Her Protectors: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Her Protectors: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 11

by Victoria Belle

  “Like a tailor-made pussy,” I said out of grit teeth.

  She could only smile as another moan fell out of her as she dipped herself lower. Lower – but not low enough.

  Britt let out a little squeal as she took all of me inside of her, but the next second she was groaning her pleasure, slouching over me.

  “There,” I said, jiggling her breasts, gratified by her slack jaw and glazed over eyes. “That’s more like it, right?”

  I thrust my dick into her further and she groaned. Then, she started moving, setting the pace that would bring the most pleasure.

  From below, the sight of her totally into-it face and pendulous swinging tits was exquisite.

  “That’s my girl,” I said, putting my hands on her hips to guide her further.

  Moan after moan was dribbling out of her. Her eyes were clamped shut. My cock was near-bursting, but I wanted her to come first.

  And she wasn’t far from it, by the looks of it. The way Britt was fucking herself on my dick was mesmerizing. She seemed to be in some kind of trance, rolling her hips and arcing herself up and down with an incredible fluidity.

  Up and down, a bit faster, a bit deeper. Until her voice was a shrill and my mind was too, and I was on the edge – we were – and her voice was a scream as she came and I was swearing as I came too.

  And then, together, we lay, smiling at each other as if we knew the answer to some big secret. For my part, I did.

  No longer did I wonder why things were different with Britt. I liked her – that was all there was to it.

  “I started this out thinking for sure this would be just a fling,” I admitted, twining my fingers through her strands.

  “And now?”

  “Now? I realize I fucked up.”

  She glanced at me, surprised, though she started laughing once I did.

  “Seriously though,” I continued. “After that horrible divorce with Hailey, I thought that was it for me. That me and serious relationships didn’t work.”

  “And now?”

  I pressed the pad of my thumb to her lower lip. “Your bottom lip’s, like, three times the size of your top one, you know.”

  “Great. You gonna answer the question?”

  I tried to smile. “Now I’m not so sure.”

  “So what does that mean?”

  “What does that mean?” I mused, half to myself. I shrugged. “Not sure, really. Just that I want to see you tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that.”

  “What if I have plans?”

  “See me after them.”

  I smiled at her and she smiled back, although she tried not to. “And it doesn’t make any difference that I’m involved with Bradley and Wyatt?”

  “Again, I’m not sure.” I threaded my fingers through hers. “Maybe it makes this work better. Maybe this is why nothing with anyone else has ever worked before. Because it hasn’t been the right person, the right arrangement.”

  She frowned a little, looking like she wanted to believe me. “You really think that?”

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “But I’d like to. I’d really, really like to.”

  She nuzzled up to me. “You know what? I want you to meet Miguel.”

  “Should I be worried?” I asked.

  She only smiled.



  When Miguel came to the door, I got his real verdict. That smile of his was real, no fakery involved. Maybe he was actually ok with this.

  When I’d called him to set up the meeting, I was worried what he’d say, the truth behind his polite words. But now I could see that the man was just happy that I was happy.

  I introduced the boys, then we went into the study for tea.

  “Excuse the mess,” Miguel said to them, lingering as he gave us all a good look. “Britt has told me time and again that I should get my act together.”

  “It’s fine,” Wyatt said, his eye stopping on a worn first edition of The Wandering Bus. “Any man who’s a fan of Steinbeck should be allowed a few idiosyncrasies.”

  Miguel beamed, then hurried from the room.

  “This place could be in a movie,” Kingston said, his eyes saucers as they roved about. “In a cool way,” he added quickly, seeing my face.

  “I think he actually approves of you guys so far,” I said.

  “How do you know?” Bradley asked.

  “He’d make some excuse about being under the weather if not,” I explained with a little smile. “That’s what he used to do when child services would show up to take me away. Actually got away with it for a few weeks before they got wise and knocked down the door.”

  Bradley was looking in the direction Miguel had left in. “He seems like he would’ve been a good guy to live with.”

  “He was,” I said. “He indirectly taught me a lot about values. What’s really important in life.”

  “Yeah, I find the most important people we meet, we often don’t realize it right away,” Bradley said. His eyes were on me.

  “Aw, so sweet of you to say, Bradley-poo,” Kingston said. He blew Bradley a kiss.

  “He’s right, though,” Wyatt said, his gaze resting on me too. “When I met you that first night…”

  “You all like peppermint, correct?” Miguel said, bustling in with a teakettle and several tea cups. “Just realized I forgot to ask.”

  “Peppermint’s fine,” Bradley said.

  Once we were all set up with our tea, Miguel lounged at his desk. Something about the air in the room had shifted to that of being students under investigation with the principal.

  “So,” Miguel said finally. “All you young men are interested in Brittany.”

  “Yes,” they all assented, looking very worried now.

  Hell, I was internally freaking out. Miguel hadn’t just pretended to be open to meeting and accepting them, had he?

  “In fact,” he continued, “You’re all in a relationship with her.”

  His neutral give-nothing-away tone was disconcerting.

  The boys were giving their assents even less assuredly than before. I sighed. This was it. The rejection we’d receive from the world at large – coming from Miguel, of all people, the one man I’d hoped could have been at least a bit open-minded.

  “Ah, ok then,” he smiled, lifting his cup. “To you, then.”

  I gaped at him, as did the others.

  “What’s wrong?” Miguel asked.

  “Just – that’s it?” I said incredulously, too happy to believe it. “You’re really ok with it? Me having, I don’t know, almost like three boyfriends at once?”

  Miguel’s lips pursed into a smile. “These three friends of yours – they are respected police officers, yes?”

  “Yes,” I confirmed.

  “And they do care for you greatly, correct?”


  “And this arrangement is making all of them and you happy?”


  Miguel shrugged, taking a sip of tea. “I can’t see what the problem is, then.”

  A collective sigh of relief went through the room.

  “I don’t know how long-term the arrangement is,” I warned him. “Just that right now, we’re all really happy together. So far, it’s working.”

  “And you’re happy,” Miguel said, smiling at me.

  “I am.”

  “Ah.” Miguel leaned back in his chair. “There it is.”



  Afterwards, we went out for dinner. The place was Star, which was well-named. Every last piece of the décor – from the tables and chairs to even the walls themselves, was riddled with glitter.

  “This calls for drinks – lots of them,” I told everyone.

  No one protested. That encounter with Miguel – the closest person Britt had to a father – had been nothing short of nail-bitingly anxiety-inducing.

  “And chicken wings,” Bradley suggested.

  When he put in an order with the waitre
ss, no one protested either. There was nothing to whet the appetite like some good-old fear.

  “I’m so happy he approved of you all. Of us,” Britt said, smiling.

  “It’s not going to be that easy with everyone else, though,” Wyatt warned.

  “Speaking of,” Bradley said, “How are we going to do this?”

  “What do you mean?” Britt asked.

  “I mean, when people ask about us, what we do, how we work. What are we going to tell them?”

  I sipped at my vodka on the rocks, frowning. “If it isn’t Mr. Logical come to ruin the party.”

  Bradley was nonplussed. “Someone had to do it. We do have our careers and families to think about.”

  “Not me,” I said, raising a finger. “Estranged from mom and dad – and my bitch of a sister for two years now.”

  “Yeah, but still, job-wise-”

  “Ok, you may have a point there,” I admitted. “The Big Chief has never been known for his understanding.”

  “Why do you all call him Big Chief?” Britt asked. “I’ve always wondered.”

  “Just one look at the man, and you’d know,” Wyatt said with a little smile.

  “What, is he like 6”5 and weigh 300 pounds?”

  “Not exactly,” Bradley said, smirking too.


  “He’s like five foot nothing, thin as a toothpick and has the temper of an angry gorilla,” I explained to her, grinning.

  “Ah,” she said, giggling. “I see. That does make things tricky.”

  “Who says anyone in the office has to know, anyway?” I said. “I mean, we didn’t find out Moll had broken up with her husband five years ago until last year when she started grinding on Wyatt.”

  Wyatt putt his hand to his temple. “Don’t remind me.”

  “So no lunch dates at the office?” Britt said with a cheeky smile.

  “Not this one, trust me,” I said. “And good. We could even stop by The Whale to harass that asshole boss of yours, if you want.”

  “Thanks, but I’d really rather not.”

  “Ok, nice that that’s dealt with, but what about family-wise?”

  I squinted at him. “That some kind of rhetorical question.”

  “No. Why?”

  “Your family are notorious assholes. You actually going to torment Britt by introducing her to them?”

  Wyatt frowned. “Only once so they never ask me about my romantic situation again and, hopefully, cut me off entirely.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Britt said.

  “Don’t take it the wrong way,” Wyatt said. “Obviously, what there is between us has nothing to do with that. But I’m not about to let my relationship-failure of a father try to tell me that my situation is messed up.”

  “Why don’t you give him a chance – let him meet Britt?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Wyatt said. “I should bring you two along while I’m at it.”

  “I wouldn’t be overly averse to it,” I said, smiling evilly.

  “I bet you wouldn’t,” Wyatt said flatly. “Anyway, whatever I do decide, it’ll be up to Britt in the end.”

  “I’ll have to let you know later,” she said. “Right now, your family sounds kind of scary.”

  “They are scary,” Wyatt agreed.

  “As for me,” Bradley said. “I’ll try and make my family come around to the idea once I know that this thing is really a thing.”

  “Meaning?” I asked.

  “Meaning that our relationships with Britt last more than a month. No point in me suffering the inevitable drama and backlash of revealing this to my folks if this is a dead-in-the-water relationship anyway. No offense.”

  “None taken,” Britt said smoothly. “I barely know what to have for breakfast tomorrow morning, let alone whether this’ll last ‘til next month. I never really thought it would work at all.”

  “Look at you two pessimists,” I scoffed. “See here, I know this’ll last, wanna know why?”

  “Why?” Wyatt asked.

  “Because we’re all swell, and Britt is swell, and swell people work together.”

  “Was that sarcasm or you just trying to sound like a Disney movie?”

  “I’m just tired of you guys doubting everything. I don’t know why, but I really think this is going to work.”

  “Me too,” Britt admitted. “And it scares me. Hoping for something that might fail and hurt all the worse for it.”

  “Me too,” Bradley said quietly.

  “And me,” Wyatt said.

  “Here’s to that, then,” I said, raising my glass. “Having something so good we’re afraid it’ll end.”

  We cheers-ed with rueful smiles.

  “Well, look who the cat dragged in.”

  At the sound of a familiar voice, I squinted at the familiar-looking man standing at our table. He had Bradley’s square jaw, and Bradley’s burly form…probably because he was Bradley’s brother.

  “Ben,” Bradley said, smiling thinly.

  I glanced Bradley’s way, but he just shrugged. Clearly, he was as clueless on how to play this as I was.

  “So,” Ben said, scanning us with his movie star smile, which stopped on Britt. “This a new cop?”

  “Why, so you can hit on her?” I asked point-blank.

  His smile didn’t so much as shift. “Free country, isn’t it?”

  “Would be, except that she’s Bradley’s girlfriend,” Wyatt said smoothly, taking Britt’s hand.

  The what-the-hell look on Ben’s face was so priceless, I couldn’t resist adding, “And mine.”

  “And mine,” Wyatt said.

  Britt, for her part, looked him straight in the face and gave Bradley a kiss on the lips, then she said, “So why don’t you run along and fine some other fiancé to steal?”

  Ben stood there for a few seconds, jaw actually gaping, and then, finally, glaring at us, staggered away.

  I gave Bradley a resounding pat on the shoulder. “Sorry, bud. But at least we got the family part out of the way.”



  Was this the best idea we’d had yet or the worst?

  I smiled grimly as I eyed Kingston and Wyatt. They were sitting on the couch much as I was, looking as though they were about to be electrocuted. When really, we were just waiting for Britt to arrive. Today should’ve been how all the others had been for the past two months. Just another chill hangout session, which ended, as often as not, with Britt in the bed of either me, Kingston, or Wyatt.

  She was often tired from her shift at the Art House Café, but not too tired to fool around, thankfully.

  Except for the plan I’d come up with two weeks ago. It had been a long shot, but we’d just managed to pull it off. Now came for the hard part – her agreeing to it.

  “Will you guys have a beer or something? You’re making me nervous,” Kingston grumbled, although he was wearing the same oh-shit look that we were.

  Thankfully, our buzzer went off and we went to the door.

  Britt was there with an unassuming smile and something tucked under her arm.

  “Last time Wyatt said he’d never played this, so I thought I’d bring it.”

  Kingston eyed Wyatt incredulously. “Were you raised on a convent or what?”

  “My family preferred to,” Wyatt said simply.

  “You said you’d be down to try it,” Britt said, her glare directed at Wyatt.

  “And I am.” He rose and strode over to give her a kiss on her cheek. “So long as it’s Strip Twister.”

  Britt’s smile looked like a cross between pleased and frustrated.

  “I’m game too,” I said, rising.

  “I’ll be the spinner,” Kingston volunteered.

  “Actually, there’s this online thing I could just tap with my nose to spin.”

  Britt grinned. “Technology these days. So, we’re all in?”

  “I suppose,” Kingston said, his eyes tracing her. “Wyatt got me with ‘strip’.”

lways knew you had a thing for my abs,” Wyatt quipped, whapping Kingston lightly on the butt.

  Striding past them, Britt gave me a hug. I sunk into her familiarity, marveling at how it put me at ease immediately. God, if only I knew what she’d say about our surprise tonight. But it would have to wait.

  Our best chance was to have Britt in a good mood anyway.

  So, Strip Twister began. The rules were fairly simple: with every two spins, we had to remove a piece of clothing before readjusting our position. Wyatt was the spinner, thanks to the online website he found, while all of us were subject to the program’s cruel whims.

  By the eighth move, we were all twisted together so completely, I practically feared breathing. Although the sight of Britt in her bra and panties, her body coated in sweat, was completely worth it.

  Kingston was the first to fall, with a loud “SHIT!”

  “Nice try,” Wyatt said, smirking at him.

  “Yeah,” Kingston said with a sigh. “Now I just have to sit on the couch and enjoy how hot Britt looks in those bra and panties I bought her.”

  Wyatt scowled. “You didn’t.” Then, taking a look at the satin purple and blank things, he had to sigh and admit, “Well, they do look good.”

  “Are you trying to cause drama?” Britt asked.

  “Me?” Kingston said innocently. “All I’m trying to do is stare at your ass in peace.”

  “LEFT HAND GREEN!” Wyatt said.

  All of us groaned, seeing as our other hands and feet were on spaces that made that the last place possible we needed to move. Not to mention that this was the turn where we had to strip another piece of clothing.

  “Thank God for glasses,” Wyatt said, sliding his off and flicking them to the couch.

  “Thank God for socks,” I said, balling my last one up and tossing it aside.

  Then, all our gazes went to Britt.

  “Screw sandals,” she said, unlatching her bra.

  Then, her breasts fell free and I swallowed back a groan. Was this even real? My best friends and I, getting to ogle Britt’s perfect Cs all together? Her nipples were hardened, as if aroused and aware of the worshipful attention they were attracting.


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