by Silver Lake
It doesn't answer, but sends him a vision. A woman straddling a man, both are lost in pleasure. She's dark and luscious, all curves and gleaming skin.
The man bares his teeth. She is for them, not this other man. He understands the thing's anger. He growls, stands up straight, and starts walking. This house is much farther away, and the night is waning. His fury quickens his pace and he keeps a picture of her in his head. Her dusky skin and lovely wide mouth. Her full breasts and rounded hips. Her wild curly hair and soulful eyes.
But his haste is in vain. The horizon glows like fire as the sun begins to rise. The thing inside the man growls low in warning, and he heeds. After a long look in the direction of the new woman's house, he turns around to go home.
As the man walks he feels the thing inside him retreating. It is not gone, just sleeping. Curled up in a corner of his mind, resting for their next adventure.
The man climbs into his own bed and feels lonely. Not for the loss of the women, but for the company of the thing. He wonders what kind of man misses having a monster inside him. The memories of the night's activities provide one answer. The kind of man he is. He falls into a deep dreamless sleep.
Melissa didn’t notice there was a problem until she tried to accelerate down a long stretch of lonely country road and realized that her car was slowing down instead of speeding up. Tendrils of steam or smoke — she couldn’t tell which — started to seep from under the hood as a strange grinding noise came from the engine. That’s when she noticed the little needle on the temperature gauge was pegged into the red.
“Shit.” She guided the car onto the shoulder and turned off the ignition, her breathing shaky from the surge of adrenaline as one hundred ways that things could have gone horribly wrong swept through her mind. There could have been traffic, it could have blown up, and she could have lost control. Her long, thin fingers clutched the steering wheel tightly even though the car wasn’t in motion anymore, red painted nails pressing little crescents into her palms.
Finally she calmed down enough to pop open the car door and get out, stretching out her tanned legs. The evening sun painted her lean shape, highlighting the swell of her hips where her skin was exposed above the waistband of her low slung skirt, a tiny strip of black from her thong peeking out the top. She tightened the knot that held her shirt closed under her breasts, the fabric otherwise lying open to frame her pronounced cleavage. The fabric was thin enough that under the light of the dying sun the black lacy shape of her bra is obvious.
Melissa tried to consider her options logically. She hadn’t seen anyone else driving this road all day, so waiting by her car wasn’t going to work. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and swore when it showed no signal. She tried to call roadside assistance anyway. It didn’t connect, just beeped to let her know that the battery was almost dead. Cursing herself for not bringing a map, she peered down the road in both directions, seeing nothing useful.
With the sun setting, she had no more time wait. With a resigned sigh she reached into the passenger seat to grab her purse, throwing it over her shoulder and started walking down the road. There was nothing else she could do.
"There’s got to be a gas station or a town somewhere along the road," she muttered to herself, hopeful but unconvincing. She hasn’t seen one since the town she left this morning, but she knew there had to be something. She was outside of town sure, but not in the middle of nowhere. All she needed was a gas station or a mechanic, or any business with a phone who could find someone to fix whatever had happened to her car.
The road was asphalt at least, but it radiated heat even this late in the evening until her body was glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. Her wedge heels enhanced her model-like stature, but they weren’t the ideal for walking. By the time she’d been walking for an hour, the sun had gone down enough that most of the road was in shadow, and the temperature was starting to drop. Her feet were sore and her throat was dry. She fought back desperate tears that welled up, trying to think of her options.
Melissa shivered, the temperature dropping as night settled over the countryside. She pulled the hair tie out of her thick gold streaked hair, letting it fall loose around her shoulders, running her fingers through the long strands as she stopped walking, trying to think. If she went back to the car now, she could sleep in the back seat and set out again in the morning when she’d have more daylight to walk. It would suck, but was better than passing out on the side of the road. About to turn around, she caught a glint of light in the trees at a bend in the road. The tiny light was a beacon of hope and she barely managed to suppress a sob of happiness.
She walked a little further and found a one lane dirt road winding off through the trees. An old wooden sign was stabbed into the ground at its entrance, and Melissa gave a snort of laughter at the words burnt into it.
She hesitated, peering down the eerie tree shaded road. There was something very primal about the way the brush hugged close to the dirt track, like nature was ready to overtake it at any moment. Brushing past the sign, she quickly forgot about it as she cautiously made her way along the winding road beneath the dark trees. After a few minutes, the breeze shifted and she thought she smelled smoke and…hotdogs? Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten much besides a couple of granola bars since breakfast. Now that she was paying attention, she thought she heard faint laughter. She picked up her pace, jogging along the road as best she could, breasts bouncing with each step, driven by the hope of finding someone who could help her.
Finally she could see the flickering light of a fire through the trees and see the silhouettes of people moving around. Melissa slowed as she came closer, suddenly cautious. Rounding the last bend in the road she abruptly came upon a wide clearing that was clearly occupied. A few pickup trucks, old and battered, were parked in a semi-circle around a roaring fire. Two men sprawled in lawn chairs next to the fire, one was lying on the ground staring up at the darkening sky, and one was rummaging through a cooler resting on the tailgate of a truck. They were clearly comfortable with each other, laughing and joking just like some of guys back home.
They all looked at her as she came to the edge of the clearing and froze. A rough hand fell on her shoulder, making her jump as it spun her around. Melissa bit back a startled scream as she found herself face to chest with a huge man, plaid shirt open on his broad chest and a thick scruff of dark facial hair lining his strong jaw. His eyes were dark, but his smile made her relax slightly.
“Hey girlie, are you lost?” His voice seemed impossibly low, rumbling in a way that seemed to touch her bones. She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself to try and keep off some of the night chill that was starting to settle in the forest.
“Yes…I mean, no. My car broke down on the road and I was trying to find a gas station, or someone who could help me.” He nodded sympathetically, resting a hand on her shoulder and steering her towards the fire. “I saw the light of your fire and found this road, and then I found you all.”
“No problem, Jeremy here’s a mechanic. We can give you a ride back to your car and take a look at it for ya. But you look wiped out, sit and have a beer with us.”
Uncertain but acutely aware of her parched throat and aching feet, Melissa allowed herself to be pushed down into one of the empty lawn chairs around the fire. Jeremy waved from his place flat on his back in the grass, his attention returning quickly to the sky. The guy who’d been rummaging in the cooler brought her a can of beer. He looked younger than the others, and his good-natured smile was contagious. Tentatively she smiled back.
“I’m Mark. It’s really a good thing you found us; the nearest town isn’t for another ten miles.”
“Wow, I didn’t realize it was so far. I’m Melissa.” The other three introduced themselves in turn - the man who’d talked to her first was Sam, the two in the lawn chairs who were roasting hotdogs over the fire were Brian and Robert, brothe
rs. “So, what are you guys all doing out here?”
“Camping.” Sam said, and everyone laughed. She laughed too, though she wasn’t sure what was so funny. “We like to get away from town once a month or so and just…run a little wild.” More laughter. Hot dogs were passed around, the condiments left out on the tailgate next to the cooler. She was grateful for it, having become acutely aware of her hunger.
“So what’re you doing out here in the mountains?” Sam asked as he sat on the tailgate of one of the trucks.
“Oh, well it was my boyfriend’s idea really. He loves the mountains. We broke up a few weeks ago but I’d already taken the time off work so I decided I might as well come out here anyway. I’ve lived in cities all my life so I thought it would be nice to see the woods and mountains before it gets too cold and I get too busy. Kind of a goodbye to summer I guess.” She gave a slight shrug and leaned back, relaxing in her chair. “It really is beautiful out here.”
“Yeah, Mark was a city boy too. He came out here on vacation and fell in love with the mountains and our little town.” Sam chuckled and Mark nodded, relaxing in one of the other chairs across the fire from her.
Night had firmly settled as they finished eating and Melissa was feeling comfortably relaxed. It might have been blamed on the beer, but she liked to think it was just how warm and unthreatening these men were. She got up and threw the remnants of her dinner away. As she turned to sit down again she was startled to see all of the men rising to their feet in a rush, as if puppets drawn up by strings. Their heads turned as one, and past the trees Melissa could just see the silver edge of a full moon beginning to rise over the line of the mountains.
Confused, Melissa let her gaze flick back to Brian who was standing closest to her. As if sensing her gaze he turned to look at her and she gasped, stumbling backwards and landing on her ass. His face had subtly contorted, becoming bestial, and his eyes so kind before were yellow and feral. A low growl rumbled in his throat and he stalked towards her, lips pulled back to reveal teeth too sharp to be human. A louder snarl interrupted him and Sam shoved him roughly away. She could see now they were all changing, muscles rippling beneath their clothes, hair turning silver and coarse.
She cowered and trembled as Sam leaned over her, smelling like sweat and musk and dog. “Scared, Melissa?” His voice was rough, and growling, still so deep it almost ached to listen to him. She nodded quickly, eyes wide with fear. “You should have paid attention to the sign. It’s the full moon tonight and that means all of us are changing.”
“Please, what’s going on?” She whimpered, arms wrapped around herself, unable to tear her eyes away from his.
“That depends on you, girlie. If we change we can’t control what we do to you. But there is a way to keep werewolves from changing.”
“What? How? I don't understand.” She asked desperately. The word werewolf didn't compute in her head. Silly horror movie monsters had nothing in common with what she was seeing in the clearing. She watched one of his hands drop to cup his crotch, drawing her attention to the bulge growing beneath the denim.
“Satisfy us, all of us. Remind as we’re human and it’ll keep the change at bay until the sun rises. Can you do that, Melissa?” She shuddered, unable to speak. A small, stupid part of her mind thought this was all a joke. Some prank. But deep inside her instincts knew better. The primal part of her could feel the predators around her and knew she was their intended prey, one way or another. Sounds from the other men – or whatever they were becoming – filled the air.
Melissa shifted up onto her knees in front of Brian. Her hands were shaking as she traced the bulge in his pants with her carefully manicured nails, the button opening with a pop beneath her fingers. She pushed his jeans down, and his erection came free. Her eyes widened at the sight of it, easily the largest she’d ever seen. She could hear the others gathering around but when she turned her head to look, Sam’s hand was suddenly in her thick golden hair, forcing her to face him. He rubbed the head of his cock against her lips and she felt the slickness of pre-cum already beading on the head.
Taking a deep breath she opened her mouth. Melissa choked as he thrust his cock between her full lips until her nose was buried in the dark coarse hair around the base, struggling to breathe as her hands caught his thighs, nails digging into his skin in protest. Rough callused hands touched her smooth tawny skin, the texture making her tremble but she couldn’t get away, pinned by Sam’s hands in her hair as he drove himself deep into her throat with every thrust. She worked her tongue around his wide, flared head, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked, rolling her eyes up to see if it was really making a difference.
He looked down at her with the same brown eyes she’d seen earlier, his face no longer bestial. Lust instead contorted his features, the feral smile he wore one she’d seen before. It was a human expression though, so she relaxed, concentrating on the fat meat in her mouth, bobbing her head and taking as much as she could. She jumped when her shirt was roughly torn from her torso, her full breasts lifted free of the lacy cups of her bra and suddenly exposed to the cool night air, nipples hardening immediately.
She could feel the hands that squeezed and fondled her breasts changing against her, first the prick of animal-like claws, then slowly, the press of blunt human nails. One of the men wormed his way beneath her, letting go of one of her breasts and taking a puckered nipple in his mouth. Melissa’s back arched as she moaned around Sam’s cock as the other man suckled and bit her sensitive nipple, roughly toying and pulling on the other.
Above her Sam moaned, his grip tightening in her hair enough to squeeze tears out of the corners of her eyes as pulled her all the way down to the base of his cock, her throat squeezing around the head. With a howl that sent shivers up her spine he came down her throat, spraying fountains of hot seed into her stomach. Unable to pull back she swallowed to keep from choking, though she could not get it all and some seeped at around her lips and dribbled down her chin.
Melissa took a deep, ragged breath as he pulled his still half-hard meat from her mouth, stepping back. Before she could think or even see who it was, another cock was thrust into her open mouth, rough hands again digging into her hair, a feral growl rumbling above her when she tried to pull away. There was the sick sound of fabric tearing and suddenly her ass was bare to the night air except for the dark lines of her thong accenting her hips and tracing down the crack of her ass. A thick finger dragged the string of her black thong aside, tightening and rubbing the fabric over her clit. She whimpered at the sensation and gasped as a thick tongue lapped a line over her cunt.
“God she’s fucking wet already. Horny bitch.” She recognized Jeremy’s voice behind her, coarsened by the imminent change. She tried to shake her head, to deny the heat that had been steadily growing between her legs from the hands molesting her body and the force with which her throat was being fucked, but she could even make that small movement of denial because of the hands jerking her down on the hard dick in front of her, forcing the flared head deep into her throat. One of those thick fingers pressed into her and she moaned as it stretched her tight cunt, rubbing against her slick inner walls.
Another finger was forced into her and she arched her back to press back against it, thrusting her breasts into the hot hands that grabbed them, squeezing the soft flesh and twisting and pinch the hard nipple until they were red and swollen. She lapped at the pre-cum that gathered on the head of the cock on her mouth, tracing the edge of the crown and tasting the salt and musk of the man fucking her throat. She’d never been so completely dominated and controlled. She mewled softly as a third finger was jammed into her cunt, roughly thrusting in and out to prepare her for what was to come. The fingers were pulled suddenly out of her cunt, but the whine in her throat turned into a high pitched moan as they were replaced by a hot mouth sucking her clit so hard she spasmed and her body suddenly seized in an orgasm that rippled through her.
The mouth didn’t stop though, tongue probing de
eply into her clenching tunnel and lapping at her inner walls, tracing her sex puffed lips and rolling her clit around, grazing sharp teeth ever so light over her sensitive flesh. It made her shudder and shake, riding wave after wave of crazy pleasure like she’d never felt before. Then with a last lap the tongue pulled away and callused hands spread her cheeks, presenting her tight wet cunt. She gasped as what felt like an impossible large cock pressed up against her, sliding its length up and down her slit a few times.
The flared head rubbed against her entrance for a moment and she felt him lean over her, his breath brushing across her bare shoulders. Then with a sudden jerk of his hips he speared the first few inches into her. She squirmed and groaned with the combined pleasure and pain as he stretched her, forcing his way deeper inside with each quick, powerful thrust. His hands were hard on her hips, dragging her back onto his hard meat. She hardly needed the help though, arching her back to push her hips against him, trying to drive him deeper inside of her. Finally she felt the brush of his pelvis against her ass as he buried his throbbing cock completely inside of her, pressing painfully against her cervix.
She couldn’t even think about squirming away though, between the man in front of her, the man behind, and the hands that seemed to come from everywhere to rub and grab and pinch at her tanned body. Jeremy drew back behind her and slammed himself back in, every thrust jamming his head against the end of her channel until she forgot the pain, overwhelmed by the heat and sensations. It seemed to go on forever, one hard thrust after another, battering at all of her sweet spots with every movement.
A second load exploded down her throat and she eagerly swallowed it down. This time he pulled out so the last few spurts splattered across her face, and when she glanced up she saw it had been Mark fucking her throat so violently. She watched him and let her tongue flick out, licking a bit of his cum off of her lips where it had landed. He grinned at her, his hand slowly stroking his still partially erect meat. Her eyes widened as it began to harden again. Her view was blocked in a moment though as one of the brothers stepped in front of her, grabbing her by the hair but not taking advantage of her mouth yet.