Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1]

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Adams, Cara - Calling Doctor Wolf [Shape-Shifter Clinic 1] Page 8

by Cara Adams

  Quietly they climbed to the top floor and Oscar stood back, wondering what Ambrielle would think of the space. Danny had marked the walls where the new rooms would be, but so far there was little to actually see.

  Danny pointed out where everything would be, and Ambrielle followed him, nodding and commenting. Finally they returned to the middle of the room and she nodded. “I like the idea. It sounds great.”

  Danny dropped to the floor and sat down. “Let’s talk,” he suggested.

  Ambrielle looked at the floor, but it seemed clean enough to Oscar. She must have agreed because she sat cross-legged between them so they were in a loose triangle where they could all see each other’s faces.

  Danny caught Oscar’s eye and Oscar understood he was supposed to take over now. The conversation he felt they really needed to have was about BDSM. He hoped that was what Danny meant, too. Often they did seem to think alike. But if he was wrong, Danny would just have to redirect the conversation the way he wanted it to go. Unless Ambrielle was horrified and ran away screaming, of course. Then they really would have a problem.

  “How much do you know about Doms and subs, Ambrielle? The BDSM lifestyle?” he asked, trying to keep his face neutral so as not to give her visual cues and spoil the honesty of her responses.

  “Not much. I know you’re both Doms. I think I’m probably a sub. I’ve read a few erotic romance novels, and I once visited a BDSM club with some friends, but we didn’t stay late. They said it got pretty hard-core after midnight so we left at eleven.”

  “Have you ever thought about participating in a BDSM scene yourself?” asked Danny.

  Oscar pinned his gaze to Ambrielle’s face. She didn’t look scared or even nervous, more pensive, thoughtful. He liked the idea that she was not answering casually but giving the question proper thought first.

  Her answers were so important to them. If the idea of being involved with the BDSM lifestyle repulsed her, he and Danny would have to decide if they could give it up. And it was such a part of him he thought he might not be able to even if he truly tried.

  At least she hadn’t run screaming from them yet. Surely the fact she’d visited a club once, even though only for a short time early in the evening, was positive and gave him hope?

  He wouldn’t mind if she wanted to ease her way into the genre slowly. He could wait until she was ready. But if she couldn’t bear the idea at all he was going to be in a very painful place with some hard decisions to make.

  “I think that would depend very much on where I was and who was with me. In a club, I’m not sure. On the one hand, the management is there to ensure everyone plays safe and follows the rules. But then again, once the dungeon door closes and the handcuffs are on, there’s not a whole lot a person who changed her mind could do to complain, is there?”

  “How about with us?” Oscar asked softly. His heart was pounding so hard he almost thought she would hear it. He was tempted to hold his breath so he would be sure to hear her words over the sound of his own blood thumping through his veins.

  “Not today, but if there were fixed, nonnegotiable boundaries, yes, I think so.”

  “What kind of boundaries?” asked Danny.

  “Ah, that’s why it can’t be just yet. I need to check YouTube and do some research first.”

  Oscar laughed. “You’re a hell of a woman, Ambrielle Watson. You continue to amaze me.” So she hadn’t said yes but she hadn’t said no either. It wasn’t the best possible answer but it was one he could work with. Surreptitiously he wiped his sweaty palms on the thighs of his pants and breathed a deep sigh of relief. Well, temporary relief.

  Danny leaned forward and gently pushed Ambrielle until she was lying down. “What about regular sex, just the three of us, here and now?”

  “Do you have condoms?”

  Danny fished his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans, and held up a string of latex. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Well, I guess we’re good to go then.”

  Oscar’s cock hardened and his heart started beating faster. He hadn’t thought of using this unfurnished room yet. Without a lock on the door they could be interrupted at any time, but then again, no one had a reason to come up here, so provided she didn’t scream when she orgasmed they should be fine. And she would orgasm. He was determined to make sure she came at least twice.

  Since it didn’t look as though Danny’s preparations had extended to butt plugs or lube, Oscar decided to content himself with holding her in his arms for now. His dick would likely give him hell for making that decision, but it should be all about Ambrielle, not about him. He wanted her to be happy.

  He wiggled across the floor and lifted her head onto his lap, then quickly helped Danny undress her. Since they hadn’t invited her out to the movies until she was already at work, she was wearing her standard work clothes of black dress pants and a pretty shirt. Today’s shirt was a deep sunburned kind of orange, and, now that he looked at her hands, every other fingernail was orange, too. Well hot damn, on Friday they’d all been sparkly blue. He wondered how many other times she’d had more than one color on and he’d never noticed.

  He unbuttoned her shirt and opened it to run his hands over her skin. It was so smooth and soft as he teased her belly and gradually worked his way down to her waist where he unbuttoned and unzipped her pants.

  Danny slid them down her legs, stopping to slip her plain black pumps off her feet first. Meanwhile Oscar gently pushed the shirt off her arms, lifting her up just enough to free her from the fabric and to unsnap the hook of her bra. He was almost disappointed it was plain beige, but that would teach him not to let her know they’d planned a date. Or maybe it was her color of choice under the orange shirt.

  Oscar drew circles on her skin with his finger, then he wet it and painted more circles on her skin with the dampness. Finally he drew with his finger over the tattoo at her bikini line. This was the first time he’d looked at it really closely, and it had been done by a damn clever artist. The tribal pattern was perfect, intricate, and symmetrical. Yet within it the picture of the cat was clear, once he stared at it.

  “I like your tattoo very much. It’s clever, neat, and engaging, just like you,” he said softly.

  She flicked her big brown eyes up at him and smiled just a little, then looked back at Danny, who was almost undressed. Danny kneeled back down beside her and rolled the condom over his shaft. “We didn’t just ask you to the movies so the night would end like this, truly we didn’t. It’s just I want you so much I can’t bear to be this close to you without touching you,” said Danny, straddling her body and kissing her belly button.

  “I understand. I crave your touch, too,” she whispered, running one hand through Danny’s hair. Her other hand she rested on Oscar’s knee. Almost he wished she’d stroke his cock, but this was about her, not him.

  Then Danny drove inside her and began fucking her, holding her hips high and powering deep into her cunt.

  Oscar kept his gaze on her face, gently stroking her cheekbones, her jawline, her ears. He teased around the rim of her ear, then licked the lobe, one side then the other. He held her long hair in his hands and curled it around his fist, marveling at its thickness and beauty.

  He watched, totally enchanted, as she climaxed and shook on his knee as Danny pulled her into his arms. Oscar felt so privileged to have watched her come, to have shared that special moment. It was much more poignant when he wasn’t participating himself, because then he could catch every twitch of her body, every nuance fleeting across her face. The drama of her arousal hit him in the gut like a punch and he could hardly breathe with excitement.

  They lay there together until Danny nodded and stood up. Oscar stood, too, and pulled Ambrielle to her feet. “You and Danny have christened the living room. How about we do the same for the bedroom?”


  He led her across to where the bedroom would be, then pressed her back against the closet door. That closet would be removed. It wa
s much too small for all their things, but it was a good place to stop for now.

  He used his chin to nuzzle her face, reveling in the sweet smell of her, licking her cheeks and nose and kissing stray pieces of skin as his mouth wandered backward and forward across her face. Finally she gripped his head and held him still as she locked her lips with his. Obediently he kissed her back deeply until their tongues were tangling together and his body was pressing hard against hers, his cock a rigid line against her belly.

  Unable to wait any longer, he lifted her legs up high, rested them against his hips, and drove his cock deep into her hot, swollen cunt. He took a second to congratulate himself on putting the condom on before they’d originally stood up, then he was driving into her, forcing her hard against the door as she locked her ankles in the small of his back and dug her fingernails, her blue and orange fingernails, into his shoulders.

  Ambrielle rose into his every stroke, forcing him deeper into her pussy, driving herself down on him until he could go no farther, then lifting herself up slightly so he could plunge in again.

  She was a wonderful partner, alert to his every wish, actively making every little aspect of their mating more erotic, more powerful, more memorable.

  He pushed one hand between their bodies, pinching a nipple, and her cunt gripped his cock as she came around him. Oscar bent his knees then slammed up into her. Her body banged back against the door and he had a brief second to hope she hadn’t hit her head, then the door smashed inward. His thrust propelled them the few feet into the closet and Ambrielle’s back hit the rear wall as his cock exploded inside her. Her legs continued to grip his waist, her cunt gripped his cock, and her shoulders heaved.

  Horrified that she might be injured, he brushed her hair off her face. “Ambrielle, Oh God, you aren’t hurt?”

  Instead her eyes were filled with laughter and her lips were pulled together tightly as her face shone with mirth. Wordlessly she shook her head, then buried her face against his shoulder as silent laughter racked her body.

  For a moment he stood still, then he laughed, too. They were both still locked together, both still climaxing, and all around them lay smashed woodwork.

  Oscar sensed someone behind him, turned his head, and saw it was Danny. A Danny with a huge grin on his face, too. “Oh well, that closet had to be demolished anyway. Should I go get some tweezers? Likely you’ll both have some splinters in your butts.”

  “That was fun, but next time let’s use a bed,” said Ambrielle. But he knew she wasn’t cross. Her face was still alight with happiness. What a wonderful woman. How many women in the world were there who would laugh after that happened to them? Only one. Only one woman in the whole world and she belonged to him and Danny. Their Ambrielle. How amazing was that!

  Reluctantly he pulled out of her. “Unfortunately Danny is likely to be right. We’ll need to check your skin for splinters. And bruises. Is your head all right? Did it get banged?”

  Suddenly Oscar felt guilty. Here he was laughing when he should be caring for her. He was a doctor, for fuck’s sake, and he was acting like a ten-year-old or a clown. He was supposed to care for her and protect her, not smash up the closets.

  She was still smiling, not blaming him at all. Holding her hand he led her back to the middle of the room. This time she’d taken no offence at his actions, but he really needed to act like an adult. A Dom, for fuck’s sake.

  * * * *

  Ambrielle found it hard to believe she’d been working at the clinic for over a month. In some ways it seemed like she’d been there forever. She knew all the staff, their names, their positions, whether they were shape-shifters or humans, and felt they were her friends. She enjoyed the work she did, loving the way people were brought in hardly able to stand or walk, or in bad pain, and within a few days or a week or two they were moving better, able to get out of bed, in some cases even going for a run to the lake and back.

  That was Oscar’s standard fitness test, asking a shape-shifter to run to the lake and back. If they arrived back out of breath or sweaty they had to stay another day or two. Ambrielle had treated that as a personal challenge, and ran to the lake and back herself every day now, just to make sure she wasn’t getting too unfit herself.

  She knew Oscar’s cousin George was challenging the will, wanting the house for himself, and at times she worried that he’d succeed. But as far as she could tell from Google, Oscar’s position was unassailable. A person had the right to leave their property as they chose and fairness had nothing to do with it. It was like a birthday gift. There was no law saying anyone had to give all their relatives a birthday or holiday gift of equal value. The choice belonged to each and every individual.

  However, having said that, she also knew some attorneys could tie everyone in knots with rules of precedence and other arguments and strange things could happen in court. Like those people she’d read about in the newspapers who went into a coffee shop, bought a coffee, spilled it on the floor, slipped over on their own spilled coffee, and successfully sued the shop for negligence. Although how the shop could have cleaned up the coffee the second the customer spilled it remained a mystery to Ambrielle. Perhaps they should have forbidden the customer to move until it was wiped up. Who knew? Anyway, the whole situation made her a bit tense, and she knew it was worrying Oscar.

  So Ambrielle concentrated on doing everything she could to make the days at the clinic run smoothly, and to make sure everyone was happy.

  And on the nights she was home alone, she read up more about BDSM sex and found herself drawn very much into the idea of it and ready to try it herself.

  She’d developed the habit of going for her run at the end of the day’s work, so this Friday she changed into a T-shirt and shorts and her running shoes then walked out the back of the building to do her stretches as usual. This time when she reached the path to the barn, there was a large black dog lying in the middle of the concrete, sunning himself. Instantly she thought of Oscar. The dog-wolf’s fur was not just black, it was slightly curly, like Oscar’s hair. The animal’s frame was solidly muscular, just like the man. Something told her it was him. She sensed it, recognized the man beneath the fur with some innate, unknown, supernatural part of her, just as she’d always been able to match up Aunt Kitty’s panther friends’ human and cat forms. She’d never called any of them by the wrong name. So, too, right now she was sure. This was not a dog, it was a wolf. A very special wolf. She looked at his eyes, sure they’d give him away. Yes, they were black and gleamed with intelligence. “So, Oscar, are you going to accompany me on my run today?” she asked.

  He blinked at her.

  Just then a brown wolf stalked out of the barn. Just as his hair was a bit long, so, too, apparently his fur was a bit shaggy. His identity was not in doubt. “Hi, Danny,” she said, acknowledging him.

  She stretched her legs and back, warming her muscles gently, then began a slow jog through the garden. The two wolves kept her company, running just to either side of her. Once she left the garden and the concrete path, she lengthened her stride across the grass. Here, closer to the house, the ground was flat and even, but over by the lake it was rougher and she needed to take care not to twist an ankle.

  Ambrielle ran faster now, enjoying the rush of air through her hair and the company of the wolves. First one, then the other sped away from her, then curved around to meet her again. Happily she swung off her planned route to chase them a little way, before getting back to the more direct line she usually followed.

  Again they instigated a game and once again she ran after them, joining their play and wishing she had a ball to throw. Or perhaps wolves didn’t like to jump and catch balls the ways dogs did. Maybe she’d ask them one day. Meanwhile she had fun chasing and being chased, ducking and weaving, running in and out of the trees and bushes to make it harder for them to tag her.

  It wasn’t far to the lake, less than half a mile, but once there she climbed up some large, almost flat rocks and walked along the
m, following the shoreline. Danny copied her, but Oscar ran to the water’s edge and paddled in the waves lapping the shore. Of course, he must have played here often as a child. That was something else she might ask him one day, how deep the lake was. Or maybe she’d wait for a hot day and swim in it herself and find out that way.

  When she reached the end of the small lake, she turned back to the house and started running again. This time the wolves ran very fast, leaving her well behind them, only to screech to a halt and race back toward her even faster. She was surprised at their turn of speed, but also guessed they were only capable of maintaining it for short distances. Something else she’d just learned about them. As she dodged them and joined in their games, she was really enjoying seeing this, their playful side, something that seldom emerged in their human form when they were bound up in the day-to-day tasks. Ambrielle smiled. She had really found out so many new things just from watching them in their animal form. We must run together more often.

  Back at the concrete path the two wolves nudged her toward the barn. Obediently she turned and walked into the all-purpose area, looking more closely at it than she usually did each morning as she parked her motorbike in there. There were supplies and equipment boxes stacked against the back wall, a bench with piles of tools and half-empty cans of paint against the side wall, as well as her motorcycle, Danny’s truck, and Oscar’s car all in the building.

  “This place needs a tidy up and a good sorting out. I don’t know how you can ever find the tools you need in that mess. Haven’t you ever heard of a toolbox?” she teased Danny.

  “Of course I have a toolbox. It’s under all the junk somewhere,” Danny teased her right back, making all three of them laugh. Both men had transformed back into human form and were busy getting dressed again.

  What a shame, I wouldn’t have minded staring at their naked bodies for a while.

  “Seriously, it’s what I plan to do when the weather cools, build a proper storeroom for tools and the clinic supplies. I want to get our apartment done first though, at least enough so we can all be together, then I need to finish the painting. The doors and windows need to stay open while the paint dries, and once fall arrives that might be a bit too cold for the patients.”


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