Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset Page 44

by Erin Trejo

  “Fuck yeah. This place has potential. Bein’ the only shop around, we are bound to get some good business. Plus, the location is hot.” Nodding, I have to agree. This is a prime location.

  “What are you thinkin’ about Angel’s?” Walking back out into the parking lot, I look over at Torch as he shakes his head.

  “Who the fuck don’t like liquor? I’m just worried about rivals Tank. That shit ain’t exactly in a friendly area. I don’t like the idea of any of the girls workin’ there either.” At least we agree on one thing. I also don’t like the thought of them working there.

  “I heard that. I told Cher hell no. Jada still wants to though. I think we need to have a nice talk with Creed about that shit.” Torch nods as we make our way back to the bikes.

  “I think we can make this shit work brother. Me and you got the skills, anyway. I don’t know about the other end of shit but on the shop front, we’re good.” Nodding my agreement, I climb on my bike.

  This is going to be our new beginning.

  Chapter 7


  Standing in the liquor store, I look around at what we have to work with. This is a good move for the club. It’s a legit business that will bring in legit money. Our future needs to be secured for the sake of this club, and the kids in it. Not all blood money is bad money, but the legit money, is a shit ton better.

  “What are you thinkin’ brother?” Looking over at Piper, he smiles. He’s in his element here.

  “I think this shit is goin’ to be good for the club. I like it Creed. You did great on this.” Nodding at the old timer, that means a lot to me. Hearing it from him is special. Piper is one of the last of the older guys aside from Bobby, and he’s out of commission.

  “We did great. Piper, what would you think of runnin’ shit here?” His eyes light up as he looks over at me. I’ve never seen the look he has right now.

  “I’d love it. It’d give me great pride Creed.” Pulling me into a hug, I slap my hand on his shoulder. Piper has been a life saver in many situations. To not let him have a place in this would be immoral and wrong. He was a founder here. He built this club from scratch.

  I wander around the store before I realize just how lucky we are to have this place. It’s in fairly good shape for not being open in a long time. We shouldn’t have too much work to put into it before it opens. Pulling my phone out, I call Jada.

  “Hey baby.” That voice of hers melts me inside.

  “Hey darlin’. The store’s lookin’ nice. Shouldn’t take much to get it up and runnin’. I don’t know if I like the layout enough for you to be here though.” I hear her sigh into the other end of the phone. I know I’m in for it when she speaks though. I know her.

  “I don’t give a shit if you don’t like the layout, Creed. Put a goddamn lock and alarm in. I told you this is my choice. I can’t sit around and play housewife.” What the hell does that mean? Is she regretting her role in the club? Her role with me?

  “Housewife huh? What the hell does that mean, Jada?” Feeling myself getting a little more pissed by the second, I need to diffuse this.

  “I walk around that clubhouse cleaning up after grown men, Creed. This isn’t my life forever.” Holy shit! I’m in no mood for an argument tonight but she is really grating on my last nerve.

  “You fuckin’ walk around there as my old lady, Jada! You knew that shit when you got back with me. I don’t know what the hell is goin’ on in that head of yours, but you better get it straightened out before I get back!” Shoving the phone back in my pocket I shake my head.

  Walking back into the back room I take in the area. If she’s going to be here, I want to make sure I can at least put some kind of security in place.

  “Fuckin’ hell.” Blowing out a breath I run my hand through my hair.

  With both of the new businesses and now Jada, I will lose my damn mind.

  “Lady troubles?” I spin around to see Piper grinning at me. He knows he loves this shit.

  “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with her brother. She has an attitude from hell. She doesn’t listen to any of the shit I have to say to her. She said she is tired of bein’ a housewife.” Pulling out a cigarette, I light one up. Life was just starting to get back to normal, and now this.

  “She’s young Creed. She gets restless. I know she has her family now, but she needs some kind of freedom. I’ll keep my eye on her when she’s here.” I’m glad that Piper will be around when Jada’s here, I just don’t like the attitude I’m getting from her.

  “You know I appreciate that. We need to get some new locks on back here. I don’t want any way in this shit, other than the front door.” Piper walks around taking in the back room before he looks back over at me.

  “I know I tell you this a lot Creed. I’m proud of you. You took this club back to its roots. We weren’t always this fucked up you know. We once ran legit. We once had heart. This club was the way it should be until Sharp. Shit changed. Bonds were broken. We lost our way for a long time. I’m just glad that you see the potential that these boys have. You can put it back together, repair the bonds. Shit comes at us from all angles that will never stop either, but the way you handle it, that’s something you can change.” I watch the old man in front of me as I let that sink in. I’ve always known that this club needed to go in a different direction than it was. I was never in the position to change anything though.

  “You’re right. I want this to change. I want this club to be better than it was.”

  Chapter 8


  The days go on like usual. My heart sinks a little further with each one that passes. Some days I feel like the walls are closing in on me, I can’t breathe. I don’t know what part hurts the most. The part that yearns for the old me, or the part that hurts to know that I’m losing Bella. I know it’s wrong of me to hide this from everyone, but I made her a promise. I can’t break that.

  “What are you doing out here?” Speak of the devil and she appears.

  “Hidin’.” Pulling out a cigarette, I light it up before Bella passes me a beer.

  “The demons follow us you know. It doesn’t matter where you try to hide.” Glancing over at Bella, my heart breaks further.

  “Yeah, I get that. Those motherfuckers are everywhere.” Chuckling, I take a drink from my beer. She’s too young to know about demons, yet she’s lived with them her whole life.

  “When I was little, I would think I could hide from them. Even when I got older, I still tried. Growing up in this life taught me some valuable lessons.” Bella drops down in the grass before lying down in it.

  “What’s it taught you?” Sitting next to her, I stretch my legs out in front of me.

  “That life is valuable. That you need your family, your friends. I learned a lot being bounced around. I know when someone is rethinking their life, kind of like you are right now.” Bella giggles before sitting up, laying her head on my shoulder. I didn’t realize just how much she pays attention to everything around here.

  “I just feel lost, Bella. I’m used to bein’ a wanderer. Sittin’ still wasn’t a part of my life before I came here. Every single day I would be some place new. I don’t know what I’m doin’ most days.” Bella looks up at me with such a sure look.

  “I can see you. I know you are lost, but at the same time you have your family. You have your life here. You make it work because that’s how life works. You win some, and you lose some, but that girl and that baby you have in there are all that matters. Trust me Ryker; you don’t want that baby to grow up without her daddy.” Turning my head, I kiss Bella’s forehead before I speak.

  “Wise words for such a young girl. That little girl in there will only know love. I know what I have in those two. I know what I have in you too.” Bella smiles up at me before I hear someone coming. Jersey drops on the ground next to me before Bella moves to stand. I grab her around the shoulders pulling her back into me.

  “Thanks Bella. You know what you mean to me, ye
ah?” Giggling slightly she kisses my cheek before standing and running toward the door.

  “Where’s my baby?” Grabbing Jersey, I pull her into my lap. God, I love this woman more than life itself.

  “Sleeping. Jada’s listening for her.” Kissing her neck, she squirms under my touch. Her skin is so soft and supple. She’s mine, always will be.

  “I heard what you said, Ryker. I know I wasn’t part of your plans, neither was she. I love you more than anything in the world.” Sighing against her, I hate that she heard that part but I know she heard what came after too.

  “Then you heard what else I said. Findin’ you that day in that place Jersey. Fuck! My stomach was in knots for days afterwards. I didn’t know which way was up. All I could think about was you. Your eyes, your heart. I needed you Jersey. I need you. You make me complete. We may not have planned this shit out right, but I have you, I have Ansley. It’s all I ever wanted in this world.” Her lips crush mine. The air is sucked from my lungs. She is my air.

  “I never thought I’d want to settle down after the way I was traded out. You changed everything in me. I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck, Ryker. It would kill me.” The things that come from her surprise me. She always surprises me.

  “I’m not stuck Jersey. I’m livin’. I could walk away at any second, yeah? I don’t, because you are more to me than my own life. I love you.” Kissing her gently I’m taken back to the first time my lips touched hers. So innocent and lost.

  Pulling back, I look at my wife. No longer the little girl I found. No, now she’s strong, a force in this world.

  “Bella’s right. There are demons everywhere. If we let them, they will pull us under. I won’t let them. I won’t let them pull me under Jersey.” With another kiss I pull her head against my chest.

  Holding Jersey against me makes me feel alive. It reassures me that something in my life is real and right. No matter how hard things are going to get for all of us, I have her, and I know she can be the rock I need.

  Chapter 9


  Stocking tools in the garage is like a dream come true. I’ve loved being able to work on bikes. It calms the storm inside of me.

  “Knock knock.” A strange voice pulls my attention. Turning around I go straight for my gun, but I’m slower than this guy considering, I didn’t expect company. A gun is trained on me as I smile. Looking at the cut he has on, I know who he is.

  “You walk into my shop with that piece, you better be willin’ to use it.” Setting my wrench on the counter behind me, I lean against it crossing my arms over my chest. Fucking little prick doesn’t know who he’s fucking with. Out of the corner of my eye I see Joey and the prospect with guns pointed at him. See, I knew they were useful for something.

  “Well now, look at that. We seem to have us a little situation, yeah?” Nodding toward the guys that stand off to my left, I smirk.

  “I didn’t come here for that.” I can’t contain the chuckle that escapes me as he slides his gun back into his holster. Yeah, I didn’t think he wanted it to go down that way.

  “What did you come here for?” My eyes never leave his as he lights up a cigarette.

  “A peace offerin’. I took over Dusts’. I know there’s a history there, and I don’t want any part of it.” Watching the smoke ring that flows from his lips, I scrub my hand over my head.

  “Well, now that isn’t goin’ to be as easy as you walkin’ in here offerin’ it. We have unfinished business with some of your guys.” The man steps closer to me as I read his name patch. Rit. I’ve heard of him.

  “I came to offer a peace offerin’ VP. I don’t care what the motherfuckers did in the past. We agree to this and it’s over.” Shaking my head, I smile over at Joey and Bo. Who the hell does he think he is? Pushing myself up I stand at full height. Who the hell does he think he’s intimidating?

  “I don’t think that’s your choice to make Pres. You might be in charge now, but that shit storm blew in long before you did. We don’t let shit slide. You might want to run along with that little peace offerin’.” Watching the look in his eyes, he isn’t letting this go. For his own sake, he needs to.

  “You might want to run that past your own Pres. Yeah? I didn’t know VP’s were the decidin’ factor these days.” Taking a step into his space, I can feel the tension rolling through here now. Shit could get deadly quick. What surprises me is that he came alone. No VP, no guards. Looking around, he takes notice.

  “I didn’t bring anyone. Thought that might give off a bad impression.” Nodding my head, I can’t help but smile. Stupid asshole.

  “Me and my President are one. If I say it’s a no go, we don’t leave shit. Take a note of that right now because I don’t plan on tellin’ you again. Now, I believe that you are crossin’ territory right now, Dust. You see, my boys over there are a little trigger happy. They haven’t had a good shoot out in a while.” Rit moves his eyes to look at Joey and Bo before coming to rest on mine. My nerves are firing off one by one as I look him in the eyes.

  “You know you’re askin’ for a war right now?” Wiping the back of my arm over my sweaty forehead I glare at him.

  “There’s already a war, Rit. All you’re doin’ is ampin’ it up. We let shit slide. We laid back. Crossin’ over here and threatenin’ me? You brought it to yourself.” Watching him drop his cigarette to the ground and stomp it out, I feel myself on the edge. If he doesn’t leave, and soon, shits going to go south. Nodding his head, Rit backs away slowly.

  “You remember that VP.” Pointing at me, I grin. I sure as hell will remember that.

  Walking toward the garage door, I watch him climb on his bike. He’s not a stupid man. I know he has boys out there waiting on something to pop off. Too bad for him, today isn’t the day.

  “What the hell was that shit?” Joey walks over stuffing his gun into the back of his jeans before he takes his place next to me.

  “That right there, is the Dusts’ new President. Wagin’ a war he ain’t ready for.” Taking a step back from the door, I pull my phone out and call Creed. He may want a heads up if these motherfuckers are planning on heading to see him next.

  “Yeah?” Creed answers on the second ring.

  “Had a visit from Rit.” Pulling a cigarette out, I light it up. Something has to calm my nerves right now.

  “Rit? What the fuck is he doin’ around here?” Chuckling, I know he will like this shit.

  “Guess who the new Pres. Is over at the Dusts’.” Without another word, Creed grunts.


  Chapter 10


  Gathered around the table, Tank briefs us on his encounter today. I can’t say that I’m surprised that Rit is in the middle of that shit. He’s always wanted that president patch and didn’t care where he had to get it from.

  “The only problem I see with this load of shit is that Rit won’t back down. I don’t think he has the force anytime soon, but we need to watch that shit.” Slamming the gavel down, the guys stand to leave. I don’t like any of this shit happening so soon, but I knew it was coming either way. I follow the guys out to the main room before I grab a beer.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Ryker. I ain’t lettin’ shit slide and you know it.” Ryker chuckles before grabbing Jersey and pulling her into his lap.

  “Never said you were. You know I want a piece.” Giving him a quick nod, he doesn’t need to tell me twice. If I set that motherfucker free right now, I know where I’d find him.

  “You’ll get it brother.” Looking around, I take a long pull from the bottle before I see Jada. My angel, my reason for living.

  I miss the smile that used to be plastered across that beautiful face. I miss the way she used to hold onto me like she would lose me for forever if she didn’t.

  “She’s just lost, Uncle Creed.” Pulling my attention from Jada I look over at Bella.

  “Aren’t we all?” The smile that comes across her face could melt hearts. That girl
is beyond beautiful. She has a heart of gold, and I couldn’t be happier to have her in all of our lives.

  “Yeah we are. Some more than others. She needs to feel special. She needs to know that she is a bigger part of your world.” Throwing my arm around her shoulder, I lean in and kiss her head.

  “What makes you the wise one?” Bella giggles before looking up at me.

  “I’m an older soul than most of the girls here. I know how she feels. The feeling of “being” and nothing more. Sometimes we lose ourselves in the everyday world. We forget what’s important to us. We forget to remind the people that mean the most to us, just how much they do mean.” I don’t know what I would do without this girl. Bella is right. She is an old soul. She has lived so much hell that it’s scary to think about. The one thing that has been a constant since she’s been here is her spirit. She never loses it, and we all need it.

  “You know how much I love you, yeah?” Bella smiles up at me with those big blue eyes.

  “I know. I love you too. Go show your girl how much you love her.” With one last kiss on the cheek I walk toward Jada. Stepping up behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist.

  “You look awful hot in this skirt.” With my lips pressed against her neck I can feel her shiver like she used to.

  “I’m not in the mood, Creed.” Letting out a sigh, I let her go before running my hand through my hair. I have to get this girl back to herself. Glancing around, Bella catches my eye and nods at Jada.

  “Walk with me darlin’.” Taking her hand in mine, she reluctantly follows me. I walk us down the hallway and out the end door. The air is warm like it always is. I take a deep breath as I drag her through the grass.

  “What are you doing Creed?” Yanking her hand out of mine, I step in front of her grabbing her face in my hands.


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