Avoiding the Badge

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Avoiding the Badge Page 14

by Dorothy F. Shaw

The beautiful face he’d never been able to forget since the first day he laid eyes on her six months ago.

  They’d been dating for three weeks.

  Three weeks of losing his breath at the sight of her. Twenty-one days of kissing her sweet lips, touching her velvet skin. Of burying his nose in the coconut scent of her hair. Twenty-one days of gazing into the clear-blue-sky beauty of her eyes. Three weeks of—almost every single day that made those weeks up—the divine pleasure of burying himself between her luscious thighs.

  The best goddamn three weeks of Derek’s life!

  “You were heading for the front door, weren’t you?” She smiled as she stepped out, hit the enter button on the keypad, and the garage door closed behind her.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are today?”

  She stepped up to him, dropped her overnight bag at her feet, and then held her little purse behind her back with both hands. Tilting her head back, she met his eyes. “No, but you did yesterday. And you spoil me.”

  “No such thing.” He placed his palm on her narrow waist and pulled her close to his body. “Besides, even if I do, you deserve it. Nothing’s too good for my Doc.”

  “What’m I going to do with you?” As she smiled, a blush rose on her cheeks.

  “I can think of a lot of things for later. But for now, I’ll take a kiss.” Lust filled Derek’s veins, coursing through every inch of his body. He dipped his head and took her lips with his.

  Her taste flooded his senses, and Derek squeezed her side, letting the headiness of the chemistry that swirled consistently around them tingle along his skin. Rayna moaned, tangling her tongue with his, giving him all of herself.

  Jesus, he loved that about her. The woman never did anything half-assed, at least not from what he’d seen so far. Letting out his own moan, he pulled from her mouth. “As much as I am loving how good you feel right now, I need to get you into my truck and then get us on the road.”

  She sighed. “Oooookayyyy. If you insist.”

  “Sassy.” With a chuckle, he grabbed her bag, took her hand and walked her around the front of his Dodge. After opening the passenger door, Derek held his palm out. “M’lady, your chariot awaits.”

  She giggled as she always did when he said that to her, then took his offered hand and stepped onto the rubber tread of the running board, climbing up into the truck. “Thank you, good sir.”

  He smiled and closed the door. Opened the back door, set her bag on the seat and closed things up. They were heading up to Prescott to see a buddy of his, Jason DeVore, play an acoustic set and also spending the night there. Coming back around to the driver’s side, Derek slid behind the wheel and cranked the engine. “Ready?”

  “Absolutely!” She smiled her sweet smile and shot him a wink.

  Derek drew in a slow breath as he backed out of the driveway. They’d gone on a lot of dates in the last three weeks, several actually. Some lunches, some breakfasts and lots of dinners, plus anything fun he could find for them to do in the Valley during the summer. More than a few of the dinners had been spent at her house, due to her late hours at her clinic, as well as his duty schedule. Those nights had been his favorite. Dinner on the couch, as they watched a movie, Axle lying on the floor at their feet, had become a comfortable, regular thing for them.

  After backing out of the driveway, he threw the transmission in drive and got them on their way. Derek reached across the center console and took her hand in his. Holding hands had become something they always did too. He wouldn’t trade any of it.

  Things were amazing, more than amazing between them. The sex? God, the sex had just gotten better and hotter, each time. Every time they were naked, a little more of Derek’s dominant side emerged, and a little more of Rayna’s submissive side rose to it.

  The amazing part was, it all seemed to be happening naturally. They hadn’t needed to discuss it too much, either, but Derek thought it might be a good idea to broach the subject. Taking advantage of the two hours they’d be in the truck on the way to Prescott, where neither of them had any distractions or were tired from working, was wise. He also hoped to talk about other things.

  One of those other things being telling her about Megan. Another week had passed since he’d decided to tell her. One distraction or another had gotten in the way, and he knew it was beyond time.

  Even so, talking with Rayna, about any number of topics, had turned out to be the best part of each day for him. She was easy to talk to, she listened. She gave her opinion when he needed it. He had no reason to think sharing with her that he had a child would go any differently, but he had to admit he was a little nervous still.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” He smiled at her.

  “When are you going to take me to your place?”

  A cold chill ran down Derek’s spine. Talk about timing. This was it, he should just tell her about Megan, but he still wasn’t sure he could. “Well, honestly? It’s not very nice. Typical bachelor pad, not a lot of furniture. Not very big. Just a basic three-bedroom ranch.”

  “I don’t care if it’s small or not very nice. It’s where you live. I’d love to see where you live.”

  Fuck, she was sweet. Sweeter than he deserved. “All right. I’ll take you. Just...let me get it a little cleaned up, okay?”

  “Okay.” She smiled. “So how was your morning? Did you take Axle to the park, go for a run with him?”

  He glanced at her and then made the left onto the San Tan freeway. “I did, yes. You’ll be proud, I also let him run around and just be a dog for a little while, too.”

  “Aw, I love that you do that for him, honey. It’s so good for him, you know? He’s a busy boy, and like the rest of us, he deserves downtime, too. Stress relief is important.”

  “Agreed. When I got him home, he passed out on his memory foam bed. He was still out cold when I left to come get you.” Derek chuckled. “Anyway, Jeff is going to check on him tomorrow morning for me.”

  “Perfect. He’s a good friend.” She smoothed her thumb over the back of his hand. “Have you given any more thought to the animal Reiki sessions for him?”

  “Nah, I mean, Jeff really prefers to have a ‘private’ and ‘special’ massage in his own home.”

  Rayna laughed. “I meant for Axle, silly! And, ew, I don’t want to know about Jeff’s...massage preferences.” She laughed again.

  Derek laughed, too. He couldn’t help but tease her a little. His Doc was always so serious, she needed her own kind of stress relief. Laughing was incredible medicine. God knew it was what kept Derek sane considering the emotional and stressful grind of police duty.

  “I knew what you meant. I just love teasing you.” He raised their linked hands and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. He glanced at her. “You really think it would be good for Axle?”

  A soft smile spread over her lips, and an even softer expression filled her baby-blue eyes. “Absolutely, honey.”

  “Okay, I’ll make an appointment next week.”

  “Good!” She smiled.

  Derek kissed her knuckles once more before resting their hands down on the console again. A sense of warm contentment settled in his gut, making his heart beat in a way he was more than open to.

  Honestly, with Rayna, there wasn’t anything he wasn’t open and welcome to. He wanted more with her—Derek wanted the whole deal. It was early on in their relationship, yes. They were getting to know one another at a consistent, steady pace forward and with every minute he spent with her, he fell a little more.

  Not a surprise since he’d spent six months wanting her, dreaming of her, knowing she was his one.

  Good thing he was happy to let things take their natural course. He just prayed that course would eventually lead them down the path that meant forever with her.

  White picket fence and all.

  * *
* *

  “Have you always had dogs?” Rayna twisted the cap off her water bottle and took a sip. “I mean, did you grow up with them?”

  “Yes. We had cats, too. Not a ton of them or anything, just a couple over the years. Same with dogs. My parents are definitely pet people.”

  She smiled and gazed out at the desertscape along the freeway. “They sound like my kind of people.”

  “Told you already, they’d love you. My sisters would love you, too.”

  “I’m sure I’ll meet them soon enough.” Rayna took another sip of her water.

  Things were moving along with Derek in a really positive way. Since that first date three weeks ago, they’d seen each other non-stop. At least between and around their busy schedules.

  Aside from the cop thing, Derek was turning out to be an amazing guy. Considering her past, and in spite of the fact that she hadn’t planned to, Rayna was falling for him.

  A cop.

  She was falling for a cop.

  Dad was going to be so pleased... Not. Her momma on the other hand was going to give her “the talk.” The one she’d been having with Rayna since her father had moved out of the family home.

  Her momma’s heavily Southern-accented lecture played through Rayna’s mind. She could hear her as if the woman was sitting right beside her. You stay away from them cops, Rayna Christine. Not any of ’em are any good. Not a damn one of ’em.

  “What about you? Pets?”

  Jerked from her stroll down not-so-fond memory lane, Rayna snapped her eyes in Derek’s direction. “Drove my momma crazy. I think I brought home a new stray every week.”

  Derek laughed. “Dogs? Cats?”

  “All of the above. Plus I had my share of rabbits. One time I found an injured squirrel, knew better than to touch it, but came home crying my eyes out. Begging and begging for them to let me nurse it back to health. Daddy about busted a vein over that one.”

  Derek laughed again. “That’s so sweet though. Did they let you?”

  “Oh my word, no. Squirrels are cute and all, and I know of people trying to raise them from babies, but they really shouldn’t. They really can’t be tamed. Have you ever seen a squirrel bite on a person? Vicious little suckers.”

  “Uh, not that I can recall. But I’ll take your word for it.” He reached over and took hold of her hand. “You know your Southern accent is slipping out again.”

  “Oh dear.” Rayna shook her head and felt her face flush hot. She cleared her throat. “Doesn’t happen often.”

  “Yeah but I kinda dig when it does happen, Doc.” He squeezed her hand. “Especially when we’re in bed and you’re naked.”

  She rolled her eyes as instant lust bloomed in her tummy. “Your fault for gettin’ me so riled up.”

  He chuckled. “What about your brother, Jonathon is it? You don’t talk about him much. Is he married? Kids?”

  Relieved he hadn’t continued with the sex talk, Rayna crossed her legs, hoping to quell the throb that he’d so easily kick-started, as well as get her accent under wraps again. She took a sip of her water. “Yes, my brother. Jonathon—JJ for short. He’s married. But no, no kids. Not yet anyway.”

  “That’s a shame. Bet your parents would love grandkids. Most parents do.”

  “Tell me about it.” She smiled and shook her head. “My momma won’t stop poking and prodding and nagging JJ. She’s had her shot at me, but of course, I’m not married so she nags me about that instead.”

  “Yup. I get the same. But at least my older sister, Rachel, has her two boys. Keeps Mom and Pops occupied, or distracted is a better word.” Derek chuckled and let go of her hand to take the wheel in both of his. “You ever want that stuff? Marriage, kids?”

  Eyes wide, Rayna glanced at him. All at once, the throb between her thighs was gone. Goodness gracious, where was he going with this? Drawing in a slow breath, she tamped down the lump of panic that’d risen, clogging her throat.

  Breathe... They were having a nice conversation. That was all. He wasn’t proposing marriage or anything, just talking with her. But she had no idea how to handle this, and she sure wasn’t used to having to answer it, at least not to anyone other than her momma.

  Screw it, she was just going to lay it out for him. No reason not to. She cleared her throat. “You want the polite answer or the honest one?”

  “The honest one, of course.” He spared her a quick glance before focusing back on the road to round a mountain corner.

  Thanks to Momma and Daddy, marriage is a big joke. Didn’t work for them, no reason it would work for me. “Truth is, I’ve been so busy with my career, it’s always been on the far back burner in my mind. And now, I’m not sure that sort of thing would fit into my life.” Rayna cringed at her cowardly answer. So maybe she hadn’t been totally honest, but she’d come close enough. She wasn’t about to split hairs over it.

  “Which thing? The marriage or the kids?”

  “Both, really.”

  “Interesting.” He changed lanes.

  Wait, what? Shifting in the seat, Rayna faced him. “Why is that interesting?”

  “You’re so...maternal? Not sure that’s the right word but, either way, with Axle you’re very loving. Almost motherly.” He shrugged. “Guess I kinda figured you for someone who’d want kids.”

  Maternal with Axle? “I don’t know if I’d say I’m maternal. Caring might be a better word. But...regardless, kids and animals are two different things.”

  Derek glanced at her. “Of course. I mean I realize that. But...I don’t know, in some ways, they’re kinda the same, don’t you think?”

  She took a swig of water. “Yes, I guess if you mean the potty training, feeding and general discipline. But it’s not like I have to send a dog to school.”

  “Not true!” He laughed. “Dogs go to school all the time. Some of them even have jobs. Case in point: Axle.”

  “Okay, fine.” Laughing, she rolled her eyes. “But it’s sure as heck not a four-year degree or master’s program I’m paying for.”

  “That is true.” He grabbed her hand and pulled it to his lips. “Guess we’re both right.”

  Rayna smiled, watching his profile as he drove. What a strange and twisty conversation they were having. Childhood pets, sex, marriage, kids, back to pets. Her head was nearly spinning. The only thing that might make her head actually rotate on her shoulders was if he asked her about the cop thing.

  Rayna had been waiting for that question to surface. It’d been almost a week since the incident at that bar, and honestly she wasn’t sure why it hadn’t. But for whatever reason, he hadn’t brought the subject up.

  “Okay, next topic.” He smiled at her then focused back on the road. “You think you might be ready to tell me why you have issues with cops?”

  Rayna’s mouth dropped open, and her heart jumped up into her throat. “I never said I had issues with cops, Derek.”

  Blowing out a harsh breath, she leaned forward and turned the fan for the AC up a notch...because even though it was summer out, which meant triple-digit temperatures, and they were halfway to Prescott, where it was cooler, now she was sweating.

  Good grief, she’d just jinxed herself.

  * * * *

  “Okay, you’re right, you didn’t. Tish said you did.” Knowing he should probably stop talking, Derek risked a glance at her. She didn’t look happy, but his desire to understand her was sincere, so he had to try.

  She raised both brows about as far as physically possible. “That’s right. What did Tish say exactly?”

  Anxiety crept along the back of Derek’s neck, and he cleared his throat. “Just that you didn’t like cops because some of them get around, women-wise.”

  She frowned and crossed her arms. “What else did she say?”

  Man, sharing about his daughter was a clear no-go now...at least until h
e figured out how best to lay that out for her, and he really should not have raised the subject about cops. Judging by the look on her face, her body language and her tone, he’d clearly ventured into territory she did not want to discuss with him.

  The last thing Derek wanted to do was have an argument, their first one to boot. Shit. He hadn’t figured she’d be so closed off about it. “Babe, it’s fine. It was no big deal. Forget it, okay? I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “Too late. Please tell me what else she said.”

  He sighed through his nose. “Okay, fine. All she said was that I shouldn’t take it personally and that there was more to it than I realized.”

  “Well, I told you not to take it personally at the time, too.”

  “I know you did.”

  “Did Tish say anything else?”

  “No. That was it.” Taking a chance, he reached across the console and opened his palm. She looked down at his open hand, and after a few too many seconds, she threaded her fingers with his, but didn’t look back up at him.

  He gave it another couple of seconds before he spoke up. “Hey...”

  She kept her eyes down. “Yeah?”

  “We don’t have to talk about it, babe. Really. It’s okay.”

  Finally she gave him her eyes. “As much as I know that’s not fair to you, I appreciate it. And like I said, you shouldn’t take it personally. I just need time to sort—”

  “Doc, it’s okay. Someday, if I’m lucky and I earn your trust, I hope you’ll share it with me.”

  She gave him a small smile. “Stop being so wonderful, okay?”

  “Not sure I can give you that one, Doc.” He laughed, but beneath it was the knowledge that she still didn’t trust him. He hated that because the truth was, it hurt.

  With a small giggle and a roll of her eyes, Rayna bent forward and pressed her lips to the back of his hand. Derek’s heart melted at her show of tender affection.

  He really wished he wasn’t driving at the moment so he could give that back to her. So as soon as they got to their destination he planned on showing her how very much he appreciated her. As far as Megan went, he’d figure that out too. Crisis averted, for now at least.


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