So I’m a Spider, So What?, Vol. 1

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So I’m a Spider, So What?, Vol. 1 Page 24

by Okina Baba





  Hmm? More titles?

  It’s another dicey one, too.

  Is this an advanced version of Monster Slayer? And why did Strength and Solidity get integrated into different skills?

  I have to remember to check all this later.

  In the meantime, I go through the monkey-disposal routine.

  Poison Fang, Poison Fang, occasionally pausing for a snack or adding more threads.

  Until finally, I’m the only creature left alive in the area.

  I won.

  Now it’s finally over, for real this time.

  All the strength drains from my body at once. However, there’s one emotion that bubbles up more than simple fatigue.

  I survived! Whoo-hoo!

  Look at me! I’m alive! I’m aliiive!

  When I made my narrow getaway from the earth dragon’s onslaught, I was overwhelmed with fear.

  But I was a little bit frustrated, too.

  I made an oath when I was driven out of my home in the Upper Stratum. I swore to live with pride from that moment on. But I’ve been breaking that promise over and over ever since.

  I had no pride. I just kept running away so that I could survive.

  I don’t think that was the wrong decision. If I hadn’t fled those times, I wouldn’t be alive now.

  But even if it was the right choice, the fact remains that I threw away my dignity and fled.

  Always running, always scared, always frustrated with myself.

  But this time, I stood my ground and lived to tell the tale.

  Admittedly, that was because I didn’t have the option of escaping.

  But still, I stood my ground and won the battle.

  This is my first fair-and-square victory since arriving in the Lower Stratum.

  I’m pumped.

  Right now, I feel like I can take on anything that might come my way.


  Heroes, demon lords, whoever or whatever, come at me!

  Ah, no earth dragons though, please.

  Once again, I take a moment to bask in the joy of my victory.

  I’m aliiiiiive!


  “Okay, Goyef, please lead the way.”

  “Yes, sir. And may I say it’s a pleasure to work with you, Sir Julius the Hero.”

  The labyrinth guide, Goyef, bowed graciously when I greeted him.

  As his title implied, his job was to guide people through the Great Elroe Labyrinth.

  Goyef was particularly skilled, a veteran labyrinth guide.

  Because of my position as the Hero, I’d been given one of the most capable guides around for my venture into the labyrinth.

  “Now then, Sir Hero, are you entering the labyrinth this time to dispatch a monster?”

  “Indeed I am. Apparently, there’s been a sighting of a unique taratect. I’m here to take it down.”

  A group of adventurers had reported seeing a particularly unusual member of the spider-type taratect species.

  As the Hero, I was called upon to defeat it.

  “All right. Shall we?”

  With a gesture toward Goyef and my comrades, I stepped through the entrance into the vast Great Elroe Labyrinth.


  Hello to old and new readers alike! I am Okina Baba.

  So I’m A Spider, So What? was originally posted on the website Become a Novelist!, and now it’s been given the honor of being published as a book.

  “Wait, what? A book? Have you lost your mind, Mr. Publisher?” That was more or less my reaction.

  I mean, it’s about a spider!

  That’s not exactly visually appealing.

  And to you, the readers who picked it up: Have you lost your minds?

  If you actually read this whole book, you can’t be sane.

  Either that, or you just really, reeeally like spiders.

  With that said, I have a few choice words for you:

  Thank you very much!

  Finally, I’d like to thank a few other people as well.

  To Kadokawa for picking up such an unappealing story; my chief editor, Mr. K; the wonderful Tsukasa Kiryu, who took time out of a busy schedule to make these illustrations; and everyone who supported this book: Thank you!

  I’m sure I’ll end up being in your debt again in the future, so thank you again in advance.

  My adventure is only just beginning!




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