Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset Page 10

by Erin Trejo

  Racing out of town was far from the way I wanted to spend my night but hell if that’s not what we’re doing right now.

  We didn’t get a look at whoever was shooting at us, but I do know it was bikes. I saw one when we got outside. Those motherfuckers picked the wrong ones to shoot at that’s for sure.

  Once I’m satisfied that we are far enough out of town in the opposite direction of the clubhouse I pull off the road. Killing the engine on the bike, I walk over to Tank.

  “We can’t head back tonight. They will know that route. I don’t trust the hotels tonight brother.” Tank scrubs his hand across his bald head before looking at me.

  “Me either. What are you thinkin’?” Cracking my neck to the side and back I look at the girls huddled together. I don’t want to do this to them, but it’s our only choice.

  “Campout?” Tank looks at the girls before nodding his agreeance. I know this isn’t ideal, but for tonight it’s the best chance we have. I know how these motherfuckers think, they will be watching for us to run back to the clubhouse right now, so we won’t.

  “You think little Miss Princess is gonna go for this?” Tank chuckles as he looks over at Cher. The thought is pretty funny.

  “Use your exceptional people skills brother.” Laughing I head toward the girls. Jada looks up just as I walk over.

  “Are we going home?” I can see the question in her eyes, and I hate that I can’t give her the good news right now.

  “Not right now. We’re goin’ to have a little change of plans. We’re campin’ out tonight.”

  Both girls laugh hysterically until they see that I’m not laughing. Sorry I have to be the asshole this round.

  “Are you serious?” Jada looks up like I’m joking. Wish that was the case.

  “Nope. They can track us if we keep drivin’.” Tank walks over looking at their faces.

  “I’m not chasin’ no one around these damn woods I can fuckin’ tell you that right now.” Cher crosses her arms across her chest looking a little pissed off right now.

  “Look, Cher. I’m sorry you got in the middle of this. I won’t let a fuckin’ person anywhere near either one of you that I promise. I don’t fuckin’ promise anything either but this I am.” Cher looks up at me with a somewhat believable glint in her eyes.

  “That goes for me too. I will put myself in front of a fuckin’ bullet for either one of you.” Nodding over at Tank, I know he will. He would do it for any female, that’s the way he is.

  “This is crazy. Won’t they be able to find us out here? I mean, how the fuck are we going to hide?” Cher is pacing around and frankly annoying the shit out of me. The girl has always been a drama queen, but she is taking that to a whole new level.

  “Baby, I will lay my body all over yours, they won’t see a fuckin’ thing.” I laugh, but no one else does.

  “Just wait right here.” Shaking my head, I walk back to the bikes.

  “Let’s get these far enough off the road to not be seen but close enough to ride the fuck out.” Tank agrees as we push the bikes off the road.

  We get them far enough back that no one would see them unless they came out here looking for them. I don’t think the motherfuckers are that stupid.

  Tank and I walk back to the girls before leading them into the woods. We hike a good way back, but I make sure we are close enough to get the bikes if need be.

  “Are you sure this is ok?” Jada is slightly shaky in my arms. I know this is all scary to her, but I need her to feel safe with me.

  “Darlin’ I told you. I will take a bullet to the brain before I let them hurt you.” She wraps her arms tighter around my waist until I decide we are far enough in.

  “Let’s stay right here. We only have a few hours till daylight. Sun comes up, we ride.” Both girls nod as I slide my leather jacket off and wrap it around Jada. Cher looks all out nervous which makes me smile. That girl used to be so calm and sure of herself—now she just looks scared.

  “Come here darlin’. I don’t bite unless you beg first.” Tank motions for Cher to go to him, which she surprisingly does. Tank takes his jacket off and throws it around Cher. I wonder if that motherfucker has a thing for that girl.

  I drop to the ground pulling Jada into my lap before Tank does the same.

  “You girls get some rest.” Jada looks up at me a little crazy.

  “You need to sleep too.” I shake my head before kissing her lips.

  “I need to make sure you’re safe sweetheart. Sleep love.” I watch as she closes her eyes, the slight flutters make my heart thump harder. Damn it—I’ve fucking fallen hard for this girl again.


  Wiggling around I feel a backache from hell coming on. I pry my eyes open to see a small amount of light shining in the sky.

  “You awake sweetheart?” Shifting my neck to the side, I look up at the hottest man I have ever seen.

  “Yeah. Is it time to go?” Shifting in Creed’s lap, he pulls me closer.

  “In a while. You sleep ok?” Lifting up I kiss his lips. I couldn’t stand them being there and not having them on me.

  “I take that as a yes.” Climbing up, I straddle his lap and sit. Snaking my arms around his neck, I look him in the eyes.

  “Are you sure I’m what you want. I can’t share you Creed.” His eyes light up at my questions. I’m glad he is amused because I’m dead serious. I can’t bear the thought of him being with someone else.

  When Creed’s arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer, I can feel his hard on. God, my body, reacts immediately.

  “I wouldn’t put my ass on the line if I wasn’t sure Jada. You are the only thing that matters to me.” I press my lips to his savoring every bit of him.

  “You two ready?” Tank’s voice has me pulling back. I’ve thought about Creed a lot since we’ve been apart and the thought of him with someone else always hurt me. I know we weren’t together when he left, but it hurt just the same. I never thought I would have a second chance with him, but here he is.

  “Yeah brother. Let’s get the fuck outta here.” Creed kisses me once more before I climb off his lap. My eyes travel his body as he stands, marveling at the muscles he’s added on since the last time I saw him.

  “You keep lookin’ at me like that darlin’ I’ll fuck you in these woods.” My eyes flicker to his and hold there. The threat of what he will do to me sends shivers across my body. I almost want to test that threat, but I don’t want to get shot today either.

  Creed grabs up anything that we may have dropped before we follow Tank and Cher back toward the bikes.

  “They look a little close, don’t they?” Creed looks up at them before looking back at me smiling.

  “Maybe she wants to be a biker chick too.” I smile at him before we walk up on the bikes. Tank is looking them over, inspecting them. I’m confused.

  “What is he doing?” Tank glances over at me like I was talking to him.

  “Don’t wanna blow the fuck up when this shit starts.” Jesus! I get it now. Someone could have messed with the bikes.

  “We good?” I start to take Creed’s jacket off as he talks to Tank, but he stops me.

  “Wear it. You look fuckin’ hot as hell with my MC’s name all over you.” I smile knowing that I haven’t shown him my tattoo yet. He will fucking love it.

  I walk over to Cher while Creed and Tank talk for a minute looking at the bikes.

  “You ok?” Bumping my shoulder with hers, she smiles.

  “I’m good. This is all kind of weird.” I get what she means, and I hate that she was dragged into it.

  “I’m sorry Cher. I know you have a life and I just got in the way of it.” I look down as I kick at some rocks. I know she has other things she could be doing right now.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? This is the most excitement I’ve had in a long time. I’d prefer not to be shot, but it is pure excitement. Besides, Tank isn’t so bad.” Grabbing me around the waist, we both look over at him and laugh. He is a g
ood-looking guy.

  “What the fuck is funny?” His head pops up as the two of us ogle him. I can see why people are intimidated by him, though.

  “Nothing. Can we leave? I want a hot shower.” Whining a little, Tank shakes his head, but Creed smiles that devilish smile he has. I know what he’s thinking, and I’m all in.

  When the guys feel like they have checked the bikes enough, we finally leave. I’m thankful to be out of the woods and heading back home. Wow, I must have it bad to call it home.

  The ride back is nice and calm. The wind around me soothes my nerves slightly. I know Kenny is coming back for me and that it’s just a matter of time. It just scares me that Creed or Cher or Tank even could be caught in the crossfire.

  Pulling up the clubhouse driveway my heart slams in my chest. Maybe Sharp is going to be pissed that I’m back, and it’s causing problems for his club, but I’ve made my decision, I just haven’t told Creed yet.

  The parking lot is loaded with cars and bikes. It almost looks like a lockdown. We had that a few times when I was with Kenny, but it wasn’t this massive.

  As the bike comes to a stop, Creed kills the engine. I climb off and watch as Tank helps Cher off his bike making me smile.

  Turning to Creed, he has the same grin on his face.

  “You think he really likes her?” Creed looks down at me with his tired eyes. He really didn’t sleep last night.

  “Couldn’t say, sweetheart.” Grabbing my hand, he leads me toward the door.

  “Is the club on lockdown?” Creed stops walking before he looks at me. The uncertainty in his eyes bothers me, but he should get used to the fact that I have lived through this before.

  “Yeah. I fuckin’ hate this for you, Jada. Are you sure you want to stay in this kind of lifestyle?” I can see his eyes pleading with me to change my mind, but that isn’t going to happen. I’ve made my decision to stay; besides, it’s the only life I’ve known.

  Before I can say anything the door flies open and Sharp and a few others walk out.

  “You all good?” He looks between us all, but his gaze falls on me. I knew it. I knew it all came down to me.

  “Yeah, Pres. We’re good.” Creed looks at me before focusing back on Sharp.

  “We need to talk, but you look like shit brother. Sleep, and then we will figure shit out.” Nodding Creed grabs my hand leading me inside when I remember Cher.

  “Hey, Cher. Come on.” Looking over my shoulder Tank shakes his head at me. I almost want to slap the shit out of him, but I see the blush on Cher’s cheek.

  “What the hell?” Creed looks to see what I’m looking at before he laughs.

  “Want me to tell him she’s off limits?” My heart leaps in my chest when he says that. Would he really do that for me?

  “No. She’s a big girl.” Mumbling Creed pulls me toward the back. I’m glad to be back and to lie down in a real bed although I’m not tired.

  I follow Creed inside before he kicks the door closed. Yawning, he pulls his shirt over his head tossing it to the floor. My eyes travel over his muscled back, but the tattoo of his MC is what catches my eye. It’s beautiful.

  “As much as I wanna fuck you, I’m dead darlin’.” I smile as I walk over to him and wrap my hands around his waist, kissing his back. His groans say the opposite of his mouth.

  “Sleep Creed. I’m going to check on Cher.” Spinning around quickly he pins me with his glare.

  “I don’t like you goin’ out around the clubhouse without me.” I know he’s trying to be protective of me, but these are his brothers, not Kenny.

  “I know. Come on—I’ll lay with you.” Walking toward the bed, I hear him sigh in relief. The man is so uptight.

  Creed wraps his arms around me holding me close. His breath warm against my neck makes my pulse skyrocket.

  I think back to when we were younger. Creed, Jason and I would run around and play. I would follow them to the park all the time. Even as we got older, I would follow them around. Jason would always get annoyed with me, but Creed always smiled and winked. I know we were young, but I believe I loved him even when we were kids.

  Waiting until his breathing evens out and I know he’s asleep; I slide out from under him and head out to talk to Sharp.

  Chapter 17


  Rolling over I notice Jada isn’t in bed. I hope like hell she’s in the bathroom. Pushing myself up I see the bathroom door open and the light off.

  “Damn that girl doesn’t listen.” Sitting on the edge of the bed I run my hand through my hair. I can hear the music out in the main room. I know we are on lockdown, but that doesn’t stop the party. The kids are probably downstairs in the spare rooms having their own party. That’s usually how that goes.

  I grab my jeans and pull them and my boots on, not bothering with a shirt. I don’t give a shit about what anyone thinks about me, only Jada.

  Heading out toward the main room, I pass some of the Angel chaser’s, but none even look my way. Damn, that’s a change.

  As soon as I hit the main room I dead fucking stop. My mouth goes dry, and my hands clench at my sides. Jada is standing by the bar talking and smiling with Sharp with a beer in her hand and a tiny fucking tank top. No, the fuck she is not out here dressed like that.

  “Stop lookin’ so hard.” Tank slaps my shoulder before I look at him, the “I just got fucked” grin all over his face.

  “You fuck that girl? God damn Tank. She isn’t one of us brother.” Shaking my head, I hear someone behind us, but I don’t look back.

  “Creed don’t tell people what I am. You don’t know me anymore either.” Cher walks past me like she owns the damn place before Tank laughs.

  “Fuck that. She is hot as hell.” I look between the two of them shaking my head. Those two are a fucking mess.

  I walk away from the sex crazed idiots and straight toward Jada when she turns around completely with her back to me.

  My heart fucking stops beating. Her low-cut tank top shows off her beautiful back and hell help me if that tattoo isn’t shaking my dick awake.

  Right across the back of her shoulders is Property of Creed Fallen Angel’s MC with the fucking skull and black angel wings.

  I don’t know what the fuck to say. I don’t know what to do for that matter. She made a choice for me. I should be pissed, but I’m not. I’m fucking happy beyond reason. Jada chose me.

  “God damn that’s why she wanted to see my tatt?” Tank steps up next to me looking at the same thing as me. Wait, what the fuck did he just say?

  “When the fuck she look at your shit?” Looking over at the man next to me he smiles.

  “Same time you got your shit. Apparently, she was gettin’ that.” He points over at Jada while I shake my head. I had no idea she did that.

  Jada spins around, and her eyes lock on mine as if she knew it was me watching her. Her eyes travel down my chest stopping on my tattoo. I hadn’t shown it to her, and I was so tired when we got back that I crashed.

  I can see the tears in her eyes as she looks over the tattoo I got for her.

  Property of Jada is written in dark letters over my heart. After being with her again, there is no one else I want.

  Slowly she moves toward me, and it’s as if time stops. The world isn’t spinning, and there is no one in this clubhouse. Just me and her.

  With her hand over her mouth, she stops in front of me, eyes full of tears.

  “You did this for me?” I reach around her shoulders and run my hand over her back.

  “I did it for us. I love you Creed. You’re the only one I want.” Her hand comes to rest on my chest, and I swear my fucking heart is going to leap out of my chest.

  “I want you, Jada, more than anything.” I lean down taking her lips with mine. The taste of her lips kicks my ass every time. I can’t get enough of her.

  Cheers blow up around the room when I pull away from her, holding her to my chest. I can’t help but smile. Jada is making every fucking dream I’ve ever h
ad come true.

  “Congratulations brother.” Sharp walks over pulling me into a hug.

  “You knew about this shit?” Looking over at Sharp, he smiles. Sneaky fucker.

  “Just found out after you went to sleep. She came to me.” Pulling Jada closer to my side, this girl never stops amazing me.

  “We still need to talk shit out.” Sharp nods his head. I know he’s happy for me, but the fact of the matter is the Shadows are still after Jada and now after us. That shit isn’t going to fly.


  Throwing back another beer I feel like one of the guys. It’s funny how different the clubs are. With the Shadows, women were never allowed to drink with the guys. Here, they practically encourage it.

  “We gotta make sure you can hang with us, sweetheart.” Tank laughs passing me another shot of vodka. These boys don’t know who they are talking to. Of course, I can drink like a pro.

  “Double it Tank.” Ohh’s and ahh’s go up around the bar when I say that. I know they think because I’m small I can’t handle my liquor. They will quickly learn.

  Tank slides another glass in front of me before I chug the shit out of both of them.

  “Holy fuckin’ Christ Creed. Your woman can drink.” Fly yells over from the end of the bar. I know him and Creed don’t get along well; at least that’s what I heard anyway.

  “Hell, yeah she can. Don’t you men go doubting a woman.” Cher chimes in throwing her drink back. I watch as she drinks and smiles over her shoulder at Tank.

  I wonder if those two will hook up. He seems to really like her although they just met. She looks happy, though, and I don’t think she has been in a long time.

  “You made my boy happy tonight.” Sharp is close to my ear now. I know he has something to say to me, I can feel it. Taking the cue, I walk away from the bar grabbing a cigarette from Cher before I head toward the door.

  Sharp comes out just as I light my cigarette up, standing next to me.

  “What is it you want from me?” Turning to face him, I know there is something.


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