Bittersweet Addiction

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Bittersweet Addiction Page 8

by Q. B. Tyler

  “I am going to fuck you so many times tonight that you’ll lose track of how many orgasms I give you. But right now, I need you to fucking come. Don’t make me tell you again,” he says sternly. “Stop holding back on me. I need you to come like I need fucking air, Charlotte. Give it to me.”

  I was already close, but his words mixed with his lips on my nipple has my orgasm rocking through me. “Will,” I almost scream as my insides shatter. I close my eyes, the feeling disallowing me from keeping them open as the tremors wrack my body. I hear him say my name and yes but I don’t see or hear much else. Despite the room being illuminated by the lights that we never turned off, I see nothing. All I can feel is Will. I sense him everywhere around me. His touch, him pulsing inside of me, his lips pressed to mine. I flutter my eyes open and I see my favorite pair of eyes staring back at me. “It gets better and better every time.”

  “We’re fucking explosive,” he grins.

  I let out a breath and reach up to brush the sweat from his brow. “I love you,” I say, the exhaustion setting in. All of the alcohol I’ve had tonight is starting to catch up with me. The alcohol mixed with the fatigue post-orgasm has my body feel like it’s floating towards sleep.

  “I love you too,” he mumbles against my shoulder, as he peppers kisses onto my skin. “Are you going to sleep?” he asks.

  I actually didn’t realize my eyes had closed as my body is still recovering from the force of the orgasm. “Not asleep, just resting my eyes,” I mumble.

  I hear him laugh and then his lips are on my forehead, pressing gentle kisses to the skin. “Get some sleep, sweetheart.” I’m on the precipice of sleep when I feel his mouth between my legs, cleaning up the mess we made and my eyes flutter open as no amount of exhaustion could stop me from paying attention to him when he does this.

  “What are you doing down there?”

  “You smelled so good, I could smell the sun on your skin. I just needed a taste.”

  “Mmmm, keep going,” I say as I melt into the pillows. Sleep, completely forgotten about I perk my head up to watch this intimate display of affection. His eyes find mine and although I can’t see his mouth, I can tell he’s smiling. My mouth drops open and I let my head fall back allowing the pleasure to take over. It isn’t long before I’m coming and coming and coming, his name leaving my lips in a chant. My hands find his hair and I pull him up to me immediately, locking my legs around his back and I kiss him, tasting my cum.

  It doesn’t take long for me to feel us move and me being pulled to lay across him. I snuggle my face into his chest and then I’m out like a light.

  The next time I open my eyes the room is pitch black, making me wonder if it’s still night time or if the suite has blackout curtains. Will is no longer underneath me and I sit up completely alone in our bed, the thought chilling me more than the loss of his body heat. I frown, wondering where he is when I get up, still completely naked. Pulling the sheet from the bed, I wrap it around me and pad into the main room in search of him. My eyes find him instantly, sitting on the couch, on the phone, wearing nothing but his briefs. He smiles at me appreciatively although it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Thank you for letting me know. Please call me if you hear anything else.”

  His aggravation unnerves me and I immediately move to be in his arms. He ends the call and I settle into his lap. “You know…I went to sleep in your arms, and I woke up alone…I don’t think I like that.” I press my face into his neck, running my lips along his collarbone. I tell myself that I’m trying to calm him, but really nothing made me more at ease than curling up against him.

  “I’m sorry, I got a phone call…I needed to take it.” His hand makes its way inside of the sheet and begins to rub circles on my naked back.

  I pull away to look up at him. “You sound upset, is everything okay?”

  He looks away and then back to me, giving me a sad smile. “There are times where I will want to keep things from you. Things that I will shield you from because I don’t want you to get hurt.” He tucks a lock of my messy bedhead behind my ear. “But leaving you in the dark about some things will do more harm than good.”

  “I don’t want to be in the dark,” I whisper. “Tell me what’s going on. Let me help,” I say.

  “No,” he says firmly. “I don’t want you anywhere near this. But I will tell you what’s going on.”

  I nod, knowing if he’s trying to keep me out of something, it’s for a reason that more than likely involves my safety. “Okay.”

  “I got a call about an hour ago.” He leans back against the couch, bringing me closer to him, “from our security company.”


  “For our house.” My sex pulses in response. Our house.

  My mind refocuses, remembering that Will isn’t happy. “Okay?”

  “Someone threw a brick through one of the first floor windows,” he says with a sigh and I can almost hear the blaring thoughts in his head.

  “Were there other houses vandalized on our street? Maybe it was a—”

  “Just ours, Charley,” he interrupts giving me a look. “The cameras on the outside aren’t set up yet, so we have no way of knowing who it was but…I have an idea,” he says looking at me.

  Fuck. I bite my bottom lip to stop the tears from forming as my head lowers in shame. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “Why are you sorry?” He lifts my chin up. “I thought I broke you of that bad habit.”

  “My past—”

  “Is just that…the past,” he tells me. “We deal with it but we don’t let it affect our future.”

  “But what if it happens again…and we’re there… or our… children are there.” I don’t miss the way my body reacts to the thought of me having his babies. I see him tense slightly thinking about it as well.

  “I’ll monitor the situation. Do you think I would let you move in if I thought it wasn’t safe? Do you think I’d let our family be in harm’s way, ever?”

  I shake my head. “No. But—”

  “I’ll put the house back on the market, Charley.” He shrugs. “We find a new place and, in the meantime, you move into my place with me. There is plenty of room for us both.”

  “Will, you just bought that house,” I remind him.

  “I’m aware, but I’m not going to gamble with your safety either. I plan to have you knocked up by spring, I don’t have time to deal with that bullshit.”

  “Spring?” My eyes are wide and unblinking. He wants a baby that soon? I can actually feel my ovaries exploding at the idea. “It’s November.”

  “Your point?”

  I smile as I think about how excited he is to have a family with me when the man before him wouldn’t even discuss it. “Are you going to put a ring on it first?” I ask.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?” he jokes, and I raise an eyebrow in response.

  “Maybe I am? What’s your answer, Montgomery? Or should I get down on one knee? There’s something else I can do while I’m down there,” I smile cheekily and he squeezes me tighter.

  “I didn’t think you would be ready so soon to get married.”

  “I want to be with you…forever,” I whisper. “And I want to start forever…now.”

  “I want that too,” he says brushing his lips across mine.

  “So, will you?”

  “Will I, what?”

  “Marry me?”

  “I think I’m supposed to ask you that,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me, but I can see the twinkle there that means he’s pleased with this course of action I’ve taken.

  “My shrink taught me to go after what I want. He taught me to be brave and strong and be the person I want to be instead of the person someone else wants me to be. Well…I want you. I want to be Mrs. Charlotte Montgomery. I’m ready. I know it’s soon but…I’ve known for months that you were the one. And you waited for me, and you were so patient and kind and yes, the way we fell in love was inconvenient, but it happened. You’re the best thing
that’s ever happened to me and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I put my entire heart on the line for the man I love more than anything in the world. I pull myself out of his grasp and lower myself to one knee in front of him. “William Montgomery…will you marry me?”

  The man in front of me doesn’t even try to stop the tears building in his eyes and although he swallows them down I know the emotion is there. He stands pulling me to my feet. “Yes. Of course, I’ll marry you. Tomorrow if you’d let me,” he says before his lips find mine in a passionate kiss. The sheets are ripped from me as he carries me back to our bedroom.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring,” I say with a cheeky smile.

  “It’s okay. I do.”

  My breath hitches in my throat hearing his confession. “You have it?”

  “It’s been picked out…I didn’t know you were ready so I didn’t have them rush it. If I wasn’t so turned on, I’d take you over my knee for stealing my thunder.”

  I giggle. “Sorry. You’ll get used to it,” I wink.

  “I can’t wait.”

  We consummate our engagement over and over that night, enjoying the bubble of my divorce moon as much as we can, knowing that a storm was brewing back home.

  * * *

  A SIGH LEAVES CHARLEY’S LIPS that makes my cock twitch. My eyes trace over that perfect mouth just before her tongue darts out to wet her lips, successfully turning my dick to granite. Her eyes flutter open just as the wheels of the plane hit the ground in Atlanta and I watch as a smile finds her face when she sees we are home again. I’d learned that Charley was a bit of a nervous flyer; she clung to me upon takeoff, her nails all but digging into my skin every time we hit the slightest patch of turbulence. It was only about a seventy five minute flight, but Charley had forced herself to sleep after take-off. I was too tense to sleep, my mind floating back to the broken window in the house I’d just purchased.

  The police came to my house in response to the tripped alarm and called me within minutes of the security company. I had already been in touch with them as well as the investigator I had used to get information regarding Charley’s stepfather. I was sure Matt was the guilty party but I needed proof. Thank God, the entire window hadn’t shattered, so until I got home, they had placed a board over it to prevent potential flooding or a bird from flying in. None of our belongings had been moved in so I wasn’t too concerned; it was a good neighborhood and the officer assured me they’d pass by once a day to ensure no further damage had occurred.

  That was until my father got wind of what happened.

  Imagine my irritation, not to mention shock, when my father began to call me incessantly while a naked Charlotte hovered above me, her lips wrapped around my cock as I submerged my face in her pussy.

  “For the love of God, J.R. WHAT?” I growl into the phone, wiping my face of the cum that was currently coating it.

  “Oh, you’re irritated with me? Excuse me, for wanting to help you.” His tone matches mine, giving me the impression that he is even less thrilled with this conversation than I am.

  “Help me with what, I’m a little busy at the moment.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, the tension back in full force after Charley had spent the better part of the morning sucking it out of me. Literally.

  He snorts. “Yeah, I’ll bet. Were you honestly not going to fly home? You were just going to leave your investment exposed like that? Thank God, Drew called me.”

  My blood runs cold and I immediately look at the ceiling praying for divine intervention to save me from having to go through this conversation. And what the fuck Drew? Why the hell would you call J.R.? “I’m assuming you’re talking about the window, then?”

  “What the hell is this bullshit board going to do? Someone could easily break in, or what if an animal got in? Honestly, William, are you more concerned with being inside of Charlotte than with your home? Priorities, son. You can be so irresponsible.” My nostrils flare and my fist forms a ball as I struggle to keep my rage intact. How fucking dare he? I’M irresponsible?

  My mind is stopped from going down a road of anger and resentment when I feel Charlotte’s lips on my fist. My eyes meet hers and she gives me a smile after she’d gotten my hand to open up, successfully releasing the tension. Relief floods me as she climbs back on top of me and lies down, her head resting directly over my heart. The smell of her shampoo floods my nostrils, coconut with a hint of vanilla. Her lips press against the skin just over my heart. When she looks up at me she smiles, and just like that, I’m lost in her warm brown eyes.

  “Can we do this later? I’ll be home tomorrow afternoon.”

  “If you insist. I was only calling to tell you that I’ve had your window replaced.”

  “Wait —what?” I ask, breaking me out of the trance caused by Charlotte’s gaze.

  “Did you think I was just going to leave it like this? No, I had someone come out and replace it, obviously.”

  “Who asked you to do that?”

  “I think the words you’re looking for are ‘thank you.’ Clearly you weren’t going to ask me.”

  “Because I was handling it.”

  “You’re in Florida! And honestly, son, if I’m going to continue to clean up your messes, I’d at least appreciate some gratitude.”

  I grit my teeth knowing that nothing good will come from speaking my mind, so I opt for the high road. “You’re right. Thank you for taking care of that.”

  “Was that so hard? It’ll be fixed by the time you’re home, and you won’t have to deal with it.”

  “Right.” To an onlooker that had no knowledge of the longstanding, tumultuous relationship between myself and my father, I probably sounded like an ungrateful asshole. And hell, I probably was. But I also knew J.R., and he didn’t do anything for free. I didn’t mean monetary compensation; no, my father had more money than he knew what to do with. I imagine he wasn’t batting an eye over the cost but would somehow use this against me. His comment about my responsibility was already seeping into my subconscious.

  “Well, we’ll be in touch when you get home. Your mother is just beside herself.”


  I groan inwardly, knowing that on top of everything, Diana Montgomery was now involved.


  “Did you sleep at all?” Charley asks me, breaking me from my thoughts as she unbuckles her seatbelt.


  She frowns, her lips turning downward slightly. I reach forward rubbing my thumb along her lips. “Why the long face?”

  “You’ve been tense and anxious ever since you talked to your Dad. You barely slept a wink last night…”

  “Well to be fair, neither did you.” I smile at her as I recall all of the various positions I’d taken my new fiancée in last night.

  “You know what I mean.” She gives me a pointed look and I have to admit this authoritative side of her is turning me the fuck on. “You need to get some sleep when we get home.”

  “I have to go into the office. I pushed my session to five since I knew we’d be back relatively early today. My Mondays are back to being pretty busy now that I don’t block out my entire morning for your private sessions.” I shoot her a lascivious grin and I’m rewarded with those teeth of hers sinking into her bottom lip as she fights the smile creeping onto her face. “I also want to go over to the house.”

  “I can go with you,” she says immediately.

  “No.” Our house has just been vandalized, more than likely by her ex-husband, and who knows if he still has a PI on her or me or both of us. The last thing I want is to take her there, before I have a chance to speak with the police in person and evaluate the situation myself.


  People are starting to stand and collect their belongings, and I follow suit, pulling Charley’s carry-on luggage from the overhead compartment. “Because.” Way to use your words, Will.

  “Because why?”

arley, can we get off the plane and talk about this later?” I pinch the bridge of my nose as I begin to wish I’d asked for a second whiskey ginger when the flight attendant came around to collect my first.

  “It’s a simple question, Will.”

  “Charlotte,” I look at her, “I said no. If that’s not good enough, I’m sorry. But as I said we can talk about it later.” My voice is low, and my face close to hers not wanting the people that are in close proximity to hear our conversation.

  She lets out a breath of defiance before she narrows her eyes slightly. “You had a drink?”

  I swallow, as if that somehow would mask the scent. “Just one.”

  She looks toward the line of people that are slowly inching their way to the front of the plane, as we wait for our turn to move into the aisle. “I just figured we’d both need a break after last night.” She shrugs.

  The night prior Charlotte, Drew, Lauren and I had gone to dinner, had far too many bottles of wine and then found ourselves at a club on the other side of town where we proceeded to take shots like we didn’t have any morals. Or a flight to board at eleven am.

  “I just…I needed something to calm my nerves; that’s all.” She seems to accept my explanation, but thankfully it’s our turn to proceed towards the exit and at very least the conversation has to be put on hold. I let her move in front of me, and I find myself transfixed by her ass as she sashays up the aisle.

  You’re going to need to tell Charley, that tiny voice not enthralled with her body tells me.

  Why? I ask myself. I have a handle on it. This isn’t like last time.


  I step through the door of my waiting area and I’m not surprised to see Vanessa typing away on her computer outside of my personal office. “Dr. Montgomery, welcome back.” She stands immediately and makes her way towards me. “I’ve left coffee on your desk as well as your mail.” She has a stack of notes in her hand, which I assume are my messages. “Your mother called, twice,” she gives me a smile as if to say don’t kill the messenger, “and Dr. Tucker called.”


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