Riding High

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Riding High Page 12

by Zara Stoneley

“I think we need to talk. I’ve changed my mind.”

  Chapter 8

  “Sorry, what do you mean you’ve changed your mind?”

  “We’ll talk when I get there. I’m on my way back, be with you in a couple of hours.” The rich, deep voice crept along her skin. “I thought I’d give you warning this time.” He gave a short laugh, setting off the memory of the last time he’d come back unexpectedly, a thought that sent a tingle of anticipation straight between her thighs. Two days without him and the sound of his voice took her right back to square one. Even though what he was saying, what he was doing, didn’t make sense.

  “Considerate of you.” The tightness in her throat gave her words an edge she hadn’t meant.

  “I thought so, although I’d be quite happy to catch you unawares again.” The dry tone hit a nerve it shouldn’t have.

  “I’m with Dan and Marie.” She was sure they could hear every word; though, to be fair, what was a bit of eavesdropping after what she’d been doing?

  “Still? Don’t you have your own business to run as well?” He was definitely sounding edgy.

  “I’m quite capable of managing my own time, thanks.” She couldn’t stop the sigh. “I thought you had some work down there you had to sort? Why are you heading back? I don’t get it.”

  “Sorted for now. I need to check some things with Dan.” Ah, so that put her in her place. He was heading back for Dan, and needed a bed for the night.

  “I think I’ll have to start charging you B and B fees.” It was meant to lighten the tone, but went down like the proverbial lead balloon.

  “I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. Right, traffic is busy so I better go. See you soon.”

  There was a clunk and then she was left with the dull tone of nothing. “He’s on his way.” As though they didn’t know. And he’d already managed to twist her body back into the ball of tension it had been before James had worked his magic on it.


  “What did you mean, you’ve changed your mind?”

  “What were you doing with Dan and Marie?” He had his hands jammed in his pockets and he looked almost as though he were gunning for a fight. “And James?” Which was daft, except for the way he said it, and the way he stood, hands by holsters.

  “I was finding out about the business, of course.” She took a half step away. “If I’m going to manage it I have to understand it. Now tell me what you meant.”

  “No, you don’t have to understand anything. They’re doing the day-to-day stuff; all you were supposed to be involved in was the facilities management, sort out any problems.”

  “That’s not how I work; I want to understand. Anyway, you’ve changed your tune.”

  “No, I haven’t. I told you already, they know what they’re doing.”

  “What’s this about, Saul? Why have you suddenly come back after pissing off and telling me you were too busy?”

  “I haven’t suddenly come back. I always intended keeping an eye on things and it’s early days, but I’m not sure it’s going to work.”

  “Eye on things? Or on me? So you don’t trust me to run the place? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “I didn’t say that.” He stopped his pacing abruptly and raked her with a stare that would have sent her back another step if she didn’t already know him, and wasn’t gritting her teeth, determined to hold her ground.

  “Well, you either trust me or you don’t, and from where I’m standing…”

  He took a sharp step toward her and the words froze between them. Whatever had gotten into him, it wasn’t good.

  “Trust? Well we know your stance on that, don’t we? And why should I trust your business decisions when I hardly know you?”

  “And I hardly know you, and will you stop trying to intimidate me?” She wasn’t going to step back; she rooted herself, forcing her breathing to stay steady. She’d never run from anyone before and she wasn’t about to start now.

  “Huh, if you think this is intimidation…” He was inches from her, his breathing heavy and his eyes burning into her with an intensity he’d not shown before. “Have you found out enough about them to satisfy you now, then?” It seemed to be taking him an effort to stay this controlled.

  She dropped her gaze to the pulse in his jaw. “I’ve only just started.” She knew she shouldn’t goad him, knew it was a mistake, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “Oh really?” His voice was a deliciously soft warning. “And what’s next in your exploration?”

  “You’ve been spying on me.”

  “Me?” He gave a short laugh. “I don’t spy on anyone, darling, and I want an answer. Who are you going to attend riding lessons with next?”

  “Bastard.” He caught her wrist even before she really realized she’d swung at him, stopping her hand inches from its mark. “Don’t be crude, and it’s none of your business anyway.” She bit the inside of her lip, aware of just how close he was.

  “And what if I’m making it my business?”

  “Well, don’t. You might control the business but you don’t control me.”

  “Really?” There was the faintest of twists to his lips and then, without warning, she’d been dragged closer, his fingers twisting themselves in her hair as his mouth came down brutally hard on hers. She opened her mouth to speak but she couldn’t; he was pushing her lips farther apart with a tongue that forced the musky taste of his arousal straight to the core of her. He pulled back, his eyes almost black. She gasped for air, brushing across her tingling lips with fingers that trembled.

  “You, you…” This time she hit her mark, her fist thumping into his ribs, and his jaw clenched in response. She swung again, but there was no second chance; he was ready, and he caught her wrist effortlessly.

  “I thought I warned you not to start a fight with me you couldn’t finish.”

  “You bastard.”

  “You said it.” He grabbed her other wrist, pinning them both above her head against the wall that he had backed her into.


  Saul looked straight into those flashing eyes and realized he’d never seen anyone look so shaggable. Roisin was panting, her mouth slightly open, her cheeks flushed pink, her hair tangled around her shoulders.

  The text from Dan had sparked something in him that he didn’t get, and he hadn’t been able to control. The thought of her there, talking about sex with them, about her lying on a table while James massaged his way into her mind, had sent every other thought spinning out of his own. Even though he knew it was only business. Even though he knew there was nothing wrong. Even though he knew he should stay away.

  The latest business plan hadn’t mattered; only the image of her there naked, the image of her aroused body shifting under James’s hands had mattered. James, the man he had never planned on seeing again. The man who wasn’t supposed to be there.

  And now she was spitting at him like an angry cat defending its patch and the sight was sending a sharp stab of need straight to his cock.

  Her breasts lifted and fell with her unsteady breathing, her nipples sharply outlined against the thin cotton, and he had to see her now, here. He reached back, got his knife from his back pocket, watched her eyes flash, widen as he flicked the blade open. So she thought she didn’t trust him?

  For a second he paused, letting her feel the cold of the blade against her skin, and then slowly, deliberately he let the sharpness slice open the T-shirt, watched the material peel slowly open in front of his eyes from neck to waist as she froze, her gaze locked with his, her nipples peaking ever harder.

  She let out the sharp intake of breath, her swollen lips parting farther until he could see the damp tip of her tongue, feel the sweetness of her breath. Slowly he turned the knife, let the cold handle trace a path between the full breasts, down over the tight stomach, watching her clench each muscle in response
, imagining her clenching the muscles in her pussy in time. Fuck, he could almost feel that sweet cunt tightening around him.

  Her eyes had darkened, the black pupil widening with want until it almost flooded the emerald green away, until all he could see was want, need, and his own stomach clenched in response sending a dull ache spiraling down to his balls.

  He spun her around, pushing the side of her face against the wall, pulled her arms down and around her back, and stripped the torn T-shirt over her shoulders and down until he could use it to tie her wrists. She gasped, licking her lips, waiting, needing, and all it took was one touch of his hand between her thighs for her to open up for him.

  She was perfect. He stared, taking in the slim waist, the bound wrists. The tight white jodhpurs hugged every toned inch of her bum and thighs, the long black leather boots wrapped around her calves, and he felt a new rush of blood to his already engorged cock.

  He swallowed hard, feeling the ache build, feeling control start to spin away. The blade of the knife slid under her waistband, sliced through the thin material of her riding jodhpurs until all he could see was the black lace of the thong that nestled between the soft roundness of her buttocks. She gasped as the cool metal slid under the thin scrap of material and one flick of his wrist broke through it. She was his, and he was going to have her. He let the knife drop from his fingers, heard the heavy clunk as it hit the floor, his hand already on his zipper as his other reached down between her thighs. She was panting, rocking, as he met the unresisting softness of a pussy that ran with juices, juices he could smell, a sweetness he could almost taste. And then he had his hands on the soft swell of her hips, his thumbs digging into the plumpness of her bum, and he watched as his swollen cock slid right in where it belonged. Her moan nearly sent him over the edge with that first slow glide in. He felt her grasping at him, her slickness coating him; could feel her throbbing that he needed so much to be his own, and then he couldn’t hold back any longer. He hammered into her, heard the grunt that turned to a moan, then she was shouting out his name and his body took over from his mind. All he could think of was taking every inch of her, branding her, filling her. She spread her legs wider, sank down as he pounded upward. The sound of her yelling and begging for more filled his head; as his balls nestled against the warm wetness, he heard a sound that had to be him, and then he’d lost it.


  She eased herself away from the wall and slowly turned to face him. For a moment they just stared at each other. She pulled awkwardly, trying to loosen her arms, which were still bound behind her back.

  “Are you going to untie me, then?” The husky note of her voice swirled at the base of his stomach and he shook his head slowly.

  “Oh no, we’re not done yet.” His voice matched hers as he fought to steady his breathing, and he knew he was far from done. She’d gotten under his skin and he didn’t know how to stop her, didn’t know how to put things back to normal. Not until they’d done what they had to and broken whatever kind of spell had them in its grip. He ran one hand down the side of her face and she twisted her head to kiss his hand, then she slowly licked down the length of it, sucking the mound at the base of his thumb, those green eyes fixed on him all the time.

  “Witch.” She shivered; she wanted it too, wanted to fuck until it was out of their systems, until it was over. He ran his hand down her neck, watched the goose bumps rise on her skin, drifted down until he had her breast cradled. His thumb teased over her nipple, making it harden. “We’re nowhere near done yet.”

  He let his hands drift down over her silky skin, rubbed his thumbs just inside her hip bones, watching the shudder run through her body, and then he shifted his hands just enough to lift her. She was light, but it wouldn’t have made any difference if she hadn’t been as he carried her up the stairs and laid her gently down in the middle of the bed. He was going to sort this if it killed him.


  “James turned you on, didn’t he?”

  Roisin shivered as his hand slowly traced a path down the side of her body, the back of his fingers warm and smooth against the dip of her waist. He sat astride her legs, pulled her against his body and, with one motion, freed her wrists. As he laid her back she reached up instinctively. Firm fingers danced up the delicate inner skin of her outstretched arms, stopping abruptly at her wrists. Pinning her back down against the mattress.

  “Exactly where I want you, darling.” The wolfish grin made her nipples peak as he drew her wrists closer, binding them together before fastening them to the headboard so that her breasts lifted. Shit, the man was a control freak, not that she was going to pretend being tied up didn’t do it for her. He edged down her body, leaned forward, and she groaned as his tongue circled her nipple. Hard teeth slid along the delicate skin, burning a trail of sensation that stopped abruptly as his gaze met hers. “You liked the way he touched you, didn’t you?”

  Fuck, why couldn’t he just shut up? “Is that what this is about?” She gasped as he ran his hand into the indent of her waist, the rough tips of his fingers grazing her skin.

  “Do you think of his hands on your skin when I touch you?”


  He glared and she shook her head.

  “No.” A small whisper in the large room that should have echoed. “No, I was thinking about you when he touched me.”

  He ran a firm hand over her thigh. Her muscles tensed as he reached her knee, circled, and then traced back up the inside. Her legs clamped tight together as a wave of need traveled up to her pussy and he laughed, rolling off the bed.

  “Oh, no, Roisin, it’s my turn to be in control, my turn to decide if you’re allowed to be greedy.” His hand tugged firmly at her ankle, sliding her body down taut over the satin sheets before he tied it securely, his burning gaze never leaving her as he walked around to the other side of the bed. Her muscles clenched, resisting as he pulled her legs apart, her body tightening against the firm strength as his eyes narrowed slightly and sent new heat straight to her pussy. He shook his head slowly. “You won’t win, not this time.” The dark head bent closer, his tongue tracing a damp path along her hot pussy, making her whimper. “But you don’t want to, do you, darling?”

  She shook her head. She should mind, she really should mind being pinned to the bed, but she didn’t. She wanted to be here, waiting to see what he did to her next.

  “All those dirty thoughts running around in your head, but you don’t know what you want, do you? You’re not going to admit to wanting another man, are you?” She squirmed as much as the bindings would allow, her skin tingling at his smile. “I want you to be honest, Roisin. I need you to be honest with me.”

  “I am honest. How did you know he…?” Her voice was a rasp in the silence and she swallowed to clear her throat. His finger suddenly sank into her slickness and she closed her eyes at the hard, blissful intrusion, lifting her hips, a gentle ripple of orgasm instantly rolling through her body.

  “James turned you on, didn’t he?” He was twisting his finger inside her, creating a new wave of want, and it didn’t matter that he hadn’t answered her question.

  “Yes.” Please don’t stop, please don’t stop.

  “He made you all wet, didn’t he?” His finger rolled up inside her, curling rhythmically against her G-spot with the slightest tormenting pressure. “Didn’t he?”

  “Yes.” She was panting, clenching her muscles as he held her there on the edge of orgasm. “Please.”

  “Open your eyes. Look at me.” She ran her tongue over her lips, opened her eyes to meet his gaze, and for a moment didn’t know what she was seeing. He was staring intently, his expression a mix of desire and something she didn’t understand. “He’s going to give you the type of private lesson you’re not going to forget, Roisin.” She cried out as he squeezed his thumb down hard against the swollen bud of her clit, a clit that was already throbbing to the point wh
ere she couldn’t distinguish between pain and pleasure. “Because that’s what you want, my little greedy girl, isn’t it?” His voice was soft in her ear as he built the pleasure relentlessly.

  “I don’t…” She lifted her hips to follow his hand, her legs trembling.

  “You do, Roisin. Look.” She followed his gaze then, freezing as she noticed the figure in the doorway. How long had he been there? Had he been watching her as she’d watched him earlier? “Do you want him to touch you?”

  Shit, she couldn’t say no; her whole body was crying out to feel those hands on her again, even as she was clenching around Saul’s fingers. Just seeing him standing there, his black eyes raking over her body, was sending new shudders through her.

  The warm touch of his hand on her foot sent an electric jolt through her body, even though she could see him, even though she knew he was going to do it. She gasped as his thumb pressed into the arch of her foot, and her legs fought against the ties as her inner thighs tightened around Saul’s hand. He slowly drew his fingers down, leading a damp trail of her juices against her thigh, and for a second she saw the two men share a look before he reached to the side of the bed for something, and then his hand was under her head, lifting her, and she realized what he was doing just as the blindfold came down, blocking her vision.

  Chapter 9

  “James is here because I asked him, Roisin, not as a member of staff. He can do whatever you want him to. Is that okay? Say now if you don’t want this?” His voice was soft silk in her ear; his lips drifted across her, warming her cheek before settling on her mouth. Teeth nibbled across her lower lip, pulling, tugging gently until she opened her lips, and then he molded his own over hers, easing until she opened her mouth wider, until he could explore with his tongue. He circled around her teeth, setting alight new sensation before plunging deeper so that she could taste him, taste his lust, her whole body softening in response.

  A sudden thrust inside her pussy set her body taut against the ties in shock, and she fought to jerk away from the demanding mouth, tried to cry out. But the sound was lost in his mouth as his strong hands held her head firm, and his tongue plunged deeper into her throat. Fingers on her hips dug in, and as her body accepted the intrusion she realized it was a tongue, probing, lapping, thrusting, and fluttering in time.


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