Bittersweet Addiction

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Bittersweet Addiction Page 19

by Q. B. Tyler

  “I’ve been involved for a while now, Montgomery,” I giggle as my mouth finds his shoulder and I sink my teeth into the taut flesh. He groans and moves, allowing his cock to rest against the apex of my thighs but not quite where I need him most. I part my legs, wrapping them around his body and he takes it as the invitation to slide inside of me. His lips find mine and he licks into my mouth, his tongue massaging mine as he thrusts slowly into my aching core.

  Every time we make love it’s better than the last, and I let out a sigh of contentedness as his left hand finds my nipple. “I love you,” he murmurs against my mouth. “I can’t wait to make you mine.”

  “I am yours,” I moan, even though I know what he means.

  Officially his. Husband. Wife. Marriage.

  I squeeze my eyes together tight, as I feel the orgasm brewing just over those three words flashing through my mind. He moves to his back in response to my words, bringing me to be on top, not breaking our connection for a second. I sit up and begin to ride him as both hands find my breasts.

  “You are so beautiful, Charlotte.” He sits up, holding me in place as I continue to move up and down on his cock. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” His eyes close and his fingertips find my hips as he guides me up and down on his shaft. “Fuck.” He opens his eyes and fixes his gaze on where we are connected between us, his shaft glistening with the arousal from my wet core. “You’re so incredible. How was I supposed to see you three times a week and not fall in love with you? How was I supposed to leave you alone?”

  “I didn’t want you to leave me alone, Will.”

  “I thought if I just…tasted you once, it would get you out of my system.” He growls as he quickens his pace. “But you’re my addiction, Charlotte Pierce. One taste wasn’t enough. One taste of you could never be enough. I want all of you. Need all of you. Everyday. For the rest of my life.”

  “Yes!” I throw my head back as I feel the beginnings of my orgasm.

  “Tell me you feel the same,” he says, his voice hoarse and my head shoots up to find his eyes boring into mine.

  “You know that I do,” I say softly, as my hand finds his face. I cup his jaw and for the first time since my divorce was finalized I see something in his eyes that unnerves me.


  “Will, you know I feel the same.” I clench my muscles around him and I feel him twitch inside of me. “Should we talk about this first? Or finish?” I cock my head to the side knowing that we need to discuss where these doubts are coming from, but I also know we need this connection as well.

  “You need to come,” he says as his hands find my ass. He palms them tightly, letting his fingers graze the area between my cheeks. An involuntary shiver moves through me as I feel his fingers in such an intimate place.

  “What do you need?” I ask him knowing that his complete possession of me might be just what he needs to calm his fears.

  He sits up, so that we are nose to nose but he’s still inside of me when his mouth finds the space behind my ear. He nibbles gently on the space. “I want a baby. I want to get you pregnant. Now.”

  “Now?” I ask him as I pull his head away from my neck. This was the second time he’d mentioned it in a month and something tells me he isn’t going to let this go until he’d successfully knocked me up.

  He nods. “You asked what I needed. That’s it. To get you pregnant. To see your belly swollen with my baby. I need to know that no one can take you from me. That you won’t leave me… even…” He trails off.

  Even what? No one could take me from you, Will. How could you even think that?

  “I could lose everything, Charlotte. What then?”

  “We’ve talked about this, Will…I’m never going anywhere,” I tell him as my hands find his jaw. I press a kiss to his lips and I move to attempt to break our connection as I realize that this conversation can’t happen while he’s balls deep inside of me. He grips my hips again keeping me in place, my folds pressed firmly against him, as he’s completely submerged inside of me.

  “It’s easy to talk about it when it’s hypotheticals. It’s a very real thing now. And I just…I don’t know how the rest of these proceedings are going to go. If they begin to be too much…you can walk away from all of this.”

  My eyes widen in horror as he lays his fears all out on the table for me. He’s avoiding my gaze, his vulnerability making it difficult to look me in the eye. I grab his face and make him look at me.

  “I am never going anywhere, Will. You and me. Forever. No matter what. I know what I’m signing up for. I’m in this with you.” I press my lips to his and push him gently onto his back as we pick up where we left off.

  The first thing I notice are the walls. They’re stark white; four stark white walls. Not eggshell, not ecru, not any of the many colors on the white spectrum I agonized over when I was redecorating the townhouse I shared with Matt. They are white and blank. No artwork, no windows, nothing, a huge contrast to Will’s office that was so warm and inviting. This feels clinical, and I’m having the startling realization that I may not be able to get through this without having a breakdown fueled by claustrophobia.

  The slamming of the office door breaks me out of my thoughts as two people who I assume must be from the board enter the room. A middle aged man, and a woman that’s probably only a few years older than me sit across from me at the table. This feels like an interrogation in the making.

  “Ms. Pierce, how are you today?” the man asks. “I’m Dr. Lenox and this is Dr. Norwood,” he says, gesturing to the woman on his left that is staring at me with cold, judgmental eyes. Great. “We just have a couple of questions and then you’ll be on your way.” He gives me a smile that I’ve seen before.

  The infamous Doctor smile. That fake smile they give that doesn’t quite reach the eyes before they deliver that news that you just don’t want to hear. I wonder if it’s a requirement for all doctors.

  “So, you do understand why you are here today?” Dr. Norwood asks, although it sounds more like an accusation. My eyes dart to hers and I see them narrow slightly.

  My teeth find my bottom lip and I bite down gently not wanting to give away how nervous I am. “Yes.”

  “Okay, so we’ll just jump right in then,” Dr. Lenox says as he opens up the file. “Why don’t you tell me in your own words, a little bit about your relationship with Dr. Montgomery.”

  My heart flutters in my chest hearing his name, and I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as the words leave my mouth. “I’m in love with him,” I say simply. “I am unbelievably in love with him,” I state more confidently, without hesitation. “I never meant to hurt anyone. We never meant to hurt anyone.”

  “Not even your ex-husband?” Dr. Norwood asks.

  “My relationship with my ex-husband was…complicated. And to be honest it’s not really your business.”

  “It’s our business in part because you essentially left your husband for Dr. Montgomery.”

  “That’s not true.” I shake my head. “There were monumentally huge problems in our marriage before we started counseling.”

  “But you have to admit, you go to counseling to try and better your marriage. To fix those problems. And yet, I don’t think that’s what Dr. Montgomery did, wouldn’t you agree?”

  I shrug, not knowing what to say to that. “Some problems are unfixable. Some marriages are irreparable. My ex-husband and I didn’t realize that going in. Dr. Montgomery tried, it…didn’t work.”

  “So, he tried a different type of therapy?” Dr. Norwood asks, and I resist the urge to tell her to shut up with her snarky comments.

  “Dr. Norwood, we are getting off track,” Dr. Lenox says. “I would like to know a little bit more about your relationship with Dr. Montgomery while you were in therapy.”

  “It was very professional.”

  “You were sleeping with him,” Dr. Norwood says, and I wince.

  “Yes, but…that was later. That wa
s after months of…Dr. Montgomery trying to fix the problems in my marriage. That was after my ex-husband and I had spent months arguing, screaming…”

  “Do you think that he used that to his advantage?”

  “No. No, of course not! Why…are you trying to make this into something that it’s not! We fell in love. And I understand that it went against the rules, but…in love there are no rules.”

  “There are in the medical world, Miss Pierce. Dr. Montgomery knew the rules and he knowingly broke them.”

  “Because he loves me. This isn’t some sick game or whatever it is you’re trying to turn this into. Dr. Montgomery and I love each other. We want to get married and have a family. Start a life together,” I say, hoping that it’s okay that I’m divulging all of this.

  “Why is it that you keep calling him Dr. Montgomery?”

  “I don’t understand…”

  “You’re calling him, Dr. Montgomery. Not Will? Is that what you call him in a more… intimate setting as well?”

  “No! Of course not. God is that what this is about? You think I have some weird fantasy about sleeping with my doctor? Stop fetishizing him! I didn’t leave my husband for my marriage counselor. I left my husband for another man,” I blurt out, and my eyes widen at the words that have just left my mouth. I shake my head as I let my words wash over me and my gaze finds a spot on the floor. “I left my husband…for another…man,” I whisper slowly. “A man that loves me and cherishes me. A man that put me before his job.” My heart lurches as I say the words aloud. The words that have been tucked away neatly in my brain inside of a box that says “do not open.” “He’s the complete opposite of Matthew. Oh my God,” I whisper as my hands find my face. “But he didn’t…” I hiccup. “He was so professional…He never pressured me into anything. If anything, I made the first move, I made the first hundred moves. The brushes against him, the looks I’d give him when I knew my husband wasn’t looking. Hell, the first day I met him, before I even set foot into his office, I wanted him—” I start when Dr. Lenox interrupts me.

  “Pardon the interruption, but…you found yourself attracted to him physically that early on?”

  “Absolutely. I was struggling with my attraction to him for months. The first time I saw him…” My teeth find my bottom lip as I remember the first time I ever laid eyes on him. “I thought he was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. And he was always so kind and caring…I know he was paid to do that, but I felt like it was different with me.”

  “Different how?”

  “It’s hard to describe. We just…clicked. And not in a sexual way…”

  “Charlotte, in leaving your husband for Dr. Montgomery—” Dr. Lennox starts, and I shake my head.

  “Will,” I interrupt, “he tried to tell me we should stop…that it wasn’t right. It wasn’t ethical. We were both in tough spots as our minds battled our hearts.” I shake my head as I lean back in my chair.

  “So, you say that he tried to stop, I take that to mean that was after you had already started the affair?”

  There’s that word Will warned me about—affair. It was like a bright, blinding, neon light I couldn’t avoid.

  “Yes. He suggested on more than one occasion that it wasn’t right and that we should stop.”

  “And why didn’t you?”

  I bite my bottom lip. “I didn’t want to. Maybe he didn’t want to either…I don’t know. The chemistry we have, the attraction between us is…explosive. We couldn’t deny what was happening between us.”

  “And the whole time your husband was oblivious to what was happening underneath his nose?”

  My lips form a straight line as I nod my head slowly. “That’s correct.”

  I see them both scribble something frantically in their notebook and I can already imagine what the words say. ‘Bored housewife. Neglectful husband. Crying out for attention.

  “Miss Pierce are you familiar with the Knight and Shining Armor Complex?”

  Here we go. “I can draw my own conclusions,” I say simply. “I assume you’re going to say that I fell for a man because I believe he saved me from something.” I roll my eyes. “That’s not why I fell for him. If he wasn’t my counselor, I would just be a woman that fell for a man.”

  “But he was your counselor. And that makes things complicated,” Dr. Norwood says.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say,” I whisper. “I never meant for this to happen…but if I could do it all over again…I would.”

  * * *

  MY EYES SNAP UP FROM the spot on the floor I’d been staring at for the past hour as I hear the door open. I smile, seeing Charley walk through the door but as quick as it finds my face it fades when I see the person behind her.

  Dr. Audrey Norwood.

  My eyes close slowly, a clear sign of my irritation; Charley picks up on it immediately and her brows furrow together in question.

  Audrey Norwood has been a colleague of mine for years. She’s also a woman that I was sleeping with for a few months when I first started practicing five years ago. I had assumed we were just having fun, but then she mentioned meeting her parents and in true commitment-phobe fashion, I panicked. I told her I wasn’t ready for that step and fed her a story about how it was unethical for us to be sleeping and working together. I don’t know if it’s in violation of our code of conduct not to screw your coworkers…but I went with it. Needless to say, she was pissed.

  And now here we are years later, and she’s investigating me over a relationship with a patient.

  Where are these so-called ethics now, Montgomery? I can almost hear her thoughts as she shoots daggers at me, and now Charley who has found her way into my arms.

  “Hi,” Charley breathes, and her face finds my neck, her arms wrapping around my back. She looks up at me, her eyes full of question. “Everything okay?”

  I don’t have a chance to answer her when Norwood’s voice rings through the air. “Dr. Montgomery, a word please?” she asks, and I shoot her a look.

  “Is that really necessary?”

  She looks taken aback by my response and crosses her arms across her chest successfully pushing her breasts upwards which doesn’t have the same effect that it used to. “It really is. Or did you forget the mess that you’ve gotten yourself into due to this violation of ethics?” she spits out.

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. And there it is.

  “It’s okay, I’ll wait here,” I hear next to me. Charley probably has a million questions running through her mind. I cup her cheeks lightly and brush my lips over hers.

  “Five minutes,” I tell her, and wonder if she’s feeling uncomfortable with this public display of affection in front of the person that was interviewing her just minutes earlier, because a hint of pink colors her cheeks.

  “Unbelievable,” I hear murmured and Charley turns her gaze away from me to Audrey, breaking my grasp on her face.

  “Excuse me?” she asks, and I wonder if she’s getting a vibe from her causing her to get territorial.

  I can see Dr. Norwood struggling with a nasty case of word vomit, and before I can suggest moving to another room so that she doesn’t blow all over my fiancé, she speaks. “So, you break up with me because it’s ‘not right’ and yet you can sleep with a patient?” Audrey asks and my shoulders sag instantly as I feel Charley tense next to me.

  “I’m not sleeping with a patient.” I snarl. “And you’re out of line.”

  “I’m out of line? You are literally the biggest hypocrite, you know that?”

  “Call me what you want, Audrey. But I’m not going to stand here and let you disrespect my relationship with my fiancée.”

  “Your fiancée, huh? That’s a mighty small ring,” she says eyeing Charley’s left hand. “Tell me, was this all a scheme? You got caught with your pants down with a married woman so you came up with this whole scheme so that the board will go easier on you? I will say, you are doing an excellent job of selling this love affair,” she snorts.
  “A scheme? One that involved me getting an expensive divorce? You think I got divorced just to keep up appearances and we are just pretending? Are you stupid as well as jealous?” Charley perks up. “You’re not even making sense.”

  “Excuse me, you can’t talk to me like that.”

  “Actually, I can, and I’m pretty sure your board wouldn’t appreciate the conflict of interest that comes with you being on this investigation,” Charley says.

  I can’t help the smile creeping onto my face.

  “What…are you going to tell them that your precious fiancé couldn’t keep it in his pants with another woman?” Charley is seething, and I decide to derail this conversation, but before I can speak, Audrey continues. “Well, if you’re going to tell them, be sure you have all the facts,” she spits out. “Your therapist sought me out.”

  “Audrey, enough,” I growl.

  “Told me that I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.”

  “Stop it,” I bark as I begin to pull Charley from the room.

  “That he’d thought about fucking me for weeks. It was so hot when we finally did. We fucked everywhere.”

  Charley pulls herself from my grip and I’m resisting the urge to haul her over my shoulder so she doesn’t have to listen to any more of this shit. But if I know my girl like I think I do, she has some words for this bitch.

  The beginnings of what looks like Audrey’s psychotic break continues. “You did it in his office, right? I hope he didn’t tell you that you were the first to christen his desk, the coffee table…Vanessa’s desk?” She snickers and I notice Charley clench her fist.

  “Baby, let’s go,” I tell her.

  “Baby? God Montgomery, you’re so cliché.” She shakes her head before tucking a blonde hair behind her ear. “And then after months of sleeping together, and basically living at each other’s places, when I suggested he come to dinner to meet my family, he turned into a colossal asshole. Told me he didn’t think it was ‘ethical’. I assume the thrill wore off. Fucking his co-worker was no longer exciting. I didn’t give him the adrenaline rush anymore. I guess he had to step up his game.” She puts up a finger. “Married.” She puts up another finger. “Patient.” She puts up a third finger. “Neglectful husband whose wife he could fuck right under his nose. Montgomery you really hit the trifecta with this one.” She rolls her eyes.


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