The Price of Loving A Boss 2

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The Price of Loving A Boss 2 Page 13

by Kia

  “We meet again.”

  “Yeah, what are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Remember? The paper work… suing the police.”

  “Oh, okay. How’s that working out?” I asked.

  “We finally got the rights to get it.” We were now standing at the entrance of the hospital.

  “That’s good,” I said as I looked inside to see if it was packed again.

  “So, can I get your number this time?” she asked.

  “I’m just going to be honest, I have a woman and we’re getting married. I’m trying to do right.”

  “You can’t have friends?”

  “And that’s all,” I said.

  “Well, put your number in my phone.” She handed me her phone and I put my number in.

  “See you later,” I said as I walked into the hospital and went up the elevator.

  I walked to the nurse station to check in because I told them to keep a tight grip on his visitors. Only family could come, no friends. “Yazmin Achul,” I said to the nurse and began walking towards his room.

  “Excuse me, sir! One person at a time,” she said as she ran behind me.

  “Who’s in there?” I asked.

  “His brother.”

  “Must be Gee. Okay, I’ll just have a seat,” I said as I walked to the lobby. Then my phone began to ring. I looked and saw that it was Red. “Yes, Red?”

  “Gee proposed to my girl in real life. On the big screen!”

  “That’s good. You must want that too?”

  “Or something,” she responded.

  “Wait a minute. When did Gee propose?” I asked as I stood up and looked toward the door.

  “Like thirty minutes ago.’

  “Let me call you back,” I said as I hung up. Then I called Gee.

  “Whats up, Yazz?”

  “Where are you?” I asked.

  “Home now. Why?”

  “I’ll call you back.”

  I hung the phone up and went back to the nurse station. “Can I help you?”

  “Let me see who’s in there. Show me the paper they signed,” I said as I looked into the lobby to see of anyone looked out of the ordinary. Then I looked up just in time to catch someone walking out. I had never seen him before, but when we locked eyes, he took off running.

  “Hey, get back here!” I chased after him. He hit the stairs and so did I.

  “Fuck!” I heard him yell as I looked down the staircase and saw him already three flights down. Then he disappeared. When I got three flights down, I burst through the doors and ran around and checked every… single… room on the floor. I also checked the bathrooms, but he was gone.

  “Sir, you can’t be on this floor. It’s doctors only,” a nurse said.

  “I’m leaving,” I said as I pulled myself together and went back to the stairs.

  I rushed back up to Emo’s room and saw doctors rushing him out. I started walking behind his bed as they rushed it to the elevator.

  “I’m his brother, what happened?” I asked the doctor who had been telling me information.

  “You can’t come to the operating room,” he said.

  “I know that! But what happened?!”

  “Someone slipped acid into his IV.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  “What? How the fuck did this happen?” I asked Yazz as he paced the lobby.

  “Man, I don’t fucking know. The fucking nurse said that you were in there so I had to wait. Then Red comes calling me saying that you were in Times Square.

  “So they don’t check the list now?” I asked as I stood up and paced with him.

  When Yazz called and told me that someone tried to slip acid into Emo’s IV, I came right away.

  “Who ever tried to kill Emo wants him dead.” Yazz changed the subject.

  “But why? Emo is a good dude.” I said as I finally sat down.

  “It’s serious now.”

  “It’s been serious, mi boy.”

  “I went to his house yesterday and they saying his old bitch, Gatha, came by and took all his shit out of the house.”

  “Where are his friends? They aren’t coming to see him?” I asked.

  “There go Neek right there,” Yazz said as he pointed at a young man walking over to the lobby.

  “What’s up, Yazz?” Neek asked as he clapped hands with my brother.

  “What’s up.”

  “Yo, what’s up? I’m Neek,” he said, introducing himself to me.

  I shook his hand, introduced myself and sat back down. So this was who Diamond was tripping on me for?

  “It’s looking bad,” Yazz said as he sat down.

  “Really? What happened? I thought you said he was doing good?” Neek asked Yazz.

  “He was recovering until some nigga just slipped some acid into his IV.”

  “Word? That’s crazy. I been on the block mad hard tryna figure this shit out.”

  “What are you hearing?” I asked.

  “I’m hearing his bitch and my brother set him up.”

  “Your brother?” I asked as I stood up.

  “Chill,” Yazz said as he stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.

  “Whoa, my nigga. Chill. My brother even tried to set me up not long ago. I’m not cool with the nigga, B.” Neek was explaining himself and it calmed me down.

  “Bizz right? I remember Emo telling me about that shit when I stopped through,” Yazz said.

  “Yeah. Come to find out, his bitch had been fucking with my brother, and they had been plotting on that nigga,” Neek said as he sat back down and pulled out his phone to show us a picture. “That’s a picture someone sent me the day Emo was shot. That’s Gatha and my brother having lunch and laughing. Emo had just broken up with her.”

  “They look in love right here,” I said as I observed the two.

  “Exactly.” Yazz and Neek said in unison.

  “I told him about that bitch,” Neek said.

  “Me too,” Yazz agreed.

  “I’ve been putting in work to find these niggas, B. Gatha and my brother. I don’t give a fuck about that being my brother. He dead to me, B.”

  “I’ll be back,” I said as I stepped down the hall to take a call from Diamond. “What’s up, baby?”

  “Where are you?” she asked.


  “What did the doctors say?” she asked.

  “Someone slipped acid into his IV and they’re checking on it now.”

  “Do you want me to catch a cab and come up there with you?”

  “It’s okay. Where’s Rena? Is she sleep?”

  “Yes, as always. I’m cooking so don’t get any food while you’re out.”

  “You know how to cook? Last time I saw something you cooked, it was burnt,” I said as I leaned back on the wall and tried to take all of this in.

  “It was a lot going on when I made what you saw. It’s all good. Just wait,” she said with much laughter.

  “We will see. Your little boyfriend is here.”

  “Who?” she asked. By the sound of her voice, I could tell that I had just killed the vibe.


  “Okay, baby. I’ll see you when you get here.”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you more. Bye.” We disconnected the phones and I went back to the lobby with Neek and my brother.

  “I’m still tryna figure out who the fuck wants my nigga dead this fucking bad. They all in the mix, B,” Neek said to Yazz.

  “I want to know how they got past security,” I said as I looked over at the nurse station.

  “Man, these bitches in here don’t be giving a fuck. This the Bronx. He’s better off in the city,” Neek said.

  “I agree,” I responded while nodding my head.

  Emo was a fighter for sure, and I would make sure that he sues the hell out of this hospital. It’s ridiculous how he was fighting for his life yet again.

  My only wish
was that I could fight for him.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  As I sat on the couch, I kinda wished that I had Rena here. It was weird not having her to cuddle on when I was feeling down like this. It was late as hell and all I wanted was for someone to hold me.

  “Fuck it,” I said to myself as I pulled out my phone and called my mom, but she didn’t answer.

  Yazz told me he was on the way home over an hour ago and he had yet to come. I guess I could use this time to come up with some kinda plan to balance all of this shit out. But then again, an urge came over me to go to the bathroom.

  What was next? Did I stop here? Was I about to put my dreams to the side just because I wanted Yazz to be great? What was going to happen after I had my baby? Now that Diamond and I weren’t together in the same house anymore, what would happen to our friendship?

  “Red?” Yazz had just walked through the door. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.

  “I’ll be right there,” I said as I looked into the mirror one last time before opening the door.

  “You good?” he asked as I exited the bathroom and walked to the kitchen.

  “Yes, baby,” I lied. I kinda felt like I was at the end of the road. Not complaining because I was very thankful, but it was too much pressure on me.

  “You sure?” he asked as he grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch.

  “Yes, I just need some fresh air,” I said.

  “Go on the balcony.”

  “No, real fresh air. I need to take a walk.”

  “At this time of night?”

  “Yes. I will be back. That’s my promise to you,” I said as I slipped on some flip flops and grabbed my house key. I felt myself about to lose it.

  “Don’t go far,” he said as he stood up and looked at me with worry in his eyes.

  “I won’t.”

  I shut the door behind me and walked as fast as I could to the elevator. When it finally dropped me off at the lobby, I ran to the main street and exhaled as tears came down my face. Why was I crying? I was happy… right? Money was the motive and that shoulda kept me comfortable… right?

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” I heard someone say over all of the cars passing by.

  I turned behind me and saw a little girl. She had on a too small Tommy Hilfiger overall with some red shoes that looked black because they were so dirty. Even her face looked dirty.

  “Hey, you,” I said as I kneeled down and wiped my tears.

  “Can you help me find my mommy?” she said.

  “Sure. Where are you coming from this late?” I asked.

  “Over here.” She led me down the block and into an alley. I had a bad feeling, but I couldn’t leave a child out in the cold streets of NYC alone.

  “Here?” I asked, looking at a busted down Honda, kinda like our old car.

  “Yes. We live here. I woke up and she was gone.”

  “Who was gone?” I asked as I took a look inside the car and saw a blanket and pillows in the back seat.

  “My mommy. I woke up and she wasn’t here. I’m scared.”

  “How long has she been gone?” I asked.

  “She told me to go to sleep and she would be back by the time I woke up.” The little girl was starting to breath hard.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  She shook her head no. “It’s my asthma.”

  “Where is your pump?” I asked, opening the car door.

  “Under the pillow.” I reached under the piss smelling pillow and pulled the pump out. As I shook it up, I noticed it was damn near gone.

  “Where do your mom usually go when she leaves?” I asked, determined to find her mother. I saw the look in her eyes and immediately felt sorry for her.

  “To get food. But she usually comes right back.”

  “Where is your dad?” I asked.

  “I don’t knooooow,” she said as tears began to fall.

  I dropped to my knees and pulled her in to console her.

  “It’s okay. How old are you?” I asked.

  “Seven.” She was huffing and puffing now.

  “And what’s your name?”


  “Okay, Lily, I need you to help me so that I can help you. Okay? Do you know w—”

  “What are you doing?” I heard a women’s voice ask. I turned around and saw a junkie standing there.

  I turned back around to Lily. “Is this your mommy?” I asked.

  “No,” Lily whispered.

  “I’m a friend of her mom, and she told me to check on Lily,” the woman said as she scratched her arm and walked near Lily, but Lily backed away.

  “Where is her mom?” I asked, putting Lily behind me. She was clearly scared.

  “I don’t know, hell,” she hissed. Her hair was all over her head.

  “So, when did she tell you to check on Lily?” I asked.

  “Like two hours ago, woman. Now hand the little girl over.”

  “Two hours ago? And you’re just now checking on her? I don’t think so,” I said as I grabbed Lily’s hand.

  “Look, lady, I’m just doing what I was told!” She was starting to look like a maniac.

  “I don’t wanna go with her. Her and her husband hurt me when my mom isn’t around,” Lily said as she grabbed my arm a bit tighter.

  Hearing this made me sick to my stomach. I felt myself about to release my lunch.

  “Let’s go. We will find your mother in the morning,” I said as I pulled her onto the sidewalk and out of that dark alley.

  “Hey, you can’t take her! Get back here!” the woman yelled. Then a man came.

  Both of them started chasing Lily and I until I bumped into Yazz.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” he said as I grabbed Lily and slid behind him. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “They’re trying to get us,” I said out of breath as the woman and some man ran up with razors in hand.

  “Whoa, back up,” Yazz said as he grabbed his gun out of his pocket and pointed it at the duo.

  “We just want the little girl,” the woman said with a sweet voice all of a sudden. The way she looked at Lily made me uncomfortable.

  “No! She’s not my mommy!” Lily cried, grabbing on to me tighter.

  “What’s going on?” Yazz asked me with his gun still pointed at the two.

  “I found this little girl wandering the streets alone. Her mother is missing, and this woman wants this little girl so her and her husband can hurt her.”

  “What?” he asked in total disgust.

  “They make me do things that hurt me,” Lily said.

  “Get out of here,” Yazz told the duo as he walked towards them.

  The two now had dropped the razors and were shivering and shaking.

  “Just chill out, man,” the woman said as the man broke flat out of there.

  “You gonna shoot me in front of all these people?” the woman asked as she smirked.

  “I don’t know. Let me see,” Yazz said as he cocked his gun.

  “Ahhhhhh!” the woman yelled as she ran with her hands up.

  “See why I tell you not to go far?” Yazz asked me.

  “I’m sorry, but…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence.

  I couldn’t believe that if I wasn’t at the right place at the right time, this little girl would’ve been someone’s sick obsession tonight. I looked down at her beautiful face and suddenly felt warm inside when she smiled at me.

  “It’s okay. Let’s go inside,” Yazz said as he put his hands around my waist and led us back down the street.

  “I bet you’re hungry. Have you eaten?” I asked the little girl as we passed a deli.

  “I’m okay.” She put her head down.

  “It’s fine if you are. We have money,” I said.

  “I haven’t ate in two days.”

  “What?” Yazz said. He was getting mad and I could see it.

  “Come on,” I said as I led them inside a convenience store.
I let Lilly pick out anything she wanted.

  “Who is her mom?” Yazz asked as we watched her pile up on snacks that we would pay for.

  “I don’t know. She asked me to help find her mother, but we never did. They were living in a car, Yazz.”

  “A car?” he asked.

  “Yes. A car. A fucking car that smelled like piss and ass.”.

  “Are they homeless?” he asked with a look of confusion.

  “I don’t know, baby. Shit weird as fuck.”

  “Well, let’s figure this out tomorrow. We will get her bathed, fed and let her sleep in a comfortable bed,” he said.

  I kissed him. “That’s why I love you.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  The next day…

  “I’m serious, Gee, I don’t want a wedding.”

  “Why not? Women love weddings,” I said as we peeled from the curb. We had just left another successful session.

  “I don’t have any family, Gee. Who in the hell am I going to invite besides Red and your family? And they’re way in Haiti,” she said as she grabbed my hand and kissed it. I felt like she really loved me today, and I was savoring the moment.

  “Well, I guess we need to have a wedding in Haiti, on the island. What do you think of that?” I asked.

  “I think that sounds like a plan.”

  “I think it does too. My mother would just love it.”

  “Speaking of your mom, is she aware of all of this?” she asked me.

  “Of course. I tell her everything.”

  “So she wasn’t mad that Kasha wasn’t the girl that you married?”

  “Actually, my mom never wanted me to be with Kasha. She wanted me to be with this woman that happens to be the daughter of her best friend,” I said.

  My mother always wanted me to be with a Haitian woman, but not Kasha. And this wasn’t new. She has never liked Kasha since we were young. I never knew why. But I guess a mother always knows best.

  “So what about me? How does she feel?” she asked.

  “She approves. But I want you to know that I don’t need approval to love you,” I assured her.

  “That’s nice to know.”

  “I’m very much of an alpha male and act on my own, not on the approval of others. Though it’s great to know that my mother is happy about me marrying an American girl that doesn’t speak our language.”


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