Broadway Baby

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Broadway Baby Page 13

by Alexandra James

  “Oh, and what about her apartment?”

  “What about it?” Shelby asked clearly confused.

  “I tried to speak with her Sunday evening but she wasn’t there. In fact, the apartment was open for an open house and the nice realtor let me know that it was now on the market.”

  Lily took a drink of her water. “It is for sale. I don’t need the apartment anymore so I’ve decided to sell it and use the money for investments and a rainy day fund. Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “And where are you living, Lily? What if I need to reach you for something? What if I can’t pay a bill because my monthly check is smaller?”

  “In a new place.” Lily looked at Cora and took a very deep breath. “My cell phone number is the same, Cora. When you need to get ahold of me just text or call and I’ll get back to you when I have time.”

  “You aren’t going to tell me where you are living?” Cora’s voice was a low growl and Lily shook her head.

  “No, I’m not. You never visited me at the apartment anyway. There’s no point.”

  Cora once again rounded on Shelby, “I bet you know where she lives, don’t you?”

  Shelby shrugged and steeled herself. “That’s not really any of your business.”

  “Not my business?” Cora’s face flushed. “She is my daughter!”

  “Am I?” Lily’s even tone caused Cora to turn to her once more. “Or am I just a paycheck, Cora?”

  “How dare you!” Cora searched for words and Lily used the time to speak once more.

  “Now, if you’re done I really need to finish my meal and get back to the theater. I don’t like to rush on double show days. Something you would know if you’d bothered coming to any of my shows or talking to me past opening night red-carpet.”

  “This isn’t over, Lily Anne,” Cora huffed before sliding from her chair and leaving the restaurant as quickly as she could.

  “Lily?” Shelby brushed a dark piece of hair from Lily’s face.

  “I wanna go back to the theater, Mama,” Lily whispered holding back the tears.

  “Okay, baby. Let me get take out boxes and pay the bill. Then we’ll go hide in my dressing room. Okay?”

  Lily nodded slowly and waited for Mama to take care of everything. Feeling a gentle touch to her hand Lily looked up and noticed a bag with their food in it on the table. “Come on, baby. Time to go.”

  * * *

  Entering the theater Shelby caught John’s attention. “John, if Cora Prescott so much as breaths too close to the stage door or theater entrance have security escort her from the premises quietly.”

  The big man nodded and shook his head, “Is the little one going to be okay, Mama?”

  Shelby smiled at the name he’d chosen to use at that moment. “She will be. We’re going to be in my dressing room and I don’t want to be disturbed until we have to be.”

  “Understood. I’ll spread the word.”


  “Anytime.” Shelby led Lily toward her dressing room as John made the announcement.

  “Alright, folks!” He shouted. “Shelby and her dressing room are off limits until necessary for the show. Don’t bother asking why because you won’t get an answer.”

  * * *

  Locking the dressing room door behind her, Shelby was glad to see Lily’s backpack on her couch. “Sit down, baby and I’ll unpack our dinner.”

  Spreading the food out on the table Shelby sat on the couch and her lap was immediately filled with Lily holding Albie. Kissing Lily on the top of the head, Shelby used her foot to pull the table close. “You ready to eat?”

  Lily shook her head just as her tummy growled. Leaning forward slightly Shelby picked up a sushi roll and brought it to Lily’s mouth. “Open up, baby. Let’s get some food into you.”

  Obediently opening her mouth, Lily chewed slowly as Shelby ate a piece of her own tuna roll. “Mama?”


  “I don’t want to go on tonight. I’m not feeling very well.” Lily began to cry as Shelby held her and rubbed her back.

  “Are you sure?”

  Lily nodded, “Can I just hang out here while you get ready tonight?”

  “Of course.” Lily picked up her cell phone from the table and dialed a number. “Lou, it’s Shelby. Lily is not feeling up to going on tonight. Let Jessica know would you?”

  Frowning Shelby took a deep breath. “It’s one show, Lou. She’s never missed a show, this is the reason we have a standby. No, she should be good for tomorrow’s show. Just tonight. Thanks, Lou.”

  Looking at the clock Shelby was glad that Lily had calmed down. She finished feeding Lily and herself before laying Lily down on the couch. Covering Lily up with the throw blanket she tucked Albie well down under the covers so he wouldn’t be seen. “I’m going to unlock the door so Liv can get in to help dress me and do my makeup without bothering you, then I’m going to get into the shower, Lily. I need to steam before the show.”

  “Okay, Mama.” Lily yawned and closed her eyes listening to Mama’s footsteps around the dressing room. Hearing the shower come on Lily turned onto her side and fell into an exhausted sleep.

  Shelby put the finishing touches on her makeup and looked at Lily still sleeping on her couch. Lily had slept through her shower and preshow rituals. Moving to the couch Shelby shook her gently.

  “Mmm, what’s going on?” Lily asked.

  “I’m getting ready to go on stage. I’ll see you at intermission.” Shelby kissed Lily gently on the forehead. “Feel better.”

  “Okay, Mama. Break a leg,” Lily mumbled before falling asleep once more.

  * * *

  Shelby had left Lily coloring during intermission and was glad to get back to her dressing room after the final curtain call. Closing the door behind her Shelby stopped short. “Lily what happened to your face?”

  Lily smiled up at Shelby from her spot on the couch. “Do you like it, Mama? I made it pretty like yours.”

  “I see.” Shelby noticed the bright green eye shadow extended from Lily’s eyelids to her hairline. Lily had offset that with orange lipstick and blush put on her face in large circles. “Let’s go wash our makeup off, Lily.”

  “But don’t you like it?” Lily asked again. “I did my eyes and lips and everything!”

  “Yes you did, Lily. And you did a very good job but it’s time to go home and even Mama washes off her makeup after the show.”

  “Can I use your special soap?” Lily asked taking Shelby’s hand.

  “You may.” Shelby lead Lily into her bathroom and made a mental note to buy a box to lock the makeup in the next time Lily was left alone for a long period of time in the dressing room.

  * * *

  Lily had pushed Shelby the rest of the week. Shelby had given her numerous spankings and time outs but she insisted on pushing the envelope. First there had been the permanent marker flower drawn on Shelby’s arm when she was napping. After that came the great cookie liberation. Shelby was still finding cookies crumbs in the most amazing places. The coup de gras had been what everyone at the theater was calling the great clothesline trap.

  It had started out innocently enough. Lily and Shelby had gone to the theater around noon for Sunday’s three o’clock show. Shelby thought nothing of Lily disappearing to her own dressing room after they’d arrived or of Steve and Cally visiting Lily. Shelby’s alarm bells should have gone off however when John began to direct foot traffic away from Lily’s dressing room and back stage area.

  Shelby was taking the sandwiches they’d ordered to Lily’s dressing room when she heard a loud thud, Yiddish curses, and loud laughter coming from Lily’s dressing room. Moving as quickly as possible her eyes opened wide at what she saw.

  John was laughing so hard he had tears running down his face and into his beard. Cally and Steve were standing by Lily high fiving each other and Lou—poor Lou was in the middle of what seemed miles of clothesline strung around the narrow corridor. He was now sittin
g but had tripped and fallen on his face before he had turned to sit up. Yiddish curses were still coming from his mouth and Shelby bit her cheek to stop the smile that was forming.

  “Lou?” she interrupted. It was suddenly very quiet and Shelby noticed Lily moving to try and hide behind Cally and Steve. “Having some trouble getting up?”

  Everyone dissolved into laughter again and this time even Lou began to chuckle. “Alright, I’m not hurt other than my pride,” he announced as he stood. “But that is not nice to do to an old man.” Turning to Lily, Cally, and Steve he shook his head. “This is a theater, not a playground. Remember that.”

  “Sure thing, Lou,” Cally giggled. “Next time we’ll be sure to make sure you can swing from the rope instead of trip over it.”

  “Wonderful.” The tall man brushed himself off and looked at everyone still trying to hold their laughter. “Back to work, we still have a show to put on.”

  John nodded and turned to the crowd, “You all heard Lou, get busy.” John began to help dismantle the trap as Lou went back to his office, still shaking his head.

  “That was interesting,” Shelby commented as she held out the bag of sandwiches to Lily. “Let’s go eat shall we?”

  “Sure Mama,” Lily giggled. “Did you order Steve and Cally their usual?”

  “I did,” Shelby smiled warmly. “We can all enjoy our preshow sandwich and talk.”

  Entering Lily’s dressing room, Shelby planted herself in the makeup chair and turned to look at the three ‘children’ on the couch across from her. They had opened the sandwich bag and were already unwrapping their sandwiches.

  “Thank you.” Shelby accepted her sandwich from Steve and said nothing just watching in silence until she received the desired response from the trio. Uncomfortable shifting.

  “So whose idea was the clothesline trap?” Shelby asked conversationally as she took a bite of her sandwich.

  All three looked at each other before they each pointed a finger at another person on the couch. “That’s what I thought.” Shelby took another bite of her sandwich and pointed to the table. “You all need to eat up, we have a show in a couple of hours.”

  The three began to eat and chat once more. They were just reliving the prank they had played when Shelby decided to interrupt. “Is Lou the person that you were intending to trap?”

  “Well Mama, we just got lucky,” Lily stopped and looked to her costars and friends for help.

  “Yeah Mama,” Cally tried. “It’s not like we specifically made that trap for a certain person. Right Steve?”

  Steve nodded, “Of course not. I mean, who would we want to catch on purpose? We were just lucky, Mama,” he parroted Lily. “Right gals?”

  The girls nodded, and Shelby stood and moved toward them. Putting the sandwich wrappers into the trash, Shelby sat on the table in front of the couch. “So I’m Mama now to all three of you?”

  “You’re always Mama, Mama,” Lily grinned and Shelby did her best not to grin at Lily.

  “And you two? Am I suddenly Mama for you as well?”

  “That depends,” Cally looked at Lily and then back at Shelby.

  “On what, Cally?” Shelby asked quietly.

  “Are you going to start busting our butts on stage too?” she smirked and Shelby shook her head.

  “I don’t know, Cally. Maybe I should.” Shelby leaned forward and took Cally’s hands in her own. “I’m sure I could find a spot in the show tonight to give you a few reminder swats of how dangerous that trap could have been.”

  Seeing Cally gulp and the look of Steve in panic, Shelby held her smirk. A little fear might be a good thing with these two. Taking note of how Lily was trying to melt into the couch and looking everywhere but at her, Shelby wondered if Lily had learned something about self-preservation from living with her after all.

  “Steve what about you? Does Mama need to swat you on stage as well?” Shelby asked her eyebrow raising.

  “Nope. I’m good, Shelby. In fact I can promise I’m more than good. Oh look at the time,” Steve pointed to the non-existent watch on his wrist. “Need to go get ready for the show.” Bolting from the couch Steve practically ran out of the door before Shelby could say anymore.

  Turning back to Cally and Lily Shelby crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. “Girls are we going to have this conversation again?”

  “No Mama.” Lily shook her head from side to side as she answered.


  “No ma’am.” The blonde gulped and brushed a curl from her face. “No more conversations needed.” Standing Cally gave Lily a sympathetic look. “I’d better go get ready.”

  Lily nodded as Cally slid past Shelby being sure to keep her backside facing the couch. With the look Shelby was giving her Cally wasn’t taking any chances.

  Lily giggled as Cally bolted from the room and Shelby leaned forward and took her hands. “What are you giggling about, young lady?”

  “Cally.” Lily giggled again. “Did you notice she didn’t once turn her hiney toward you? I think she was afraid you would swat her.”

  Shelby grinned, “I think you’re right.” Moving to sit next to Lily on the couch Shelby put an arm around her. “No more pranks at the theater. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

  “Okay Mama,” Lily agreed almost too easily before tucking her head into Shelby’s shoulder and relaxing.

  * * *

  Lily kicked off her shoes as they entered the apartment and ran toward the kitchen. “Stop!”

  Turning from where she stood she looked at Shelby with a big smile. “Yes Mama?”

  “Shoes, coat, and bag,” Shelby instructed as she put her own things away. It didn’t matter how often she told Lily to put her things away upon getting home the girl never did and Shelby would have to remind her.

  “Aw Mama, I need to see if the cookies are still there,” Lily protested.

  “There will be no cookies tonight, Lily Anne. I assure you that the cookies are exactly where I left them and they had better stay there.”

  Shuffling her socked feet across the wooden floors Lily put her shoes, coat, and bag away as directed. “Now can I go check on the cookies?”

  “No you may not go and check on the cookies, Lily. You may go to your room and get into something more comfortable. I think that we’ll spend tonight ordering take out and playing a game or watching a movie before I give you your bath and then put you to bed.”

  “But it’s early, can’t we go to the park?”

  “It’s six o’clock, Lily. We are in for the night.” Shelby held Lily’s gaze. “I am tired and we are not going anyplace tonight.”

  “But Mama,” Lily whined. “We just had the matinee today. It’s not like we have to work tomorrow.”

  “Lily Anne, I said no.” Shelby’s voice was no nonsense and Lily sighed heavily.

  “This sucks.”

  “Mind the attitude, Lily.”

  “Mind the attitude. Lily,” Lily repeated quietly.

  “Alright go to your room,” Shelby directed. “Change clothes and stay there until I come to get you.”

  “Fine!” Lily stomped off toward her room hugging her bear and slamming her bedroom door behind her.

  Rolling her eyes, Shelby followed Lily down the hallway and turned into her own bedroom. Moving to her dresser, she pulled out a pair of yoga pants and a loose NYU T-shirt. Quickly changing, she wondered if she’d given Lily enough time to cool off. She had known since the clothesline trap earlier at the theater that tonight would probably be challenging, but Shelby still wasn’t sure exactly what would happen.

  Shelby made her way to Lily’s bedroom and knocked gently before entering the room. “Lily why haven’t you changed?”

  “I didn’t feel like it,” Lily was sitting on her floor legs crossed, holding one of her dolls, a blanket and small hairbrush next to her.

  “What are you doing?” Shelby asked moving into the room being sure to step over all of the toys that were now littered on

  “Playing. What does it look like I’m doing?” Lily rolled her eyes at the doll.

  “And how did all of these toys get on the floor?” Shelby asked ignoring Lily’s attitude for the time being.

  “I dumped them out so I could play with them easier, duh.” Lily looked at Shelby and rolled her eyes again. “Sheesh I’d think you could figure that one out. Not like they jumped out of the baskets themselves.”

  Kneeling down in front of Lily Shelby put two fingers under her chin and caught her gaze. “You will not use that tone with me, Lily Anne. I will not tolerate disrespect.”

  Jerking her chin from Shelby’s touch Lily put the doll in her lap face down. “Fine.”

  “You are on thin ice, young lady.”

  “I’m not ice skating,” Lily whispered.

  “Alright little girl, I think you need a time out.” Shelby pointed to the corner. “You need to go to the corner until I say you can come out.”

  “I don’t wanna go to the corner, it’s boring and dumb and I’m gonna play instead,” Lily ignored Shelby’s directive and brought her attention back to her doll.

  Shelby took the doll from Lily’s lap.

  “Give me my doll back!”

  Shelby took Lily by the elbow and pulled her up. “Go to the corner, Lily Anne.”

  “Screw you, Shelby.” Lily looked up into blazing hazel eyes and tried to take a step backward. Maybe those words hadn’t been the ones to use at the moment.

  “What did you just say to me?” Shelby bent so she was at eye level with Lily.

  “Weren’t you listening, Shelby? I said, screw you.” Lily tried to yank her shoulders from Shelby’s grasp. “Let go!”

  Holding Lily firmly Shelby spoke softly, “First you do not call me Shelby. I am Mama. Secondly, you never talk to Mama that way, Lily Anne.” Standing fully Shelby guided Lily to the corner and placed her into it with a swat so hard Lily found herself on her toes.


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