Submit to the Beast

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Submit to the Beast Page 1

by April Andrews

  When Tobias Thorn was abducted and taken to a strange, underground city, he had no idea how drastically his life was going to change. Now, back above ground he knows that something is different, that he is different, and that his craving for the man known as the Beast, is never going to go away.

  Just as the Beast predicted, Tobias has no choice but to return.

  But by returning, Tobias has no idea exactly what is going to be expected of him, or that he is going to have to make a choice, between the man he once was, and the man he is going to have to become.

  In the end, Tobias may have no option but submit to the Beast.

  Submit to the Beast

  A Twisted Erotic Fairy Tale


  April Andrews



  Twisted E Publishing, Inc.


  Submit to the Beast

  A Twisted Erotic Fairy Tale

  Copyright © 2014 by April Andrews

  Edited by Marie Medina

  First E-book Publication: November 2014, SMASHWORDS EDITION

  Cover design by K Designs

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2014, Twisted Erotica Publishing.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  I was super excited to give Tobias and the Beast their HEA. I hope you enjoy x

  Submit to the Beast

  Chapter One

  Tobias Thorn sat on the edge of the cliff, the wind whipping around his hair, the sting of salt in his eyes. It was just after dawn, the sun only beginning to show itself, and he was restless.

  He’d been restless for the past two weeks.

  He looked down to the waves beating against the rocks below him, almost mesmerized by the way they surged forth before retreating, leaving foamy trails in their wake. He’d spent a lot of time watching those waves lately. It was almost like they called to him in some way, encouraging him to come watch them, to find peace right here in front of them.

  And so he did.

  Every morning before work then every night after, he found himself sat on the edge of this cliff, looking down, trying to empty his mind of everything else, concentrating only on this, the raw power of nature.

  It was either that or think of him.

  The Beast…

  A shudder ran down Tobias’ spine as those words whispered through his mind. His hands, resting by his sides, clenched automatically and he willed his mind to push the thoughts and memories away. They plagued him every minute of every day, but not usually whilst he was here, in this peaceful spot. This place that was supposed to wipe everything else away…

  Another shudder shivered along his back, and, abruptly, Tobias realized that he was cold. Up until now the sensations had barely registered, and that was weird, because they should have, but he didn’t seem to feel the cold like he’d used to. A few weeks back he’d have sat in this spot in a heavy sweater, maybe even some waterproofs over the top of it, but today he sat in just a thin running tee.

  Part of him wondered if it was some weird response to his fucked up emotional state. The other part of him knew that wasn’t the case…and yet neither part would think about what was actually going on, about what this, one of many changes in him, actually meant…

  He frowned and rubbed up and down his arms in an effort to warm them, but stopped the moment he realized his hands were damp from the spray. He dropped them by his sides instead and considered whether or not to head back inside. His apartment, one of many in a huge monolith of a building, the only building this high up from the town, was maybe a five-minute jog away. He could be back in his sitting room in less than ten minutes, wrapped in a warm blanket, maybe drinking a hot mug of coffee.

  But…he turned and looked behind him, the outline of the building visible in the early morning light. He’d only been out for a little while, and this would be the only chance he had to find some peace before heading out to work, the only chance to clear his thoughts for the day. Because Tobias knew, the last few weeks had taught him this well enough, that sitting in front of a computer all day was in no way conducive to blocking out thoughts of the Beast. A chance phrase, a passing scent, any of those things would be enough for his mind to drift and latch on to the only topic it seemed interested in these days. And the worst thing was that the moment he started thinking along those lines his body responded. A racing heart, an elevated temperature, a stiff cock…

  Somehow, the Beast was able to stir up emotions that Tobias neither expected, nor wanted to deal with, but then that was hardly surprising, was it? Not after what had happened.

  Not after what they had done together.

  Not after what the Beast had done to him.

  He closed his eyes, unable to stop those memories from blossoming now despite being in the one place that was supposed to keep them at bay. And they were so clear! Tobias could remember every single moment of his experience, every single moment of the time they had spent together. From when he’d seen an odd couple outside of his apartment and the woman had asked him for help, to the man she was with knocking him unconscious and—Tobias hadn’t known it then—taking him below ground, to a city that Tobias hadn’t even known existed.

  And then, waking up, manacled to the Beast’s bed, with no idea what was happening, and the Beast arriving to explain that he should never have been brought below ground, that it was a mistake, but now he had that he would have no choice but to stay. Even when he had tried to escape as the Beast showed him around the cave system that housed the underground world, frantic, panicking, it was all still so clear to him. How the ground had felt underfoot, the odd musky scents that swirled in the tunnels, the heated moisture in the air.

  And then…and Tobias swallowed now, his heart beginning to race, his belly clenching…the moment they had touched, when he understood that the Beast wanted him, had wanted him from the beginning, wanted him enough that he was willing to offer him a bargain.

  Sex for his freedom.

  Tobias hadn’t even really considered saying no.

  And his freedom was not the main motivating factor.

  Fact was, Tobias had been attracted to the Beast the moment he had looked into his odd yellow eyes. He was unlike any other male that Tobias had ever met. He was tall, broad, strong…and there was something about him…something Tobias still didn’t understand. There was a connection between them that Tobias was unable to deny, and it wasn’t just physical, it was emotional. When it was time for him to leave, when the Beast kept his promise and allowed Tobias his freedom, Tobias hadn’t even been sure that he wanted to go.

  And yet he had. He’d returned home, tried to pick up his life, promised himself that there was no way he would ever do what the Beast had said. That no matter how much his body now craved the Beast’s touch, no matter how much he ached to feel the Beast inside him again, he would never voluntarily make his way back below ground, to return to the man who had, for all intents and purposes, abducted him, had changed so much, who had done something to him that was continuing to change things...

  And now, two weeks later, sat here on the cliff, he was still trying to keep to that promise. It was not easy. It hurt in a way Tobias didn’t understand. He woke up thinking of the Beast, went to bed thinking of him, and every hour, of every day, he was there, haunting his thoughts. I
t was almost a type of madness, so consumed was Tobias by the man that he had given himself to.

  He could not get the Beast out of his mind.

  Part of him wasn’t even sure if he wanted to.

  And then there were the changes...

  Tobias scowled and shifted slightly on the cliff edge. The cliff held firm, but then Tobias had picked this spot because he knew that it would. It was all granite here, rising up from the land below, allowing the waves to smash at it constantly and never giving way. It was probably the reason that his building had been constructed up here. A lone structure that he had to walk a hundred odd steps every morning to reach. Tobias had missed it when he’d been below ground. He just hadn’t expected to miss below ground when he was back above it.

  He picked up a small stone and rubbed it between his fingers. If he applied just enough pressure it almost felt like it would crumble so easily…he dropped the stone and clenched his hand tight, something like a feeling of dread running through him. Trying to pass his newfound love of the cold off as an emotional response to his situation was a stretch in itself, but the other things, the increased strength, the increased energy, even the changes to his body, perhaps unnoticeable to anyone else, but easily seen by him, there was no way he could explain them. There was no answer that would make sense.

  His curiosity demanded he search for one.

  His fear stopped him.

  Tobias knew that at some point, one of those two desires one would win…he just wasn’t sure which.

  He shifted in his spot once more, taking one last look out at the beating waves, trying to recapture the sense of peace that had washed over him as he sat down.

  But it was gone.

  For now at least the Beast had won. There was no point in staying.

  He took one last, deep breath, a small jot of satisfaction hitting as the salty bite of cold hit the back of his throat. Then, palms down on the granite, Tobias readied himself to lift up…and stopped.

  His neck prickled, a weird sense of something filled him, and he realized in an instant that he was no longer alone. It was the oddest feeling, because a few weeks ago, Tobias wouldn’t have even noticed someone behind him. How could he? The waves filled the air around him with their noise, and that combined with the howling of the wind meant that he was practically deaf in this spot.

  Only it wasn’t the sound, it wasn’t that he could hear someone there, Tobias felt it, almost sensed it. And that had happened more than once these past weeks, especially over the past few days. It was almost like a new sense was beginning to take shape, sitting alongside his other ones, working to fill in their blind spots. Last night when he had been jogging the cliff edge, he had felt the change in the ground before he’d seen the hole ahead. It was that extra knowledge that had allowed him to simply jump over the hole that would have surely sprained, if not broken, his ankle. Tobias had no idea what it meant. No idea when it was going to stop.

  Curiosity fought fear.

  Neither was winning.

  And in-between them both was him. The Beast…

  Tobias shuddered then, turned his upper body around, not even sure who he expected to see. And even then, as he did so, he was unwilling to admit even to himself that part of him was hoping that it was him, the Beast, that despite what he had said, despite his promise that Tobias would return to him and not the other way around, that he had decided to come above ground. That he was going to drag Tobias back. That he’d had enough of waiting…

  Except it wasn’t the Beast.

  Tobias realized that immediately, and as he did he felt his heart both clench and beat far too fast. A woman approached him. She wore long, green robes, the hood pulled back from her face, probably because the wind had pushed it there. Her hair was a startling red, stark against the early morning light.

  Tobias recognized her immediately, and as he did so a combination of anger, worry, and excitement filled him. Because, and in an odd way, she was responsible for the position he now found himself in. She had been the woman outside of his apartment door, the woman asking for help, the woman he had been knocked unconscious for.

  Her name was Layla, and she belonged below ground…with the Beast.

  Chapter Two

  The man Tobias knew as the Beast paced up and down the walkway above the main cavern in his underground city. The walkway ran the length of the cavern and was connected by bridges at various points. Those bridges led to tunnels, which led to other, smaller caverns, and to the places that his people called home.

  It was a place he called home too, had done since he had been born beneath these walls so many years ago. And the Beast was very protective of his home. Would do anything for it…at least that was what he always thought.

  He scowled, turned on his heels, and began to pace all over again. As he did so he tried to work through the thoughts racing through his mind. There were a lot of things to think about, because the Beast was facing a situation totally new to him, and he wasn’t entirely sure how to deal with it.


  The name of the human, his human, whispered through his mind, and the Beast’s body responded in the way it had ever since he had first set eyes on the male that he had known instantly was his mate. His heart thumped, his stomach clenched, and his cock thickened inside his pants. But then, his cock was constantly hard these days, and the Beast knew it was because he couldn’t sate himself with the man who was his and his alone.

  And that fact was entirely his fault.

  The anxiety running through him like a constant hum was his fault.

  The entire fucked up situation was his fault.

  And as of right now, the Beast had no idea what he was going to do about it.

  A shriek sounded, pulling him from his brooding thoughts. The Beast looked down to see the market in full swing below him, but he didn’t pause to view it as he normally would. He ignored the stalls offering all sorts of products, ignored the tables where people ate and drank, even ignored the shrieking children running alongside the river.

  His people were aware of this. Down below him they looked up, spotted him, and let out various sighs. There were no secrets here, and they all knew what was happening, why he was so preoccupied, and they were all hoping that it would be fixed soon.

  They knew it had to be.

  The Beast knew it too.

  The situation had to be resolved.

  He turned, headed back in the direction he had come from, and resumed his pacing. A moment later and he spotted a male emerging from one of the tunnels. He was tall, broad, yellow-eyed—they were all yellow-eyed—and the Beast recognized him immediately.

  His brother.

  “Pacing again?” Gregovitch asked.

  The Beast scowled. “Not pacing,” he said. “Thinking.”

  “About Tobias,” Gregovitch asked, but it was not a question.

  “Why do you assume I am thinking about the human?” the Beast snapped, because of course, his brother was right as usual. “I could be thinking about any number of things.”

  Gregovitch laughed before crossing his arms and leaning against the granite wall. Their entire underground city was sculpted from that rock in some form or another. The Beast didn’t know how long it had been here for, or the exact geological processes that had formed it, but it was home to his people. To them being above ground was as odd as the outsiders would find living underneath it.

  “For three very simple reasons,” Gregovitch said. “It has been weeks since you allowed him to leave. He shows no sign of returning. This weekend is that of the full moon.”

  The familiar tension tightened its grip on the Beast at those words. He halted his pacing and shot his brother a glare. “I am aware of those things.”

  “He has to return before then,” Gregovitch added.

  “I am aware of that too.”

  “As are your people.”

  The Beast glanced down at the market. No one was looking up at him now, but he could sense th
em below him, sense the tenor of their thoughts, their emotions. They were worried about him, worried about what it all might mean. They weren’t the only ones.

  “What are they saying?” he asked.

  “They’re not saying anything,” Gregovitch replied. “But they are concerned. In truth, none of them understand why you let him go in the first place.”

  The Beast let out a low growl before turning on his heel and striding over to the tunnel that would lead to his private quarters. Gregovitch followed behind him, and despite his usual amiable demeanor, the Beast knew his brother was as worried as the rest of those in the underground city. He could feel the emotions rolling off the other male.

  “Come,” the Beast said. “I don’t want to discuss this here.”

  They made their way down a long, slightly inclined tunnel and eventually to the Beast’s domain. Ordinarily the Beast might have gone straight to his bed chamber. It was the way of their people. There were no locked doors, no places off limits, and conversations were often held in the rooms where they expected to relax. But the Beast did not go in there today. He found it difficult to be in that room…and all because of Tobias.

  Tobias manacled to his bed.

  Tobias’ cock in his throat.

  Tobias lying on his back welcoming him inside.

  Tobias bent over the saddle, his ass being pounded…

  So vivid were the memories that assaulted him as he passed by his bed chamber, the Beast clenched his fists as tightly as he could. His heart raced once again. His cock thickened to the point of pain. And though he told himself this was a perfectly normal reaction, the Beast couldn’t help but become angry at his weakness. He was the Alpha of their group, the leader of thousands, and yet he had been brought low…by a human no less.


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