Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) Page 40

by Karen Clow

  Jimmy offered Samuels another drink; but he declined stating that he had work to do. Once he’d left the club, they all joked about the crap story of the missing book; they could not contain their laughter, especially Shane. Mickey said, “Fuck me that couldn’t have worked out better if we’d planned it down to the last detail.” It was obvious to everyone that the detective thought the Jamaicans had taken the drugs.

  It was almost three o’clock that morning by the time Jimmy got home. Maria was fast asleep. Pouring himself a drink he went back over in his mind the events of the day. If everything ran smoothly he really believed that Mickey could put Samuels away with the evidence they had, although they would still have to be careful, there were still some loose ends to tie up. Then he reflected on his jealousy regarding Maria, but try as he might, he couldn’t bear the thought of other men getting close to her. Maybe it was because she was not the innocent young girl of two years ago. During her time there she had grown into an independent young woman, although in truth she never made him feel that she would ever want anyone else. Sitting there he admitted to himself that he had deep rooted insecurities about their relationship. When she first arrived he liked it that she relied on him for everything, even down to the fact that she did whatever he asked, although he never gave her orders like Nick had and despite wanting to take her out and show her off, he now felt quite resentful that she had friends, be it only one or two. The more independent she became, the more insecure he felt, truth was he preferred it when she just stayed home looking after his every need; but knowing she had never given him cause for not trusting her, he tried to convince himself that once they were married he would feel differently.

  Throughout his life he had never felt jealousy toward anyone, even as a young boy when he had nothing and Mickey seemed to have so much; he had never resented him. It was different with Maria; she had cast a spell on him, to live without her would be impossible; she was not like anyone he had ever met before, she had the assets that drive men crazy. Yet she never flirted; rarely went out, except for the odd lunch with Monica or Simone. Without ever complaining she willingly did everything for him, cooking, cleaning and sexually she was everything he could ever wish for and more, so why did he feel this way. Then he remembered something his mother used to say, ‘that when something seems too good to be true; it usually is.’ In his heart he knew this was not true of Maria, yet it somehow made his negative feelings easier to accept. Finally he went to bed.

  Standing in the half light of the bedroom, he watched her as she stirred and wondered how someone so beautiful and loving could love him the way she did. Carefully he climbed into the bed next to her. Not wishing to wake her; he placed his arm around her and gently kissed her shoulder. Thinking she was still asleep he whispered, “I love you.” In a quiet sleepy voice she replied, “I love you too,” they snuggled down under the duvet and fell asleep.

  It was almost eleven the next morning when he finally got up. Whilst cooking his breakfast she said, “Mickey phoned to say he would see you at Dixie’s around two, he said something about a meeting with the lads.” “Yeah that’s right, we’re going over our account of events concerning Samuels and the Jamaicans; it’s just to make sure everyone says the same. Why don’t you come with me babe?” Having heard all she wanted to about the dodgy detective she replied, “I’ll decline if you don’t mind, but can I be cheeky and ask you to drop me at the hospital on your way? Only I’d like to spend a couple of hours with Monica, we need to discuss the wedding arrangements. I can get a taxi back if you’re busy later.” “Oh I think I could manage that.”

  Time flew by with her doing the housework while he made some calls. Later that day he dropped her at the hospital. Five minutes later she entered Monica’s room. Her friend was pleased to see her, especially as it was rare that they got to see each other without their men. “I can’t wait for you to leave here Monica, once you’re at home with me we can discuss the wedding in more detail,” said Maria. “I know I can’t wait either.” “Perhaps we can even have a couple of dress rehearsals when Jimmy’s out.” “That’ll be great. I was wondering would you mind giving me some cookery lessons while I’m staying with you Maria.” “Of course not, I’d be only too happy to.” “Thanks, but can we keep it a secret so I can surprise Mickey?” “Of course we can.” They both giggled. They were really enjoying their time together, until Samuels turned up. Looking less than thrilled to see him Monica said, “This is a surprise, what brings you here?” Sarcastically he replied, “I didn’t think I’d need a reason to visit a friend.” Monica didn’t reply she simply smirked. Several times during his visit, Samuels leered at Maria, making her feel uncomfortable; she didn’t like the way he looked at her, like a dirty old man, she felt uneasy in his company. Eyeing her up and down, he said, “So where’s Jimmy today then Maria?” “Out with Mickey somewhere.” “Don’t you know where?” Shaking her head she replied, “No.” Monica interrupted and said, “It’s nice for me and Maria to have some time together, we were discussing the wedding plans.” Again Samuels sarcastically replied, “Ah yes the wedding, I can’t help but say I’m surprised with your choice of men, especially you Maria, I wouldn’t have expected a girl like you to be involved with a man like Jimmy Dixon.” Quickly she retaliated and said, “Jimmy’s the best thing that ever happened to me, I can’t wait to marry him.” Then unexpectedly Samuels rudely replied, “I hear he won you at a poker game, a royal flush wasn’t it?” Maria was dumbstruck; she looked as though she would burst into tears any second. Monica quickly jumped to her friends defence and said, “Yes that’s right, what a lovely way to get the one that you love. Did you know Jimmy had been prepared to lose his club for her, because he loved her so much? I only wish it had been the same for Mickey and me, I had to get shot and almost die before he proposed and for what it’s worth I think your conduct was shameful even mentioning it!” ” Samuels knew from experience that she would have an answer for anything he said, but being the arsehole he was, he just couldn’t resist another knock at Maria, so sarcastically he said, “I’m just amazed as to what type of business associates Jimmy deals with, you know, the type who would bet their ladies on a hand of cards.” Too upset to answer him Maria just shrugged her shoulders. Despite knowing he’d upset her, he added, “I must ask you Maria, aren’t you afraid that when he’s had enough of you he’ll simply gamble you off in a poker game? Incidentally the man he won you from was Nick Orphanides wasn’t it, quite a criminal if memory serves me right?” Monica was furious, snapping at Samuels she said, “That’s it, I’ve heard enough, you’re well out of order speaking to her that way. Her private life has got nothing to do with you. Sounds like you’re jealous of Jimmy, I can understand that, Maria’s beautiful and it’s obvious to everyone except you, just how much in love they are which considering you’re a detective is rather ironic, wouldn’t you agree?” At that point Samuels said, “I’ll have to be going now, work commitments.” Maria simply nodded as he said goodbye. Monica didn’t actually say anything; she just lifted her hand as a gesture to acknowledge his departure.

  After he’d left Maria said tearfully, “God I hate him!” “He’s a prick.” “I know, I think he enjoyed embarrassing me.” Monica could see how much he’d upset her. “Don’t pay any attention to him Maria; he’s just a bitter twisted man. Rumour has it the only way he can get sex is by paying for it.” Maria tried to laugh, but what he’d said had upset her. Still close to tears she looked at Monica and said, “Maybe he was right after all, Jimmy did win me and perhaps one day he will do the same when he’s tired of me?” Monica laughed and replied, “Mickey told me years ago that he wanted you, in fact, Mickey’s convinced that’s why he never settled down, he was waiting for you.” “I hope you’re right Monica, I love him so much.” “You know I right, now put it out of your mind, everyone knows that Samuels is a wanker, so why are you allowing him to bother you?” Maria knew in her heart that she was right, no one could pretend to love someone the way Jimmy
loved her. They were like two people who shared the same heart; she believed their love was real and forever. Grinning she replied, “You’re right Monica, Samuels is a wanker, a big one!” They laughed together.

  Ten minutes later Maria said, “I really must go now, I need to prepare something for dinner, especially as we’ve invited Mickey; I want to make sure everything’s ready for when they get back.” “How are you getting home?” “By cab, there’s usually a couple in the hospital car park.” “Ok, thanks for coming; I’ve really enjoyed talking about the wedding. I’ll wave to you from the window.” Maria kissed her on the cheek and left.

  Monica watched from her room as she crossed the hospital car park to where the taxis parked, she could see there wasn’t a taxi available; but fortunately there was a bench for people to wait on. Maria looked up at the huge building to try and find her friends window; had it not have been for Monica waving, she would never have found the right one.

  A nurse entered Monica’s room with her afternoon drugs, after giving them to her they chatted briefly before she left. Monica resumed her gaze out of the window to watch her friend. Spotting her she was horrified to see Samuels sitting next to her on the bench. Although they were quite a distance away, she could tell from their body language that Samuels was harassing her friend so immediately she called Mickey. Answering it he said, “Hi babe what’s up, I thought you’d be busy talking to Maria?” “It’s Samuels he’s giving Maria a hard time in the hospital car park.” “We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” “Hurry Mickey, he’s been a pig to her!” She kept watching from the window, Samuels was obviously bothering Maria. Monica watched as he tried to put his arm around her, firstly as if to comfort her and then tugging at her in an effort to get her to go with him. Helplessly Monica watched as he tried to lead her friend away by the arm. Maria was shaking her head and saying something; it was obvious she was refusing whatever his offer was.

  Ten minutes had passed; it looked to Monica as though they were rowing, because Maria kept shaking her head and backing away from him. Then Samuels stood up and said something to her as he began walk away; Monica watched as her friend stayed sitting down. Maria was wiping her eyes as though she was crying. Desperate to help her friend, she had started to call Mickey’s number again when a taxi pulled in. Maria was just about to get into it when a car horn sounded behind her. It was Jimmy, who called out to her from the driver’s window as Mickey got out of the car and walked towards her. He could see she had been crying and looked visibly shaken. Looking relieved she said, “What are you doing here?” “Monica called us; she said Samuels was giving you a hard time, are you ok babe?” The moment she tried to answer him she burst into tears. Putting his arm around her they started to walk back to the car.

  Leaving the engine running Jimmy got out of the car and walked over to her. Throwing her arms around him; she sobbed. Mickey said, “I’ll drive Jimmy, then you can sit together in the back.” Sitting with his arm around her Jimmy tried asking her what Samuels had said, but she was so upset she couldn’t answer.

  Fifteen minutes later Mickey parked the car at the apartment. Then he called Shane to tell him that they wouldn’t be back at the club, but he would probably call in later.

  Once in the apartment he put the kettle on while Jimmy sat on the sofa with her. Slowly she calmed down. Mickey brought her in a cup of tea. “Thanks Mickey, I’m sorry for acting so pathetic,” said Maria as she took it from him. “You’ve got nothing to apologise for babe.” “When Samuels started pressuring me I tried to keep it together, but as soon as I saw Jimmy I went to pieces.” Mickey laughed as he replied, “Yeah Jimmy often has that effect on women!” They all laughed. Waiting for her to regain her composure before Jimmy said, “So tell us what Slimy Samuels said to you babe.” Firstly she went over how sarcastic he had been at the hospital; quickly adding that Monica was more than a match for him.” Mickey piped in, “That’s my girl!” “I was waiting for a taxi. I thought Samuels had gone because he left long before me, but he’d obviously stayed in the car park, he asked me if I wanted a lift.” Tears now trickling down her face she added, “I wished now I’d simply accepted his offer, but he gives me the creeps, especially the way he looks at me.” Jimmy was quick to say, “You did the right thing not taking a lift. Go on babe what else did he say?” “When I refused a lift he turned nasty.” Mickey interrupted and said, “What do you mean nasty, he didn’t physically hurt you did he?” Hesitating before answering, “He insinuated that I thought I was too good to travel with him and that it would be different if he was a low life criminal. I told him he was wrong to say that and if he was referring to Jimmy he was the most decent man I had ever met. Samuels laughed and said I had a funny idea of what decent meant.” “Cheeky bastard,” said Jimmy. “When I asked him to leave me alone; he got angry and said if I ever needed another pimp I could phone him.” Hearing this Jimmy thumped the arm of the sofa. Mickey quickly defused his temper by looking at her and saying, “Go on babe, what else did he say?” “He said I was nothing but a jumped up little whore, who thought I was too good for him.” Jimmy said in an angry voice, “Well he got the fucking last bit right! You most definitely are too fucking good for that slimy lump of dog shit!” Waiting until he calmed down, it was several seconds before she continued, “Samuels said he knew you two were dirty and that it would only be a matter of time before he could prove it. He said that Mickey made him sick using the law to cover his tracks and how he thought he was so clever because he had a girlfriend in the force.” “That’s fucking rich coming from him,” said Mickey, “Go on babe.” “It got worse after that, he said if I was nice to him; he would look after me when you two were locked up, which in his opinion would only be a matter of time; because he knew you two had done something to the Jamaicans. I had acted dumb and made out I didn’t know what he was talking about. It was after that he became aggressive and started shouting at me, saying I knew exactly what he meant. Then he tried pulling me off the seat and said I was taking a ride with him whether I wanted to or not! He ranted and said he would find out what had happened to his friends, then he would have you both and that a good looking woman like me would not wait for someone like you. I told I would never want another man and I’d wait forever if necessary.” Jimmy squeezed her hand and said, “Go on babe.” Regaining her composure she said, “What I said about waiting for you seemed to enrage him even more, he just got nastier and nastier after that! When I told him I would report him he laughed and said go ahead, see how far you get.” Jimmy squeezed her hand again and said, “I’ll make Samuels pay for what he did!” “Please don’t do anything Jimmy, let Mickey deal with it so Samuels gets exactly what he deserves. Please Jimmy don’t do or say anything to him that might jeopardise our plan.” Mickey interrupted and said, “She’s right, Samuels is a tricky bastard and we’re only one day away from George Davage having enough evidence to arrest him.” Jimmy nodded. Five minutes later he said to her, “If you prefer not to cook babe, I’d be only too happy to take us all out for dinner.” Wiping her eyes she replied, “No its ok I’m feeling better, anyway I’m going to try out a new recipe on you.” Mickey piped in and said, “Well that’s a good enough reason to stay in; so what are you cooking then babe?” “It’s a surprise, you’ll have to wait and see.”

  While she worked in the kitchen the two men talked about Samuels. Mickey’s phone rang; it was Lenny. “Alright Mickey, just to let you know I’ve done the tape. I’ll drop it round to the club in the morning.” “That’s great Len, once I’ve got it I can set up a meeting with George. Cheers Len see you tomorrow.” Waiting until the call finished Jimmy said, “I take it Lenny fixed the tape.” “He has indeed, we’ll get it tomorrow.” “Fucking good job, as far as I’m concerned it can’t happen quick enough. I just hope Samuels keeps out of my way, because I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to hold my temper.” Mickey grinned and said, “Let’s hope you don’t run into him then!”

  Maria called from the kitchen, “Jimmy
can you lay the table, put out the fish knives.” Doing as she asked five minutes later the table was laid. Placing the serving platter on the table she said, “Dinner is served. Mickey was the first to reply, “Fuck me that look’s fantastic!” It was a fresh sea bass on a bed of spinach, placed neatly around the edge of the platter were tiger prawns and mussels. Jimmy joked and said, “It’s a shame to have to spoil it,” as he snatched a prawn and popped it into his mouth. Slapping his hand; she said, “Can’t you wait until I’ve finished putting it on the table?”


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