Strange - Eight Unusual Sensual Tales

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Strange - Eight Unusual Sensual Tales Page 13

by Silver Lake

  She smiled coquettishly and her hand drifted down to the urgent bulge in his shorts. “I see you really do love me, judging by the package down there. Let me help you with it my love.”

  Daniel grinned and yanked down his shorts. His meaty dick glistened wetly, desperate for attention. Adela gave it an appreciative squeeze, and slid downwards, pushing him on to his back. Daniel put his hands behind his back and closed his eyes as Adela gently kissed his torso and abdomen. His body tensed ramrod straight as her velvety mouth slipped around the purple head of his dick.

  “Oh fuck, yes,” he gasped.

  Her tongue teased his sticky slit, and her fingers quested down for her cunt, strumming her moist folds. Her mouth widened and he let out a delightful little whimper, like an excited puppy, as she swallowed him down to the root. His meat tasted exquisitely, and she sucked him slowly, savouring his taste.

  Heat danced through her pussy and she fondled her clit, bringing herself to the crest of orgasmic release. Her cheeks hollowed as her head bobbed up and down, and she wrapped her hand round the base of his cock. It was Daniel’s turn to writhe about on the deck, and he moaned loudly under her control.

  “Suck my balls,” he said in a ragged voice. “Suck my balls!”

  With a loud slurp, she pulled his dick from her mouth, and moved on to his large balls. Deliberately, she teased his ball sac with her tongue, and he arched his back, unable to contain himself. She took each ball in her mouth and sucked hard, eliciting more moans and groans. Sweat and the musk of his crotch filled her nostrils.

  “Oh fuck yes,” Daniel whispered. “Yeah my darling, suck them, suck my balls!”

  She lingered over the sucking, wanting to delay the inevitable. But Adela knew the endgame was coming. It would soon be time to put Daniel out of his misery. She left off his balls, and returned to his dick. She took him down to the root, no longer interested in teasing.

  Daniel brought his hands from behind his head, and clutched at her hair as she sucked him hard. He buckled and panted hard, and Adela revelled in the power she now had over him. She could feel that he was nearing climax and her own cunt erupted with orgasmic power sending a shudder through her body. She let out a muffled cry as a trickle of hot juice dripped down her legs.

  “Fuck!” gasped Daniel. “Fuck! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!”

  Hot seed pumped over Adela’s tongue, and she swallowed it all, forcing herself not to gag. She wanted to savour the boy’s taste, and make him feel like he was king of the world. It was the last kindness she was going to show him.

  She squeezed his meat, taking the last few globs of cum before pulling free of him. Daniel lay panting and red faced on the deck, his toned body beaded with sweat. At that moment, he looked truly beautiful to Adela, and suddenly reminded her so much of Selon. The dull, aching pain she always felt when she was alone and unoccupied welled up in her chest, and she came dangerously close to bursting in to tears.

  The assassin, masquerading as an innocent girl, marshalled her sprawling emotions. This was not the time to fall apart. She had a job to do and nothing was going to stop her. An icy calm seeped in to her being, and the aroused heat of her cunt deadened.

  Guarding her true emotions, Adela smiled at Daniel and stroked his chest. “You feel better now, darling?”

  “Fucking Hell, yeah,” Daniel grinned. “I love you so fucking much, baby.”

  “Why don’t you go get that bottle of champagne from the hatch?” Adela said in an innocent voice. “Then we can celebrate our ever lasting love.”

  “No problem, sweet.” Daniel pulled up his shorts and jumped up to obey. His bare feet slapped against the deck as he headed to get the champagne. Adela lay basking in the sun and ran her hand along the slit of her pussy. Absently, she breathed in the heady scent of her own sex, before putting her bikini thong back on. All around her, the cerulean bright sea spread out, a calm undulating blanket of sparkling sunlight. They were miles away from the mainland and the holiday chateau owned by Daniel’s family. There was no living thing anywhere nearby. Everything was perfect. Reaching up, she carefully removed the transparent bead attached to her earring, and held it concealed in her hand.

  Daniel returned presently with an ice bucket containing the wine bottle, and two fluted glasses. He sat down cross-legged next to her, and poured out the champagne. He offered her a glass, and she took it with a sugary smile.

  “Here’s to us,” he said, raising his glass in a toast.

  Before he could take a drink though, Adela leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the mouth. He responded instantly, putting down his glass and putting his arms around her. She let him sink his tongue in to her mouth and when he closed his eyes, she slipped the bead in to his drink. It fizzled softly and evaporated in to the champagne.

  Adela broke the kiss, and nuzzled her nose against his. “Here’s to us,” she whispered pulling away from his embrace and taking up her glass again.

  Daniel picked up his own glass and it clinked against hers’. She watched him take a deep swig of the alcohol.

  “I needed that,” he said. When she didn’t respond, he frowned at her. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Adela yawned and counted the seconds. Daniel made to say something else, but he suddenly started choking. He dropped his glass, and fell backwards clutching at his throat. Adela straddled him, and looked deep in to his eyes. Fear and panic welled up inside them, and she felt a satisfying tingle course through her. Her skin prickled with goose bumps and she let out a satisfied sigh.

  “Good-bye my lover,” she said kissing her index finger and pressing it to his lips. “Too bad we couldn’t make it work.”

  Daniel tried to say something, but the fast-acting poison wouldn’t let him. The life leaked out of his eyes and for a split-second Adela revelled in the dark thrill of feeling a living soul passing on to the next realm. She experienced the same euphoric pleasure with all her kills, and though it made her feel guilty, she was hopelessly addicted to the sensation.

  Within seconds, it was over. Daniel lay on the deck of the sailboat, a lifeless hunk of flesh. With something akin to a resigned sadness, Adela climbed off him, and weighting the body with a sandbag tied to the ankle, she shoved it overboard.

  It was done. The mission was another complete success. As she watched Daniel slide beneath the waves, she removed the earring that had contained the poison pellet and pressed it between her fingers. The piece of jewellery doubled as a tiny transmitter that could now broadcast her location to the Red Serpent mini-sub lying in wait to take her home.

  Her operations leader in the Society, Doctor Muttuu, would be very pleased with her work. Daniel’s precious mama was an important minister on the Imperial Chevalier Council, who had been coordinating a savage campaign to shut down the Red Serpent Society drug running operations in the Crimson Seas. The terrorist group had sanctioned the assassination of her son partly as an act of revenge, and also to force the woman to retreat from public office. Muttuu knew how much she idolised the boy and such a blow would be devastating. Also, with her out of the way, a Society owned minister would take her place on the Council.

  Adela didn’t give a fuck about politics. The only reason she worked for the Red Serpent Society was for the chance to kill chevaliers. Still, a haunting image of Daniel’s mama grief stricken and hollow refused to be banished from her mind. Adela knew only too well what it was like to lose what you loved most in the world.

  Scowling, she turned her back on the sinking corpse and gazed out at the horizon. It would take an hour or so for the Society’s mini-sub to cross international waters and enter French territory. Adela stretched and lay back down on the deck. She may as well lap up a few more rays from this brilliant Mediterranean sun. In a few hours she’d be in the bleak wintry wastes of the Tsardom preparing for her next mission. She closed her eyes, and felt a pang of sympathy for Daniel and his mama, before banishing them both from her mind.


nbsp; The rumble of thunder made her sit up straight. She opened her eyes blinking against the sun and looked up at the sky. It was still a bright expanse of blue without the hint of a cloud. Another thunderous growl came across the sea, and she got to her feet. In the distance, a hulking tenebrous shape ploughed through the waters.

  “Shit!” she snarled, recognising the thing immediately. It was a Storm Giant. As if sensing her eyes on it, the Giant’s jagged head craned round to peer at the boat. It was too far away for Adela to see its features clearly, but its icy gaze flensed straight through her. As if by magic, black thunder clouds began to gather in the sky. They flocked like cormorants over the little sail boat.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Adela yelled. “Fucking damn!”

  A flash of electric blue lightening tore through the sky, followed by the basso voice of thunder. Heavy drops of rain splashed on to the deck, and her bare skin. She looked around her unsure what to do next. It had been twenty minutes since she’d signalled the sub, and it was unlikely to get here any time soon. By then it could be far too late.

  The sea, once sleepy and placid a moment ago, grew quickly restless, becoming tumultuous and brutal. The deck rocked violently beneath her feet, and she nearly fell over. She glared back at the Giant, but it was now lost in the swirl of dark clouds. She scowled in confusion, trying to make sense of what was happening. Storm Giants were massive elemental beings that could manipulate weather patterns, creating freak storms and generating torrential rain, but they stayed mostly in the outer oceans, far away from inhabited lands, kept at bay by the International Naval Defence. Why would one risk death by coming so close to Imperial Europa?

  The fat raindrops were falling heavily now, hitting the deck with the force of bullets. The lazy heat had dissipated, replaced by a howling cold that bit viciously at her naked skin. Darkness bore down on her like a vulture, and the boat rocked violently on the turbulent sea.

  Adela staggered, and fell to her knees. The boat listed to the side and she slid along the soaking deck toward the edge. Terrified, she clawed across the floor to try and reach the cover of the hatch. Lighting flared again, and a huge wave smashed against the side of the boat. Adela screamed and lashed out with her hand for the life preserver she’d spotted on the side of the hatch. The boat lurched again, but she managed to grab hold of the preserver. Another wave hit and the whole vessel was upturned by the force. Adela screamed as she was swept overboard.

  Cold water engulfed her as she plunged in to the sea. Despite the chaos, she held on to the ring and kept herself afloat. The waves tossed her like a rag doll, and the storm shrieked all around her, disorientated her senses. As the rain whipped at her, she thought she saw glimpses of the Storm Giant, but mercifully it didn’t come any closer.

  Unable to do anything else, Adela clung to the life preserver for dear life, and hoped the mini-sub would find her. The sail boat had disappeared in the maelstrom, and she was being pulled along by the powerful currents, taken further and further away from where it had been. In dismay, she realised the earring with the transmitter was missing. She had lost it when she’d been thrown off the boat. If the sub was following the signal, it would find nothing but empty water. Bitterly, she knew the Red Serpents wouldn’t conduct an extensive search for her. They would learn about Daniel’s disappearance and achieve the result they desired. She was dispensable.

  There was no time to brood on that now though. All she could do now was focus on surviving the storm and try and work out some kind of strategy. The storm raged around her ferociously, showing her battered body no mercy. She closed her eyes and tried not to be afraid. While she was breathing there was still hope. She was an agent of death, not one of its victims.

  Hours seemed to pass with glacial slowness. Her extremities felt numb and she sank in to exhaustion, the roar of the storm a dull monotonous dim in her ears. Eventually though, it began to diminish. The clouds dissipated, and the sea calmed. The Storm Giant had obviously moved on, taking its destructive energies with it. The sea became a calm sheet again, but now the sun was gone. Stars glittered from the night sky, and the luminous moon glowed down on her.

  Adela sagged in the waters, relieved at surviving the storm. But she was utterly alone at night, with no hope of rescue. She figured the sail boat had been about fifteen miles out from the chateau, but she couldn’t see any hint of land. She might have survived the Storm Giant, but she would perish out here all on her own.

  She closed her eyes, and sank her forehead against the life preserver. The desire to sleep became overwhelming, and despite the inbuilt survival instinct that had made live on after Selon, she ached for release. Perhaps it was poetic justice for all the lives she’d taken over the years? Perhaps this was where it all ended.

  Smothering darkness rose up to engulf her, and she felt her hands slipping from the life preserver. She knew she had to hold on, but the allure of oblivion was too strong now. The sea could have her, and wash away her sins.

  Something brushed against her foot. At first she thought she was dreaming, and paid it no heed. But then something wrapped round her ankle, and she realised it was no phantasm. Warmth spread up from beneath her, cocooning her body from the bitter cold. She became alert again, suddenly aware of a palpable presence stirring beneath her. It unfolded around her senses like a flower, cradling her in its radiant energy, and a mind, benthic old and utterly alien brushed against her own.


  The single word infused every cell of her body with new hope. As well as roving Storm Giants, Adela knew there were more esoteric and eldritch beings deep within the oceans. One had sensed her plight and had reached up from its secret dominion to help her.

  The thing reached up and wrapped a second tentacle around her other ankle. Rather than being repulsed, she found the touch of the limbs soft and pleasurable. The heat around her increased, and it felt like she was floating in a warm bath. The chill seeped luxuriously out of her bones, and all the stresses and terror of the last few hours slipped away.


  The alien voice whispered again, and new hope kindled inside her. Suddenly, death wasn’t so inevitable. There was the chance of survival, of carrying on her bloody crusade against the chevaliers. She wondered if there was some way to communicate with her strange saviour, to get it to take her back to dry land. Adela closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to direct her thoughts toward its mind.

  She was met with silence, and disappointed, she gave up. The warmth and safety remained though, and that was some consolation. Perhaps the creature would know instinctively what to do and take her to safety.

  Another tentacle reached up from the watery darkness and touched her thigh. Her eyes widened as it slipped up along her skin toward her bikini thong. A bolt of fear shot through her, as she felt the tentacle try and work its way under the material. Its tip found the edge of her pussy, and its tiny suckers rippled over her slit.

  “No!” she blurted out. “Stop that!”

  The tentacle didn’t stop. The creature reached up with smaller tentacles and yanked down her bikini bottoms, leaving her fully exposed to its touch. Instinctively, she wanted to lash out, but fear of the consequences stopped her. If the creature withdrew completely, she would surely drown. She swallowed hard, and steeled herself against its intrusive touch.

  Now unfettered by the thong, the larger tentacle moved along her vulva, slowly stroking each part, exploring her anatomy. Adela clutched the life preserver tighter, and bit her lower lip as the tentacle suckers brushed against her outer lips. It built up a slow and steady rhythm, and despite her initial resistance, she began to drift away on the weird sensation. Another tentacle, of the same size and girth as the one playing with her cunt, moved up almost hesitantly, and pushed up between her legs.

  Adela let out a ragged cry as the tentacle ran its tip along the channel of her perineum. The tentacles holding her ankles spread her legs wider to give it more room. Adela closed her eyes tightly and bit back a scream. In
sane feelings of pleasure rushed up to her brain. She felt dizzy, and her cunt became aroused.

  “Fuck! No!” she yelled.

  The creature ignored her. The tentacle playing with her cunt, teased deeper in to her wet folds. Adela gasped as the creature pushed in to further, and her labia tingled from the alien touch. The other tentacle carried on stroking her perineum with agonising slowness. Her body shuddered under the intense forces at work upon her, and she almost passed out under the creature’s attentions.

  Before that happened though, she ordered herself to control her breathing. Instead of breathing shallowly, she focused on centring herself, exercising her pelvis to help make her breathing deeper and less ragged. In doing so, the pleasure the creature was giving her intensified, pushing her on an upward curve of nerve tingling stimulation.

  She moaned lowly and began to writhe. Her cunt was a void of sticky heat in the warm water, and she engorged further, lubricating the tentacle tip caressing the opening. Small tentacles reached up and stroked the soles of her bare feet. The appendages reached up and curled around them, the tiny suckers latching on to her toes.

  Yet another, larger tentacle reached up out of the water. Adela stared at the veined, dark green limb, limned silver in the moonlight. It hovered round her breasts, as if waiting for something. Understanding flashed in her mind, and she slipped off her bikini top without question. As she reached out to hold on to the life preserver again, the tentacle snaked up and wrapped round her naked breasts.

  The suckers tickled her skin, and began blowing cool air out on to her areoles and nipples. Adela bucked beneath the wonderful touch, and groaned again, losing herself to the delirium of pleasure. Any resistance she might have once possessed melted away without a fight.

  As if sensing its victory, the tentacle probing her pussy pushed in deeper, no longer teasing or timid. Adela threw back her head and cried out as she was penetrated. The tentacle’s girth was a satisfying presence, and the tight walls of her vagina strained exquisitely to take it.


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