Submit to the Beast

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Submit to the Beast Page 3

by April Andrews

  He made his way up the curving staircase, pausing as he did so to admire the stained glass window. It had been installed many, many years ago by one of the pervious alphas, and showed several of their kind in the processes of turning. The Beast wondered what Tobias thought when he saw that window, and what he would think once he knew the truth.

  A moment later and he was in the corridor above, slowly making his way to Tobias’ apartment. He knew which one it was because the moment Karl had brought Tobias below ground he had ordered a complete background check on him. He could still remember the jolt of wonder he’d felt when he realized that Tobias had been just above him all this time…waiting to be claimed…

  Tobias’ door was in front of him in no time, and the Beast knocked on it three times then waited. As he did so his mind was a riot of thoughts.

  What would Tobias think when he saw him?

  What would he say?

  Would he agree to come back below ground?

  Would he have to force him?

  And alongside the thoughts were the feelings. The Beast was painfully excited at the thought of seeing Tobias again. These last weeks of waiting, of hoping that Tobias would see sense and return of his own free will, had been very difficult. The Beast was the Alpha. What he wanted he got. What he expected to happen happened. Allowing someone else to control the direction of his life was something he struggled with. And yet, he had been willing to do that for Tobias. Willing to allow his mate time to become accustomed to the situation.

  Clearly, that had been a mistake.

  Gregovitch had been right.

  He had to take charge of the situation, and if that meant forcing Tobias’ into compliance…then so be it.

  The door opened slowly, almost like Tobias was giving the Beast time to still his racing heart, to steel himself for what was to come. When it eventually swung full circle his heart was still pounding, and when he locked eyes with his mate, it simply pounded some more.

  Tobias was…there were no words. The Beast was struck, and captivated, by his beauty all over again. And it wasn’t just the way that he looked. The connection the Beast felt with this human was deeper than that, more visceral.

  Tobias was his. There was simply no denying that fact.

  “Tobias,” he whispered.

  The other male’s eyes widened. He took a step back, something like puzzlement chasing across his features. And yet…underneath that puzzlement the Beast saw another emotion struggling to break free.


  “What are you doing here?” he gasped.

  The Beast smiled. And it was a smile filled with all of the emotions he was feeling.




  “I am here to see you of course,” he said.


  “You did not expect me?”

  “You said—”

  “That you would come to me?” The Beast paused. How to explain to Tobias that time was running out? That he had no choice but to come? He couldn’t, he realized. Not yet. Their connection had to be reestablished first. That was the only possible way forward. “I did not expect you to keep me waiting for so long.”

  “I…” Tobias visibly swallowed and took another step back. As he did so he shook his head in jerky motions, his hands clenching over and over.

  The Beast sighed, because he could feel the emotions rolling off his mate, and they were as confused as he had expected them to be. As Alpha he had that ability with his people. To pick up the tenor of their thoughts, to understand what they were feeling, but it was not something he had ever experienced with the humans. He understood why of course, they were not his. There was no connection to them, but Tobias? He had known that Tobias was his the moment he had begun to feel what the other man was feeling.

  It had been obvious.


  There was no denying it then, and when he had looked into his mate’s eyes for the first time, there had been no denying it at all.

  Tobias was his.

  “But you have kept me waiting,” the Beast said slowly. “You have stayed away. Even though I know you could find a way back if you tried.”

  “They blindfolded me when I left,” Tobias said.

  “You do not need to see the way in or out,” the Beast replied. “You will simply know it. It is instinctual. If you want to find your way home, you will.”

  “Home?” Tobias breathed. “I am home.”

  The Beast took a step forward. Tobias responded by taking one back. That amused the Beast slightly, because if Tobias really wanted some distance between them he would surely have slammed the door shut. But he clearly didn’t, because he was, perhaps unconsciously, allowing the Beast enough room to make his way inside.

  It was then that Beast understood exactly what Tobias was feeling.

  On an intellectual level his mate did not want this. He was trying to pretend that what happened between them was nothing, that it could be forgotten. Probably he was also ignoring the changes that had already begun to happen to his body.

  That was why he had stayed away.

  But on a physical level there could be no denying it. He craved the Beast’s touch. Hungered for it. And he knew, deep down he knew, that something was happening to him that he could not stop.

  That was why he wanted to return.

  Dual desires.

  Fighting against one another.

  The intellectual winning over the physical…but only for now…for them, for their kind, the physical would always win.

  “I know how you are feeling,” the Beast said slowly. “I understand it.”

  Tobias jerked his head again. “You have no idea what I’m feeling.”

  “Tobias,” he sighed. “You know that is not true. You’re confused. You are trying to tell yourself that you can forget what happened. Convince yourself that you can stay away from me. But that is never going to work. It will win out in the end.”

  “What will?” Tobias demanded. “What?”

  “The hunger you feel,” The Beast said. “You’re fighting it. Trying to pretend it is not there. You want to come home, you want to come home to me, but you’re trying to pretend otherwise.”


  “You think that if you ignore it, if you tell yourself it is not there, that you will be able to resist.” He paused. “But it does not work that way. The process has already begun. There is no escaping it now.”

  Chapter Five

  It was all Tobias could do to keep himself still and steady. He looked up, into the yellow eyes of the Beast, and felt his heart race faster than it ever had before. Part of him couldn’t believe that the Beast was actually here, that despite what he had said, he had come to Tobias, probably to take him back below ground. The other part, however, the part that had spent all of last night, and all of today, in a state of confusion and panic following Layla’s visit, wasn’t shocked at all. It was almost like this was always going to happen and he had been stupid to think otherwise.

  Because something was happening to him.

  There was no stopping it.

  And Tobias had spent all of last night and all of today thinking about it. About what it all might mean, about what Layla had said, about what his feelings for the Beast really meant. He had sat down on his couch, just a few minutes ago, no closer to any sort of resolution, but one thing was becoming increasingly clear, no matter how much he tried to resist it. If the Beast had not come to him today…in truth Tobias was no longer certain how much longer he could have held out.

  He tore his gaze away from the Beast and looked down at his body. The same dread and confusion assailing him as it had constantly over the past weeks, and certainly this morning, because, upon waking, Tobias had noticed another change. His muscles were more defined than they had ever been, and yet they shouldn’t be, because he had barely gone near the gym in the past weeks, choosing to run for miles upon miles instead. He should be losing defini
tion, not gaining it…only he wasn’t…a process…a change…

  “What’s happening to me?” he whispered, because he couldn’t stand not knowing anymore, and the Beast was here now, and that changed everything.

  “You’re changing,” the Beast said.

  “Because of something you did.”

  It was not a question, but the Beast answered it anyway. “Yes.”

  “What’s going to happen to me?”

  “I can’t explain that to you yet,” the Beast said.

  Tobias looked back up, locked eyes with the Beast. “You have to,” he said. “I’m…”

  “Scared?” the Beast asked.

  Tobias frowned, because he did not want to admit to that, and yet…

  “There is no need to be, Tobias,” the Beast said and he took another step forward so that he was in Tobias’ hallway now, and the front door seemed to simply close behind them. “I am here now.”

  “But why are you here?” Tobias asked. “To make me return below ground with you?”

  “No,” the Beast said. “I am here because I wanted to see you, because it has been too long, and because you have ignored my calls to return.”

  “Your calls?”

  The Beast nodded. “You feel them, don’t you?”


  “It’s like an itch,” the Beast said. “Impossible to scratch. Always there, always nudging at you. You feel me around you, can see me beside you, and yet I’m not there, and you want me to be.”

  Tobias let out a shaky breath, because the Beast’s words were so right. That was exactly how he felt, exactly what it was like, and now, looking into his eyes again, Tobias became aware that the itch was no longer there. The Beast stood in front of him, as attractive, maybe even more so, than Tobias remembered him being. That same scent that had seemed to tickle Tobias’ nose these past weeks, elusive and yet so familiar, was swirling around him again. A musky spice that screamed desire and need.

  Tobias couldn’t help but take a deep breath, to pull as much of it as he could into his body.

  The moment he did he hardened.

  It was instant.

  His cock thickened in his sweats, the blood pulsing along its length. He couldn’t help but let out a low groan and that was all that it took. The Beast’s eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared, and he pulled Tobias into his arms.

  “Stubborn human,” he whispered.

  “What have you done to me?” Tobias moaned.

  “Only what was always going to happen,” the Beast said, and then he lowered his head and he took Tobias’ lips into his own.

  The kiss was fast and furious, frantic even, desire exploding between them in one quick, shocking blast. Tobias couldn’t fight it, couldn’t even begin to try, and so he let his body relax, allowed the beast to enfold him into his arms, and accepted the kiss, accepted the Beast’s ravaging of his lips, nibbling of his tongue.

  When the Beast picked him up, wrapping Tobias’ legs around his waist, he let him.

  When he strode into the bedroom, his lips now trailing fire along Tobias’ neck, he did not say a single word.

  And when the Beast tumbled them both onto the bed, the only thought in Tobias’ mind was: yes, at last.

  They kissed again, their lips pushing against each other, their tongues dancing for dominance. The beast covered him, his body hard and hot against Tobias’.

  “I’ve missed you so bad,” the Beast whispered. “Wanted you so much.”

  Clothes were removed quickly. Both males were desperate to feel skin on skin, and in no time at all they were both bare. Excitement shivered along Tobias’ skin, desire pooled in his gut, and his cock hardened even more from the friction between their bodies.

  The confusion, the anger, the dread, they were all gone now. Desire reigned supreme, and if Tobias had been able to pause, to think clearly, to question what was happening, he would have asked himself how that could be. How one moment he could be so confused, so resolved to stay away from the Beast, and then in the next, with a simple shift, a simple second in time, he could be hard again, panting, wanting nothing more than to be taken by the Beast, to be fucked by him, to scream in pleasure as an orgasm was pounded from him.

  It made no sense.

  But in that moment Tobias did not care.

  The Beast, the pleasure, it was all that mattered.

  “This is going to be fast,” the Beast said as he nudged Tobias’ thighs apart. “It’s been too long.”

  “Yes,” Tobias agreed. “I need you inside me.”

  “Yes, you do,” the Beast said. “That’s where I should have been these past weeks. Inside you over and over, pleasuring you over and over.” He growled. “You wouldn’t be feeling this way then. I should never have let you go.”


  He didn’t get a chance to say another word. The next thing Tobias knew the Beast was making his way down Tobias’ body and a second later his cock was in the Beast’s mouth.

  God…it was like coming home, like he had been waiting for this for so long. From being someone who had barely gotten laid to being showed exactly what real pleasure was, Tobias now craved it in a way that made him tremble.

  The Beast’s mouth was hot and wet and slippery. He suckled Tobias’ cock in between his lips, flicked his tongue along his length, nibbled his cock head between his teeth. Tobias groaned and shifted, lifting his hips, trying to get as much of himself inside the Beast as he could. Pleasure pooled inside him, tingles shivered from his cock and along his spine, and he couldn’t help but pant.

  When a finger penetrated his pucker Tobias almost came there and then. So desperate was he for release after denying it for so many weeks, he could barely control himself. But the Beast had no intention of allowing that yet. He rubbed Tobias’ pucker but penetrated only a little. A moment later and he released Tobias’ cock, gathered the pre-cum and rubbed that around his hole.

  He was readying him.

  Tobias panted his approval.

  When the Beast moved back up the bed, covering Tobias’ body with his own, Tobias lifted his head and captured the Beast’s lips again. He could taste himself now on the Beast’s tongue, and it only excited him more.

  He opened his legs as wide as they could go and tilted his hips. The Beast growled with pleasure, grabbed a pillow and pushed it under Tobias’s ass. He was tilted just right now, open and ready for the Beast’s invasion.

  The Beast did not wait any longer.

  With something that sounded like a deep sigh of pleasure, he nudged his cock head against Tobias’ pucker. Tobias gripped the Beast’s shoulders, buried his head against him, and readied himself. He expected some pain, because the Beast was long and thick, and it had been weeks since he was last fucked, but there was none. The Beast slipped into him, inch by pleasure filled inch, and Tobias felt nothing but delight shiver through him, his channel accepting the Beast with ease.

  By the time the Beast was seated deep inside, Tobias was desperate for more. He tightened his grip on the Beast’s shoulders, bit down on his chest, giving to the Beast exactly what had been given to him.

  The Beast roared and thrust out before thrusting back in with a force that made Tobias scream. Their rhythm was set then in an instant. The Beast pounded Tobias’ ass with a precision that made Tobias’ head spin. Pleasure ran through his channel, his cock was thick between the two of them, rubbing between their bellies, and it was simply a matter of time.

  Over and over the Beast plumbed him.

  Over and over his body rubbed up against Tobias.

  Again and again he whispered how much he loved it, how much he wanted it.

  Again and again Tobias responded by accepting the Beast’s cock, allowing his body to respond to it, to love it.

  In no time at all, he came with a force that made him shudder, and the Beast was not far behind. His cum splashed between them, the Beast’s filled him, shooting into his channel and making them both slippery and wet.

�Tobias…” The Beast groaned. “Tobias…”

  And Tobias wanted to whisper back, to say his lover’s name with the same desperate need…only Tobias didn’t know it, he didn’t know much at all, except for this, the pleasure, the desire, it was all about this, and Tobias realized there and then, that there was no point in denying it any longer.

  In this, he belonged to the Beast, and there was no point in fighting it anymore.

  It was time to submit.

  Chapter Six

  It was the early hours of the morning when the Beast stirred. He looked down at Tobias, curled up in his arms, and then across to the window that gave a view of the valley below. It wasn’t the valley that held his attention though, it was something else entirely.

  The moon.

  The Beast narrowed his eyes and considered it, and knew that tomorrow it would reach its fullness, and that meant that tomorrow those below ground who were now of age, and those from above who had been claimed, would turn.

  Tobias was the only one who had been claimed.

  The only outsider.

  But from tomorrow that would no longer be the case. He would become one of the Beast’s people, and he would never belong above ground again.

  Perhaps, the Beast thought as he glanced back at his mate, that was why Tobias was resisting. Though he didn’t know what was going to happen to him, the Beast imagined there must be a part of him that understood instinctively. Just like how he would be able to find a way back below ground if he tried, just like how he could feel the Beast’s calls, those things were part of him now, and the Beast could not take them away even if he wanted to.


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