Broadway Baby

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Broadway Baby Page 9

by Alexandra James

  “So do I.”

  “Is there any place in the show where you can spank him instead of me tonight? After all, I’ve been an angel all day.” Chocolate eyes twinkled up into hazel.

  “An angel all day, huh?”

  Lily nodded. “Yep, Mama a perfect angel.”

  “And that whining before our sushi?”

  “Oh that was nothing,” Lily assured Shelby. “Not like I got the cookies outta the pantry or anything.”

  “And you better not ever get the cookies out of the panty again, young lady.”

  “I won’t, Mama. The cookies live in the pantry now until you tell me they can come out to play or be eaten.”

  “I’m glad to know you understand that.” Shelby kissed Lily on the forehead. “I will talk to Steve after the show tonight, baby girl.”

  “Thanks Mama.”

  “That’s what I’m here for, Lily. I will always take care of you.”

  “I love you, Mama.”

  “I love you too, baby.” A knock at the door interrupted the lovers. “Show time,” Shelby said, not quite managing a smile.

  “Yep.” Lily stood and held out her hand. “Let’s go, Mama. Show time.”

  * * *

  Steve’s eyes were wide and he took in a deep breath as Shelby rounded on him the moment the curtain closed. “My dressing room now.”

  Seeing the look on Steve’s face Cally smirked, “You are going to get it now.”

  “Shut up, Cally.”

  “Make me.” Sticking her tongue out at Steve, Cally laughed when he did the same back to her.

  “Enough,” Shelby hissed. “Steve wait for me in my dressing room, Cally act your age.”

  Following Steve toward her dressing room Cally watched as Shelby gave a half smile to Lily. “What did Steve do this time, Lily?”

  “He went over the line.”

  Cally shook her head as she walked with Lily toward the dressing room area of the stage. “Told you that he thought you and Shelby were….”

  Lily nodded.

  “Dumb ass,” Cally winked at Lily. “He deserves whatever Shelby does to him.”

  * * *

  “Sit.” Shelby pointed to the couch and glared at him until he complied.

  Holding up his hands Steve was cut off before he began his defense. “Not a word, Steve. I’ve had enough of the teasing, the innuendos, and the little boy behavior. It stops now. Grow up and quit trying to get a rise out of Lily, especially before a show.”

  “Come on, Shelby I was just having a little fun.”

  “And Lily forgetting her lines for the first time in memory when you came on stage is fun? How about how flat the entire show was tonight because you kept trying to goad us with silent cues. I will not have this show suffer because you want to play rather than come here and do your damn job.”

  Looking at his hands Steve took a deep breath before looking back up at the intimidating figure in front of him. “I’m sorry, Shelby. I was just trying to lighten things up tonight. Lily seemed so serious before the show and I thought she’d give as well as I gave like she usually does. I didn’t know I’d hit a nerve tonight.”

  “She asked you to leave her alone tonight. Next time respect that.”

  He nodded and stood, “I’ll try, Shelby, but she’s just so much fun to tease. Kind of like my own little sister.”

  “Well, this little sister was ready to slap you silly tonight. Respect her space and stop with the inappropriate teasing. Got me?”

  “Yeah I got ya.”

  “Good. Get out of here I’d like to change and get out of here before tomorrow.”

  Chapter Five

  The rest of the week passed uneventfully and faded into another. Lily decided to hire Shelby’s vocal coach as her own, and her first official lesson was that Monday afternoon. It went wonderfully and Lily was happy to be training once more.

  Shelby and Lily met briefly with a few real estate agents and Lily had taken Shelby’s advice and hired an up and coming woman attached to a smaller office. Lily had liked Elizabeth’s flexibility and openness while Shelby had liked the woman’s moxi. It seemed a perfect fit for all parties.

  The show was still performing to sold out or almost sold out box offices and Tony buzz was really getting started. Steve hadn’t stopped all teasing, but had toned it back a lot and he and Lily were once more on friendly terms. They had even bonded over a prank that had gotten Lily’s bottom toasted by Mama upon arriving home after the show. Cally had teased both of them over Shelby’s reaction and Steve and Lily merely smiled and shrugged knowing that getting one over on Shelby Bishop was worth the lecture, and in Lily’s case, the spanking.

  Little Lily and Mama were finding their way, as were Shelby and Lily. Their relationship was changing and growing—as was their portrayal of their rolls on stage. Lily had even had another meeting about her finances in which a few more decisions had been made including cutting Cora’s salary to that of her real manager. She wasn’t sure about cutting Cora off completely and decided to allow another month to pass before making that decision.

  Lily and Shelby were spending a quiet Friday before the show at home and Lily had been playing most of the early afternoon with her toys. She had staged an elaborate show for her stuffed animals and dolls to perform and was trying to decide the male lead when Shelby walked into the room and sat down on the floor next to her.

  “Wanna play with me, Mama?” Lily invited handing Shelby one of her stuffed dolls.

  “Sure, but before I do I need to tell you something important.”

  Lily nodded and kept playing with her toys mumbling to herself effectively ignoring Shelby. “Lily Anne, look at me please.”

  Stopping at the tone in Shelby’s voice Lily looked at her, “Yes Mama?”

  “I want you to listen to me. Understand?”

  Lily nodded, not liking how serious Mama was becoming. “What did you need to tell me?”

  “I just got off the phone with the doctor’s office, Lily and you have an appointment for next Monday, right after your vocal lessons.”

  Lily’s eyes grew wide and she shook her head. “No way. I do not need to go to the doctor and I won’t go.”

  “You do need to go to the doctor and you will go,” Shelby countered. “I am not discussing this with you, Lily Anne, I am telling you.”

  “You’re being mean!” Lily’s lip jutted into a pout and she took the doll out of Shelby’s hands. “And you can’t play with me anymore.”

  “I’m sorry that you feel that way, Lily, but I am doing this because I love you and want you to be healthy. If you change your mind about me playing with you let me know. I’ll be in the living room reading.”

  Shelby placed a kiss to Lily’s temple and stood. She had made it to the door when a small voice stopped her, “I don’t wanna go to the doctor. They’re all mean.”

  Turning around Shelby returned to the floor and helped her to stand. Walking Lily to the rocking chair Shelby grabbed Albie from the bed and then sat in the chair, pulling Lily onto her lap.

  Lily cuddled into Shelby and tucked Albie under her chin. “Why are you making me go to the nasty doctor?”

  “I told you, baby, I want you to stay healthy and it’s been a long time since you’ve had a check-up. I wouldn’t be a very good Mama if I didn’t make sure to take you to the doctor to make sure you were healthy.”

  “Do I hafta get shots?”

  “I don’t know,” Shelby answered honestly. “It depends on what your records say.”

  “How’d the doctor get my records?”

  “I asked your old doctor to send them to the new one.” Shelby began to rock not surprised when Lily snuggled even more being sure to duck her head under Shelby’s chin.

  “I hate the doctor, Mama. I don’t want to go.” Lily hugged Albie tightly. “I don’t want to go alone and I’ll have to because it will look weird if you go with me.”

  “Lily listen carefully to me,” Shelby’s voice was gentle and
she tightened her grip on Lily slightly. “Mama will be going with you to this doctor. She’s a special doctor that sees all kinds of patients in her practice.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that she understands about little girls and their mamas and knows that Mama will be going into the exam room with little Lily.”


  “Really, I checked it out, and I trust her, Lily. We’ll be just fine there.”

  “I still don’t want to go,” Lily protested.

  “I know.”

  “Do I really hafta go?”

  “You do.”

  “That’s mean.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way but you are going to the doctor’s, Lily.”

  “This sucks.” Lily’s pout returned but she also relaxed enough in Shelby’s arms to allow her eyelids to begin to droop.

  “I know.” Shelby’s voice was quiet and she rocked Lily until her breathing evened out and she had fallen asleep. “Well Monday should be interesting,” Shelby said quietly as she tucked Lily into bed and began to clean the bedroom up before lying down next to Lily to try and nap as well.

  * * *

  “No Mama. I’m not going.” Lily had her arms crossed and was sitting in the middle of the living room floor her shoes by her side. Shelby had dressed her in a simple pair of jeans with one of Lily’s favorite retro cartoon t-shirts along with allowing her to wear her favorite purple sneakers and striped socks.

  “You are going,” Shelby directed, glad that she had decided to start the trip to the doctor an hour before they needed to be there.

  “No I am not. You can’t make me go.” Lily glared at Shelby and held Albie tightly on her lap.

  Taking a deep breath Shelby prepared for battle. Kneeling in front of Lily Shelby picked up one shoe and proceeded to unfolded Lily’s legs enough to get it on her foot. She then repeated the procedure with the other foot. “Time to go, Lily.”

  “Make me,” Lily challenged.

  Standing, Shelby pulled Lily up by an elbow and delivered a half dozen well-placed swats. “Do you need a full spanking before we go, Lily Anne?”

  Already crying Lily shook her head. “No Mama. Please don’t make me go.”

  Bending down Shelby wiped Lily’s tears with her thumb. “I know that this is scary for you, Lily, but I promise that I won’t let anything bad happen.”


  “I promise.”

  Still sniffling, Lily gave a half-hearted nod and took Shelby’s hand. Finding a tissue in her pocket Shelby cleaned up Lily’s face and walked toward the door. “Put your bag on, baby.”

  Lily smiled at the backpack that looked like a fuzzy green and pink monster. Inside was her favorite robe for the appointment and Albie. Mama had let Lily help while she packed the bag and even allowed Lily to put her favorite book in the bag as well.

  * * *

  Shelby signed Lily in and they’d taken a seat in a corner of the office. Lily had put on a baseball cap and pulled it down over her face scrunching herself up in the chair. She looked around the waiting room and noticed that there were a few other older girls dressed younger than their apparent age and some boring looking men and women as well. She guessed that this doctor must be a family doctor and when Shelby meant she had all types of patients she didn’t just mean those with kinks.

  Lily fidgeted in her chair and then started when she heard her name called. Standing up she allowed Shelby to guide her toward the woman calling her name. Walking through the door Lily waited until it shut before reaching out for Shelby’s hand.

  “Hi there, Lily. My name is Jess and I’m just going to weigh and measure you before we go into the room okay?”

  Lily felt a squeeze from Shelby’s hand and nodded. “I guess.”

  The nurse in front of her smiled warmly and helped Lily onto the scale, adjusting it quickly and writing the numbers down on a chart. “What did it say?” Lily asked.

  “It says you are a perfect weight for your height,” Jess replied. “Now, we’re going to be in room four.” Turning left, Jess led them down a short hallway. Stopping in front of a room she allowed Shelby and Lily to enter first.

  “Okay Lily, time to get your blood pressure and temperature.”

  Lily hid behind Shelby. “I’m here and breathing so I must have a pulse and a temperature.”

  Lily narrowed her eyes at the badly contained grin from the nurse, “I’m sure that you do, but we need to make sure they’re in the normal range for somebody your age.”

  “This bites.”

  “Lily Anne,” Shelby reprimanded.

  Getting the blood pressure cuff, Jess nodded to the chairs in the room. “Tell you what, you can sit right there next to your mom.”

  Shelby took Lily’s hand and sat down gently guiding Lily to the chair next to her. “It’s okay, baby.”

  The nurse moved quickly asking a series of questions and typing the answers in the computer on the counter after taking Lily’s vitals. Moving to the door she smiled once more as she looked down at the chart in her hands. “Looks like a physical today. The doctor will need her out of everything but her panties and socks; the floors are cold. Did you bring anything or would you like a gown?”

  “We have a robe for her, thanks.”

  “Great, the doctor will be in shortly.”

  Taking Lily’s backpack, Shelby pulled out Albie and the soft blue bathrobe covered in ducks from the bag. “Alright baby, time to get you ready.”

  “I am not getting undressed.” Lily crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Shelby with everything she had. “No way, no how, nuh-uh.”

  * * *

  “You’re mean,” Lily was sniffling and rubbing her bottom while being held on Shelby’s lap.

  “Yup, that’s me, your mean mama,” Shelby agreed making sure Lily’s robe was staying tied in the front for her. Shelby then handed Lily Albie. “Would you like me to read to you while we wait?”

  “No, I want to go home.”

  “We can’t until you see the doctor. Then we can go home and watch a movie and snuggle.”

  “Let’s go home and watch a movie and snuggle now.”

  “I’m sorry, baby we can’t.” Shelby brushed some hair back from Lily’s face. “I know that you’re scared, Lily. The last time you went to the doctor wasn’t the best, but I do promise nothing like that will happen this time.”

  “You won’t let them hold me down or yell at me?”

  “Nope.” Shelby kissed the top of Lily’s head. “But I don’t think Dr. Warren will be like that.”

  “And you won’t yell at me?” Lily asked quietly.

  “I would never yell at you for being afraid, Lily. I promise.” Shelby hugged Lily tighter and felt Lily stiffen when there was a light knock on the door.

  Lily watched wide-eyed as the door opened admitting a woman with salt and pepper curls wearing a white lab coat. Sitting on the rolling stool by the computer the doctor looked briefly at the chart and then the computer before looking at Lily. “Hi there, Lily. My name is Dr. Kate Warren but you can call me Dr. Kate.”

  Not getting a response the blue eyes turned to Shelby, “And you must be mom.”


  “Nice to meet both of you. By the way you’re dressed I guess today is physical day,” Dr. Kate ducked her head to meet Lily’s gaze. “Now, by the looks of your chart it’s been a long time since you’ve seen a doctor for anything other than throat issues.”

  “Don’t need to see a doctor unless you’re sick,” Lily pouted.

  Taking the stethoscope from around her neck the doctor moved back and put the device in her ears, “I guess that’s one way to look at it, but it’s really a good idea to have a check-up every year to make sure nothing is wrong.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sure you are but I think I’ll just double check your diagnosis. First I’m going to listen to your heart and lungs.”

  “How? I’m not g
etting up on that stupid table.”

  “Lily that’s enough,” Shelby hissed.

  Dr. Kate chuckled, “Lucky for you then you don’t need to get on the table for me to check your heart and lungs.” She proceeded to do both before addressing Lily once more. “Okay, Lily I need you on the table to continue your exam.”

  Lily gave her best pout and looked into Shelby’s face. Shelby knew that Lily had often struck gold with this pout and must have been hoping it would work in her favor. Lily opened her eyes wide, looking pitiful.

  “Lily, you heard Dr. Kate; it’s time for you to get up on the table.


  Getting a firm grip on Lily, Shelby stood and placed Lily on the exam table. “I will be right here and hold your hand the entire time.”

  “No.” Lily shook her head and tried to slip off the table. “I’m going home.”

  Taking a deep breath and counting to five, Shelby grabbed Lily and placed her back on the table. “You are staying right here and letting Dr. Kate examine you.”

  “How about mom sits with you on the table? She can put her back against the wall and you can sit on her lap or between her legs.” Dr. Kate suggested.

  Looking up in surprise, Lily slowly nodded, “Okay.”

  Shelby easily hopped up on the table and did as the doctor suggested. She barely had time to straighten her legs before Lily was in her lap. Shelby slowly turned Lily around so she was facing outward her hands around the small waist to keep her in that direction until they needed to move her again.

  Dr. Kate then began the second part of the exam moving slowly and explaining every detail to Lily. Ending the exam with peering down Lily’s throat the doctor smiled. “Seems as if those vocal cords are doing okay this trip. If they bother you even a little have your mom call us and I’ll get you in right away.”

  “Okay, Dr. Kate,” Lily whispered.

  “Lily, I’m going to need you and Mom to move for the next part of the exam.”


  “I need to check out your tummy and a few other areas,” Dr. Kate explained. “For that I need you to lay on your back on the exam table.”


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