Hannah's Novel Idea

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Hannah's Novel Idea Page 7

by Carl Hamlin

  She could not stop staring at the message on the screen. If she was already struggling to stay focused, Brandon’s message had obliterated any self – discipline - that word again - that remained within her.

  She was still arguing with herself as to whether Brandon was simply expressing his eagerness to please her or if she was reading her own fantasies into totally unrelated comments and typed words. In any case, the next day was going to test her powers of concentration.

  Hannah did manage to work, with the help of her favorite public radio station playing in the background. She knew that she was not up to even half speed in her progress, but she was surprised that she had been able to get anything done. There were too many thoughts driving her to distraction while wondering if she was a day away from being given a birthday spanking by a man she adored.

  In a stage of dazed arousal, she struggled through the rest of the day, only to succumb to some mild gloom as rain again began to fall after dark. She went back to the computer however, then began to admonish herself for picking that time of the evening and the mood she was in to write an outline of the first love scene in the book. She finally pushed herself away from the computer, exclaiming “Argh!” in her frustration as she decided to call it quits for the night.

  She felt as if she were a hopeless case. She went to her closet and began sorting through the limited selection she had with her. She had just one day remaining before the big date to go into town and do some shopping.

  She started thinking about the setting, and went to her computer to find out what Italian restaurant was located in Manton. She found that there was indeed only one, and the website emphasized that the atmosphere was casual.

  Back in the closet, she began to sort. There was a stylish wool skirt and the black jacket she had purchased to wear with it. However, in case the warm temperatures came as predicted, she would need something different. That was when she spotted the little silky skirt, with a white background and large red and yellow floral patterns. If Saturday did indeed turn out to be a warm early spring day, it would be perfect. It was also short. Perfect, as well. She had a white nylon pullover top with a neckline that just hinted to the casual observer that there was much more below than met the eye. For that evening, she was certain that Brandon’s eyes would find the entire package pleasing.

  Brandon would be picking her up that next night. That meant he would also be bringing her home, so she began to wonder what she could to improve the setting in the living room. She went ahead and put some kindling and a fire starting stick on the fireplace grate, then putting two logs on top. To be certain that the fire would get off to a fast start (and hopefully, she and Brandon would as well) she wadded up a few sheets of paper and placed them beneath the grate. Seeing the matches on the brick mantel, she was satisfied that everything was ready.

  She turned to look at the sofa that was nearly eight feet from the fireplace. Deciding that having it closer to the fire would be much more romantic, she knelt down at one end, moved it a foot closer, then did the same at the other end. She repeated the movements two more times, then decided that everything was just right.

  She knew that she was avoiding a walk into her bedroom to see if anything needed to be changed there. She felt that suddenly, her thoughts were getting ahead of her better judgment. She had gone out to dinner with Brandon once, attended a banquet, and had enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon campus walk with him. That was all. But still, she was already head over heels about him, and she did not trust herself to not readily go to bed with him. She wondered if it was because she was actually picking up signals that he may be willing to give her something that had been denied her for so long. She admonished herself that to do so may only lead to another, more serious disappointment. But this was Brandon, and there was just something there. That thought was still wreaking havoc in her mind as she went to bed.

  The next morning she slogged through her work by sheer willpower. As the morning wore on, her spirits were lifted by seeing the ice and snow melt away beneath a warm Indiana sun. That afternoon, she received the call from Brandon to confirm their date, and she struggled to maintain her composure through the small talk.

  She forced herself to try and work some more, although she was too wound up to go to get much done. When she had gone to bed the night before, she was feeling so full of anticipation and excitement, it was all she could do to refrain from allowing her fingertips to relieve the arousal that seem to be driving her. However, she decided that she would rather have Brandon bring her such relief in whatever form seemed to be her destiny, and that evening was now just hours away.

  She knew that the next hours were going to drag by. She walked to the kitchen and saw that the snow and slush had all melted away. With no one around, she stepped out in her nightshirt and was pleased that although it was still early afternoon, the air was already warm and the sky was clear. Now she had to keep herself busy until the evening.

  Since the weather was nice, she slipped into jeans and a sweatshirt, put on some tennis shoes and fixed herself a sandwich. After finishing lunch she decided to kill some time by driving into town and going to one of the box stores and picking up a few things for the house. She came upon a large home improvement store and went in and purchased a pair of flashlights, spare batteries and a set of battery-powered lamps.

  There were no malls in Manton but she did recall seeing a shopping center along the way. She circled back and began cruising down the row of stores until she came to what appeared to be a substantial women’s clothing store. She walked inside and began to browse. Although the store had much to offer, as for the imminent evening, she decided that she could do no better than what she had already picked out from her closet. Her outfit was complete, except that most of her shoes were meant for cooler weather. She strolled over to the shoe department and picked out a pair of red sandals that would go with the red in her skirt.

  She felt that she was doing a masterful job of killing time, and stretched her outing even more by cruising through the town to see what she had missed so far. She stopped to treat herself to an ice cream cone, knowing that they would not be arriving at the restaurant until at least seven o’clock.

  When she arrived back at the cottage, she once again went to the computer and began to nibble away at her outline. To her surprise, as time neared for her to get ready, some very juicy, comedic scenes came to her.

  She nearly jumped when her phone chimed, and she looked at the screen to see that it was her mother calling. She answered to find that her parents were now with her on their speakerphone. They wished her a happy birthday, then set about to fill her in on all that had been happening back home.

  They chatted for nearly half an hour, before finally saying goodbye and making arrangements for Hannah to come to visit them in a few weeks. For Hannah, it was heartwarming to have a conversation with her parents that was free of any talk of problems.

  She glanced at her watch once again and decided that the hour was upon her. She went into her bedroom and undressed then walked into the bathroom and started a warm shower. She used an herbal scented shampoo that she fought Brandon would like, and when she was finished drying off and blow drying her hair, before she dressed she applied a very light mist of her favorite perfume to her neck and upper shoulders and abdomen, then added a little spray to her breasts for good measure.

  Her mind was simply ablaze with a wild mixture of desires, self – scolding and cautionary rebukes. Nonetheless, her actions were being driven by her more carnal wishes, which even caused her to spend several minutes simply deciding on her undergarments. One corner of her mind hoped that Brandon would see them on that evening, while a lifetime of parental admonitions reminded her that he should not. When those that Hannah picked out were sheer and trimmed in lace, she knew that her priorities for the evening had been firmly established.

  Finally dressed in the spring- time skirt and white top, she slipped into her red sandals then went into the bathroom, st
ood in front of the mirror and began brushing her hair so that the soft brown locks fell softly down below her shoulders where the ends flipped up in soft waves.

  She had just finished when she heard a knock on the door. She walked eagerly to the kitchen and opened the door to find Brandon standing there with a warm smile on his face. He stepped inside and they embraced and kissed, and the heat of that long lingering kiss told each of them that the other was ready for the evening.

  Brandon gave her another kiss on the fore head. “Happy birthday, Hannah.”

  “Thank you.” She gave Brandon a hug, and as her head rested against his chest, he enjoyed the soft scent from her hair. He reached into his jacket pocket and produced a small package with a bow on top.

  Hannah beamed as she took the small box from him. She opened it to find a jewel-encrusted bracelet inside. She kissed Brandon again, uttered a tearful “Thank you” and held out her arm has he put it on her. She kissed him again. “Oh Brandon, it’s just beautiful.”

  Brandon placed his hands on her shoulders. “A beautiful thing, for a beautiful and enchanting lady. May I help all of your birthday wishes come true.”

  Hannah felt her abdomen fluttering as she allow Brandon to help her put on her jacket. As Hannah picked up her purse from the kitchen table, Brandon shook his head and sighed. “Miss Miller, you look simply stunning.”

  Hannah blushed at the complement. “I was thinking of you when I was deciding what to wear, I mean, I just…. ”

  Brandon leaned down and kissed her again. “I don’t mean to sound vain… but I think I am already pretty good at interpreting those charming, broken sentences you tend to utter from time to time. And by the way, that trait of yours only adds to your charm… and considerable attractiveness.”

  Hannah looked up at him and laughed with a fresh blush of her face. “I don’t know exactly what that means, I think it means I could be in real trouble.”

  Brandon half – turned to open the door. “Yeah, you could be in trouble tonight. If that’s your wish.” He finished his comment with a wink, and Hannah felt her entire midsection begin to flutter in anticipation once again as she stepped outside and locked the door.

  Halfway to his car Brandon halted and turned to face Hannah, then put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m afraid that what I just said did not come out the right way. I want to be clear, I am not the kind of man who would ever allow himself to get - you know, too pushy - too eager.”

  Hannah stretched up and kissed him again. “I can already sense that about you. I feel like I already know you very, very well. Still, I appreciate your saying that. I don’t know where all this is going to go, but when I wake up next to a man, well, it will be my first time.”

  Hannah could see a glimmer of surprise in Brandon’s eyes, but that was quickly followed by another warm smile and yet another kiss planted on her lips. He put his arm around her and walked her to the sports car.

  As they were riding into town, Hannah looked around the interior of the small car, adjusted her legs to the cramped space, and began to laugh. Brandon glanced over with a wide smile. “You find my beloved little car funny?”

  Hannah laughed again and placed her hands on her knees. “Cars like this are just meant for driving around with a girl wearing a short skirt, are they not?”

  Brandon turned his face back to the road ahead and laughed. “You’re right. I had that all planned. And for good reason my dear, you have killer legs. ”

  Hannah giggled. “I thought you would like seeing a little more of them.” She looked out the window. “That’s why I picked this skirt. Less fabric, more leg.” Both began to laugh.

  They were quickly at the restaurant, and when they went inside Hannah found that it was as casual as the website had indicated. As they looked over the menu, Hannah allowed herself to order a small glass of red wine to go with the beef and pasta dish she was ordering. It had been some time since she had had any alcohol, and reminded herself to stop with one small serving. She also wanted to eat light, as she did not know just what type of activity may be ahead for the evening. Brandon similarly ordered a light meal, and a small glass of wine like she had ordered.

  While waiting for their meals, Brandon asked Hannah about the writing she had been doing over the past several days, and Brandon filled her in on some of the happenings at the university. Even after the meals arrived they continued to engage in small talk, but as they finished their meals they grew quieter and found themselves reaching across their small table to clasp each other’s hands. For a little while they fell silent, nonetheless communicating with their eyes.

  Brandon leaned forward to speak in a low voice. “Okay, my birthday girl. The evening is yours.”

  Hannah began to speak, but at first only gulped. “I… I thought we could just go back to my place. Maybe snuggle in front of a fire?”

  Brandon arched his eyebrows and nodded. “I am all for that.” Brandon picked up the check, placed money on the table and put his hand on her shoulder as he walked her out the door and to his car.

  As they drove the ten-minute ride from the restaurant to Hannah’s cottage, she was feeling a strange combination of anxiety and exhilaration. As Brandon opened her door upon their arrival, she found that her fingers were trembling as she fished for her house key in her purse.

  It was already dark, but Hannah did not bother to flip on a light when she entered. Brandon excused himself to use the bathroom, and while he did so, Hannah went to the fireplace, struck one of the long safety matches to the wadded sheets of paper and easily set the kindling ablaze. She invited Brandon to have a seat on the sofa, and upon her own return from the bathroom, the flames were already licking at the edges of the two logs, those flames generating the only light in the room.

  She sat down to Brandon’s right, slid off her sandals and curled up next to him. Brandon put his arm around her and patted her on her knee. “Did I mention that you have killer legs?”

  Hannah began to giggle as she ran her hand over his chest. “Well, I love feel of your touch on them. And I love the feel of those pecs.” Soon they were locked in an embrace and a kiss that made Hannah begin to melt as she felt Brandon’s tongue slide inside her own mouth.

  The kisses and embraces grew more urgent, and after a while Hannah found herself facing Brandon and straddling his lap. His hands were sliding up and down the outside of her thighs and caressing the seat of her white satin panties. From time to time his fingertips would flirt with the lacey waistband. His actions were nearly driving her mad, and she could feel the obvious evidence that his arousal was equaling hers.

  They paused for a moment from the constant kissing, and Hannah put her nose against his and dramatically purred. In return, Brandon growled theatrically. He kissed her on the forehead and murmured, “Enjoying your birthday?”

  Hannah giggled. “I sure am.”

  Brandon put his mouth to her left ear and began to whisper. “Is there something special you really want for your birthday?”

  All at once, Hannah felt her abdomen begin to flutter and her blood turn cold. She started to speak then hesitated.

  Brandon again put his mouth to her ear. “It’s just you and me here Hannah. And… it’s your birthday. Isn’t there some old tradition about birthdays and spankings?”

  Hannah moved her head so that she could look him straight in the eyes. She suddenly displayed a mischievous grin. “I think I may have heard something about that.”

  Brandon kissed her on the lips again. “Something tells me that you would like to observe that tradition tonight. Am I correct?”

  Hannah looked at him again, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and rested her forehead against his. She leaned back, opened her eyes and then slowly nodded while caressing his cheek.

  Brandon smiled and began massaging her shoulders. “All you have to do is ask.” Hannah closed her eyes, but smiled, then laughed. “I remember on our first date, you told me you wouldn’t spank me unless I asked you to. So, would
you like to give me a birthday spanking?”

  Brandon pulled her close and kissed her again. “I would be honored to give you your birthday spanking.”

  Hannah began to laugh softly as she began nibbling on his ear. “And just how do you plan to administer my spanking?”

  Brandon began to act as if he were in deep thought just to tease Hannah. “Well, I guess we would use this nice sofa. I suppose I would have you lay across my knees, then I would shove that cute little skirt up on your back and out of the way so you would really feel it. If that’s okay with you of course.”

  Hannah smiled and nodded. “Oh, yes! That would be quite fine with me”.

  Brandon nodded in agreement, and then continued. “But I have to ask an important question.”

  Hannah purred again. “And what would that be?”

  “Am I supposed to give you a bunch of playful, light smacks, or is this supposed to be a genuine, ‘ouch that hurts’ kind of spanking?”

  Even in the dim light Brandon could see Hannah gulp. She seemed to blink in response to the question, but then whispered, “Whack me for real. Make me say ouch, ouch, ouch.”

  Brandon nodded again. “Okay, then, I would commence spanking you, but at the beginning I would sing to you.”

  Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again. She began to laugh and then leaned forward. “You’re going to sing to me?”

  Brandon displayed an expression of false shock. “Of course, it’s your birthday. I have to sing to you when I start to spank you.”

  Hannah began to giggle, and then put her face next to his and began to once again nibble on his ear. “Now you have me totally at your mercy. Please, you can’t make me wait any longer. Give me that birthday spanking, right now, Dr. Tangier, please.”

  Hannah moved off of Brandon’s lap, then he sat upright and began to guide her across his knees. Once she was settled into position, she was feeling as if countless butterflies were flittering through the middle of her body. She felt as if she were being taken to another place and time when she felt Brandon’s firm hand gliding teasingly up and down the backs of her legs as he slowly raised and lowered the small skirt before finally pushing it up onto her back.


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