One-Click Buy: July 2009 Harlequin Blaze

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One-Click Buy: July 2009 Harlequin Blaze Page 89

by Julie Kenner

  HAYLEY STOOD beside Molly, slowly stroking the horse’s neck. She’d been waiting in the dark for ten minutes. And for every second of sheer, unadulterated excitement she felt, there was another of paralyzing doubt. Stay, go, wait, escape. She wanted to see Teague again, yet every shred of common sense told her she was setting herself up for heartbreak.

  He’d called her fearless. But deep down, Hayley knew that wasn’t true. Her childhood bravado had been a way to hide her fears, to divert attention from everything that terrified her. Though she still felt the urge to challenge him, to dare him to prove his devotion to her, she knew better than to risk bodily injury to get his attention, the way she had as a teenager. The only part of her body in peril this time around was her heart.

  Over the years, the crazy memories had faded and she’d been left with just Teague, sweet and protective, loyal to a fault. She’d tried to convince herself that they had shared nothing more than a teenage infatuation. They’d discovered sex together and, naturally, there had been a bond between them. But they would have gone their separate ways sooner or later.

  Teague had been there to help her through the difficult times. She’d been so confused and angry when she’d arrived on Wallaroo. Her life had been nothing but chaos since the death of her parents, most of the upheaval caused by her rebellious behavior.

  Harry had been her only living relative, since her mother was orphaned at a young age, as well. But Harry had refused to take her, and she’d ended up in a series of foster homes. All of them had been fine places, but she’d wanted to be with her grandfather. She’d been constructing a perfect life for the two of them in her mind and was determined to make it happen.

  But when he’d finally given in and allowed her to stay at Wallaroo, Harry had wanted nothing to do with her. He was cold and dismissive, barely able to carry on a conversation with her. It had been Teague who had given her a reason to go on with her life, a reason to accept her circumstances and make a place for herself on her grandfather’s station—and in Teague’s heart.

  That’s why his desertion had hurt so badly. For months before he’d left for university, she’d tried to tell herself their feelings were strong enough to survive their time apart. And then, after only a few weeks, he’d forgotten her. No letters, no calls. Every letter she’d written had gone unanswered.

  Isolated as she was on Wallaroo, she’d assumed the worst of Teague. In the years that had passed after she’d left the station, she’d often wondered what had really happened. Maybe now she would find out the truth.

  Hayley had wanted to go to him back then, to demand answers. She’d packed her meager belongings, said goodbye to Molly and hitchhiked as far as Sydney before she ran out of money. After a month there, she’d decided she didn’t need anyone to depend upon—or love. She could fend for herself. And in the end, that’s where she’d stayed, starting a new life, a life that didn’t include anyone who could possibly hurt her.

  The sound of an approaching horse caught her attention and she stepped out from behind Molly and peered into the darkness. She held her breath as he came closer, wondering how long it would be before he kissed her again.

  Teague maneuvered his horse up next to her, then held out his hand. It had been forever since they’d ridden together. It had been this way when they’d spent nights at the shack. They’d ride out on the same horse, Hayley’s body nestled against his so they could talk and touch on the ride home. A few hours before sunrise, Teague would return her to the gate.

  He wove Molly’s reins through the leather strap on his bedroll, then settled Hayley in front of him. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he gave his horse a gentle kick and they started off at a slow walk.

  For a long time, they didn’t speak. Hayley felt her heart slamming in her chest and she found it difficult to breathe with Teague so close. She focused her attention on the spot where his arm rested against her belly, shifting back and forth and creating a delicious friction as the horse swayed.

  Even after all the time that had passed, this felt safe and comfortable and right. Hayley sighed softly and leaned against him. He nuzzled her neck and she tipped her head to the side to allow him more freedom. His mouth found a bare spot of skin.

  Arching against him, Hayley wrapped her arm around his neck, drawing him closer. She was almost afraid to speak for fear she might break the spell that had fallen over her. There was no need to revisit past mistakes and dredge up old resentments. They were here, together, and that was enough.

  Teague pressed his palm to her stomach, his fingers splaying across the soft fabric of her T-shirt. But as they continued their silent ride, he slipped his hand beneath her shirt to caress her breast. Hayley inwardly cursed her decision to put on her sexiest underwear. She wanted to feel the warm imprint of his hand on her flesh like she had that afternoon.

  The night was chilly and the moon shone golden as it rose over the outback. She had lived so long in Sydney she’d forgotten how desolate it was on Wallaroo—and how incredibly beautiful.

  By the time they reached the shack, the silence between them had become part of their growing desire. She didn’t need to speak. There’d be time for words later. Teague slid off the horse, then held out his hands for her. Grasping her waist, he held tight as she dropped to the ground. Her breath caught in her throat as he looked down into her eyes. She couldn’t read his expression in the dark, but the moonlight outlined his mouth and she fixed her gaze on it, waiting for him to make the first move.

  He drew a slow breath, then reached down and ran his fingers through her hair. His lips met hers in a kiss so soft and sweet that it caused a lump in her throat. He took his time, drawing his tongue along the crease of her mouth, teasing until she allowed him to taste more deeply.

  Her body pulsed with desire, a current racing through her bloodstream. She shuddered, anticipation nearly overwhelming her.


  Hayley shook her head.


  “Never,” she replied, her voice breathless. It was true. She had nothing to fear from Teague. Whatever happened between them, she could handle it.

  He took her hand and tucked it inside his jacket, pressing her palm to his chest. “Nervous,” he whispered, a smile curling the corners of his mouth.

  “It’s been a while,” she admitted. “For you, too?” He nodded. Teague took his horse’s reins in his other hand and led Hayley toward the shack. He untied Molly’s reins and secured both horses to the hitching rail before grabbing his saddlebags. Then he took her hand and they walked up the steps. Hayley paused on the porch. If this shack looked anything like Wallaroo did, she wasn’t sure she wanted to go inside.

  “It’s all right,” he said, opening the door.

  Hayley waited as he lit an oil lamp. A wavering light filled the shack and she walked inside. Nothing had changed. It was exactly as it had been ten years before. She’d expected cobwebs and dust, but the interior was surprisingly tidy.

  “I come out here every now and then and do a bit of housekeeping,” Teague said. He set his saddlebags on the small table in the center of the room. “I guess maybe I was hoping I’d find you here one day.” He pulled her into his arms. “And here you are.”

  Teague pushed the door and it swung shut. He slowly drew her jacket down over her arms then tossed it aside. He shrugged out of his own jacket, letting it drop to the rough plank floor behind him.

  When he paused, Hayley reached out and began to unbutton his shirt. She wouldn’t be satisfied until they both were naked and lying next to each other in the narrow bed against the wall. As soon as he saw what she wanted, Teague grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head.

  Hayley’s breath froze as she looked at his body in the soft light from the oil lamp. This was no boy. He was Teague, but a different Teague—tall, broad shouldered and finely muscled. Where he’d once had a dusting of hair on his chest, there was now a soft trail from his collarbone to the waistband of his jeans.

  Her hand trembled as she smoothed her fingers over his torso. He reached for her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. His gaze immediately dropped to her breasts and he smiled, running his finger beneath the lacy edge of her bra. “Pretty,” he said. “I now have hair on my chest and you have expensive underwear.”

  “I guess we really have grown up,” Hayley teased.

  Slowly, they continued to undress each other, tossing aside items of clothing one by one. When he was left in his boxers and she in her panties and bra, they stopped. Years ago, she’d always been a bit apprehensive about getting completely naked. It was the only thing that made her feel vulnerable.

  But Hayley wasn’t a girl anymore. And she wanted to show Teague she was ready to make love to him as a woman, completely free and uninhibited. She reached back and unhooked her bra, then let it slide down her arms. Catching her thumbs in the lacy waistband of her panties, she pulled them down over her hips. Then, without hesitating, she reached over and skimmed his boxers down, his erection springing upright as the waist-band passed over his groin.

  Hayley straightened and let her eyes drift over his body, taking in all the details. Teague had been a lanky young man, but now he was a fully formed male, with a body that would make any woman weak in the knees.

  “God, you are beautiful,” he murmured, reaching out to run his hand over her shoulder. “But then, you always were.”

  “We’ve both changed,” she said.

  “One thing hasn’t changed,” Teague countered. “I still want you as much as I did the first time we made love.”

  “And I want you,” she said.

  Teague pulled her against him, soft flesh meeting hard muscle. He was so much taller now, and stronger, and she was surprised by how fiercely he took control. But this was still Teague, still sweet and gentle as he laid her on the bed, then stretched out beside her.

  How many times had she fantasized about this? And it had always been the same, the two of them, here in this place, lying naked in each other’s arms. Now that her fantasy had come true, she didn’t want it to end. Was it possible for the scene to play out again and again, not in her head, but in a brand-new reality?

  THE SENSATION OF Hayley’s skin meeting his set Teague’s desire ablaze. Though he’d often thought back to their times together, he hadn’t remembered feeling this incredible. Her skin was silk, her scent like an exotic aphrodisiac. And her body was made to be slowly explored.

  Making love with her now would be different from when they were teenagers. They’d both had other partners, and experience was always the best teacher. He stretched out above her, bracing his weight on his hands as he kissed her. But he was like a man parched with thirst. There had been no other women for him, not like Hayley. Desire had been fleeting, something easily satisfied by a one-night stand. But this was much more. As their mouths met again and again, teasing, tasting, he challenged her to surrender.

  Her hands smoothed over his face, and every time he drew back, her eyes met his. There was no doubt about what she wanted. Desire suffused her expression, from her damp mouth to her half-closed eyes.

  Teague slowly moved his hips and the friction of his cock against her belly sent currents of pleasure shooting through his body. He was hard and ready and longing for the moment when he’d bury himself inside her. But there was no telling how he might react. It felt like the first time, as if every sensation were multiplied a thousand times over. And if he responded as he had that night so long ago, it would be over before it really began.

  Her hands drifted down his chest, then grasped his hips, pulling him into each stroke. She moved beneath him, twisting and arching, deliberately taunting him with what she offered. He wanted to take it, right then and there. But Teague fought the impulse and slowly slid down over her body.

  The bed was narrow, not made for full-scale seduction. In the end, he knelt beside it, his lips trailing kisses from her belly to her thighs. Everything about her was perfect. This was his Hayley, the girl who had owned his heart for all those years. And yet, she was something more now. She was a woman who had the capacity to break that heart all over again.

  Teague didn’t care. He didn’t care if she disappeared from his life tomorrow. Tonight was all he needed. It was a perfect ending, a way to close the book on all the questions. He would be satisfied and he’d sure as hell make certain she was, too.

  Hayley’s fingers tangled in his hair as he continued to explore her body with his lips and his tongue. He waited, wanting her to guide him. And when she did, when she drew him to the spot between her legs, Teague didn’t hesitate.

  He knew exactly how to make a woman writhe with pleasure, how to bring her close to release and then draw her away from the edge. She moaned and whimpered as he took her there, controlling her pleasure with each flick of his tongue.

  But Hayley was impatient with the teasing, and every time he slowed his pace, she tightened her grip on his hair. The pain only added to his need to possess her. Teague brought her close one more time, then slid up along her body.

  He was breathless now, his need driving him to seek her warmth. She reached down between them to stroke his cock and Teague held his breath, determined to maintain control. He knew he’d have to retrieve a condom, but her touch felt so good that he didn’t want her to stop.

  She rolled on top of him, her fingers still firmly wrapped around his shaft, then straddled his thighs. Teague watched her as she bent over and placed a kiss on his belly. As she moved up his chest, his fingers tangled in her hair and he relaxed, grateful for the respite.

  Yet Hayley wasn’t about to stop. She was damp from his tongue and when she shifted above him, he found himself suddenly buried inside her. A tiny gasp slipped from her lips and Teague clutched at her hips, determined to stop her.

  He should have known better. When Hayley wanted something, anything, there was nothing that could stand in her way, safety be damned. And it was obvious what she wanted. “Should we stop?” he whispered. “I brought condoms.”

  “It’s all right,” she said. “I’m on the pill. And you’re the only person I’ve ever had unprotected sex with.”

  He smiled. “So are you. We’re safe, then.”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she began to move above him. Hayley braced her hands on his chest, her hair tumbling around her face as she focused on her need. Her eyes were closed and a tiny smile curled the corners of her mouth. Teague watched her, taking in the sheer beauty of her face and body. It was as if she’d been made purely for his eyes. Everything about her was perfect.

  Hayley slowed her rhythm, then rose on her knees, until the connection between them was nearly broken. Then she opened her eyes and moaned as she slowly, exquisitely impaled herself once again. The sensation was more than he could handle and Teague felt himself nearing the edge.

  She bent down and kissed him as she repeated the motion. He tried to stop her, holding tight to her hips, but she brushed his hands away, grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head.

  It was no use, Teague mused. She was in control and he had no choice but to enjoy it completely. Her breasts brushed against his chest and he found himself lost in the feeling. He refused to close his eyes, to shut himself off from her beauty.

  As Hayley began to increase her rhythm, he knew she was close. He knew her body, her reactions, probably better than she knew herself. He’d taught her how to surrender, how to let go of her inhibitions and fears and experience her first orgasm. The signs were still there—her brow knitted and her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

  Teague concentrated on her face, allowing himself to move as she did, closer and closer to the edge. He wanted to share in her release and when the first spasm hit her, he was ready.

  She came down on him hard, arching her back as the shudders rocked her body and crying out in pleasure. It came just as quickly to Teague and he grasped her hips as he exploded inside her. He tried to maintain a grip on reality, but the sensation was too

  He’d made love to a lot of women since Hayley, but there was something about being with her that seemed to go beyond mere physical gratification. When he was inside her, he felt a connection deeper than shared pleasure and mutual passion. It was like a silent promise between them, that this intensity, this release, bound them together forever.

  It had been nearly ten years since they’d made love, with almost as many lovers in between, but here with her again, time seemed to drop away. He pulled her down beside him and ran his fingers through her hair. Hayley kissed him, still breathless, her face flushed and her lips pliant.

  “I guess it’s true what they say,” she whispered. “It’s just like riding a bike. You never forget how to do it.”


  HAYLEY SNUGGLED into the warmth, floating between sleep and consciousness. She opened her eyes, waiting for her vision to clear before completely comprehending where she was.

  It all returned to her in a rush, his body, his touch, the feel of Teague moving inside her. And then the overwhelming pleasure of her release. She had wondered what it might be like between them, now that they were both more experienced. But she’d never anticipated the earth-shattering encounter that they’d shared tonight.

  How had she ever believed it would just be sex between them? She’d known her desire for Teague was undeniable, something so powerful it had to be satisfied. But she’d been so sure that, once sated, she’d be able to walk away. After all, they no longer loved each other. And without an emotional attachment, sex should be sex and nothing more. That’s how she’d approached all the men in her life since Teague—they were useful for physical gratification, but she wasn’t interested in emotional attachments.

  Yet now that she was here, all she wanted to do was stay safe in Teague’s arms and in his bed. Hayley drew a shaky breath. This was not the smart choice, she reminded herself. It had taken her years to forget him, or at least put him out of her day-to-day thoughts. And now she’d be forced to fight that battle all over again.


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