GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4) Page 5

by Chiah Wilder

  “Better than I could’ve imagined. The two women ended up being totally down for a foursome, and we had a shitload of fun. Chains is eager to do a repeat performance. I’m arranging something for next week. You really blew that one. Those women are so fuckin’ into the dark shit. Love it.”

  “Yeah, well, you know I prefer it solo with a chick. Glad it worked out.”

  “Do we got church?” Eagle asked as he joined the men at the bar.

  Goldie glanced at the clock on the back wall. “In about fifteen minutes.”

  “Enough time for a few beers,” Eagle said as he held up three fingers to Ruger, who promptly placed the requested bottles in front of Eagle. He picked one up and drank it in one long swallow. “Nothing better than ice-cold beer on a scorching day.”

  The brothers chatted for a while, then headed to the meeting room in the back of the clubhouse. The room filled up with more jean-clad members, the scraping of metal and wood against concrete echoing as the brothers sat down at the large table. Steel and Paco were standing in front waiting for everyone to quiet down. A wooden gavel brought the meeting to order.

  “We’re helping the Fallen Slayers procure arms. They’ve been getting some shit from a local gang in Silverado that seems better equipped than they are. These punks have been starting all kinds of shit, so Roughneck’s asked us to help them out. Told him about Liam and how great he’s worked out for the Insurgents and now us on that last deal.”

  Fallen Slayers were a smaller MC with only ten members. Roughneck was the president and Patriot was the vice president, both good friends with Steel. They’d all known each other even before the clubs were started. Most of the Night Rebels got along with the Fallen Slayers, although the way they treated their club girls didn’t sit too well. But the club girls wore the Fallen Slayers’ property patch voluntarily, and they chose to go through initiation to become part of the club. Even so, the Night Rebels respected and treated their club women as part of their club, never pushing them to work at Lust or go out and prostitute to make money for the club.

  “Are we gonna help them with their punk problem?” Sangre asked.

  “Is it an established gang or a wannabe?” Eagle said.

  “For now we’re just helping with the arms deal. Roughneck will let us know if he needs more help. We’ll open it up for discussion if that time comes.”

  Steel nodded to Paco, who stood up. “The gang is an affiliate to Los Malos in Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Los Malos started as a neighborhood gang, but they’ve evolved into an organized, dominant, and criminally successful one. This smaller one in Silverado helps Los Malos out in some of the counties with selling drugs and stealing. They have a fuckin’ attitude and think they can just set up shop and establish the area as their turf.”

  “Sounds like what the fuckin’ Skull Crushers and Satan’s Pistons were trying to do,” Goldie said.

  “Exactly, except these assholes aren’t bikers. They have backup from Los Malos and maybe some fuckers higher up. I spoke to Hawk and he’s looking into it, since he’s the one who keeps up with that for the Insurgents and their affiliates. He told me the Insurgents are looking real close at Los Malos and their affiliates. They want to nip whatever shit these fuckers are trying to sneak in before it becomes a worse problem. I told them we’re ready to jump in and lend a hand if it comes to that. I know the other MCs that we and the Insurgents are on friendly terms with would join forces with us too. But for now, we’re gonna help Roughneck get his gun supply way up.” Paco crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

  “What do these jerks call themselves?” Muerto asked.

  Paco smiled. “Los Malitos.”

  “Wonder how long it took them to come up with that name.” Muerto laughed.

  “We don’t give a shit how these fuckin’ street gangs make their money or what the hell they do as long as they don’t do shit in biker territory. Banger is beyond pissed,” Steel stated.

  “I’m sure he is,” Rooster said. He, Tattoo Mike, and Shotgun knew Banger, Hawk, and Throttle well. Being the oldest of the Night Rebels brothers, they went way back with the Insurgents, even before the Night Rebels was formed.

  “These punks never fuckin’ learn. We oughta annihilate them and be done with it.” Diablo slammed his fist on the table.

  The members voiced their agreement. Steel looked at Diablo. “I want you to get together with Knuckles and see if he needs any help.”

  “Already did that. I’m going to Silverado tomorrow to go over some stuff with him.” At first, the Fallen Slayers’ sergeant-at-arms and Diablo, the sergeant-at-arms for the Night Rebels, didn’t get along with each other. But since they’d done a couple of charity poker runs together, they’d become brothers and friends.

  “When’s the deal going down?” Chains asked.

  “Next week,” Steel replied.

  “Moving on, Steel and I have been talking about doing a biker rally this summer. As you know, we normally do one in October and one in spring, but since most of the spring was shitty weather and we couldn’t have our rally, we thought it’d be a good idea to have it in July,” Paco said.

  The idea was given to the membership, who unanimously voted for it, and the date was set for the last weekend in July. The Night Rebels motorcycle rallies attracted many biker enthusiasts, and they were held on private land owned by an ex-Night Rebels member who made a fortune in the marijuana-growing business. The rallies usually began on a Thursday and went through the weekend. There was a campground on the land, motorcycle contests, live music from local bands, bike washes from the scantily clad club girls, wet T-shirt contests, and a Saturday barbecue. Strewn around the area were vendor booths selling mostly motorcycle-related items. The club made a lot of money at their rallies and gave fifty percent of it to their favorite charity—Bikers Against Child Abuse.

  “Is Raven going to have a booth?” Goldie asked Muerto as they walked out of the adjourned meeting.

  “Yeah. She’s already making a bunch of jewelry with some biker charms. They look pretty cool. You going to Cuervos tonight?”

  “Fuck, I forgot about it. It’s Tattoo Mike’s anniversary party.”

  Muerto laughed. “You have been working too hard, dude. This is the first time I’ve ever known you to forget a party where there’ll be a lot of available women.”

  Goldie grinned. “You’re right. What’s up with that shit?”

  “Hell if I know.”

  “I’ll be there. Jimmy will be handling the shop tonight with the new guy we just hired. It should be good.”

  Paco walked up to Goldie. “Did you ever find a replacement for Flora?”

  “Yeah. She catches on fast. We’ll see if she works out long term. You going to Cuervos tonight?”

  Paco nodded. “I’m pretty sure everyone’s gonna be there.”

  Tattoo Mike and his old lady, Sam, had tied the knot twelve years before. That night, the anniversary party was a family event, meaning club girls weren’t included, only old ladies. Old ladies and club girls didn’t mix. The club women knew to keep out of their way, and if they happened to be in the same room, the club girls would immediately leave the room out of respect. Of the old ladies, only Sam and Shannon had the biggest problem with them since their husbands tended to occasionally have sex with the club women. The old ladies had come to terms with their husbands’ dalliances, but it didn’t mean they liked them. The way Sam and Shannon figured it was that their men always came home to them, and that the club sluts were bitches with holes.

  “I better get over to the shop to make sure all is good. Friday nights can be a bitch.” Goldie slipped his hand in his pocket and took out his keys.

  “I’m right behind you,” Tattoo Mike said.

  “Let’s roll.” Goldie walked out of the cool clubhouse into the dry heat. Swinging his leg over his bike, he made a mental note to hit up a high school buddy about his band playing at the rally in July. He adjusted his sunglasses and rode away from the clubhouse.
  * * *

  When Goldie walked into Cuervos, the party was underway. Scanning the room, he saw all the familiar faces of the brotherhood, as well as many citizens glancing nervously at the group of men as they chugged bottles of beer. Several women smiled at him as he made his way to the bar.

  “Didn’t think you’d make it,” Chains said as he bumped fists with Goldie.

  “I stopped by to see my grandma. There’re some hot-looking chicks in here.”

  “Tell me about it. I have my eyes on a few of them.”

  “What’re you drinking?” Jorge, the owner of the bar, asked.

  “I’ll start with a bottle of Coors. How’ve you been?” Goldie said.

  “Not bad. Business is back to where it should be. It took a long time after the shooting last year to get people to come back in.”

  “That’s good. Time makes most things pass. You gonna put Steel to work tonight?”

  “I’ll let him enjoy the night. Maybe I’ll recruit Breanna.” Jorge laughed as he handed Goldie his beer.

  “Give me another one, dude,” Army said from behind Goldie.

  Goldie half turned. “You down for a game of pool? I need to make some money.”

  Chains guffawed and Army shook his head. “I’m down for it, and I’m gonna beat your losing ass.”

  “Anyone want to play Raven?” Muerto interjected as he came up to the bar to place his order.

  “I wanna win some money tonight, not lose.” Goldie brought the bottle of beer to his lips.

  “Looks like you’re gonna have to be the one to play. Brutus told me he’s taking a break. He’s yet to beat her.” Army chuckled.

  “Didn’t know you were all a bunch of pussies,” Muerto joked as he walked away with two drinks in his hands.

  A shapely redhead edged in between Goldie and Chains and leaned against the bar. She cocked her head and a sultry smile formed on her shiny red lips. “Am I crowding you?” She ran her painted fingernail down his forearm.

  “Nah.” From the seductive look in her eyes, he knew where she wanted this to go.

  “What’re you drinking?” Jorge asked, leaning forward to get a better look at her cleavage in her low-cut halter top.

  “Whiskey sour.” She fixed her attention back on Goldie, the tip of her tongue outlining the contours of her lips. “You’re an officer with the Night Rebels,” she said, her fingernail running over the raised lettering “Road Captain” on his cut.

  He nodded and took another pull of his beer.

  “You do all the runs and rallies, right?”

  “And other stuff that involves bikes.”

  “I bet you have a big Harley. I love Harleys. They’re such powerful machines. Just like the guys who ride them.” She leaned in to him, the side of her thigh pressed against his.

  All he had to do was tell her to follow him to the back room and she’d be down on her knees with her red lips wrapped around his cock, sucking the hell out of him. He didn’t doubt that she’d give him a damn good blow job, but he wasn’t feeling it, and that surprised the hell out of him.

  “She’s practically drooling, dude. Give the chick a break and take her in the back,” Army said from behind.

  Goldie craned his neck. “You want her?”

  Army jerked his head back. “You don’t? What the fuck? She’s a sweet piece of ass.”

  The woman giggled and smiled at Army.

  “Go for it,” Goldie replied.

  Army scrubbed his face with his fist, then came in closer behind the woman. “My brother here is a fuckin’ idiot. You’re a gorgeous, sexy woman who needs a biker’s touch.”

  She whirled around and pushed out her ample chest. “Are you an officer too?” Her brown eyes scanned his cut.


  Goldie and Chains laughed.

  “How come I don’t see your patch?” She ran her finger over his cut.

  “Just got appointed today. I’m in charge of finding prime pussy for the brothers. We have a lot of parties, and we need only the best in Alina.”

  “I didn’t know you guys did that, but it makes sense. You want to weed out the skanks, right?”


  “He works real hard at his job,” Chains said as he leaned closer to the woman.

  She glanced at Goldie. “I was hoping you and I could get friendly.”

  “Army’s position is way higher than mine. We take pussy very seriously. He’s the one to impress.” Goldie picked up his beer bottle.

  Her gaze lingering on Goldie’s, she said, “Do you want to audition me?”

  Army held out his hand. “I wanna find out what your pretty mouth can do besides talking.” He threw back his shot and placed the empty glass on the bar next to Goldie.

  “Then let me show you.” She pushed away from the bar, gave Goldie’s arm a squeeze, then placed her hand in Army’s and walked away.

  “I can’t fuckin’ believe you let that hot one go,” Chains said.

  “I can find ten more just like her if I want to. I’m sure someone in here will pique my interest before the night’s over.” He scanned the crowd and made a mental note of a few women he wouldn’t mind getting to know between the sheets.

  Twenty minutes later, Army came back over with the redhead in tow. She brushed against Goldie as she reached for her drink that was still on the bar. “You doing okay?” she said in a low voice. He nodded.

  “All right, baby. Why don’t you join your friends? I’m gonna hang with my brothers.” Army winked at her, then smacked her butt when she walked by.

  When she was out of earshot, Chains asked, “How was she?”

  “Okay. She’s worth having at one of our parties. I told her to come around the club next Friday night. She acted like I gave her the winning lottery ticket.” Army laughed. It always amazed the brothers how many women wanted to fuck them just because they were in an outlaw club.

  As the evening went on, more people filed in. Food, drinks, and good conversation flowed amongst the brothers, and the old ladies sat at a table near their men, laughing and talking as the night went on.

  Goldie, Brutus, Army, Chains, and Skull were throwing back shots and shooting the breeze when Eagle approached them. “Do any of you have a joint?”

  Goldie pulled one out and handed it to him.

  “Thanks, dude. Can you spare another one? I saw this hot-as-fuck chick and want to have a spare in case she wants one. This babe is so fuck-worthy.”

  Army turned around and looked out at the crowd. “Really? I bet it’s the chick who sucked my cock earlier. She’s a hot one. Is she a redhead?”

  “No. She’s got light brown hair and the most fuckin’ blue eyes I’ve ever seen. I gotta have this one.”

  “Where’s she at?” Goldie asked.

  “Right over there.” Eagle pointed to a table toward the front of the bar. “The one with the four chicks.”

  Goldie glanced over and a jolt of desire tore through him. Hailey. “You talking about the one with the black top?”

  “Yeah. The tight-as-hell black top that shows off her tits real well.”

  Army whistled under his breath. “She’s definitely hot. I wonder if we can get her to come to our parties. And she can bring her friends. They’re good too.”

  “Definitely prime piece of ass,” Brutus said as Chains and Skull nodded.

  “I’m gonna see if she’s into bikers.” Eagle started to move away but Goldie pulled him back. “What the fuck?” Anger darkened his brown eyes.

  “You’re not going to get near her.” Goldie’s tone was matter-of-fact.

  “Why the hell not? I saw her first, so you gotta find some other chick to fuck.” Eagle jerked away from him.

  Body tensing, Goldie crossed his arms and glared at Eagle. “I know her. Pick another pussy.”

  Eagle widened his eyes. “You’re fuckin’ bullshitting because you want her.”

  “When have you known me to bullshit?” Goldie’s jaw twitched.

; “He’s got a point there,” Brutus said.

  “Goldie always tells it straight,” Skull added.

  Eagle and Goldie stood breathing noisily, their gazes boring into each other’s. Finally, Eagle broke eye contact and stepped back. “She’s all yours, dude. No sense in getting pissed over pussy. Where’s the redhead you mentioned?” he asked, turning to Army.

  Their conversation became muffled in Goldie’s ears as he lit a joint and watched Hailey. After a few minutes, he tossed it to the floor, grinding it out with the toe of his boot. Reaching behind him, he grabbed his glass of Jack Daniels, threw it back, then made his way over to Hailey’s table.

  As he approached, he recognized one of the blonde women as the one who was with her at the tattoo parlor the weekend before. The blonde glanced up and smiled at him. She probably thinks I’m hitting on her. Then she said something to Hailey, who looked over her shoulder just as he reached their table.

  “Hey,” he said in her ear as he bent down low.

  “Hi.” Her cheeks rose with her grin and her eyes shimmered.

  “Can I join you?” He pulled out a chair and sat down before she answered.

  Hailey pointed to the three women. “This is Claudia. She was with me when I came into your shop. And this is Sera and Aubree.” Pointing to him, she said, “And this is….” She giggled. “I don’t know your name.”

  “Goldie.” He pushed his chair closer to hers. She smelled like the beach: sandy, sunny, and a briny tang. It washed over him like a cool breeze and reminded him of when his grandparents had taken him and his siblings to Disneyland and Laguna Beach one summer long ago.

  “I’m Hailey.”

  He smiled. I know who you are, sweet girl. “Can I get you ladies a round of drinks?” They all nodded and he called the waitress over.

  “I’m pretty tipsy,” Hailey said in his ear. Her warm breath made his dick wake up. “It’s funny that I ran into you again. First at Chianti’s and now here. I wonder if the universe is trying to tell us something.” She held his gaze with those beautiful eyes. “Maybe we should do something about it.”

  Lust surged through him. “Like what?” He placed his hand on hers.

  “I dunno. Maybe go out on a date? Do you date?”


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