At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

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At the Mercy of Her Pleasure Page 20

by Kayelle Allen

His peevish grimace at that comment made her giggle.

  “I wouldn't have minded staying in that little room they gave us before.” Senth finished the last few strokes on his chin. “Though it's great to have some space to stretch.”

  “My promotion warrants it, according to O'Venna. I'd have been happy in a bunk bed with you. As long as we shared the same bunk.”

  “Me, too, sweetie.” Senth splashed water on his face and dried it, tossing the towel aside.

  He unfastened his pants while he padded toward the bed. He let them drop to the floor and reached to pull down the blankets.

  “Oh, Senth, stay right there a moment, love.” She sat up in the bed. “Just let me look at you.”

  “Whatever you say, mistress.” His smile teased.

  Senth put his hands behind him and let her look her fill. He had promised not to cut his hair now that he was free, because she loved it long. She slid her gaze down his defined abs, to his narrow hips, down along the corded muscles in his legs.

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.” NarrAy shook her head in awe. “I can't believe you're finally all mine, Tiger.”

  His shaft stiffened while she watched, and she trailed her gaze along its length, giving it all the attention it seemed to crave. Thicker than her wrist and longer than her hand and fingers even soft, his cock ended in a plum-shaped head the color of dusky roses. It lifted, engorged and dark, pointing at the ceiling, the tiny slit at the opening glistening with his pre-come.

  “I'm going to keep that big hard cock inside me all night, Senth. But right now, I want to taste it.”

  His cheeks turned a bright pink and he held his lower lip between his fangs.

  She drew back the blanket and sheet. “Get in this bed and come over here, you big hot man. Get on your knees in front of my mouth and show me how lucky I am.”

  She slid down in the bed slightly, propping pillows behind her to be at the correct level to take Senth into her mouth. He straddled her on his knees.

  “Perfect, Tiger. Put your knees farther apart. Yes, like that. I want you totally open to my touch. My mouth.”

  She fanned out her fingers across his smooth chest and traced a mark on his abdomen, near his ribs.

  “Have you been in a fight recently?”

  He covered the bruise with his hand. “It's nothing. Pissed off the wrong person, that's all. It's fading. Almost gone.”

  “I noticed you haven't eaten much since we left Kelthia. Are you sure you're okay?”

  “Hey.” Senth took her face in his hands and kissed her. “Forget about it. It's no big deal. Believe me, I'm fine.”


  His nipples hardened when she rubbed her fingers across them.

  “Lean forward, Senth. Put your hands up high on the wall behind me, wide apart.”

  That arched him over top of her and gave him balance while she explored him with her hands and mouth. He shivered. Her tongue and fingers on the hard muscles of his chest and ridged abs raised goosebumps on his skin.

  She trailed a finger from his navel down the fine line of hair to his groin. His pubic hair was straight, soft kitten's fur.

  “NarrAy, I feel more than naked posing like this.”

  She chuckled. “Better get used to it, Senth.” She stroked his lower back and the rounded cheeks of his hard ass. “I love putting you on display. Looking at you. I can't get enough.”

  “I hope you know you're next.”

  “Ooh, is the big scary tiger going to eat me, too?”

  He chuckled. “You're damn right I am.”

  She leaned forward and licked his flat stomach, gripping his hips to hold him still when he shrank back.

  “Come on, NarrAy. You're driving me crazy. Let me touch you, now. Please, baby.”

  “Not yet, Senth. Your body's so open in this position. I really like this.” She ran her hands down the inside of his thighs.

  He jerked under her touch, sucking in a harsh breath. “Oh, god, NarrAy, please, let me touch you.”

  “After I've tasted you awhile, love. I want you ready.”

  “I'm ready now.”

  She tilted back her head so he could see her eyes. “No begging, or I won't take you inside me until I've looked at you for another hour.”

  His eyes closed, a flicker of pleasure-pain crossing his features. He arched his neck, head back, biting his lips.

  NarrAy caressed Senth's thighs, scraped her nails over the sensitive skin of his hips and cupped his buttocks. She pulled him toward her, opened her mouth, and breathed against his cock.

  He sighed, the sound deep and harsh.

  “I love making you lose control, Tiger. I want you wild. Feral.”

  She licked his cocktip, loving it when he hissed. The hot shaft throbbed with a life of its own.

  “This part of you is for my pleasure, Senth.” She kissed the tip. “No other woman is ever going to get your cock in her mouth. Or in any other part of her. Is she?”

  “Never, NarrAy.” His eyes blazed with passion as he looked down at her. “I swear it. Just you.”

  “Good.” She kissed the wet tip, licked it once. “Do you want me to make love to you with my mouth?”


  “Then I want you to roar when I make you come, Senth. I want you feral.”

  Eyes wide, he shook his head once. “I can't NarrAy. It's not safe.”

  That was Saint-Cyr talking. She knew that look. Limitations. Boundaries. Fears.

  “Senth, you never have to be afraid of who you are again. I want you to let go.”

  “I might hurt you, NarrAy.”

  “I can take anything you dish out, Tiger, and then some. Now, I mean it. I want you to let go. Be wild for me, Senth. I want it.”

  She parted her lips over the huge cockhead, taking the tip into her mouth. She licked the underside, lapped along the crown. His legs jerked.

  “NarrAy, oh, god, that feels so good!”

  She couldn't take his huge cock fully into her mouth so she licked all the way down its underside. Senth's strangled cry of lust mixed with hoarse Kin curses.

  NarrAy slid her hands down his wide shaft and squeezed the base. Senth made guttural noises and his hands slapped the wall. If he'd had claws, he'd have torn holes in it.

  She lapped and sucked him, sliding back so she could flick her tongue against the tip and then take as much of his erection into her mouth as she could. His masculine scent enticed, excited, filled her as much as his cock.

  A purr resounded through his chest, vibrating his entire body.


  She cupped his balls, weighing them on her palm. She slid two fingers from just below his anus all the way down to his testicles. Inarticulate cries erupted from him.

  Having him on his knees, displayed so appealingly, his cock in her mouth, and hearing him purr sent an orgasm fluttering through her. NarrAy pressed her legs together as wetness seeped onto her thighs. Her clit ached for release. Her nipples tingled, wanting the rough scratch of his tongue. She eased back, letting his engorged cockhead pop out of her mouth.

  “Put it in me, Senth.” She shoved pillows onto the floor and stretched out on the bed. “I want you to take me.”

  Senth put himself between her thighs. He lifted one of her legs and slid into her pussy. His width stretched her so far she had to wiggle her hips to get him all the way inside.

  He gave a languorous stroke, withdrew halfway, and plunged in again slowly. Such exquisite torture.

  “Harder, Senth. Deeper.”

  “Whatever your heart desires, mistress.”

  He pushed her knees wide apart with his shoulders and withdrew all the way. He rocked the bed with a hard thrust that made her sob.

  NarrAy arched herself up against him, milking his penis as he drove into her repeatedly. She twisted her hips, pulling her legs wider apart.

  Senth growled, fangs bared. He dragged her up hard against him.

  “Yes, Senth. Show me how wild you are. Fuck me, Tiger. Make me yours.”

  His unrelenting cock opened her wide with each hard thrust. Filled her.

  NarrAy's breasts bounced. Senth palmed them. Kneaded. Squeezed. Rolled her nipples between fingers and thumb.

  She cupped a hand beneath one breast and offered it, and Senth's cat tongue scraped across the nipple. When his teeth tightened over it, NarrAy panted hoarsely, lost in heat. She dug her fingers into Senth's buttocks. Ground herself against him.

  His fangs gleamed. Head back and mouth open, he gave a tiger's snarling roar, savage, barbaric, free.

  His big hands held her down while he thrust into her, claiming her, taking her with unleashed passion.

  Senth pumped his come into her. Drenched her with liquid satisfaction while he purred and purred and purred.

  He rocked gently into her while she came down from—

  “Senth! Oh, my god!”

  He stilled at once, his eyes huge. “What is it, baby? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, no, Tiger. I didn't do it!”

  His confusion showed. He pulled out of her. “Didn't what, baby?”

  Tears blurred her vision. Inside, her body still fluttered from her orgasm.

  Senth lay down next to her, drawing her into his arms. “Baby, don't cry! What's wrong? Please, talk to me. Don't shut me out.”

  She turned on her side, grinning at him. “Senth, this is the first time I've ever had an orgasm without my pheromones taking over. I didn't crest at all.”

  His nose twitched, making her giggle. He was smelling her.

  “Is this a good thing?” he asked.

  She nodded, too contented to speak.

  Senth brushed aside the tears on her cheeks. He rubbed their wetness between fingers and thumb. “So, these are happy tears?”


  “Why, baby? I don't understand.”

  NarrAy slid her arms around his waist and drew Senth close. He cuddled her into his arms, her head on his shoulder, strong hands holding her protectively against his body.

  “It means I came because of you, Tiger. I didn't need anything but you.” She pressed a quick kiss against his chin. “I'm happy because it means I'm really, really in love.”

  “Will your pheromones come back?”

  “They're still there, Tiger, but from now on, I'm not ruled by them. Your love set me free.”

  Senth looked long and deep into her eyes, adoration in his gaze. “You set me free first, NarrAy. You loved me enough to let me be whole.”

  He purred again, making NarrAy melt into his arms.

  “Oh, Senth, I want to stay in this moment forever. Safe in your arms, lost in your love. I never want it to end.”

  She snuggled down in bed in his arms, listening to the sound dearest to her in the entire world.

  Her tiger's purr of love.

  * * * *

  Tarth, Tarth City

  Conqueror's Palace

  NarrAy expected queasiness when her body reassembled inside the palace. Instead, it was like she'd closed her eyes in one place and opened them in another.

  Instead of the Vandal's Ready Room, they stood in a utility room stocked with linens and deactivated housecleaning droids.

  The swift disorientation of different surroundings startled, but didn't hurt.

  Senth, on the other hand, dropped to his knees at her side and doubled over.

  “Tiger!” She knelt beside him. “Didn't the jumpdrug help? Are you sick?”

  He braced one arm across his stomach. “I got punched.” He grimaced. “The night we broke up. Been hurting ever since.”

  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “Because you'd worry like you are now.” He was ashen and shaking. Moments ago he'd been fine.

  “I have good reason to worry, Senth. My parents knew perjump couldn't be used by an injured person.”

  He looked up. “Why not?”

  “When there was an injury, perjump accelerated the damage.” She laid her hands on his shoulders. “They wanted to use it to move casualties off a battlefield, or accident victims to a hospital. But in every test, it made the injury worse. You should have told me!”

  Senth grunted, still on his knees on the floor.

  “We have to get you back on board.” She reached for the perjump controls.

  He grabbed her hand. “No! Not without my brother.”

  “Senth, I…”

  “No.” His grip tightened on her hand. His pale eyes were flinty hard, determined. “You said there was only enough power for one jump here and back. I'm not leaving without my brother!”

  “And just how are you going to disable security in your condition?”

  “I can make it.” He clenched his teeth together. “Help me up.”


  “NarrAy, I need you to trust me. Let me do my job.” He rubbed his thumb across the back of her hand. His innocent blue eyes pleaded with her. “Please. Help me save my brother.”

  “All right.” She let him lean on her arm and helped him rise, supporting his weight as best she could. “If we landed where we thought we would, security should be through that door.”

  Her left arm went around Senth's waist and his right arm draped over her shoulder. She helped him into the security room.

  A wall of lights, switches, and monitors glowed in the eerie dark. How would he ever know where to find his brother with all those indicators?

  Grimacing, Senth dug his left hand into a pocket and retrieved his lockpick. With his arm still over her shoulder, he used both hands to set the lockpick's controls and held the unit up in front of the panel of lights. He passed it slowly across each row, then down and back in the other direction.

  The pick bleeped, and Senth turned it off and slid it back in his pocket.

  “This is the last room locked, so I'm betting that's where she's keeping him.”

  “And if you're wrong?”

  “Then we're about to pay a visit to a total stranger.” He moved his arm off her shoulder. “Can you hold me up on the other side instead? I need my right hand for this.”

  NarrAy slid around and took her place on his left. “What if someone comes in?”

  “These things are automated. Union intel says all her palace staff is android.”

  His fingers moved across the panel so swiftly, they blurred.

  “Done.” He motioned to the door. “Let's go get Khyff.”

  “Are you sure it's safe now?”

  He gave her a perturbed smile. “What's that supposed to mean?”

  “That was awfully quick. Are you sure it's…”

  “NarrAy, never think about the importance of a lock. Just pick it.” He jerked his head toward the door. “Come on.”

  They entered a lushly appointed bedroom complete with canopied bed and fireplace. Finding it empty, they looked in on the tiled bath and a separate sitting room leading to a balcony.

  “No sign of him, Tiger.”

  Senth stumbled, and NarrAy helped him lean against the wall. His mouth made a harsh line of pain, his color gray.

  “I'm taking you back to the ship, Senth. This is…”

  “No.” He pulled free of her grasp. “Not without my brother.”

  “You stubborn … what can we do, Tiger? He's not here.”

  He nudged his chin toward a red door, locked on the outside. “Let's check there.”

  He took only one step before collapsing. NarrAy almost couldn't stop his fall. She clung to him, using his momentum to turn his body and ease him to the floor. His lips were bluish and the veins beneath the skin of his face showed.

  “No.” His fingers closed over hers when she reached for the perjump controls.

  “Senth! You're seriously hurt. I…”

  “If you love me, NarrAy, find my brother.”

  He watched her while she weighed the risks of complying. She relented at the naked plea in his eyes.

  “All right, Tiger. You rest here.”

  He nodded, eyes closing.

  If Khyff wasn't in
that room, like it or not, she was taking Senth back to the ship.

  She turned the bolt on the door and pushed it open on what she thought at first was an oversized dark room. Red light similar to night ops glowed from indirect sources.

  The room was filled with oddly shaped furniture, covered with leather surfaces and straps. She swallowed, seeing the items for what they really were.

  Swings, slings, tables, scaffolds; all structures enabling different positions and angles for whatever person might be strapped into or onto them. Whips and canes hung on the walls beside manacles and long links of chain. She entered further, searching beneath tables and behind scaffolds.

  The smell of sweat and sex filled the small area. And the coppery tang of blood.

  She found Khyff huddled in a corner, naked and shivering, arms wrapped around his knees. He turned his face away from her.

  She stripped off her coat and went down on one knee beside him, offering the garment. “Here, Khyff. I know it won't fit you, but you can wrap it around your waist.”

  He rocked his head back and forth, braced against the wall. “Go away.”

  Even in the red light, she could see he was bloody. His eyes were swollen half-shut. Fingernail scrapes lined his chest and arms. The bruises ringing his wrists and ankles told her he'd been bound.

  Abused and abandoned, locked up and forgotten.

  I hope Destoiya rots in hell for this.

  NarrAy kept her eyes on Khyff's face. “It's all right, Khyff. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm here to help you.”

  He shook his head. “Let me die.”

  Untreated, he'd suffer from loss of blood and infection, but his wounds didn't look that severe. It hit her all at once the death he referred to wouldn't come from his injuries. He meant to take his own life.

  What did that monster do to you?

  “Khyff, I'm not leaving you here. You're coming with me, and that's an order, mister.” She shoved the coat against his hands. “Now you take this. Right now!”

  He reached out a hand that shook violently, dragged the coat back and held it next to him. “She said she shares her toys. Gave me to three women.” His voice sounded like concrete dragging on steel, hard, rough, threatening. “Forced Thrust into me.” He clutched her coat to him. “Still hurting.”

  He was still erect, he meant.

  “Oh, god, Khyff.”


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