Bittersweet Addiction

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Bittersweet Addiction Page 13

by Q. B. Tyler

  “Welcome home,” she purrs as her tits rub against me and her hand begins to work me over between us. “How was your day?”

  “Long,” I tell her honestly, recalling my lunch with Tuck followed by a tedious session. “I missed you.”

  She sighs and her eyes float down my body, landing on my cock watching as she strokes my dick from root to tip. “I missed you too.”

  “I want to be inside you, now,” I tell her as I the familiar tingle in my balls begins to spread throughout my body.

  I lift her into my arms before she can reply and press her against the wall of my shower, sliding my cock through her folds one time. I try to do it again, teasing her a second time but her pussy sucks me deep inside, burying me to the hilt. “Shit.” I moan as the feeling of her tight cunt wrapped around my dick has me ready to blow before I even thrust once. I let out a breath and drop my forehead to her shoulder, trying to calm myself from climaxing this soon when she begins to wiggle in my arms.

  “Baby, move.”

  “Wait a second,” I growl.

  “No.” She squeezes my dick hard, and my eyes shoot open as a crack of lightning shoots through my body.

  “Fuck,” I oblige her request, as I begin to glide in and out of her. She leans her head back against the wall of the shower, her bottom lip between her teeth and her eyes squeezed shut as I begin to pump into her harder and harder as the water continues to cleanse us.

  I’d do anything if this shower could just wash away the sins and the secrets that I’ve been keeping from Charlotte. I look down for a second, watching as the water slides down the drain, and I shut my eyes wishing that all the wrong that I’d done was being washed away as well.

  A gasp leaving Charlotte’s lips draws my attention back to her. “Something’s wrong?” she whispers.


  “You’re distracted.”

  Tell her.

  “No, I’m not.” I put one hand in her hair, pulling at the strands gently as I press my lips to hers. “You’re my only focus, Charlotte. You’re the only thing I see.”

  She shudders in my arms and pushes herself harder against me. “I need you to come, Will. Come inside of me, please,” she begs, and the way she’s talking makes me wonder if she’s stopped taking her pill.

  Come inside of me. Get me pregnant. I can almost hear her begging me.

  Visions of Charley pregnant with my baby move through my brain and it sends me over the edge. I freeze as cum shoots out of me and inside of her, stretching her, filling her. “Fuck! God dammit, Charley. You’re a goddess.” I slap my hand on the tile next to her head as I continue to pump the remainder of my orgasm into her. “I need you to come now,” I order her.

  She looks up at me through her wet lashes, making me hard inside of her all over again. “Touch me.” Her voice is so shaky, for a brief second, I wonder if she’s nervous about asking, but then I realize that the lust coursing through her has taken her voice.

  “Touch you where, Charlotte? Tell me.” I know what she wants. But I want to hear the words fall from those pouty lips.

  I can see the shyness in her eyes and it’s because she hasn’t started to build yet. When she is in the moments leading up to her climax, she is unashamed at asking for what she wants. Just yesterday, she’d been completely clear in asking for me to touch her there but only because my mouth was on her pussy at the time. I press my thumb to her clit, my cock still inside of her and I push down slightly and she gasps. “Tell me what you want, Charlotte.” I smile at her and she begins to rock slowly against my hand.

  “I want you to fuck me with your mouth from behind. And then fuck my ass with your mouth.”

  “You have quite the mouth on you.”

  Her eyes are so penetrating it takes me a second to find my voice as I pull out of her. “What is it?” I ask her. I frame her face with my hands desperate to know what she’s thinking.

  “I just can’t believe that we’re here now. That we’re together. I am so happy with you, Will,” My heart soars at her words. “It almost makes all of the shit I’ve been through worth it.” And just as quickly my heart sinks.

  I don’t answer before I push my lips to hers. I continue to hold her up with one hand and weave my other in her wet wavy locks as I make love to her mouth with my tongue, stroking slowly against hers. We kiss for I don’t know how long, only stopping when I feel the water starting to cool. I pull away from her, her lips red and raw from my beard and I’m sure my lips look similar given how many times her teeth nipped at the skin.

  Her chest heaves up and down quickly and the look in her eyes tells me that she feels the intensity of that kiss everywhere, just like I did. I feel a twinge of guilt hearing her talk about how happy she is, knowing I’ve been keeping something from her.

  “I’ve never been as happy as I have been with you, Charlotte.” She gives me a smile as I shut the water off and I lead her out of the shower. I’m still naked and dripping wet as I pull her towel off the back of my door and begin to towel dry her body and her hair. Only when she’s somewhat dry do I do the same for myself. She props herself up on the sink after her hair is tied up in a towel and watches as I dry off.

  “Enjoying the show?”

  “Very much.” She smiles. Her eyes dart to my cock as I run my towel over it, and she watches as it bobs up and down, still slightly hard from our shower activities. Her tongue darts out and runs over her bottom lip, and I don’t miss the fact that she’s still staring at my cock.

  “You seem tense. Let me make it better.” She gnaws on her bottom lip, a seductive grin spreading across her lips and then she hops off the counter falling to her knees in front of me sheathing her mouth around my dick.

  Fuck. I can already feel the familiar tingle starting at the base of my spine as she moves up and back on my cock. One hand wraps around my ass as the other makes its way between my legs to stroke my perineum. I fist her hair as I begin to move my hips against her face. “Oh God, Charley.”

  She looks up at me, her mouth full of my cock with those eyes and cheeks slightly pink and I almost lose it right then and there. She lets me fall from her lips and tilts her head back.

  “Fuck my mouth.” I can see the wicked gleam in her eye.


  “I want your cock down my throat. Trust me. I can handle it.”

  I know she can. She sucks my dick like a champ. I move so that I’m almost straddling her face, thankful for how short she is. On her knees, she fits perfectly between my legs without me having to do any legwork. Her mouth opens excitedly, and I don’t waste a second before pushing my cock literally down her throat.

  “Breathe through your nose.” She nods, and her teeth graze my shaft in the process. “Fuck.” I rest my hand on her head, pulling the towel from her hair as I begin to push slowly in and out of her, our eyes never breaking contact once. “Your mouth is so incredible, Charley. You’re so fucking beautiful. I want to take a picture and remember this moment forever.” Her eyes widen and I wonder if she’s worried that I would make good on my comment, so I shake my head. I’m not sure if this is in reaction to my recent viewing of a certain sex tape, and I hate myself for still feeling slightly insecure. “I won’t.”

  She shakes her head and based on the way she’s looking at me, I wonder if I misread her eyes. “You want me to do that?” I ask. “You want me to take a picture of you like this? With my cock in your pretty little mouth?” She bobs her head yes. “How about with my cum coating your beautiful tits.”

  She nods again.

  I smell her arousal floating through the air and I can’t see exactly what she’s doing but I have to ask. “Charlotte, are you touching yourself, at the thought of me taking your picture?”

  Another nod.

  “You’re fingering your perfect pussy? Tell me does it feel good, baby?”

  I can see the smile in her eyes and I know the answer without feeling her head move. Fuck, I’m about to come again, and she hasn�
�t come once yet. We will be fixing that immediately.

  I put my other hand on her head, careful not to move her too much, but just to keep her in place as I fuck her mouth. “Fuck,” I manage to choke out. I feel her hand, undoubtedly the hand that was just between her legs, cupping my balls and then floating slowly upward towards the space between my balls and my ass, and the feeling of her arousal being rubbed into my skin is enough to send me over the edge. I come with a roar, the ropes of the salty liquid shooting out of my dick and into her waiting mouth. Her mouth is full in no time, despite just having come not too long ago. Her cheeks puff out slightly before she begins to suck it down. I slide out of her mouth, dragging my cock over her lips leaving them wet and slightly white with my leftover cum.

  I don’t even think before I’m hauling her over my shoulder and carrying her back to my room, tossing her onto my bed like she’s weightless. She giggles a few times but they’re immediately halted when I place a long lingering kiss on her pussy. “Tell me, Charley. Do you want me to do what I did last night?”

  She nods and I waste no time flipping her over and pulling her to her knees in front of me. She drops her head and I can see her clenching in anticipation. I spread her cheeks slowly, allowing for a better look at the pink flesh between her legs. Her folds are still swollen from both my dick and her own assault, and I can faintly make out her clit from this angle. I press my face against her ass, allowing me to eat her from behind, lapping at her entrance, knowing that she’s desperate for stimulation at both holes. I drag my tongue upwards, finding what she wants and running my tongue over it. I feel her clench and my cock bobs in response. “Rub your clit for me, baby,” I order her.

  “But…” She trails off, knowing that yesterday I did it for her.

  “Trust me.”

  She whimpers, and I feel her fingers touching herself, rubbing that swollen bundle of nerves that has become one of the wonders of my world. I hold her cheeks open with both hands, my chin rubbing against her with each lick. My facial hair is just short enough that she probably feels a bit of pain from the bristles, but if she does, you wouldn’t know it by the way she’s crying out in pleasure. I continue to rim her, as she fingers herself and it’s not long before I can feel her quivering.

  “Will, I’m going to…” Her whole body trembles with the force of her impending orgasm and before the word can leave her lips, she screams out my name instead and falls to the bed, completely removing herself from my mouth. She lands on her stomach, her hand still wedged between her legs as she rides the rest of her high. “Holy fuck,” she moans. “You are incredible.” She moves to her back.

  I place a final kiss to her pussy and she shivers. “No, no. Stay away,” I chuckle as I make my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth and grab a warm cloth to clean her off.

  I’m not surprised that she’s asleep by the time I’m back. I stare at her, hearing her words playing on repeat in my head.

  You told her you love her but you aren’t being honest with her.

  I squeeze my eyes together as I climb into bed, trying to quiet the roaring thoughts in my brain and most importantly the fact that I’m dying for a drink. I wrap my arms around her, praying for sleep to claim me as easily as it had claimed Charlotte.

  It doesn’t.

  * * *

  WARM LIPS ROUSE ME FROM sleep the next morning, pulling me out of my final moments of slumber. I open one eye to find Will completely dressed, hovering over me looking at me as if he wishes he wasn’t dressed. “Good morning, beautiful,” he murmurs against my cheek as he drags his lips across them again. He smells of mint and his cologne and it’s a heady scent that makes me wet instantly. I rub my thighs together and I can already feel the slick arousal forming between my legs.

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” I pout, and I don’t even miss the breathiness in my voice caused by the final moments of sleep. “I would have joined you in the shower.”

  “And then I would have been late for my session.” He looks at his watch and then back to me. “I used to be that guy that loved to get out of bed in the morning, and now it’s a struggle leaving because I hate leaving you. I hate prying myself off of you when you’re like this.” His eyes trail down my body as he slowly pulls the covers back revealing inches of unclothed skin. “Fuck, you’re sexy.”

  I smile at his words, recalling the night of sweet and gentle lovemaking that came after the crazed and primal fucking. It was as if Will and I couldn’t get enough of each other. There was only us in these moments. No ex-husband, no lies, no deceit, only me and the man I love. Our bodies doing the dance they know by heart. He looks at me as if I am the only woman in the world. As if I am his world. Will’s feelings for me run deep and have the intensity that perhaps others would call unhealthy.


  It’s a word that has sat in the back of my mind for the past few weeks. I love Will with all my heart, but even I can see that we are using our love to shield us from things that we don’t want to face. My past for instance. I’m sure what Will is hiding, but every time I looked in his eyes, I sense there is something he isn’t telling me. That there is a secret he’s hiding.

  I just hoped that it isn’t a secret that will end everything.

  I sit up in bed, wrapping the sheets around me so as to not have my naked breasts on display when I have to talk to Will about something important. “I’m meeting with a recruiter.” I sigh. I had resigned myself to the fact that after a five-year gap in my resume, I would need a bit of help securing a job.

  He grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth over them as if he can feel the tension building regarding my unemployment. I’d received a hefty sum of money in my settlement, but I wouldn’t see the money until next year and, anyway, I wanted to learn to stand on my own two feet. Will had come around to support it, after a few arguments where he’d told me I didn’t ever need to work.

  Coming from a marriage to a man that told me just that, it was the last thing I wanted. “Do you want me to go with you?”

  My scalp prickles at his question. God, he was sweet. “No, I’ll be fine.”

  “Of course you will, it’s not like going on an interview. I just wasn’t sure if you were nervous.” He brings my knuckles to his lips, his beard tickling my skin as he kisses it.

  “I am, but…I can do this.”

  “You can do anything, baby.”

  “You make me feel like I can do anything—be anything. You are my biggest supporter.” I swallow, trying to keep the words down but they move out of me quickly anyway. “You know I’m your biggest supporter too, right? I am always on your side, Will. No matter what.”

  He cocks his head to the side as if he’s unsure why I’m saying any of this, but then nods. “I shouldn’t be too late.” He kisses me gently, his hands stroking my cheek with each lick of his tongue against mine before he pulls away just as I was planning to climb on top of him to keep him from getting up. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He shoots me a wink effectively making me even wetter, before he leaves the room. His scent still lingers in the sheets and all over me.

  Time to go make use of that retractable shower head.

  “You alright, Char?” The voice of my vivacious best friend, Lauren Michaels, interrupts my thoughts just as two salads are set in front of us in the small bistro by her office. I’d come to meet her after she rang our figurative best friend bat signal, but as soon as she sat down she just started firing off questions about Will and me. I didn’t have the courage to tell her I sensed that Will was keeping something from me. I don’t have the strength to endure a lecture or whatever Lauren would potentially say after I voiced my thoughts. I could hear her now:

  “Have you asked him straight up?”

  “I mean this is what happens when you rush into relationships.”

  Lauren wouldn’t say that, my mind argues.

  She would be thinking it.

  Well, so are you…r

  “I’m fine, but you summoned me, and now you’re just asking me a bunch of questions about my relationship.” I rub my forehead. “You could have at least done me the courtesy of doing this over drinks at happy hour.”

  “Sorry, right.” She pokes at the chicken in her salad before setting the fork down. “I just want to know that you’ll be okay. That…you’ll always be okay. Even if…I’m not here. You’re my best friend, Charley, but I want to make sure someone has your back…when I’m not around to watch it.”

  “Oh God.” Tears flood my eyes. “Are you okay? What’s wrong? Are you sick?” The words come out like word vomit.

  “No, no! I’m fine, I swear.” She shakes her head; loose curls sweep back and forth across her shoulders and rain down her back. She tucks a hair behind her ear and gives me a weak smile. “I got promoted.”

  “Oh my God, Lo! That’s fantastic! Why aren’t we celebrating! Champagne later tonight?” My eyes narrow wondering why she’s not more excited. Why she’s so morose. I cock my head to the side when she still hasn’t joined in my celebrating. My heart sinks as her mood begins to set in. “You have to move, don’t you?”


  I let out a breath, picturing what my life would be like if I hadn’t spent the last ten years of it calling Lauren Michaels my person. A person that was never further than a phone call or a few miles away. Now she would be several hundred miles away.


  “I know, this fucking sucks. I’ll miss you so much. And the best sex of my life. I barely even got to enjoy it.” She pouts and my brows furrow.

  “You mean…”

  “Big dicks must run in the Montgomery family.” She snickers and I blanch thinking about Will’s older brother.

  “Can you not?”

  “His dick is fantastic, Char. Like sets the bar.” She stands up and raises her hand toward the ceiling as high as she can go. “And his mouth game.” Her thumb and index finger form the okay symbol as she sits back down.


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