Dominant Force [Clandestine Affairs 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dominant Force [Clandestine Affairs 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Zara Chase

  “We’ve been called in to sort out your problems, not add to them.”

  How had her lips gotten even closer to his? He was sure he hadn’t moved his head, but somehow the distance between their mouths was now almost nonexistent. Her sweet breath peppered his face as the little vixen moistened her lower lip with the tip of her tongue and sent him a sultry smile. Shit! Hunter growled, thrust his hands into her hair and tugged her head down until that small gap was no longer there at all. He kissed her hard, with authority, like a man with a point to prove, but whether he was proving something to himself or to her was less obvious. His tongue plundered her mouth, savoring its sweetness, and the kiss became unashamedly carnal.

  His hands drifted beneath her T-shirt and ran up her torso until one of them covered a small, firm breast. His fingers explored, laying claim, wanting her like he hadn’t wanted a woman since forever. She moaned past their fused lips as he plucked at her solidified nipple, pinching it between his fingers and tugging it away from her body.

  “Are you sure you want this, babe?” he asked.

  “I was never more sure of anything,” she replied, her lips shiny and wet as the words slipped past them.

  “Then there’s something you need to know first.”

  She tangled her fingers in his hair and sent him a provocative smile. “What?”

  “Well, Lewis and I are a package deal.”

  Her eyes flew open. “A what?”

  “We’re sexual Doms. Do you know what that is?”

  “I’ve edited more than my fair share of erotic literature, so I know what you like to do, but I’ve never tried it.”

  “You don’t seem fazed by the idea.”

  She blinked back her surprise. “Are you saying the two of you like to share a woman?”

  “Yeah, pretty much.”


  “You’re okay with that?” It was Hunter’s turn to express surprise. “I thought you’d run a mile when I told you the truth.”

  “Oh no, you don’t get rid of me that easily. I felt drawn to you both from the word go. I tried to tell myself it was just because you’d helped me out when I was scared, but I knew there was more to it than that.” She traced the line of his lips with her forefinger. “It explains a lot about the way you guys live here together.”

  “I take it you’ve never been dominated before. Gary wasn’t into that, or anyone since.”

  “Gary wasn’t what you’d call a Dom, I don’t think so anyway. In fact I’m sure of it.” She looked directly at him, happy to discuss sex with him, but not to go into detail about her personal life with Gary. He might be dead, but it still seemed disloyal somehow. “And there’s never been anyone else. I already told you that.”

  Now she had really surprised him. “I know you were faithful when Gary was alive, but surely since then, there must have been guys.”

  “Oh, a few have tried, but I wasn’t ready.”

  “I understand you must be beyond frustrated—”

  “Well, I have a good collection of vibrators, but it’s not the same.”

  “That I’d pay good money to see.” He grinned at her. “You with a huge vibrator inside your pussy.” Shit, now why had he said that? It would only encourage her, but perhaps that was subconsciously what he was trying to do. “But seriously, in spite of what you think, you’re not ready to play with us. Not with two of us at once, which is how we operate. Not only that, but we…well, we like it hard and rough. We’re into bondage and all sorts of other kinky stuff that I’m betting you’ve never tried.”

  “Then it’s about time I did, and I just happen to have found two pretty experienced teachers.”

  He resisted the urge to reclaim her nipple. “It wouldn’t be fair.”

  “I need this, Hunter. I need you both, no strings attached.” She sent him a beseeching smile and locked her hands firmly at the back of his neck. “Please!”

  There was no way in this world he could resist such a direct request. Longing flowed between them like crystal-clear water, sapping at Hunter’s dwindling resistance. She wanted this, so did he, and there was no reason in the world why they shouldn’t get it on.

  There’s every reason.

  “Oh, honey, you don’t know what you’re asking for.”

  “I want to feel alive again. I’ve had enough of marking time, waiting for something to happen. I realize now that’s what I’ve been doing.” She released her death grip on his neck and buried her fingers in his hair instead. “I’ve been waiting for you and Lewis to wake me up. It seems right and natural that you guys should be the ones. Don’t tell me you don’t feel it, too.”

  “Okay, sweetness, if you’re absolutely sure. But you’ll have to make do with me for now. Lewis will just have to wait his turn. We’ll get you used to things real slow.” He felt vindicated in dropping a hand to her backside this time, lifting her briefly so he could caress her pussy from beneath. Honey trickled from her cunt, confirming for Hunter that she really did want to play.

  “You will have to do whatever we ask of you without question. That’s part of the fun.”

  “And I have to call you Master or Sir,” she said with a sultry giggle.

  He tweaked her nose. “You have done your reading.”

  “Yes, Sir, I have.”

  “We’ll teach you to embrace pain, and to enjoy it, darlin’, if you’ll let us.” He pushed her hair aside and trailed kisses down the length of her neck. When she reacted by squirming, he introduced his teeth. “Do you like that?”

  “Hmm, yes, Sir.”

  “Then let’s see if you enjoy having that cute butt spanked.” He tipped her off his knee. “Stand up and take your T-shirt off for me. I want to look at you.”

  She did as he asked, standing a few feet in front of him, backlit by the Anglepoise lamp on the desk behind her. Hunter inhaled sharply when her delectable body was revealed to him, confirming what he already knew about her. Her tits were firm and pert, the nipples puckered, the areolas a deep raspberry pink crying out to be devoured by his hungry mouth. Her belly was flat, her thighs trim, her legs endless. Better yet, her pussy was shaved as opposed to waxed—just the way a woman’s cunt should be. She was so goddamned perfect, Hunter felt all his Christmases had come together. He felt unworthy, and uncharacteristically unsure of himself.

  She met his gaze, her face flushed—with embarrassment or excitement Hunter couldn’t have said. No, it was definitely excitement. The hungry sparkle in her eyes gave her away. Hunter nodded slowly, making his approval apparent to her.

  “You’re really up for this, ain’t you, sugar?”


  He reached forward and tapped her thigh. Hard. “Did you just say something?”

  “I said yes, Sir,” she replied, biting her lower lip in a manner that did strange things to Hunter’s psyche.

  “Come kneel on this rug, rest your head and arms on the seat and stick your butt in the air,” he said. “You’ve been a bad girl and need to be chastised.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Hunter watched her as she eagerly got herself into position, wondering what the fuck he thought he was doing. It wouldn’t kill him to have vanilla sex for once, and work up to the rest, instead of introducing a woman who had only ever known one man straight into his lifestyle. But something stronger than his own will drove him on, and he managed to convince himself this was what she had been saving herself for. She certainly didn’t seem to have any doubts.

  Decided, Hunter threw off his shorts and knelt behind her, one hand possessively spanning the small globes of her ass.

  “Normally I would have your hands tied before I did this to you,” he said, leaning down and gently nipping at one buttock. “But I figure you need to get used to our ways gradually. Now then, honey, I’m going to spank some obedience into you, then I’m gonna fuck you senseless. You good with that?”

  “Yes, Master, it’s what I want you to do.”

  He brought his hand down hard, w

ithout warning her to expect it. She cried out and jerked her head up.

  “Shush, keep quiet and hold your position.” He leaned forward to lick the area he had just spanked. “Just breathe real deep and wait for the slight pain to become pleasurable.” He grabbed his rigid cock and ran it down the crack in her butt, letting her get a good feel for it. “Just imagine how you’ll feel with this filling your tight cunt, darlin’.”

  She panted. “Yes, Sir, I already am.”

  He spanked her a second time, feeling beneath her at the same time and sliding a couple of fingers into her slick pussy. This time she took it without flinching.

  “That’s a good girl. You’re a real quick study. I’m very pleased with you. You okay?”

  “Yes, Sir. It hurts, but in a good way.”

  Hunter chuckled. “That’s the idea. Every time you sit down tomorrow you’ll be a little bit uncomfortable and it will remind you of what we’re about to do.”

  Hunter brought his hand down three more times in quick succession, then told her to stand up. She did so and her eyes widened when she caught sight of Hunter naked, his cock jutting aggressively, pulsating, ready for action.

  “Yes, baby, if you’re a real good girl I’ll fill your sweet cunt with this guy in a short time. But first, those tits of yours need some attention. Lay down on the love seat.”

  Hunter followed her down, laying on his side as his hands went to work, caressing and molding her lovely breasts, tweaking at the nipples, playing with her, lighting her fires. Her hands came to rest on the back of his neck, which told him it was time to tie her up. She had yet to learn patience, obedience and passivity when aroused. Without explaining himself, he removed her hands and abruptly got up. He dashed naked across the living room, into the guys’ private play room off the back of the garage. He grabbed handcuffs and a condom packet and returned to Anais, who hadn’t moved a muscle.

  “Arms above your head,” he said curtly.

  He cuffed her wrists as soon as she complied. “Leave them right where they are,” he said, adding a blindfold for good measure. “You sure do look pretty that way, and just about as helpless as it’s possible to get. This is all about trust, you see. You need to trust me to give you pleasure, and the blindfold and lack of touch will enhance your other senses, like taste.” He leaned over her and held the tip of his cock to her lips. “See what that tastes like, sweetheart.”

  “Hmm, hot,” she mumbled as her mouth closed around him.

  Hunter chuckled and sighed simultaneously as he pulled out of her mouth again. She had got him so riled up that his usual method of control was slipping. If he let her carry on for long, this would all be over in a flash. He returned his attention to her tits, biting at the solid nipples, and was rewarded by a series of increasingly desperate moans from his sub-in-training.

  “I get the impression you like that, sugar.”

  “Yes, Master, I like it a lot.”

  “Hmm, next time we’ll put some clamps on those cute tits of yours, then you’ll really feel something special.”

  Hunter knelt on the rug beside the love seat, threw Anais’s legs over his shoulders and gave his full attention to her pussy. She was leaking juices big time now, and started moaning all over again before he had even touched her. She was so damned responsive, so made for this type of loving. He had never indoctrinated a sub from scratch before. All the women he and Lewis played with were already into the life. Introducing someone as greedy for knowledge at Anais was both a privilege and a tad scary. In his enthusiasm, Hunter might go too far. Shit, he hadn’t even discussed safe words with her. What sort of responsible Dom did that make him?

  “If I do anything you don’t like, darlin’, you can tell me to stop any time. You need a safe word. What word can you easily remember if needs be?”

  “Split infinitive,” she replied.

  Hunter chuckled. “Ever the editor. Okay, split infinitive it is.”

  Hunter lapped at the juices trickling down her inner thighs, and then applied his tongue to her clit. She cried out and thrust her pussy deeper into his mouth. Shit, she was killing him!

  “Keep still!” He tapped her raised butt hard.

  “Sorry, Master.”

  “If you move without permission, I’ll stop what I’m doing. Are we clear?”

  “That is so mean.”

  “That’s the way this game is played. I’m in charge and you only get to feel what I allow you to.”

  * * * *

  This was the sweetest agony Anais had ever known. It was also strangely familiar, even though she’d never done anything remotely like it before. Gary had always been a lights off, missionary position sort of guy. Not that he hadn’t given her pleasure, but she understood now that the depths of her passions had barely been plumbed. She had always felt vaguely dissatisfied, but had nothing to compare Gary’s lovemaking to and so didn’t understand why. Now she did. Before the act had even taken place her body was on fire in a way she’d never known before. It felt disloyal to compare what she was feeling now to her years of marriage to Gary, but it was an impossible comparison not to make. Hunter’s tongue, his lips, his teeth knew exactly where to torment her to give her maximum pleasure without actually letting her climax. She so badly needed to come, and this torture was…well, torturous. It was exquisite, it was fun, it was liberating.

  What had she been missing all these years? No, she hadn’t been missing out. She’d been waiting for the right person—the right people—to come wake her up. Had she really agreed to go with them both? Would they want her both at once? Would they want anal sex? Well, of course they would! The answer was yes to all those questions, and Anais briefly panicked. But only very briefly. Hunter’s marauding tongue recalled her to the here and now. The muscles in her belly clenched against the pleasure he was stirring deep within her core. She felt molten heat flood her system, and rushing, soaring excitement addle her brain.

  Anais still had trouble believing what she’d seen before Hunter blindfolded her. The size of his cock was the answer to every girl’s most erotic fantasy and, for now at least, it was all hers. It was about to fill her, stretch her, and give her relief from the endless pressure she’d been living with for so long without really being aware of it.

  Bring it on!

  As though sensing her impatience, Hunter abruptly abandoned his pussy feast. She heard him stand up, the sound of a foil packet being ripped open greeted her, and then he was with her again, his body a hot prison above hers. She expected him to say something, to warn her what to expect. Instead, he threw her legs over his shoulders again, and told her to lift her butt. She did so and felt cushions being pushed beneath it. Then the tip of his latex-covered cock dipped into her pussy and he thrust powerfully into her, grunting from the effort it took him. This position meant he went deep, deeper than she would have imagined possible, but Anais wasn’t complaining. She groaned as pleasure beyond her wildest imagination assailed her from all sides. Hunter was splitting her open with his thick, throbbing cock, filling her to capacity, stretching the sensitized walls of her cunt to the absolute limit.

  It was the most intense sensation, and Anais greedily tightened the muscles in her pussy around his length. She didn’t want him to withdraw, even though she knew he was only doing so in order to pummel right back into her again, a little more harshly with each sortie. His heavy balls crashed against her buttocks, and he occasionally administered a harsh slap to her backside as he took her closer to the abyss.

  With her cuffed wrists above her head, her eyes covered with a blindfold, Anais soon discovered Hunter had been honest with her. Not being able to see or touch really did heighten her awareness as she felt herself rapidly climbing higher with every powerful gyration of Hunter’s hips.

  “That’s it, babe, now you’ve got it all. You liking that?”

  “Yes, Sir. God, yes! I feel violated, in a good way. Does that make sense?”

  “I don’t aim to demean you, darlin’, but I did w
arn you I like it hard and rough.”

  She grinned. “So do I, it seems.”

  “I got that part.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice, and the strain. He wasn’t nearly as in control as he would have her think. She would have bruises tomorrow, but she didn’t give a damn. Right now she was living, really living, and that was all that mattered to her. She felt a kernel of sensation uncoil inside her, unfamiliar and primitive, even though she recognized it as her climax building. She’d had countless orgasms before, both with Gary and at her own hand, but they had been nothing to the way she felt now. The intoxicating friction of his cock against the walls of her cunt was in danger of short-circuiting her brain, and she moaned, thrashing her head from side to side as she fought to hold off the inevitable. He hadn’t given her permission to come, and she didn’t want it to be over with yet.

  But the feelings were too strong, too urgent, and she couldn’t hold them off.

  “Hunter, I—”

  “I know.”

  He thrust into her deeper and harder than before, which was saying something. She tightened and clenched around him, and her world imploded. She cried out, not caring who heard her as a deeply disturbing thrill rocked her entire body, sending it into a series of violent spasms. She felt perspiration dripping from her brow, and peppering the rest of her body. She didn’t care about that either.

  When she came back to earth, Hunter was still rock hard inside her, and she sensed they were no longer alone. Her cries had obviously disturbed Lewis.

  “Have we had a change of rules you didn’t tell me about?” she heard Lewis ask.

  “Sorry, buddy,” Hunter replied. “The lady couldn’t sleep, and well—”

  “Don’t mind me,” Lewis chuckled. “Finish what you started. Something tells me our house guest won’t be satisfied with just one.”

  One what? Orgasm? Man? He must mean he wanted her, too. Anais had never had more than one orgasm at a time, so that must be it. Except…except Hunter was moving inside of her again, and she felt fingers pinching her nipples. They couldn’t be Hunter’s because he was using one hand to slap her butt and the other to hold her wrists down. Oh my, someone was biting at a nipple. She moaned. It had to be Lewis. His fingers dug harshly into the fleshy parts of her tits, while his teeth put steadily increasing pressure on her nipple. Hunter was working her cunt harder than ever. She could hear his labored breathing, and sensed he was close.


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