not quite there, Lily.” Shelby lowered her hand four more times to each cheek and rubbed the sting out of Lily’s bottom for a few seconds. “Try one more time.”

  Lily sniffed and finally spoke, “I got into the cookies and that’s not allowed at all.”

  “Good girl.” Shelby took a breath and spoke again. “I hope this conversation with your hiney helps you to remember not to get into the cookies anymore.” With that Shelby brought her hand down again in a steady rhythm.

  Shelby watched as Lily’s bottom turned from white to light pink to dark pink as Lily began to wiggle and cry over her lap. “Mama please, I promise I’ll never take the cookies again.” Lily cried.

  “I hope not,” Shelby respond adding four zingers to Lily’s sit spot, so named because her hands actually stung when she was finished giving them. Rubbing Lily’s bottom gently Shelby allowed her crying to lessen before pulling the t-shirt down to cover the now hot pink bottom in front of her.

  Helping Lily up Shelby held her in her lap and rubbed Lily’s back as Lily leaned into her, “I love you, Mama.”

  “I love you too, baby.” Shifting slightly Shelby helped Lily get comfortable in her bed. “I’ll be right back.”

  Nodding sleepily, Lily accepted Albie and her pink pig when Shelby returned with a yawn. “Thank you, Mama.”

  “You’re welcome, baby. Have a nice nap and I’ll see you when you wake up.”

  * * *

  Shelby was curled up on the couch nursing her third cup of coffee and studying a book proposal her agent had sent over when she heard the shuffling of feet. Looking up she smiled at the still sleepy-looking Lily.

  “Feel better?”

  Lily nodded and shuffled into the kitchen before re-emerging with a large mug of coffee. Placing it on the coffee table she sat next to Shelby and curled into her before bringing the mug to her lips. “Bliss.”

  Shelby chuckled. “I’m glad it takes so little to make you happy.”

  “Coffee is a wonderful thing, Shelby.”

  “It is,” Shelby agreed.

  “What are we going to do today?” Lily asked putting her mug back on the table and leaning once more into Shelby.

  “I think we need to talk about a few things and I thought maybe we could do some other grown up things,” Shelby teased bending down and kissing Lily gently.

  Eyes sparkling with mischief, Lily shifted and kissed Shelby deeply. Their tongues battled for dominance and only the need for air caused them to separate.

  “Wow,” Shelby grinned. “You are very talented.”

  “So are you,” Lily quipped. “So do you want to talk first or”—Lily moved to straddle Shelby’s lap and leaned down to put her mouth close to Shelby’s ear—“play first?”

  Shelby captured Lily’s mouth with hers again and allowed her hands to wander under Lily’s t-shirt. Not surprised to find Lily hadn’t put on panties yet, Shelby cupped Lily’s bottom and pulled her even closer to her.

  Shelby put her hands on the hem of Lily’s t-shirt and moved it upward. She only broke their kiss for a moment when she removed the shirt completely and tossed it on the floor. Looking up at the now naked perfection perched over her Shelby licked her lips, “Perfect.”

  Her hands moved to Lily’s breasts and flicked the younger woman’s nipples. Moving so she could capture a nipple in her mouth, Shelby nipped a bit before using her tongue, causing Lily to moan as it pebbled into a hard nub.

; “You have on way too many clothes,” Lily gasped.

  “Do I?” Shelby leaned back and raised an eyebrow. “What do you suggest we do about that?”

  Lying flush on her lover Lily brought her hands under Shelby’s shirt and pushed the woman’s bra up as her hands explored. “I would suggest we remove”—Lily nipped Shelby’s neck—“the offending items.” she finished pulling Shelby’s shirt off the woman before removing the bra as well.

  “Much better,” Lily brought her mouth to Shelby’s nipple and slowly rolled her tongue around it while her hand flicked the other nipple to attention. The battling sensations caused Shelby to squirm and she became almost lost in the sensations.

  “I think it’s time you lose your shorts, Shelby.” Lily began to slowly kiss her way down Shelby’s body. She continued to kiss and licked as she removed Shelby’s shorts and panties in one fluid motion.

  Watching Lily between her legs Shelby gasped when she lightly nibbled the bundle of nerves in front of her causing Shelby to arch her back and moan loudly. Shelby licked her lips and moved her hips hoping for more attention from the woman now lightly tickling her clit.

  “Tell me what you want, Shelby.” Shelby barely heard Lily’s question as a gentle puff of air caused another gasp when it hit her bundle of nerves. Lily’s tongue then moved to her inner thighs and she parted her legs as far as she could feeling Lily push them even farther apart as Lily’s fingers began to trace the wet lips in front of her. Feeling one finger slide inside of her, Shelby groaned in frustration when Lily stopped and sat up on her heels.

  “Tell me what you want, Shelby,” Lily repeated, licking off her finger as Shelby watched.

  “Make me come.”

  “How would you like to come?” Lily moved back to Shelby’s center. “I could kiss you.” The statement was followed by light kisses on Shelby’s sex. “Or use my tongue.” Shelby moaned loudly as Lily’s tongue licked her clit before sucking on it until it was no longer hidden. “Or I could use my fingers.” Lily smirked as she traced the wetness of Shelby’s lower lips once more never entering the woman or touching her clit but merely teasing the woman who was now almost writhing under her.


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