Avoiding the Badge

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Avoiding the Badge Page 5

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  Her head tipped back, and she looked up at him. “I guess you do.”

  Unable to speak, all Derek could do was get lost into her sky-blue eyes. The world slowed to a crawl, and as it did, he let his gaze roam over her features. The perfect skin of her face, and the freckles that marked nearly every inch of it.

  She looked a little different tonight, and it definitely caught his attention—though she’d had his full attention from damn near the first time he’d laid eyes on her. This was the first time he’d ever seen her with makeup on, and although he’d always found her beautiful without it, seeing her with the little bit on her face blew every one of his brain cells.

  Tonight, she’d added a bit of eyeliner and mascara to her already captivating almond-shaped eyes and just a touch of gloss to her full lips, giving her already perfect features a boost.

  Her mouth curved into a small smile, and she glanced down, blinking once before looking back up at him. “You okay, Derek?”

  He rubbed his hands up her soft arms. “You’re wearing makeup.”

  She raised a hand and touched her lips. A small frown drew her brows together, and Derek could see clearly it was inspired by doubt.

  Shit, he didn’t mean it like she was taking it. “Wait, what I mea—”

  “Well...” She shrugged. “Surprise! I’m a girl.”

  She’s a girl? Uh, yeah, he was well aware. But... Without letting her go, and because he hadn’t been able to yet, Derek shifted back only a little and looked down her body and then back to her eyes. “Nope. Not a girl. A woman. A very beautiful and sexy woman.”

  A blush appeared on her cheeks, and she closed her eyes. After a moment, she drew in a breath and then once again gave him her eyes. “Thank you.”

  Goddamn, he wanted his mouth on her. Every sexy centimeter of her. Derek closed the distance between them and bent to her ear. “I want to kiss you.”

  She placed her hands on his chest and smoothed her palms down his sides. “What’s stopping you?”

  Holy Christ, this woman. Heat sped through his veins, and his dick thickened behind his zipper. She set every inch of him on fire. Derek ran his nose along the shell of her ear. “Patience, Doc. Anticipation, remember?”

  She let out a little moan and gripped the sides of his shirt. “Yes, I remember.”

  Derek moved one hand down to the small of her back and pulled her tighter against him. “Haven’t stopped thinking about you all week.”

  “Me either.” She moved her hands up his sides and around to his back. “Can I ask you something?”


  “How tall are you?”

  Derek grinned and grazed her ear with his lips. “Six four.”

  “Wow, that’s tall.”

  “Does that work for you?”

  She dug her fingers into his back, holding him tighter. “Mmhm, yes.”

  The feel of her touching him sent tingling bolts of lust down his spine and every bolt was a direct hit to his dick.

  Goddamn, he wanted this woman.

  * * * *

  “Sooooo, hi there. I’m Tish. As much as I hate to break up this little hug fest, I’m gonna take a wild guess that based on the way you got a hold on my girl, you’re Derek. And if you’re not Derek, then brace, dude, because I’m going to have to take you down to your knees. The old-fashioned way. Catch my drift?”

  Rayna buried her face in Derek’s shoulder and giggled like a fool. Then she spoke, even though she knew only he’d be able to hear her. “That’s Tish. Best take a small step back and say hi before she goes all pit bull on you.”

  “Wow, Jeff is going to fucking love you.” He didn’t take a step back, but as he laughed, Derek released the arm he still had hold of her with, (though he kept the other pressed tight to her lower back, which kept her pressed tight to his hard, perfect body, which was fine with her because he felt really, really good!) and Rayna assumed he extended it to Tish. “I’m Derek Hansen. Pleasure to meet you, Tish.”

  “Pleasure to finally meet you, too. Let me guess, Jeff is your bestie?”

  “Damn straight, I’m the bestie. Jeff Pearl. You’re Tish, I assume.”

  Rayna raised her head and peeked over at Jeff as he extended his hand to Tish. Well, now, he was rather good-looking, too.

  Tish took his hand and shook it. A smirk on her lips. “You assume correct, Jeff.”

  He let go of her hand and raised his palm up. “Wait a second. I’m the bestie, and you’re the bestie?” He pointed at Tish. “Then we already have something in common. Of all the luck!”

  “Oh, Christ.” Derek shook his head and looked at Rayna. “This is going to be interesting, isn’t it?”

  “I’m thinking so. But scary versus interesting isn’t off the options list yet. Could go either way.” Rayna laughed again, loving how at ease she suddenly felt with him. She may as well go with it and see if at least she had a little fun. Which was exactly what Tish wanted her to be doing. “We might want to sell tickets. Maybe some popcorn, too.”

  He smiled down at her, his eyes dancing and full of humor and excitement. “Can’t wait!” He bent and pressed a kiss to her cheek, then took her hand. “Come on, let’s get you two a drink.”

  “Lead the way.” Rayna glanced back at Tish, who was still tossing shit for shit with Jeff. Okay then! Apparently Tish would catch up, no doubt with Jeff in tow. Or vice versa.

  She returned her focus to Derek. Good grief, the man looked good tonight. He wore a pale blue, short-sleeve button-up shirt, and a pair of dark, almost black jeans. And his backside, or what she could see of it beneath the hem of the shirt, made for an outstanding view.

  After navigating the crowd, Derek brought her around to a four-person high-top table and pulled out the chair for her. “Doc, please have a seat.”

  She took her small purse off her arm and set it on the table. “Thank you.”

  He moved to her right, but instead of sitting, he scooted the seat over and stood between it and Rayna. “What would you like to drink?”

  She sighed and focused on his green eyes. “Considering Tish gave me a shot of tequila before we left my house, maybe I should stick with that?”

  “Tequila, huh? Who knew you were such a wild woman.” He covered her hand with his and stroked the side of her wrist with his thumb. “You want a shot or a mixed drink with tequila?”

  Tingles spread up her arm from where he was touching her. Rayna drew in a breath. “Definitely not a wild woman, but I can hold my own...on occasion.” She winked. “Mixed drink. Actually, a margarita would be wonderful.”

  “You got it. I’ll be right back.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles, but then threaded his fingers with hers. “On second thought, I’m going to wait for the waitress. I suddenly don’t want to be anywhere but near you.”

  “I’m good with that.” Yes, totally going for it. She leaned just a little bit more in his direction as he raised her fingers to his lips once again.

  Good grief, she was going to spontaneously combust. The heated desire rising inside her was surely making her chest, and likely her face, all flushed, but for the first time since she’d met him, Rayna could not be bothered to care.

  Either Derek really was into her, or he was one hell of an actor and just wanted to lay his canine’s veterinarian. Which would be just...weird.

  Then again, cop, right? Who knew what made those guys do the stuff they did. Rayna frowned at the negative direction her thoughts immediately went. She didn’t want to think about it—the fact that Derek was a cop. The way many of them conducted themselves.

  Right then, he was just a guy. A very hot guy, who happened to be very interested in her. And that’s what she needed to focus on.

  His pretty green eyes bore into her, and Rayna felt them like a physical touch. Her nipples got hard, and she had to cross her legs and squeeze
her thighs together. Her clit was pulsing, aching, nearly begging to be touched. Good Lord... This was bad.

  Rayna was attracted to him so much more than she’d even thought.

  And yes, the anticipation. She liked that.

  She liked him.

  So far, she liked a lot of things.

  Oh dear.

  “What can I get you two?” A petite, very girl-next-door-looking waitress set a drink menu down on their table.

  “Hey, girl!” Tish came up from behind and the waitress turned to face her.

  “Hiii, Tish!” The girl practically jumped into Tish’s arms. “You look gorgeous, as always!”

  “You are an angel, I swear. Where’s that man of yours? Things still good? I want to meet him.”

  The waitress blushed, but her smile was bright as the sun. “Rig is awesome. He’s working over at Deuce’s, but he’s getting off early tonight, so maybe you’ll get your chance.”

  “Yay! I’m so happy for you two.”

  “Man of my dreams. We’re in lovvvvve!” The waitress giggled.

  “Rayna, this is Bethany. She’s the best damn waitress in this place. Bethany, this is Rayna, my best friend. And this is her...uh...” Tish smiled. “Her friend Derek.”

  “Yep, already know this guy.” Bethany gave Derek a quick hug, then with a big smile, held her hand out to Rayna. “It’s nice to meet you!”

  “Yeah, you do.” Derek smiled, more like smirked.

  A smirk Rayna had seen a few times already. Awesome, he’s famous and apparently a flirt with every pretty lady that crosses his path. Sheesh, was he going to flirt with Tish, too? It wouldn’t surprise Rayna if he did. Tish was beautiful in a way that made people stop in their tracks. Most people, male and female alike, flirted with her without even knowing it.

  Ugh. Rayna was not going to be able to do this. Served her right. After all, she should’ve known better. Her stomach rolled over on itself and then clenched into a tight knot. She swallowed past the lump in her throat, took the waitress’s hand and forced a smile. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  The waitress let go of Rayna’s hand and turned to Derek. “You want a refill?”

  He nodded. “Sure do.”

  Jeff leaned over and grabbed his empty glass. “Me too, sweet Bethany.”

  “Well now, everyone just knows everyone, huh? Apparently the three of us get around.” Tish gave a little eye roll and smiled. “Gotta say though, I don’t recall seeing either of you here before. But then again, I’m not always paying attention.” She stepped up to the table, positioning herself to Rayna’s left. “Bethany, can I get a margarita for my girl and I’ll have a Shilling tonight.”

  “You got it. Do you want salt?” Bethany looked directly at Rayna.

  Rayna swallowed again, forcing the knot in her throat as far down as she could manage. “Sure.”

  “Perfect! Back in a jif.” Bethany turned on her booted foot and walked away.

  Derek bent close to Rayna’s ear. “I was going to order that for you.”

  Rayna shrugged. “No big deal.”

  Jeff stepped beside Tish and bumped her hip with his own. “I’ve seen you here before.”

  Tish pursed her full lips and crossed her arms. “Have you?”

  “Sure have.” He rested his forearms on the table.

  Tish mimicked his pose. “And?”

  “Just saying.” He grinned.

  Once more, Derek leaned close to Rayna’s ear, but this time placed his palm on her lower back. “You okay?”

  Nope. Definitely not okay. Electricity pulsed up her spine from where he was touching her. Geez, her body automatically responded to him. And how insane was it that she was still reacting to him physically, even though she was feeling like she should just end this right here, right now and go home. She managed the barest of smiles. “Yes, totally fine, but I think I’m going to run to the ladies’ room.”

  He nodded. “It’s right over there”—he pointed toward the back of the bar—“to the left of the stage and down the hall.”

  “Thank you. Be right back.” Rayna looped her small purse on her shoulder.

  “You want me to go with you?” Tish asked.

  “No need. Stay and have fun.” She smiled and headed away from the table.

  If Rayna was lucky, there was a backdoor she could sneak out. When she got down the hall, she found the ladies’ room easy enough, but looking around, she found no other options that didn’t look like they’d set an alarm off somewhere.

  Probably best she didn’t have an escape route. Not very dignified to just walk out on a date, unless of course the guy was a complete lunatic. Which Derek wasn’t. He was likely a total and complete man-whore instead.

  A really good-looking one, but that didn’t matter. Not anymore. The blinders—constructed by sweet lust—had come off. And Rayna had no intention of putting them back on. Finding the bathroom, she turned the handle and pushed the door open.

  One room, all to herself. Good, she could lock the door at least and try to figure out what she was go—

  As Rayna tried to close the door, it was shoved open, and Tish stuck her head into the opening. “Uh, what are you doing?”

  I’m losing my mind. What do you think? “Going to the bathroom. Why?”

  Tish opened the door wider but stayed where she was, essentially blocking the way out. “Yeah, right. You look like someone just killed your dog.”

  “Nice. For the record, I really hate it when you use that reference.” Rayna crossed her arms, but Tish just stared at her, as if waiting for Rayna to confess. Ugh! “Oh geez, come in already and lock the door, please?”

  Tish did as Rayna asked, and Rayna turned to face the mirror. Bracing herself on the sink, she looked up and caught Tish’s reflection in the mirror. “I can’t do it. I can’t, Tish. Did you see how he smiled at that waitress? Do you think he’s been with her?”

  “With Bethany?”


  Tish frowned. “Seriously, Rayna, Bethany is all of twenty-four. Plus, I know for a fact the girl has never messed with the guys in this bar—they’re all too old.” Tish smirked. “With the exception of her boyfriend, Rig, who she met here and is her age, but that story doesn’t matter right now. Short answer is no. I bet a million bucks he’s never laid a hand on Bethany.”

  Relief blasted through Rayna like a hurricane. “Okay...” She blew out a breath. “Okay.” Rayna washed her hands and tried once more to get the rational side of her brain online. “I know I’m being stupid. But I can’t help it.”

  Tish tipped her head to the side. “Not stupid, just a bit panicky or paranoid? Yeah, paranoid sounds right.”

  Rayna groaned. “You’re not helping.”

  “Look, I get it. You’re doing this thing you swore you’d never do. But just because your dad was the douche of all douches does not mean that Derek is a douche, too. Or any other cop, for that matter.”

  “Don’t go there. Many of them are. You know that. As far as Derek goes, it’s...ugh...you don’t understand, Tish.” Rayna stepped away from the sink, grabbed a couple of paper towels, and wiped her hands. “He’s so deadly sexy, I mean I’m sure the notches in his belt are endless.”

  “Wow, so, if he’s had a lot of partners then that means you’re not interested? Isn’t that like reverse feminism or something? I mean, I’ve had a lot of partners, a few I don’t even remember the names of, so does that mean you’re not going to be friends with me anymore?”

  “No!” Rayna pressed the damp paper towel to her cheek. “Good grief, don’t be ridiculous. And fine, that didn’t come out right, but you know what I meant.”

  Tish set her palm on the counter and leaned on it. “No, I’m not sure I know what you meant, or mean, for that matter. Who cares how many women he’s been with before you? And I’m just going to remind y
ou, it’s kind of shitty to assume that he’s slept with a bunch of women just because he’s good-looking. Or because he happens to know one or several. You’re freaking gorgeous as hell, and I doubt you’ve had enough partners to even count on one hand.”

  “Wow... When you say it like that...” An ache bloomed in Rayna’s chest, and she looked down at her feet. “God, I’m a terrible person.”

  Tish sighed. “Look, first of all, you’re not a terrible person. You’re the kindest person I know. Second, I’m sorry I was harsh, but you really need to get your head straight. Give the poor guy a chance, won’t you?” Tish rubbed Rayna’s arm.

  “Okay. You’re right, I need to give him a chance.” Rayna blew out another relieved breath. Sheesh, she was a complete freak. And yes, paranoid. And also, a total drama queen.

  Rayna closed her eyes and let all the fear go. Pushed it all out of her mind.

  She could do this.

  She needed to do this.

  Heck, she deserved this, him. Whatever he had to give her. “Okay. Let’s go.”

  “All right then.” Tish opened the bathroom door.

  “All right.” With a nod, Rayna tossed the used paper towels in the trash can and stepped out into the corridor. She was going to have a fantastic date with Derek.

  And she was going to have fun, dammit!

  Chapter 5

  “Gonna hit the head, too. Stay with the drinks, Jeff?” Derek nodded at his best friend and made his way through the crowd to the men’s room.

  After finishing his business, he headed back toward the bar. Just as he passed the ladies’ room, Rayna and Tish emerged.

  Tish smiled and continued on down the hall, but Rayna stopped and faced him. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  He stepped closer. “Hell, I think I just won the lottery.”

  She smiled and raised her gaze to meet his. “How so?”

  Derek took another step, so close their bodies were touching. Jesus, without even knowing it, the woman held him in the palm of her hand. Before realizing what he was doing, her took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her head back. “Fuck, I want to kiss you.”


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