Changing the Script (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Changing the Script (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 7

by Fae Mallory

  This time when she struck, the blow landed on his upper thighs, perfectly parallel to the stripes she’d left on his ass. Robert rocked forward on his knees, instinctively trying to escape, then lifted his hips to give her a clear shot. “That’s my good boy,” she praised, running her hands down his spine and feeling his skin quiver beneath her fingertips. This time, she meant the words.

  She decorated him from waist to knee with red stripes, the symmetry of the lines pleasing her on an aesthetic level. Robert had a beautiful body, but it was even more beautiful with her mark on his skin.

  Satisfied with her work, she stepped over his calves to stand on the other side of him and brought the cane down again perpendicular to the lines she’d already left, forming a checkerboard pattern on his flesh, angry red lines enclosing diamonds of pale, unmarred skin.

  Beneath her, Robert wrenched at the handcuffs, his body quaking from the caning. He howled into the gag, but even though Izzy kept part of her attention on his fingers at all times, he made no effort to end the game by snapping.

  By the time Izzy completed the pattern of stripes, her shoulder was aching. She let the cane drop to the floor as she knelt between Robert’s legs, running her hands over the livid marks she’d made. He sobbed at her touch, and Izzy gave into temptation, sliding one arm around him to brush her fingers over his cock. The heat of him made her hiss as he roared into the gag, bucking his hips wildly.

  “Be patient,” she chided, ignoring his cry of protest when she took her hand away and slapped him lightly on the flank. Taking his hips in her hands, she held him steady as she ducked her head, pressing a tender kiss to each unblemished patch of skin to reward him for his obedience. Against her lips, Robert’s skin was feverishly hot, and the gag muffled his pleas as he trembled.

  “That’s my good boy,” she cooed, releasing her hold on him and clambering to her feet. Izzy stifled a gasp as Robert looked up at her, his eyes red and bloodshot as though he’d been crying. He looked wrecked, and a thrill of pride ran through her at seeing how this powerful man had humbled himself for her.

  Holding his gaze, she reached under her dress to catch hold of the waistband of her lacy panties. Above the gag, his eyes widened until the whites were clearly visible as she slowly drew them down her legs and kicked them away. Without breaking eye contact, Izzy sat down on the futon and pushed on his shoulder to get him to sit back as she arranged herself in front of him, her legs splayed beneath her dress, Robert’s upper body between her thighs.

  Izzy took his face in her hands, her fingertips caressing the silk tie. “Have you learned your lesson?”

  He nodded enthusiastically, his eyes rolling to express his surrender.

  Smiling, Izzy pressed for specifics. “No more flirting? No more tantrums? No more shutting me out?”

  Forgetting that he was gagged, Robert tried to speak, the words muddled and indistinct. His brow furrowed with consternation at his failure, his face a picture of affront. With a soft laugh, Izzy took mercy on him and undid the knot, loosening the gag until she could toss the ruined silk aside. Raising her eyebrows, she waited for him to speak.

  “I promise,” he said humbly. “I’ll behave.”

  “You know what will happen if you don’t,” she threatened, watching the skin around his eyes crinkle as he shifted and winced.

  “That I do,” he admitted.

  “In that case, I think you deserve a reward,” Izzy decided as she planted a kiss on the tip of his nose.

  Robert sat up a little straighter, tugging at the handcuffs to remind her that he was still bound. Ignoring the hint, Izzy leaned back and tugged up her skirt, relishing his choked groan as she let him see just how much their game had affected her. “I think you should put that mouth of yours to good use.”

  “Dear God, Izzy, you’re exquisite,” he rasped, his face twisted in a mask of agony.

  She’d intended for a slightly different use of his tongue, but Izzy decided that this had too much potential to ignore. For years she’d been insecure, comparing herself to the beautiful actresses they worked with. The chance to have Robert laud her beauty was too tempting to resist. “Tell me.”

  He seemed eager to please. “Pink and wet and glistening like a nautilus shell, so many mysteries. I’ve dreamed about this for years. I never thought you’d let me.”

  “Tell me something you dreamed,” she coaxed, feeling herself growing wetter just from his words.

  “You’re always so self-contained, so cool,” he accused, his face flushing as he warmed to his topic. “I wanted to take you apart and make you scream for me, lick you until you could do nothing but mewl and cling to me, until nothing existed for you but me.”

  It was astonishing how close his fantasy came to her reality. Robert was the center of her universe, but his ego was big enough without her letting him in on that secret just yet. Maybe she’d tell him on their tenth anniversary. In the meantime, Izzy could think of nothing she’d rather do than let him bring his fantasy to life. “There’s no time like the present.”

  He gazed up at her in mute wonder for a long moment before he all but lunged at her, burying his face between her thighs like a man dying of a thirst that only her juices could quench. Izzy thrust her fingers into his shaggy mane of hair, biting her lip to suppress her moan as his tongue swept through her folds. “Delicious,” he rumbled against her.

  Izzy draped her legs over his shoulders to give him better access, and Robert took immediate advantage. After his first few frenzied licks, he seemed to calm, becoming more methodical in his exploration. Starting at the entrance to her body, he slipped his tongue into her with a quick flick before slowly drawing it upward until he reached her clitoris, closing his lips around it and sucking before returning to his starting point.

  Each lick followed a slightly different path, and even though Izzy had planned to make him work before she rewarded him with a noise of pleasure, she couldn’t help but tighten her grip on his hair whenever he found a particularly sensitive spot. Robert didn’t miss a beat, returning to those spots again and again until she was arching helplessly against his mouth.

  His face was flushed, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure, and Izzy nearly climaxed just from the sight of him between her legs where she’d daydreamed about having him for so long. When she released her hold on his hair, he backed off slightly, his attentions growing distracted as he glanced up at her.

  Holding his gaze, Izzy cupped her breasts through her dress, grateful now that the low cut back had precluded her wearing anything underneath. When she squeezed, Robert groaned even louder than she did, sweat beading along his hairline. “Let me do that,” he begged, rattling the handcuffs.

  While she’d dreamed about his touch, at the moment Izzy was more interested in what he was doing with his mouth, disinclined to stop him long enough to free his hands. “You’re busy,” she reminded him, pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger, the buds hardening visibly under the lace.

  Robert growled like a wounded animal and doubled his efforts, lashing his tongue against the places that drove her wild, before easing off to torment her with shallow thrusts of his tongue inside of her. Izzy lifted her hips, her burning channel clenching down to no avail. “Robert,” she moaned in protest, his wicked grin breaking through the haze of pleasure that clouded her mind.

  “Something you want, love?” he asked, lapping at her in lazy strokes before narrowing his attention down on her clitoris, tracing circles around it before flicking it with the tip of his tongue until she shook with tension and then easing off again.

  “No one likes a tease,” she rasped, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Every time she thought she’d learned his rhythm, he changed the pattern, leaving her to dig her feet into his back, begging wordlessly for satisfaction. This was his revenge for the caning, and clearly he was going to have to be taught another lesson about proper behavior.

  “I’m enjoying myself,” he murmured, his innocent tone at odds with the devi
lish things he was doing with his tongue. Again and again, he brought her so close to orgasm that her entire body quivered with the need to be pushed over that edge, only to deny her satisfaction, amusing himself with licks and gentle nibbles that were almost what she needed, driving her mad with frustration.

  He wanted her to beg, Izzy realized. Even after everything they’d done, he hadn’t fully accepted her domination, and that was unacceptable.

  Bracing her feet on his shoulders, she shoved him away, Robert crying out in protest. His mouth glistened with her juices, his hair tangled from the pull of her fingers. His face was twisted in confusion at being denied the taste of her, and when Izzy stole a glance down, his cock was flushed an angry red, bobbing impatiently between his thighs. She almost felt sorry for him—almost.

  “Who is in charge here?” she asked as she smoothed down her skirt.

  “You are,” Robert answered quickly.

  “Am I?” she pressed.

  “I was pleasing you,” he protested, his chest heaving.

  “Oh, really? Let’s see how you like it.” Standing up, Izzy grabbed Robert’s shoulders and forced him down so his upper body was again supported by the chaise.

  He buried his face in the cushion, groaning deeply. “I can smell your pussy. Izzy, let me lick you.”

  “You had your chance,” she reminded him, “Don’t move.”

  As Robert rubbed his face against the cushion, taking the damp fabric between his teeth to suck on it, Izzy slipped into the bathroom and retrieved the bottle of hand lotion she kept there. Keeping it out of his sight, she returned to him, kneeling between his legs and running her hands lightly over the welts she’d raised on his ass.

  Dousing her index finger with a generous dollop of lotion, Izzy slipped it between his buttocks, rubbing over the entrance to his body. With a choked groan, Robert arched his hips back, and she gave him a gentle swat. “Be patient.”

  “Izzy, please,” he gasped, shuddering when she eased the tip of her finger past the tight ring of muscle. He clenched around her, and she held still, reaching around him to rub his quivering stomach.

  As soon as he relaxed, she pushed deeper, Robert snarling as she buried her finger in him up to her second knuckle. “Relax,” she cooed, scattering kisses over his back as she moved her finger in a circle, opening him up.

  Beneath her, he heaved for breath, and Izzy could feel him trying to relax his muscles. “That’s good. You’re doing so well.” He gasped when she slid her finger out, and she couldn’t tell if it was a sound of relief or disappointment.

  She sat back only long enough to slick her fingers with more lotion before returning to her task, this time easing the tips of her first two fingers inside of him. Robert went rigid as he let out a garbled shout, clenching down so hard that she couldn’t move. “Should I stop?” Izzy asked, not wanting to push him so far that he’d break.

  “Yes—no—I don’t—no—” he babbled nonsensically, rocking back and forth on his knees, his breath coming in sobbing pants. Izzy moved with him, keeping her fingers snug inside of him, not pressing any further, but not pulling out either.

  “Don’t stop,” he finally managed, hissing when she gave a little twist of her fingers.

  “That’s my good boy. That’s my perfect boy,” she crooned, draping herself over his back as she pushed deeper, feeling him shaking as he fought the urge to flee. Taking pity on him, Izzy wrapped her arm around his waist to take hold of his flagging erection, stroking it gently as she buried her fingers inside of him.

  Robert’s body was fever hot and painfully tight around her fingers. Giving him a moment to adjust, Izzy concentrated on petting his softened cock, trying to coax it back to life. Once the tension in his body eased slightly, she carefully crooked her fingers, searching for the spot she knew would inflame him.

  It took her a moment to find his prostate, but when her fingertips glanced it, Robert let out a roar, rearing back on his knees as his cock surged to life in her hand. Trapped between their bodies, his hands scrabbled at her dress, trying desperately to touch her despite the cuffs around his wrists.

  Smiling to herself, Izzy tapped her fingers against his prostate again, watching his profile as she did. Robert’s lips drew back in a snarl, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes, screwed shut against the sensation. He breathed hard through his bared teeth, the tendons in his neck standing out in stark relief. Giving into temptation, Izzy scraped her teeth delicately against his throat.

  “Please,” he moaned, his voice brittle and broken.

  “Please what?” Izzy asked, careful not to let her fingers touch that spot again even as he wriggled his hips.

  “Please… more. Let me have more,” he panted, not quite sure what to ask for.

  Keeping her hand lightly wrapped around his straining cock, Izzy gave him another tap, loosening her grip when he tried to thrust forward into her hand. “Izzy, please!” he sobbed, shaking like he was about to fall apart.

  Izzy gave his prostate a series of quick taps and flicks, careful to keep the touches light and rhythmless. His cock was hot enough to burn her fingers, and it took all of her determination to just barely let him slide against her hand, not allowing him any real stimulation.

  “Izzy, you’re killing me!” he hissed, his face twisted with agony.

  “I’m pleasing you.” She gave him his own words back as she glanced her fingers against his prostate again.

  “I’m sorry!” he shouted, his eyes wild as his chest heaved for breath.

  “No more teasing?” Izzy gave his cock one firm stroke of her hand, her mouth going dry as he arched back against her, his mouth falling open on a silent cry.

  “No more teasing. I’ll be good. I’ll be so good,” he vowed, his voice breaking as he shook violently.

  Robert howled as she pulled her fingers out of his body. “Prove it,” she hissed, yanking off her wrinkled dress and reclaiming her spot on the futon.

  With a wild cry he dove into her, his tongue lashing mercilessly against all of her most sensitive spots before circling around her clitoris in an intricate pattern that sent her arching off the futon, screaming as lightning raced through her veins. Over her own cry of ecstasy, she could hear Robert’s hoarse shout. When she glanced down, the crazed look on his face nearly stopped her heart. His hair was matted with sweat, his eyes completely black as he lapped at her with religious fervor. A final gentle scrape of his teeth was all it took, Izzy’s climax tearing through her with incredible force, drawing her limbs taut for a long moment before leaving her limp and gasping as the universe sang around her.

  Robert slowed his ministrations but didn’t stop, and before she knew what was happening, he’d started the entire ritual anew, making up for his earlier teasing. Somehow he’d memorized every place that made her shiver, and he exploited that knowledge ruthlessly, bringing her to orgasm again faster than she’d ever dreamed possible.

  Her second climax was deeper, making her very bones tremble as she carded her fingers through his hair, stroking it away from his temples. Wordless noises of pleasure fell from her lips, but she couldn’t bring herself to be embarrassed by them. Robert had fantasized about making her scream, and he’d more than earned the privilege.

  Even now he seemed to have no intention of stopping. He nuzzled his nose against her curls, giving her just enough time to catch her breath before plunging his tongue into her. Izzy nearly levitated off the futon, clawing at his scalp as he circled, lapping at her fluttering inner walls as she tried to clench around him, her body begging to be filled by his.

  “Enough,” she moaned, pushing weakly against his shoulders and hearing his whimpered protest.

  “I want to please you,” he begged, rubbing his cheek against her inner thigh, the faint touch of his stubble making her skin tingle.

  “You did,” she assured him, trying to remember how to make her limbs work. Eventually, she managed to sit up and scoot forward until she was perched on the edge of the futon. Ro
bert stared up at her with liquid eyes as she cradled his face in her hands and pulled him in for a kiss, licking the taste of herself from his lips and tongue. “What do I taste like?”

  “Honey and musk,” he answered, running his tongue over his lips in a gesture so blatantly erotic that Izzy nearly climaxed at the sight. “I’m addicted.”

  “No more cigarettes?” she asked, chuckling at the idea of replacing his addiction to nicotine with an addiction to her.

  “You’re my fix now.” He growled, his eyes fluttering closed as she reached between their bodies to wrap a hand around his straining cock.

  “I’d better be,” she threatened as she gave him a squeeze, watching his back arch as he pleaded for more. Smiling to herself, she maintained her grip and leaned in to press her lips to his chest, her core flooding with heat as his flat brown nipple immediately shrank into a tight nub at the first flick of her tongue. After two orgasms, Izzy was astonished by her body’s greed, but no one had ever affected her like Robert. She kissed her way down his chest, feeling his heart racing beneath the press of her lips as she followed the sparse line of chest hair until she heard the telltale jangle of handcuffs signaling that his patience was at its end.

  Slicking her fingers with her own juices, she wrapped her arm around his hips, her fingers burrowing into his cleft even as she pulled him closer, guiding him to her entrance. Robert gazed at her, his mouth slack with wonder as she lined them up and took a deep breath, timing her next actions carefully.


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