Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance Page 13

by Serena Simpson

“We can’t hurt her.” His dragon was already mourning their mate like she was dead.

  “We won’t but this is the only way we can get her to safety.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  His wings spread and beat against the air with powerful strokes. Soon he was circling overhead dealing with the daunting task of picking up his mate.

  His claws would have to pierce her skin, and he hurt at the thought. He would never forgive himself for what he was about to do. He dived going towards her before he broke off she was glowing in multiple colors.

  “I owe your mate. I’ll protect her; you get her on that plane.”

  He dove towards her firmly latching onto her before he made a sharp turn heading towards the sky and the plane that was circling. Right before he got to the entrance his form shifted, he was unable to hold it. He felt warm air cover him as he continued to move through the sky and land unharmed in the plane.

  “Tell her I’ll always be watching. She’ll know who I am.”

  The warmth left the plane and closed the door behind itself.

  “Zeno,” Georges' voice came from the cockpit. “The atmosphere is stabilized. You are free to walk around the cabin. Just for the record I never doubted you not even once.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  She took in her surroundings wondering if this was another dream. The bedroom on the plane swam before her eyes. Slowly she closed them and reopened them. This had to be real because there was no way she could feel this weak in a dream.

  “Skye, come back to me beautiful.”

  She sighed when she realized Zeno was cradling her in his arms pouring energy into her body.

  “Zeno.” Her hand came up to touch his chest comforting her. “We made it. You got us back to the plane.”

  “You trusted me, Skye. You gave me everything you had and trusted me.”

  “I love you, Zeno.” Her voice was still weak, and her body was trembling. Not her strongest declaration of love but still true.

  “I’m honored. Close your eyes and absorb the power I’m giving you soon you’ll be able to get up and move.”

  She nodded feeling a little too weak to speak. He continued to hold her and rock her. He told her about Dragon’s Cove and the years they were separated. The pain he experienced and the joy he felt when he saw her walk into the lobby. He spoke of his love for jewels while sharing some of the adventures he went on as a dragon to find those jewels.

  Finally, he slid his body next to her taking her mouth in a demanding kiss that she met without hesitation. He was hers, and she was never giving him up. Her greedy lips moved over him as her tongue invaded his mouth. Her weakness disappeared as she dominated him claimed him once again placing a stamp on him that said he was hers and she was his.

  He backed away, and she made a whimper of dissatisfaction.

  “I feel the same way, but you need to eat. To truly refuel yourself.”

  “I feel strong.”

  “It won’t last, and I won’t see you be hurt. You need food. Good thing the plane has it. Get up sexy.” He swatted at her behind before swinging his legs to the side of the bed.

  “How long was I out?”

  “You’ve been on the plane for close to five hours. We were in the cave almost twenty-four hours before George could come get us.”

  She hadn’t expected it to be so long. Her hands ran down her body, but she felt well. How did she manage to get from the ground to the plane or did George land this time?

  “I have some questions for you.” She grabbed her clothes and dressed slowly because she could feel Zeno watching her with desire. Him wanting her was never going to get old.

  He led her from the room into the kitchenette area where she took a seat.

  “I like cooking for you. Today you’re going to eat the biggest steak we have on board with some veggies.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Can I have broccoli and corn? When we reach land, I want a steak with a plate of fries. I think I was dreaming about them.”

  “Steak and fries it is when we land.”

  She smiled as she watched him work in the small area. He brought out a big steak, and her eyes widened, but her tummy rumbled in hunger.

  “I think you’re going to have to help me eat it.”

  “We’ll see. Ask your questions.”

  “How did we get on the plane? I thought you would have to carry me in your dragon form and I don’t see or feel any scars.”

  “Your right. I carried you. Scarring you hurt my dragon, but he understood we had to get you on the plane. I went to pick you up, and something happened.”


  “You lit up like a Christmas tree and then there was a voice in my head who said he owed my mate.”

  “The All-Knowing.” She told him about the test of wits she went through as they ate the food he placed on the table between them. Then she went on to tell him about the closet and how she eventually made her choice.

  “This All-Knowing being, I owe him. He protected you from my claws and made sure we both made it to the plane safely. He also said he would be watching.”

  “I think he’s going to show up from time to time. I’m okay with that he’s ancient and he’s lonely, besides I like him.”

  “Then he’s welcome to show up whenever he wants as long as he doesn’t interfere with certain things.”

  She blushed as he stared at her before he let his eyes roam her body.

  “Naughty dragon.” She laughed as she did the same thing to him. Together they cleaned the kitchenette and then went into the cockpit.

  “George.” She gave him a huge smile before she took the chair behind him. “You saved our asses by coming to get us.”

  “There was never any doubt that I was coming to get you, Skye. Zeno, on the other hand, might have had to wait a few days.”

  “Where’s the love here?” They laughed clearing the tension in the room.

  “Skye, I was worried, but your mate took care of you. I never doubted him for a minute.” George turned to look at her, and his diamond eyes flashed with color that took her breath away.

  She blinked wondering what she just saw.

  “I’m taking the long way back to the city. You have about six hours before you get there. Now get out my cockpit.” His voice was laced with warmth and laughter as they made their way out.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Back to the bedroom. You need all the rest you can get.”

  “I’m not tired,” she said as she followed him.

  “I am.”

  She shook her head and smiled as she shut the door behind them.

  “What are you doing?”

  “It’s a proven fact; multiple studies have been done that show you shouldn’t sleep in clothes when you tired.”

  “Multiple studies?” She nodded as she took off her shirt and reached behind her back to undo her bra.

  “I think I owe whoever spearheaded these studies a gift basket.”

  She chuckled and pushed her pants and panties down her legs. She kicked them off with the socks and climbed into the bed.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  “The invitation you just issued.”

  His clothes were on the floor, and he was in bed before she finished arranging the covers over her body.

  “I don’t think we’re going to need these.” He indicated the covers as he slipped under sliding his body against hers.

  “This is nice we should try to do it every night.”

  He gave a sound of agreement as he nuzzled against her neck. One of his hands caressed her back before it slid around to caress her belly.

  “Zeno, I love you. I know I said it earlier. This time I’m not dizzy, groggy or weak and I know what I’m saying.” She pulled back to look into his eyes. “I love you, and I want you and your dragon to be my mates.”

  “When you were willing to give me everything, I knew you loved me. Only someone in love would risk everything. Are you sur
e Skye? There’s no divorce or going back because you’re mad at me. Once we’re mated, we’ll never be able to break the connection.”

  “I’m sure. I thought about it, what this means. A couple of days ago I think I would have ran, but so much has happened since then. I know you, and you know me. Yes, things will still pop up to keep our lives interesting, but I don’t want to live my life without you.”

  “I love you, Skye.” He rolled her over and kissed her.

  Her arms went around him as she took the weight of his body, he was holding her down, and she loved the feel of it. His muscles pushed into her letting her know he always had her but with a push of her hand against his chest she knew he would roll over.

  He kissed down the side of her neck making her giggle even as she moaned from the small flames he was igniting inside of her.

  “I believe I made a promise to you.” His mouth engulfed one of her nipples pulling on it.

  Fire spread in her pussy as she found herself trying to rub against his thick thigh. He took her other nipple between his fingers and began to play with it before he palmed her breasts placing kisses where the two met. He placed his nose in the valley between her breasts and breathed in deeply.

  “You smell like the wildest of flowers all the time with a touch of female musk. You drive me crazy.”

  “I want to drive you crazy, make you wild because your mine.”

  “I’m yours.”

  He kissed down her body, stopping to lick and bite while inhaling her scent. She was twitching moving wanting more. Her legs were around him, her heels pressing into his back as she tried to make him go faster. He slipped further down taking her clit into his mouth. He sucked on it, and she screamed her desire asking for more.

  “You’re so needy Baby, and wet. So very wet.” He stuck his tongue out and started licking at her wetness while she called his name. Placing her hands in his hair, she tried to move him to the spot she needed him at most, but he resisted.

  “Not yet, Beautiful I have a promise to keep.” He stuck a finger deep inside of her making her pant as she rode it. “I think you’re ready.”

  He went to his knees lifting her legs that were around his shoulders high into the air. Her eyes went big as she watched him.

  “Spread them for me.” The fire in her stomach began to boil over as she did what he requested.

  He came up between her legs and made sure they rested on his arms before his thick cock touched her pussy. It was pulsating even as he stayed still a small grin lit his face, he was teasing her. Before she could growl at him, he sank deep inside of her.

  Damn this felt so good that she never wanted it to end echoed inside of her head as she tried to get control of her body. There was no control. He withdrew and sank deep into her once again. His hips were pounding against her as he moved faster. All she could do was lift her hips to follow him. Her body craved what he was doing to her even as her heart continued to open further. He didn’t just love her with words, but he loved her with actions. She might have even cried with that realization, but her body was going up in flames which were lapping up all her water and her energy.

  “Zeno. Please. I need.”

  “I know what you need.” He slammed into her, and she screamed. He bent over her and bit her wanting the world to know she was his. His mind and her mind met and melded.

  “I can feel you in my head!”

  “Forever Love.”

  “Shit Zeno I can feel you throbbing inside of me. Not just physically but with all my other senses. I feel the pressure you feel as you hold back. I also feel the joy you have of being so deep inside of me.”

  “Can you feel what your tight pussy is doing to me? How I want to spend hours here just moving inside of you feeling you clenching me tight. You feel like paradise to me Baby.”

  “Zeno,” she panted and then screamed her body was breaking up around her.

  “Yes, Skye I want it all.”

  She lost control bucking wildly against him as pleasure poured through her body. Her heart expanded her senses expanded, and all she could feel was Zeno and the love he was pouring inside of her.

  When he collapsed against her, she hugged him tight and whispered words of love to him.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  She took a big breath when she saw the hotel come into view. Why were they here? She argued that they go to Dragons Cove and forget this place ever existed. Zeno had almost sided with her, almost.

  “If we don’t go back Skye he’s going to kill someone and one death is enough. I don’t want to have another death weighing me down.”

  “One death? Who died?”

  They were sitting in the main cabin of the airplane. She watched as he turned to look out the windows. He frowned, and his eyes lost their glow as if he saw something that broke his heart.

  “When we left the cave, I stopped to close it up before I carried you to higher ground. Not too far from the entrance, there was the body of a male. He had a large knife sticking out of his chest. He killed himself, and I can’t be sure, but I believe he sacrificed himself because he was ordered to.”

  She bent over in the chair taking deep breaths.


  “I’m fine. I know him, not really, but he tried to drag me away from the entrance.” She explained the story before she looked at him.

  “I could have done something to stop him or found a way to tie him up.”

  “There was nothing you could do Skye and that’s the point. If we don’t go back, people are going to lose their lives, and I don’t want to be the one saying they deserved what they got.”

  She nodded all out of words. This was going to happen it had been coming for years, and she wouldn’t let the innocent people at her hotel suffer because she was too scared to do what was necessary. She also wouldn’t let Nathanial die if there was any hope for him.”

  “Do you think there is any hope for him?”

  “He’s been under Mutufa’s influence for a long time. Then there’s the fact that’s he’s laboring under a false promise of getting the one thing he can’t get on his own. That’s probably how Mutufa reeled him in.”


  “You. I almost can’t be upset about him wanting you, but your mine and I am not giving you up.”

  “When you feel like a bone between two fighting dogs.”

  “Sorry baby. I get possessive when it comes to you. I’ve been alone so long, and now you are here, it still feels a little unreal.”

  Now Zeno was parking the car in back of the hotel in the spot she would normally use. They skipped her place because she was never going back there again. The plan was to walk in like nothing happened. She would hit a few of the stores on the lower level to get some more appropriate clothes, and they would retire to the room he still had reserved.


  She looked up to see Willow crossing the lot coming in her direction.

  “Where have you been? This place has been in an uproar. There’s a rumor that he kidnapped you and killed you.” She stepped back and took a good look at Skye. “I’m glad you’re alive, and this proves that rumors around this place aren’t worth the breath used to breathe them.”

  “Willow I’m not exactly sure you’re happy I’m alive, but I have a juicy rumor for you.”

  “I’m listening, but I can’t stay long, I’m going on vacation tomorrow.”

  “I’m going on vacation soon. Zeno and I ran away to Vegas to get married.”

  “Shut up! I’m so happy for you. You deserve a happily ever after. Where are your rings I want to see?”


  “Right here. Her fingers were bothering her, so I held them for her.”

  In his hand was a wedding set that was beyond anything she could have ever wanted. The setting was so old and elegant she couldn’t begin to name the period it came from. He took her hand and slid them onto her finger they fit perfectly. He flashed his hand, and she saw the matching ring on his f

  “I don’t know which one I am more in awe of, the rings on your finger or the male who obviously loves you. I’m so happy for you Skye.” She hugged her close before dashing at her eyes and letting go. “Maybe some of your happiness will rub off on me. I’ve got to go. You know I'm not finished packing.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “A cruise! Maybe Mr. Right will be at the pool in a pair of very tiny revealing swim trunks. See you when I get back!”

  She was off making her way across the parking lot.

  “I hope she finds someone. Willow is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.”

  He took her hand and directed her towards the entrance. “Our return may be noticed.”

  It was. They were surrounded by staff as she showed off her rings. They hugged her and shook Zeno’s hand. She mentioned needing clothes and several people made off with her.

  “I was beginning to wonder if you were coming back.”

  “I thought as her guardian you would know that answer.”

  “Skye can be unpredictable. You’ve probably already found that out.”

  “My life will never be boring with her.”

  They walked in silence until they came to his room. Lori stood outside until he invited her in.

  “I could have walked in, but we believe in not disturbing the sanctity of another's space unless our ward is there. Then all bets are off.”

  “Are there more of you here?” He walked over to the couch and spread his hand before he took a seat in the chair that flanked it.

  “I’m not here to talk about myself. You and Skye mated.”

  “We did. I know you’re her guardian, but I’m her mate. I won’t let anything happen to her if I can stop it.”

  “I know. I watched you from the minute you stepped into the hotel. You're perfect for each other. You brought her back with her power, giving her the ability to protect herself. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. He’s been planning for years to end her life. If he does, he’ll have enough power to cross over.”

  Zeno stood and went to stare out the windows. “We’ll stop him, we have to stop him, but what happens next time. I don’t want to sound like a pessimist, but I fought him. I think he was powerful enough to kill me.”


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