GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4) Page 9

by Chiah Wilder

  Straightening up, she gathered her messy tresses in a high ponytail and secured them with some sort of rubber band. Watching her, he pictured his fist tangled in her hair, pulling it back forcefully as he entered from behind, her pretty ass red from his handprints. As his dick twitched, he shifted his position and smiled when she looked at him, red streaks running up her neck.

  “Hailey. Nice job with the window.”

  “What are you doing here?” she asked as she brushed away some stray hairs on her face.

  “Just passing by. I thought I’d stop by and see how you’re doing.”

  She shoved some ribbons and lace in a plastic bin, picked it up, and stepped down from the display window. “I’m fine. I’ve been real busy. How’ve you been?”

  “Good. Have you seen your ex-asshole around?”

  She tilted her chin down and frowned. “Oh… so that’s the reason you came by?”

  The way her blue eyes dulled touched him. “No. I wanted to see you and see if you want to grab some food and a beer after I get off work.”

  The spark he loved seeing in her gaze came back. “Really? I mean, sure, I’d love to, but just as friends, okay?”

  “No kissing or touching?” he asked in a low voice as he took a step toward her, sniffing her intoxicating scent.

  She stepped back. “Right. Just friends. Like old times.”

  “We weren’t exactly friends. You were Ryan’s little sister.” He curled his finger around one of the tendrils that had escaped from her ponytail.

  Blinking, she pulled away slightly. “You know what I mean.”

  As he leaned in, his head tilted down, she fixed her gaze on his and parted her lips.

  “Miss?” a voice from behind him interrupted them.

  Hailey cleared her throat and glided past him. “May I help you?” she asked a middle-aged woman.

  She and the woman walked to the coolers as Goldie watched her hips sway, imagining his fingers digging into them as he spread her legs wide and dipped his tongue into her wet folds, tasting her juices. I bet she tastes fucking sweet. I wonder if her pussy is as pink as her lips. And her nipples. Fuck. His dick jabbed against his zipper.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight thirty,” he said over his shoulder as he walked toward the exit. There was no way he was going to let Hailey see him sporting a boner.

  “Wait. You don’t have my address,” she said as came from behind the counter.

  “I remember where your aunt lives. See you.”

  “How do you know I’m staying at my aunt’s?”

  She should’ve been a damn lawyer with all her questions. “’Cause I got a brain. I gotta go.” He was on his Harley before she reached the front of the store and down the street by the time she yelled out his name. His shaft throbbed like hell as he rode out of town. He needed a ride through the desert to calm down. He’d have to do a better job controlling his excitement. There was something about Hailey that stirred him way up. It was like she’d invaded his mind, his senses, and his dick.

  Turning down the old highway, he hit the accelerator and sped into the landscape.

  * * *

  As Goldie pulled up to the Victorian, the streetlight on the corner clicked on as the last light of day gave way to the velvety dark of night. Only the faintest of light shined through the leaves as the moonlight danced across the darkened sidewalks and streets.

  Amber light flooded over him as the porch light switched on and a chain slid off the door. Through the mesh of the screen door, he saw Hailey’s smiling face, the light bouncing off it. From where he stood, her amazing scent filtered through the screen to curl around him. She unlatched the door and opened it wide. “Come on in.”

  Seeing her in her scoop-neck, hip-hugging dress with her shoulders bared took his breath away. Her chestnut hair spilled around her, the highlights shimmering like threads of gold, and the creamy swells of her breasts tempted his restraint in the worst way. She’s stunning. In the night, her blue eyes seemed endless, like the ocean under a full moon. All he wanted to do was tug her into his arms and smother her throat with kisses, then dip his tongue down to the hollow between her breasts.

  He glimpsed the pink tip of her tongue nestled between her teeth. Grasping her hand, he kissed it, then leaned in to her. “You look real pretty,” he said, his lips grazing her earlobe. He felt her shiver and he pressed her closer against him. “And you smell so fuckin’ sexy. Your perfume is doing a number on me, but you already know that, don’t you?” He rubbed against her and chuckled when her eyes widened.

  “I thought we were going out as friends,” she breathed, her warm breath proving to be an aphrodisiac to him.

  “We are.”

  “Do you always act like this with your female friends?” She tilted her head back and her enticing lips beckoned him.

  “I’m new to this. You’re my only friend who’s a chick.” He ran his thumb under her bottom lip.

  “FYI, friends of the opposite sex don’t really act like we are.”

  “I’ll try and remember that.” Then he crushed his mouth on hers and pushed his tongue through the seams of her lips, delving deep inside the recesses of her mouth. Instead of backing away from him, she clung to him as she shivered in his arms. Ramming his tongue deeper into her mouth, he slid his hand over her soft curves down to the ass he knew well. With all the women he’d held and kissed in his lifetime, none of them affected him the way Hailey did. His body and mind were on high alert, and even though he knew what he was doing was wrong, he didn’t give a shit. Hailey fit into his arms so perfectly, and he’d never met a woman who magnetized him the way she did. And she didn’t even know the affect she had on him.

  The wild tones of “Girls, Girls, Girls” broke their connection as Goldie grabbed for his phone. Hailey stepped back and smoothed down her hair, then went over to an oval mirror hanging on the foyer’s wall.

  “Yo,” he said as he watched her reapply her lipstick.

  “Are you still planning on coming?” Dylan asked. The din of chatter, music, and glasses roared in the background.

  “Yeah. Just running a bit late. On my way.” Goldie stepped onto the porch. “We have to get going. Dylan’s waiting for us.”

  “Dylan’s going to be there? You didn’t tell me that.” She tugged at the hem of her dress, then stepped on the porch and locked the door. “We went to school together.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. I didn’t tell him you were coming, so it’ll be a surprise.”

  “Is he married?”

  “Not yet, but he’s got a woman he’s interested in. Her name’s Skyla and she’s going to be there too.” He grasped her hand and led her to his Harley.

  “Are you serious? I’ve never been on a motorcycle, and I can’t go on one with this short dress. I’ll be flashing my butt to everyone.”

  His gaze lingered on her backside, and then he nodded. “You got a point there. I don’t want anyone seeing your ass but me.” He popped open his saddlebags, pulled out a small blanket, and handed it to her. “You can put this on the seat and wrap it around you.”

  “I’m not doing that. It’s hotter than hell, and I don’t want to worry about balancing on the bike and keeping myself covered. We can just go in my car.”

  “I don’t like cages.”

  “Cages? You mean cars?”

  “Cars, trucks, or anything else that keeps you enclosed.”

  “So you don’t have a car?”

  “I have a pickup for hauling stuff and for the winters. Sometimes it’s too damn icy for the bike. But I basically ride everywhere.”

  “Well, I’m not going to ride tonight in this dress. I’ll take my car and meet you at the restaurant.”

  Goldie stood staring at her, amazed that she was turning down the chance to press her body against him as the wind rushed around her. He’d never had a woman turn down a ride on his Harley. For that matter, he rarely had women not go along with what he said. Hailey was driving him crazy, and a part deep inside
him loved the challenge of her.

  “Are you just going to stand there staring while Dylan’s waiting for us?” She opened her purse and took out her keys. “Do you want to drive over with me or meet me there?”

  From the way she lifted her chin and held her keys, he was pretty sure she wasn’t going to change her mind. He’d concede, but he wasn’t going to make a damn habit out of it. He grabbed the keys from her hands. “Let’s go.”

  “I can drive.”

  “I’ll drive. I’m not into chicks driving me around.”

  “You’re impossible. And slow down. It’s not easy to walk on an uneven sidewalk in five-inch heels.”

  He held the door open for her, then slipped into the driver seat.

  Soon they were pulling into the lot at Bulldog Pub. The place heaved with people, and Goldie wrapped his arm around Hailey as they passed by a group of guys. The way some of them checked her out made his blood boil. If any of them say something or even make a sound, I’m gonna slam my fist into their fucking faces.

  Inside the rustic-styled bar, pints of beer were being drawn for thirsty patrons as they crowded around the long mahogany bar. In the middle of the room, diners filled many of the wooden tables and chairs, as well as the red-leather booths that lined the walls of the establishment. There was an elemental feel to the décor, with lots of wood and exposed stone. It seemed as though it had been transported from a small village in England.

  The hum of conversation, punctuated by sudden squalls of laughter, surrounded Goldie and Hailey as he guided her to a large booth. Dylan’s beaming face greeted them.

  “I thought you’d never get here. It’s crowded for a weeknight,” Dylan said, his gaze directed on Hailey as she scooted toward the wall.

  “I got tied up.” He slid in next to her. “Did you order?”

  “Just drinks.”

  “Hi, Goldie,” the cute woman next to Dylan said.

  “Skyla.” Goldie tipped his head. He placed his arm around Hailey. “This is Hailey. You remember Hailey Shilley.”

  Dylan’s mouth opened as he stared at her. “Wow, you grew up.” He quickly kissed Skyla’s cheek when she punched him in the arm. “No. I mean, it’s been a long time. I haven’t seen you since we started high school. What’re you doing back in Alina?”

  As Hailey told her story, Goldie picked up the draft the waitress had brought and watched her use her hands as she spoke. She was so animated and, for a reason he couldn’t understand, it was turning him way the hell on. Then again, it seemed like everything about Hailey turned him on. Never had a woman captivated him the way she had. Her laughter sparkled like drops of water in the sunlight, and it hit him right in the groin. But when she looked up at him through her thick lashes, his pants grew tight. Shifting, he tried to get comfortable, and when Hailey asked him if he could let her out of the booth, he grabbed his napkin and stood up. Skyla followed Hailey as they went to the ladies’ room. Sliding back into the booth, Goldie threw his napkin on the table and shook his head.

  “How long have you been going out with Hailey?” Dylan asked.

  Goldie jerked his head. “I’m not going out with her. We’re just friends.”

  Setting his beer down, he laughed. “You could’ve fooled me. The two of you got something going on between you. I can see it in both of your eyes and by your hard-on.”

  “What can I say? She’s fuckin’ hot. I always get a boner for a hot woman, but that’s where it ends. Ryan’s my best bud, and he asked me to keep an eye on her. She’s got some fucked-up ex-boyfriend in her past and Ryan’s afraid he may come to Alina and try some shit with her.” Goldie took a long drink, avoiding Dylan’s gaze.

  “I’ve seen you with other hot women, and you don’t act the way you are with Hailey. And she is damn hot. I couldn’t believe it when you told me it was her. I mean, I always thought she was cute, but now she’s definitely a grown woman.” Dylan laughed.

  “You and Skyla seem good together.” Goldie wanted to turn the conversation away from Hailey. The more they talked about her, the harder he grew, and he needed to calm way the hell down before she came back to the table.

  “We are. I think she’s the one, bro. I want to spend all my time with her. I’m thinking of asking her to move in with me. Maybe even marry me.”

  “That’s cool. I always thought Skyla was good for you.”

  “Are you guys done talking about us?” Skyla said as she slipped back into the booth.

  Goldie stood up and let Hailey in. As she skimmed against him, his jeans grew tight again. Fuck! He sat down and retrieved his napkin, placing it over his bulge. The waitress came over with their burgers, wings, and salads, and he was grateful for the distraction.

  Throughout dinner, they laughed and talked, and everything about her sent him into overdrive: her soft laughter, her scent, her eyes, and her leg pressed against his. She had no clue what her nearness did to him, and he kept reminding himself that she was Ryan’s sister. Over and over the words “She’s Ryan’s sister” played in his head like a mantra; he wished his dick would pay attention to it.

  “We should get going. I’ve got an early meeting in the morning,” Dylan said.

  “Me too. There are so many weddings this summer. I had a couple come in from Tula to order flowers for their September wedding. Anyway, I have a long day tomorrow.” Hailey turned to Goldie. “We should go.”

  “Sure.” He stood and helped her out of the booth.

  After saying their goodbyes, Goldie drove Hailey home.

  “I had a real nice time tonight. It was so much fun seeing Dylan again. And Skyla is so nice. They seemed really into each other. Maybe he’ll be the first of your siblings to tie the knot.”


  “I bet you’re the last. You don’t seem like the marrying type.” She climbed out of the car and quickly closed the door behind her.

  “I’m not.” Before he could capture her in his arms, she’d sprinted up the porch steps and unlocked the door. He tugged her to him, his arms looping around her waist, her back pressed to his chest. Nuzzling her neck, he said, “You drove me wild all night.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She cocked her head to the side.

  “I loved it,” he said against her soft skin. “Are you going to invite me in?”

  Stiffening, she placed her hands on his and tilted her head back. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have to get up early, and we’re trying to just be friends, remember?”

  “Bad ideas are usually the most fun. And we are friends.”

  She laughed dryly. “I don’t want a friendship with benefits. Anyway, what would Ryan say?”

  The mention of Ryan’s name was a sure cockblocker. He released his hold on Hailey and stepped away. “I lost my head. I think you’re a damn hot woman, and sometimes I forget it’s you. I gotta go.”

  She turned around. “Where are you going?”

  “For a ride, then back to the clubhouse.”

  “I’d like to ride on your Harley sometime.” Her gaze caught his and the sexual tension between them crackled.

  “I’ll remember that.” He jumped off the porch and hopped on his bike. He needed to go for a fast, hard ride to clear his head. For him, riding his bike was better than a cold shower. He’d have to ride extra fast to rid himself of the image of Hailey’s soft body fused to his, sweat glistening off them as he fucked her hard while watching her come.

  The night sky sparkled with thousands of bright specks, the blacked-out rock formations now flat shapes dissolving into the desert ground. As Goldie roared down the desolate road, the darkness swallowed him up.

  Chapter Twelve

  Hailey watched Goldie ride away before she closed and locked the door. Sadness enveloped her as she trudged upstairs to her bedroom. Every ounce of strength she possessed fought hard to keep her from inviting Goldie in and letting him have his way with her. From the first time she’d seen him at the tattoo shop, she was smitten. There was no denying
the electrifying sizzle between them, and she knew he experienced it too. And when she found out he was Garth, she took it as a sign.

  But you ran away scared. Pushed him away. And it wasn’t because of Ryan. The truth was she was scared out of her mind. When Goldie wasn’t around, she thought about him a lot—and her panties dampened, her nipples ached, and her sex throbbed like hell. It was unbelievable. And when she was with him, her whole body was in a frenzy.

  She slipped into the cool sheets and turned off the lamp. Lying on her back, she looked up at the custom ceiling with ornate floral patterns and tried to imagine what it would feel like to have a fling with Goldie. It would be awesome and devastating. Since she was a young girl, she’d had a crush on the blond, blue-eyed Garth, and if they came together now, she knew she’d flip completely for him. Look how worked up I get just being with him. Imagine having sex with him. No, it would be a disaster because he was nothing but a womanizer. For him, it would be just a wild night of sex while for her it would mean everything.

  No, it would never work. She didn’t actively seek getting a broken heart. And he would break her heart terribly; she was sure of that.

  Closing her eyes, she hoped sleep would stop the twirling of her thoughts.

  * * *

  Rory picked up her piña colada margarita—it was the summer special at Alfonso’s—and ran her tongue over the rim. “This is the best margarita I’ve ever had. Good choice for dinner, Hay.”

  “I know we all like Mexican food, and the first time I came here I almost died the food and drinks were so good.” Hailey took a sip of her pineapple margarita.

  “I can’t believe you’re just having your usual white wine when there are so many yummy drinks on the menu,” Rory said to Claudia.

  “A glass of stellar chardonnay suits me just fine.”

  The waiter came over with three steaming dishes. “Will there be anything else?” he asked.

  “I ordered corn tortillas,” Claudia said.

  “I’ll be right back with them.” The server rushed away.


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