Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset Page 48

by Erin Trejo

“My brother here’s right. We don’t have anything to discuss. In fact, I think you should get on over to your side of town. We wouldn’t want any accidents now, would we?” Clenching my jaw, I want to explode. I hate when someone comes to our territory demanding shit.

  “We want to run half of Willow’s Creek.” Rit announces without another word. Did he just demand half of Willow’s? Who the hell does he think he is? Taking a step closer, I feel the anger boiling inside of me.

  “You ain’t runnin’ shit near Willow’s. That’s a safe haven. Nothin’, and no one, runs through it.” I can feel my temperature rising. Every club knows this, and everyone agrees to it.

  “Well, that’s what we want to change. We only want half. The other half can be your own little Mayberry.” The tone in his voice just works my nerves over. I feel like Ryker right now.

  “Mayberry huh?” Chuckling, I look over at Ryker as he speaks. He clearly isn’t amused by what’s happening in front of him.

  “Get your ass back on that motherfuckin’ bike, and leave. I don’t want a war on this end, but you are pushin’ your fuckin’ luck with me. I don’t want to keep remindin’ you.” I’m damn near screaming. I’m trying to control the rage that boils up in me. I’m losing it. We have been doing so well around here, and this one motherfucker wants to ruin it all.

  “This ain’t done Creed. You want to be Fallen Angel’s; I can make that happen.” Growling, he walks backward climbing back on his bike. Ryker and I watch as they rev up the bikes and leave. Shit is getting close to home again.

  “Goddamn it!” Ryker roars into the air. He’s pissed. He wants them, and now they are threatening us. This isn’t going to end well.

  “Let’s get these cameras done. We need to talk.” With a quick nod, we get back to work.

  Chapter 23


  “I want them dead. Every one of them motherfuckers. I don’t care if I have to take them all myself.” Slamming my hands down on the table, I’m pissed. I want these assholes dead, once and for all.

  “We ain’t wagin’ a war.” Creed hollers above us all. He might not want to, but I sure as hell will.

  “He threatened us! What the fuck, Creed!” Shoving myself up, I glare at him. My body is tense, every muscle corded tightly. Between this shit and Jersey, I may just lose my fucking mind.

  “Sit the fuck down! We’re goin’ to get them, just not now! We need to plan this shit out! We ain’t goin’ in there blind. We’ve lost enough good guys to this shit!” The room grows quiet as I let that sink in. He’s right, but I don’t know how to control what I feel. Dropping back into the chair, I light up a cigarette. Something has to calm the way I feel right now.

  “We take our goddamn trip to the lake. We come back fresh, and ready to handle this shit, yeah? We’ve got Spawns comin’ out too. We can get shit talked over.” Creed slams the gavel down, but my body vibrates with rage. I can’t control it. I don’t know how to stop it.

  Standing up, the chair slams to floor with a thud before I stalk out of the room. I need to be away from everyone right now. With the way I feel, there is no telling what I might do. Stomping past everyone and straight toward my room, I slam the door as soon as I’m inside. Jersey damn near leaps off the bed, I scared the shit out of her.

  “Why don’t you go check on Ansley, or help the girls?” Dragging my shirt over my head I drop to the floor and start doing some push-ups. I need to work off this pent up energy.

  “What’s wrong?” I don’t answer her as I push myself harder and faster. The feeling of exploding is overwhelming me.

  “Ryker.” Pushing myself up until I’m standing, I look over at her.

  “Look. I’ve had a shitty couple of days. If I tell you to take a walk, do it!” Grinding out the words between my teeth, she jolts slightly. I’ve never talked to her like this before. This is fucking great. I can’t control my attitude either, and now I’m scaring the shit out of her. Moving toward the wall, I press my hands against it as I hang my head. So many things run wild in there. So many things I can’t control. Jersey ducks under my arms before her hands run up my sweaty chest and around my neck. Her head tilts up and her lips find mine. Slowly, and gently, she kisses me. I don’t kiss her back though. I can’t move. As if her lips are magic, my dick springs to life. The need to own this girl consumes me. It eats away at everything else that swirls around with the demons in my head. Grabbing her roughly, I pull her body against mine.

  “You don’t know what you’re askin’ for right now.” With my hands digging into her skin, she shakes her head.

  “I know exactly what I’m asking for.” Why does she do this to me? How? How can she calm everything?

  Slamming her body against the wall, I drag the little t-shirt she’s wearing up her body, and toss it to the floor. My eyes roam over her body. Shivers roll through me as I take in her beauty. She’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Dipping my head, I suck her nipple into my mouth. Biting a little harder than normal, I taste the metallic blood drip into my mouth. Jersey cries out softly as her head falls back. Running one hand between her legs, I feel just how wet she is for me. She’s always ready for me.

  I slide a finger roughly inside of her as her body arches into my touch. I want so much from her. Why is it so hard for her to understand that I need her? Kissing between her breasts, I move up her chest toward her neck. My fingers work that little pussy over as I slide them in and out.

  “When will you see how much you mean to me?” Whispering against her neck, she shivers. I nip her earlobe as soft moans float from her mouth.

  “You mean everything to me Ryker.” Her voice hitches. I love it. Turning her head, she captures my mouth with hers. The harder she kisses me, the harder I pump my fingers into her. Sliding them out quickly, I lift her, and toss her onto the bed.

  “Hands and knees.” Growling at her, she does as she’s told. I quickly strip out of the rest of my clothes before climbing on the bed behind her. With my belt in hand, I grab her wrists securing them to the headboard.

  “You’re goin’ to take all of me darlin’. Every last pent up emotion I have, is all for you.” Slapping her ass roughly, I look at it, its glowing red. Her moans just harden my dick. Positioning myself behind her, I slam into her. Jersey screams as I grip her hips. Thrusting into her, I let out all of the frustration I have in me. Every last piece of dread, and hate. I slam inside of her with so much force, I feel like I’m losing control of myself. My balls slap her clit, hard, and rough. The sound of our naked body’s slapping against each other nearly chokes me.

  “Make me cum Jersey!” Slapping her one last rough time, I roll my hips into her. Her body locks up as I cum gripping her hips in a death grip. So much emotion floods me. I don’t know where I would end up without her.

  “Goddamn!” I let it all unleash on her. I fill her so full, I feel dizzy. Sliding out of her, I untie her hands before dropping onto the bed. Jersey climbs on top of me before laying her head on my chest.

  “I’m so sorry, Ryker. “Wrapping my hands around her, I hold her close to me.

  “I’m sorry too.”

  Chapter 24


  “Their movin’ closer again. This shit is wrong.” Sitting at the bar with a beer in my hand, I glance over at Creed.

  “I know. That’s why I wanted those cameras put in. I don’t want them sneakin’ up on us.” I get what he’s saying, but it’s not technically sneaking when they just show the fuck up.

  “What do you want to do? I don’t know if takin’ the lake trip is such a good idea now.” Creed shakes his head as I take a drink. I don’t want to argue with him but hell, he has a mind of his own.

  “I think we need it brother. We’re all so fuckin’ wound up.” Pulling out a cigarette I light it up before looking around.

  “I might hang back on this one. I don’t like leavin’ the clubhouse, or the shop open like that. We haven’t even started work yet.” I can see the pissed look in his eye
s. I don’t care right now. Creed is right on one thing. This shop and store are our futures. We need to keep shit running right to secure that future.

  “What’s with you these days, Tank?” Shaking my head again, I don’t want to talk about my personal shit with him, but on the other hand Creed is my best friend, my second in command.

  “I don’t know brother. I just feel like I’m bein’ sucked down. Somethin’ feels off and I can’t shake that shit.” Creed sets his bottle on the bar before turning completely toward me.

  “If shit feels off about goin’ to the lake, we call it. You never steered us wrong before, Tank. I take what you feel to heart, yeah? If it’s off, it’s off.” Slapping a hand on my shoulder, maybe it is a good thing that I told him.

  “Somethin’ is for sure off.” Creed nods before he stands, and looks at me.

  “Then we call it. We can always go later.” With a quick nod, he walks away. I sit back with my beer in hand, trying to be reasonable. It doesn’t make sense to ruin everyone’s plans for the lake, but I sure as hell don’t want to be there.

  “Got company!” I hear Joey hollering before I stand and walk toward him.

  “Who the hell is that?” Making my way out the front door, I see a car pulling in. I wonder who the hell that is. We weren’t expecting anyone. I step outside with half the guy’s behind me. Crossing my arms over my chest, I watch the car like it might fucking explode at any second.

  The door opens, and a small elderly woman steps out looking nervous as shit. She should be, she doesn’t know what kind of place she just pulled her little Buick into.

  “Lookin’ for someone?” Her eyes come to meet mine, and I can tell she’s scared. Her eyes dart around as the rest of the guys follow my lead.

  “I’m looking for my granddaughter.” Looking over my shoulder, Creed shrugs before stepping up next to me.

  “And who would that be?” The woman looks around a little more before she swallows hard. It kind of strikes me as funny that we are all standing here on guard with this woman. She has to be in her seventies, but then again, stranger things have happened.

  “Candy Thomas.” My heart stops. I never met her grandma before. I didn’t know she had one to be honest. My arms fall from my chest, to hang at my sides.

  “I take it you never met her?” Creed leans into my side as I swallow hard.

  “Nope. Didn’t know she had a grandma around.” My eyes never leave the old woman’s, but those blue eyes of hers should have been a dead giveaway. They look just like Bella’s.

  “What do you want to do here brother?” Shrugging my shoulders, I’m fucking clueless. We stand there in a silence that can’t be described with words. I didn’t think I would have to face anyone for what I let happen to Candy. The thought never occurred to me that she may have had other family.

  “Give me a few, yeah?” Looking over at Creed, he nods before turning and ushering the other guys back inside. I walk toward the woman before she smiles.

  “I remember you. You wouldn’t know who I am though. I’m Anna, Candy’s grandmother.” The small woman extends her hand to me as I stare at it in shock. How does she remember me?

  “I’m sorry, how do you know who I am?” I swear I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest.

  “I saw you when you were with Candy. I helped her move away when she left with Bella.” Snatching my hand out of hers, I scrub my hand over my face. Did she just admit to helping Candy take my daughter?

  “I didn’t know anything at the time. She said she was leaving, and asked for help. I offered. She was my granddaughter after all. She called me many times after that. Every few months she needed money for something. It grew old after a while. I hired a private investigator. This is the place he came up with.” Shaking my head again, I don’t know what to say to her. How do I tell her I let her granddaughter get killed without a second thought?

  “I didn’t figure she’d still be alive.” It’s like she stole the words right out of my mouth. How can she know that?

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what the hell to say here.” Anna smiles before she places her hand on my arm.

  “It’s ok. I’ve been looking for years for Bella. I wanted to see if she was ok. There was never much about her in any records, other than a few old doctor visits. That was many years ago though. The trail just kind of went cold after that.” I can see it in her eyes. She’s telling me the truth.

  “Bella showed up a while ago. A friend from another club helped her find me. She’s been with me a for a while.” Her smile widens as she gazes up at me.

  “Oh. I can’t believe it! She’s ok? She was ok?” The concern etched across her wrinkled face says it all. She loved that girl.

  “She’s good. She had a rough life.” A tear slides down her cheek before I look away. I know that feeling all too well.

  “I didn’t know what Candy had planned. I should have never helped her. I’m so sorry, to both of you.” Anna turns to walk away when something tugs at me.

  “Do you want to see her?”

  Chapter 25


  Tank walks in with the little old lady wrapped around his arm. It’s a little funny that he’s so damn huge, and she isn’t.

  “Guys. This is Anna. She’s Bella’s great grandma.” Tank announces as we all look at each other. I walk over first, extending my hand to her.

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” She smiles up at me with a slightly shocked look. Yeah, we have manners sometimes. Cher stands there in shock herself before Tank waves her over.

  “Anna, this is my wife, Cher.” Her smile widens before she pulls Cher into a hug. Cher’s eyes widen as she looks at me over Anna’s shoulder. It’s the funniest sight that I’ve ever seen before.

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” I nudge Tank’s arm before I almost lose it. His smile is pure amusement.

  “I’ll go find Bella.” Offering to go before I laugh seemed like the best option I have. I head down the hallway, stopping at her door before knocking.

  “Come in!” She hollers as I shove the door open.

  “What are you doin’ in here?” Smiling at my beautiful niece, I wonder how she’s going to take all of this.

  “Nothing. I was thinking of watching a movie with Griff.” Griff smiles happily in his sister’s arms. I don’t know that I could be any prouder of my niece and nephew. These kids are wonderful.

  “Someone’s here to see you. I was goin’ to let your dad tell you, but I think you should be prepared before you go out there.” Taking on a now serious tone, I look at the confused look in her eyes.

  “Who is it?” Hiking Griff further up her hip, she looks nervous.

  “Your great grandma, Anna.” Shaking her head, she takes a step back.

  “I thought she was dead. My mom, Candy, always told me she was dead. I remember gram. I talked to her on the phone when I was little. One day, it all stopped. Candy never called her anymore.” My heart slams in my chest. Tears fill her eyes. This is killing me. I walk toward her before I reach for Griff, but she shakes her head.

  “Bella, let me take Griff.” Shaking her head, she takes a deep breath before looking up at me.

  “I got him. I just can’t believe that she’s alive. How did she find me?” Swiping at her eyes, I put my arm around her shoulder.

  “I don’t know sweetheart, but she seems happy to be here. Are you ok with this?” Bella leans her head against me before sighing.

  “I never thought I’d see her again Creed. I don’t really remember what she looked like, but I remember that sweet voice of hers. She would always tell me she loved me when I’d talk to her on the phone.” Holding Bella tighter, I hope this works out for her.

  “She has your eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes.” Bella giggles before she pulls back and smiles up at me.

  “Thanks Creed.” Kissing her forehead, I lead her out into the hallway.

  “Come on, give me little man.” She smiles up at me before she passes Griff off.
I love how protective she is over her brother. She’s an amazing sister.

  “It’ll be ok Bella.” I feel like I need to remind her when she stopped dead in the hallway in front of me.

  “I know.” Without looking back at me, she heads into the main room. I stand off to the side and watch as she makes her way toward her grandma. It’s a beautiful sight to see.

  “This is crazy.” Jada steps up next to me. Looking down at her I nod. This really is a strange event in our world.

  “Yeah, but look at her. Look at the look on her face.” Jada smiles up at me, and I know she’s thinking something.

  “Spit it out darlin’. I can see you thinkin’.” Jada giggles before she sighs.

  “I just miss it you know. I miss having a family like that, and don’t say it Creed. I know you are all my family but you know what I mean.” Sadly, I do know what she means. I miss that aspect of life too.

  “We have all the family we need right here. He’s with us.”

  Chapter 26


  Well if this hasn’t been the strangest week in history, I don’t know what the fuck is. The lake trip was called off, Rit showed up, and now Bella’s grandma has been here. Yeah, in the fucking clubhouse for a week!

  I don’t know how to act. I do have some kind of manners and respect for the elderly, but she is there every time I turn around. I don’t think that old woman sleeps!

  Sneaking out of the room and down the hallway toward the main room, I almost shit myself when she’s standing in front of me.

  “Jesus Christ!” Stopping before I slam into her, she looks up at me.

  “You, young man, have a nasty mouth.” Shaking my head, I don’t know how to respond to that. I’m standing in a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, with an old lady in nothing but a night gown!

  “Yeah, I’ve been told that. Amongst other things.” Stepping to walk around her, her voice catches me off guard.


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