Submit to the Beast

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Submit to the Beast Page 6

by April Andrews

  He felt it.

  Something was different.

  Something was happening.


  The turning.

  “It is nearly upon us,” the Beast said as they took the final tunnel to the surface.

  It was just the two of them, though Tobias realized that others from below ground were also heading to the surface. He had seen them as they left the Beast’s private chambers. They had taken different routes, but there was no doubt they were heading out, and as they did, as Tobias watched them, he began to realize, to suspect, what was really happening now. Perhaps it was simply an instinctual knowledge, but Tobias understood that whatever was going to happen, it couldn’t happen below ground, and that meant that something was guiding it, and what was above ground to guide it at this time of night?

  “The moon,” he whispered as they came out of the exit and met the edge of the forest.

  “Yes,” the Beast said. “You feel it?”

  Tobias looked up, a shiver running through his frame, something like cold pinpricks racing across his neck. “I don’t know,” Tobias said. “I feel…odd.”

  He reached out almost automatically, and the Beast grasped his hand. A moment later and Tobias’s heart began to race. He was nervous, worried, scared.

  “I’m here,” the Beast said. “No matter what happens know that I am here.”

  “What is going to happen?” Tobias hurried to ask. “You have to tell me now. I’m…”

  “Scared?” the Beast shook his head. “There is nothing to fear, Tobias.”

  “What’s happening to me?” Tobias asked, because his heart was racing now, faster than Tobias ever thought it had. More than that though, his body felt strange. Like a million butterflies were beating inside it, like something was trying to get out…

  “You’re turning,” the Beast said. “Becoming one of us.”

  “Oh God…” Tobias shook his head, looked around, had no idea what to do.

  It was too soon.

  Too much was happening too quickly.

  Too much was changing.

  He wasn’t ready!

  How could it be that just a few weeks ago he was living his life like he always had? Finishing work, coming home, watching television, wishing for more. But this? He could never have expected this. Not just the Beast, but whatever was going to come now, because Tobias knew, it was so fucking obvious, that the next few minutes were going to change everything, and there was not a damn thing he could do to stop it…

  The clouds parted and the moon, the full moon, came into view. It was almost, or maybe it simply was, a signal. The moment Tobias saw it his entire body seemed to clench in on itself. He let out a cry and fell to the floor on his hands and knees.

  Sensations filled him, fluttering from every limb, moving along every nerve, shivering along every cell. He sunk his hands into the mud, arched his back and then he, no his body…stretched.

  He let out a cry, not from the pain, but from the shock of what was happening. Tobias could actually feel his limbs elongating, feel his muscles pulling, and then his hands… He looked down, to where they were sunk in the mud, and watched, wide-eyed, as the fingers lengthened and claws erupted from the tips.

  He cried out again, because tawny hair was beginning to cover his skin now and it was the exact same color as the Beast’s.

  He was turning.

  His body changing.

  He closed his eyes, let the sensations wash through him, let his body do whatever the moon was urging him to do, because it was the moon, he knew that now, and it was the bite, his neck was tingling, the site of the Beast’s bite almost burning now, and there was nothing he could do but let it happen.

  It was always going to have happened.

  Why the fuck hadn’t he realized that?

  His clothes began to rip as his muscles grew. They fluttered around him in pieces. His sneakers fell off as his feet began to change shape. Everything was falling away.

  And then it was over…and Tobias opened his eyes.

  Slowly, he looked at himself, at his clawed hands, at his skin that was no longer skin but not fur either, something else entirely. And he stood, and as he did so he was no longer Tobias, no longer human, not outwardly at least…and neither was the Beast.

  Looking at him, bare, tall, broad, yellow-eyed, tawny haired from head to toe, Tobias knew he was looking at himself. Because they were the same now. No longer men, but not animals, something in between. Perhaps he should have been scared? Perhaps he should have turned and run, but Tobias could do nothing but stare at the Beast and try to understand.

  “What am I?” he demanded.

  The Beast smiled, and Tobias realized then that when he had named his lover he had done so with a knowledge that had been bubbling below the surface, because he was a beast, but, and this shocked him, but it was an unavoidable truth, he was spectacular. In his new form, it was like Tobias was looking at the Beast as he had always been, looking at what was already there, but it had taken this for him to see it.

  And he was no longer scared.

  He was no longer anxious.

  The urgency and the confusion had cleared.

  It all made sense now.

  The Beast’s smiled widened, because he knew what Tobias was thinking, knew it and welcomed it. “You are exactly what I said you would be.”

  “A beast?” Tobias asked.

  “No, a wearewolf.”


  “Half-man, half-wolf.” The Beast grinned. “The best of both kinds bought together. The strength, the cunning and the instinct of the wolf, with the intelligence and the compassion of the human.”

  “How can this be?” Tobias whispered. “How can this be?”

  The Beast gestured around them. “It has always been this way. It always will be.”

  “And now I am part of it,” Tobias said, but it was not a question, because how could he doubt it now? He looked down at his new body, at the elongated limbs, the tawny hair that covered him, and he knew that he looked out through the yellow eyes of those that were now his kind.

  “This is…”

  “How it is meant to be,” the Beast said. “How it was always going to be.” A pause and then, “Now do what you want to do, Tobias. Do what you feel.”

  And so Tobias did, he did not question it, he did not consider it, he simply turned to the forest and he ran.

  Ah, the speed!

  The strength!

  It was like he was imbued with it, like there was so much it could never run out. All those months in the gym, all those miles he had worked to turn himself into a fitter, stronger person, they paled into insignificance compared to this. Tobias covered a mile in less than a minute, he jumped over fallen logs, leapt over huge boulders, power absolute ran through his system, and it was glorious!

  He could feel the mud and grass below his new feet, feel the wind in his hair, the salt from the far off sea biting his throat. He couldn’t help but laugh, couldn’t help but howl in satisfaction, and as he did so others howled with him, and the Beast too. He ran alongside Tobias, satisfaction rolling off him in waves, pleasure along with it.

  Tobias had never felt more confident, never felt more like the person he was supposed to be. He ran for miles and miles, looped around the forest and then along the coast, and did it all over again. By the time he came to a halt he wasn’t even out of breath, felt like he could do it all over again.

  “How?” he demanded, turning and locking eyes with his lover. “How?”

  “Because you are ours,” the Beast said. “Because you are mine.”

  Tobias looked into the eyes of the Beast, understanding clear in every part of him, and it took nothing at all for desire to explode. It was stronger than any he had ever felt before, like the craving from all the past weeks had coalesced into an actual thing, into a beast that was desperate to be set free. Tobias could not even begin to deny it, no matter what else he was feeling, no matter how new everythi
ng was now, he simply could not. And so, when the Beast spoke, and he said the exact thing that Tobias was hoping he would say, it didn’t even occur to Tobias to refuse him.

  He wanted this.

  He needed it.

  He was going to have it.

  “I can claim you properly now,” the Beast said. “Bend over, Tobias, and let me show you that you are mine.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Their eyes held for a moment, yellow to yellow, and the Beast had no idea what Tobias was going to say, if anything at all. Because his mate was dealing with the change better than he had dared to imagine. And yet…the Beast remembered how it felt, how everything was new, how everything seemed so subtly different. And just like Tobias, the Beast’s body was still humming, the energy from the turning continuing to run through him. It was the most incredible of feelings. Something like raw power combined with a primitive need.

  It felt right.

  The Beast could only hope it felt the same for his mate.

  He looked into his eyes, locking them together, and to the Beast, in that moment, Tobias had never been more beautiful. His tawny hair covered him from head to toe, and it matched the color of his pack completely. And those eyes…the Beast had wondered how badly he was going to miss Tobias’ perfectly blue eyes, but looking into them now, he found that he did not miss them at all. This was right. It felt like it was how it should be. Like it was always going to be this way and was just a matter of time until it was.

  And he wanted him.

  He wanted to claim his mate properly now, with both of them in their other form. It was as important to the Beast to do that, as it had been the first time he had seen Tobias, when he had been so fragile, so pale, so human.

  Carefully, so as not to startle his mate, he reached out and ran his clawed hand across his face. Tobias closed his eyes, accepting his touch. The Beast growled at that, desire making his heart race. It was doing more than that. His cock, longer and thicker now, was already hard, hanging low down his thigh. The Beast could feel pre-cum beginning to blossom from the tip, and it made the desire deepen. He knew then, that there would be no holding back in this claiming. Before, he had always been careful with Tobias. Sure, he had fucked him hard and fast, but he had never simply taken. Tonight he would have to take. It was the only way.

  “Turn around,” he demanded, and as he did so his tone was automatically that of the Alpha. Because, mate or not, he was Tobias’ Alpha, his master, that was not in question. “Now.”

  Tobias turned, responding to the Beast’s command in exactly the way that he had expected, the way he should. His eyes were glowing, his body trembling, but the Beast knew he wanted this. He knew it because Tobias was as hard as he, his cock red and thick, begging to be licked and bitten.

  No matter what else was running through Tobias’ new mind, he wanted to be claimed, wanted to feel the raw power of the Beast’s desire. In all of the confusion of the turning, this was something that he knew, something that he could hold on to, something that could centre him. Without it, and Gregovitch had been right about this, Tobias would not know what to do, and it was entirely possible that he could have done something that would compromise them all.

  “That’s right,” the Beast said as Tobias lifted his arms and placed his clawed hands against the tree in front of him. “Ready yourself for me.”

  The changes to his body, the elongation, meant that Tobias was far more flexible than he would have been in his human form, and the Beast couldn’t help but growl in appreciation as Tobias bent forward, displaying his ass for the Beast’s attention.

  Gods, he was so submissive! It was exactly as the Beast had imagined it might be.

  With excitement running through him, he stepped forward and ran his claws from the nape of Tobias’ neck all the way to the cleft of his ass. Once there he kneaded and squeezed Tobias’ flesh, loving the feel of the muscles overlain with the softest of skin and the downiest of tawny hair.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered. “So beautiful.”

  With one hand he took his cock at the root, allowing the full length to jut out from his fist. His cock-head was red and angry, wanting to claim Tobias’ ass as soon as possible. The Beast saw no reason to wait. He was already wet, his pre-cum continuing to blossom in little pearls. Had they been in their human form the Beast would have rubbed that pre-cum around Tobias’ pucker, readying him, making his desire into an itch that had to be scratched, but not now, not when they were like this.

  Now, he simply placed his hand against Tobias’ back, pushing him into position, and then he stepped forward, guiding his cock exactly where he wanted it…and then he thrust into Tobias’ ass.

  His mate cried out, something part-cry, part-growl.

  It only made the Beast harder.

  He thrust into Tobias as forcefully as he could, his longer, thicker cock filling Tobias’ channel, stroking along the nerve endings. Tobias leaned forward a little more, his knees bending, his pert ass high and ready. The beast pulled out, pushed back in. Pleasure racing along his length, tingling along his cock-head, and all the way to his aching balls.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he growled.

  Tobias started to pant.

  The Beast remembered what his mate was feeling. This first fucking in a new form was delicious. His ass could take so much more, be pounded harder than it ever had before, and there was no need for him to wrap his fingers around his cock, Tobias would come purely from the Beast fucking his ass.

  The Beast was going to make sure of it.

  Fast and furiously he fucked his mate, plumbing his ass with complete abandon. He threw his head back and let out a roar as he felt the orgasm begin to build low in his gut. When Tobias started to shake, and his knees went out, the Beast followed him downwards. When Tobias sank his claws into the ground to keep himself steady, the Beast sank his into Tobias’ hips. And when Tobias roared his pleasure, the Beast did the same.

  Over and over he plumbed Tobias’ ass, his channel clenching around the Beast’s length, massaging his orgasm forward. When it was almost upon him, when the Beast could take no more, he wrapped his arms around Tobias and lifted his body upwards. A moment later and he sank his teeth into Tobias’ neck, in the exact same spot as he had during the first claiming.

  Tobias screamed with both pleasure and pain, and the Beast looked down to see his mate’s cock shoot wave after wave of cum across the grassy floor. His own cum quickly followed. He emptied his seed into his mate’s body on a strangled groan, his teeth still stuck fast to Tobias, and if he hadn’t known it before he knew it then.

  He loved this male, always would now, it was unavoidable, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make him happy, to hold him, to keep him.

  Whatever it took.

  “You’re mine, Tobias,” he whispered as he pulled himself free. “Mine.”

  And Tobias didn’t say a single word to disagree.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Do you understand what we are now?” the Beast asked some time later as they sat on the edge of the cliff, the sunrise only minutes away. They were in the same spot that Tobias had sat morning after morning, night after night, during his time away from the Beast.

  It seemed fitting somehow.

  “I understand that we are different,” Tobias said, because it had to be a ‘we’, whether he liked it or not he was no longer human, the Beast had changed him, and the moon had changed him, and it was undeniable now.

  And…he wasn’t entirely sure he didn’t like it. Not now, not after feeling the reality of the thing that he had become. Not after the reality of what it meant. Wearewolf…

  “Different in a good way,” the Beast said. “We’re separate from the madness that the modern world has become. We keep to the old values. Community. Family. We’re true to ourselves. True to nature.”

  “Which is why I felt the urge to run?”

  The Beast nodded. “You always will.”

  “And staying bel
ow ground.” Tobias shook his head, puzzled still about that, weirdly entranced too by the way his ears seemed to move. “Why?” he asked. “Why not live above ground like everyone else? Sure, the eyes would be difficult to explain, but not so much anymore, people would just think they were contacts, and you’re, we’re, normal most of the time, this is only during the full moon.”

  “It’s not about blending in,” the Beast said. “We don’t live below ground because we’re worried that people will work out what we are. We live below ground because we always have and we like it. It calls to us,” he explained. “We like it there. The desire to be outside only arises when the moon is coming. Other than that we prefer the dark and the warmth.”

  “It’s like something out of a fairytale,” Tobias said slowly, because despite himself, despite his insistence that he could never bear to be away from the sea and the spray and the sun, he was beginning to feel that call too. Like with the desire to mate with the Beast when he turned, like the urge to run through the forest and swim to the depths of the sea, he could feel the ground calling him, like it was almost a part of him now.

  Before the turning that would have scared him. It would have pushed away the curiosity enough that Tobias did what he had always done. Ignore the call of something so different, and stick to what he knew, to keep some control. But he had turned now. He was something different. And as Tobias sat on the edge of the cliff and flexed his fingers, clawed and elongated, he realized that it wasn’t just the physical parts that had done so. Somewhere inside he was beginning to think differently, to have more confidence, more resolve...

  “All fairytales come from somewhere,” the Beast said. “They only become fairytales when the humans forget the reality of them.”

  “Then this is real,” Tobias said. “I haven’t lost my mind.”


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