Dark Honor (Dark Saints MC Book 3)

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Dark Honor (Dark Saints MC Book 3) Page 10

by Jayne Blue

  “I’ll go back to Port Azrael with you. It doesn’t look like I have much of a choice.”

  Her tone gutted me. This girl had been through so much in the past few days. Her entire world had been upended. As tough as she pretended to be, I knew she was hurting. She had to be. After all, she was barely more than a kid.

  “We can make stops along the way. You’ve never been in the saddle for as long as we need to be. I’ll take it easy on you.”

  Gina’s cheeks flamed red. I swear to God I hadn’t meant anything sexual about it, but now that I’d said it, my own desire flared. The truth was, if the day ever came that I did have her ride me like that, I wouldn’t take it easy at all.

  “Come on,” I said, my voice going hoarse. “Grab a few things. Long pants. A sweatshirt maybe. We need to get started before dark.”

  Gina didn’t argue. That probably should have sparked concern. Again, it tore at my heart a little the way she dropped her shoulders and grabbed the things I told her from the house. As she followed me down the steps to the bike, I turned to her. She looked up at me with those big, beautiful, dark, trusting eyes and I read the sadness edging them. Her fucking family had put it there. God, I knew what that felt like too.

  She climbed on behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I handed her a helmet and started the engine. The vibration of it rumbled between my legs. I felt Gina’s thighs squeeze against me and it damn near did me in. We had hours ahead of us. It was going to take all the willpower I had to get through it as she held me so close. I drew courage from the fresh air, the open road, and the power of the Harley roaring beneath us.

  Chapter 12


  I don’t know why I agreed to this. Every instinct inside of me told me I needed to go it alone. Georgio had lied to me. My parents had lied to me. It took a stranger, a man of the type I’d been told my whole life to stay away from, to guide me to the truth.

  I hated him. I wanted him.

  As the road stretched for miles in front of us and the big Texas sun began to set, I pressed my cheek against Zig’s broad back and held on.

  My legs ached. My arms ached, but still we rode on. Zig offered to stop but I refused. I could take it. I was tougher than he thought I was. I was tougher than everyone thought I was. I wouldn’t ... couldn’t let this break me. With each mile marker we passed, it seemed like a test. My ability to tough out the rough ride felt like a metaphor for everything else happening in my life.

  Could I handle the truth? Could I face my brothers and my mother ... even my father? Could I look in a mirror again knowing every rumor I’d ever discounted about the DiSalvo name had been true?

  I wanted to know it all. Someone had ordered a hit on me because of Daddy’s business. Did it mean he’d killed people too? Had Zig, at my father’s request?

  I could do it. I was strong enough. I sat taller in the leather seat and tightened my grip around Zig’s waist. I drew strength from him too. His pulse beat steady against my ear. He’d saved me once. Would he have to do it again?

  I don’t know how many hours passed. But I felt my strength begin to fade. My stomach rumbled and my thighs shook. Zig seemed to thrive as the bike roared on. I could understand it. This life. The bike was practically part of him. We were miles from civilization. No rules. He could fly.

  Then something happened. The bike lurched and made a pinging sound. Zig swore and veered to the side of the road. Just before he came to a stop, a shot rang out. I don’t remember what happened next. I just remember running.

  My heart pounded inside my chest. There was blood. There had to be blood. The shot had come so close. My legs were weak from sitting on the bike for so long they gave out. I tumbled to the ground. There was nothing here but dry, cracked dirt and tumbleweeds all around. Nowhere to hide.

  “Gina!” Zig’s voice came to me from a distance. It seemed like I heard it underwater. Shielding my eyes from what remained of the sun, I looked up.

  Zig came to me, a towering shadow. Orange sunlight streaked across his face. He was an angel and a devil all rolled into one. A dark saint.

  “Gina,” he said, his voice softer this time. He reached for me. My hand closed around his. He was a lifeline. Again. Always. This time, I couldn’t hold back the tears.

  “Fuck,” he said softly. Zig got his arms around my waist and helped me to my feet.

  Sniffling hard, I wiped a hand across my nose. “What do we do?”

  “What?” Zig looked bewildered. His eyes searched my face. “Oh shit. Oh, Gina. I’m sorry. No. That wasn’t. The bike just backfired. I think it’ll be a quick fix but you might have to sit tight for a little bit.”

  My mouth dropped. “What?”

  Zig’s grin widened. Heat flared through me and I felt my cheeks redden. “Yeah. I guess that probably sounded like a gunshot to you. Don’t feel bad. It’s only natural that you’re jumpy.”

  “You mean …”

  Zig couldn’t hold back his laughter. It was kind, but I was in no mood to joke. “Shit, I shouldn’t laugh. I’m sorry.” The minute he said it though, a full-throated laugh erupted from his throat, almost doubling him over.

  I could have murdered him. How could he? He said he was sorry a dozen times through his shit-eating grin and I wanted to wrap my hands around his thick neck and strangle him. At the same time, I could almost watch the scene from a distance and laugh with him. My whole life had taken a left turn into bizarro world since he’d walked into it. Except maybe it hadn’t. Nothing at all had changed, I’d just been kept from seeing it.

  “Fuck you, Zig,” I finally said, planting my feet into a wide stance. I wished I had another shoe to throw at him. This time, I wouldn’t have missed.

  Zig stopped laughing. He clutched his stomach and the corners of his mouth twitched, but at least he kept it together.

  “Oh, Gina. I mean it. I’m sorry. It’s just been a long damn day and you just took off like a bat out of hell.”

  I shook my head and looked toward the sky. I wanted to look anywhere but at him. I knew if I met his eyes again, he’d get me laughing right along with him and I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. The jerk.

  “You planned it, didn’t you?” I meant it half-jokingly, but my nerves were frayed. It came out harsher than I meant. Zig took it wrong and took a step away from me, his eyes darkening.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus Christ, woman. I’ve done nothing but stick my neck out to save yours from the second I met you. For my trouble, I’ve been called every name in the book. I’ve had shit thrown at me. I’ve gotten myself stuck out here in the middle of nowhere and now you’re accusing me of what exactly? Making a joke out of somebody wanting you dead? No, Gina. No. I haven’t planned any of it.”

  Apparently I wasn’t the only one with frayed nerves. I felt like an ass. Again. I’d been so wrapped up in my own stuff, I hadn’t stopped to consider what hooking up with me had cost Zig. But old habits die hard and my defenses went up.

  “Well, I’m really sorry. You drew the short fucking end of the stick where I’m concerned. Don’t think I didn’t see how badly you wanted to leave me back in Abilene. I heard what you said to Toby.”

  Zig’s mouth dropped and his face went white. He put a hand on top of his head and shook it at the same time. His mouth moved but whatever he meant to say, it was like his rage took away his power to form words.

  He grabbed me. “You. You’re a spoiled brat, you know that?”

  “You’re a thug,” I said, hating myself for it. God. Why couldn’t I get things right where he was concerned?

  “Shut your mouth,” he said. “You don’t know the first thing about me.”

  “Shut my mouth? Is that what you just said to me? Make me,” I dared him. I don’t know why I said it.

  Zig kept his grip on my arms. I saw the wheels turning behind his eyes and knew he was probably thinking about shaking me. It was the same thing I wanted to do to him. My skin burned hot where he touched me. My heart
pounded behind my rib cage.

  I hated him. I wanted him. I damn well couldn’t stand it another second.

  I moved toward him, going up on my tiptoes. Zig’s eyes widened as I vaulted up and tore my arms out of his grip. Sliding my hands behind his ears I pulled him down toward me. I had kissed him once before at a moment very similar to this. But this time was different. This time, I wanted more.

  Fire ignited inside of me as Zig’s lips pressed to mine. Liquid heat poured through me, settling between my legs. I’d never been more turned on in my life. Everything in me turned wild and raw. We were out in the open in the middle of nowhere. It was perfect.

  My entire life, I’d done what I was told. I’d believed the story my family told me to shield me from bad things. I’d towed the line. Zig was the complete opposite of what my family would want for me. That made me want this all the more.

  “Zig.” I gasped his name as we both came up for air. I took one staggering step backward, drawing the back of my hand across my swollen lips. Zig’s nostrils flared and for the second time, he reminded me of a bull about to charge and I was a red flag turned to flesh.

  He came to me, cupping my face between his hands as he bent down to kiss me again. I grabbed his wrists and kissed him back, hard and deep. Then I crossed the point of no return. If he had any doubt about my intentions, I obliterated them by grabbing his belt and pulling him toward me.

  We both lost our balance and tumbled to the ground. I clawed desperately at Zig’s belt buckle. He was much more skilled than I was. His hands slid beneath the thin tank top I wore, pulling it up along with my bra. My breasts sprang free and Zig’s mouth was on them.

  I groaned with pleasure as fresh heat pooled between my legs. I ached for Zig as his tongue swirled around each nipple, drawing them out and bringing them to peaks for him.

  He wriggled, pulling his jeans down. I grabbed the waistband of his boxers and dragged them down, running my fingers down the solid curve of his ass. His cock sprang free. I craned my neck to see him.

  Zig was turgid and hard; huge veins bulged around his shaft. I gasped in shock at the size of him. At the same time, my juices flowed as Zig moved from my nipples and ran his tongue down the slope of my belly. He hovered at my zipper. A wicked noise escaped his lips, reminding me of a predatory growl.

  “Yes,” I gasped. “Please.”

  Zig’s eyes flashed darkly. He wet his lips with his tongue. Then he sprang up to lie alongside me. I ran my fingers along the rough curve of his jaw. He sucked air through his teeth. He seemed to want to hold back.

  “I want you,” I said. “Please.”

  His eyes were hooded with lust as he slowly trailed his fingers back down my belly and slid them beneath my waistband. The shorts I wore were at least a size too big. Zig didn’t need to work the zipper at all to slide them past my thighs. It made it impossible for me to spread my legs and I grew mad with the urge to do just that. But Zig had other plans. His fingers played along my slick folds, opening me to let my juices run all over his hands.

  “Baby,” he whispered. “You’re soaked.”

  “Yes,” I gasped, bucking my hips. I had no finesse like he did, just raw need.

  Zig teased me, running his fingers up and around my clit but never touching it. It drove me to a new level of wild lust. I couldn’t control it. I thrust my hips toward him. Kicking out, I tried to get rid of my shorts. Zig moved to help me. With one quick motion, he pulled them off me, dragging my panties partly with them.

  God, what must I have looked like with my top pushed above my tits and my panties hooked around one ankle as I thrust my pelvis for Zig. He worked me with those rough fingers, opening me, coaxing me to new heights as I grew wetter and wetter.

  Then he kissed me again as his free hand found my nipple. He tweaked it to the point of pain. When he let go, pleasure blossomed through me and I wanted so much more.

  “I want you,” I whispered through his kisses. “Please. Don’t make me wait.”

  “Fuck, baby,” he said. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?”

  “Tell me,” I gasped.

  “From the second I laid eyes on you.”

  “Me too,” I said, lacing my hands through his thick hair. I pulled him down and got one leg over his thigh. I reached for him, closing my fingers around his rock-hard cock. Oh. He throbbed for me. He was steel wrapped in velvet. I felt a tiny bit of moisture at the tip of his cock and the urge to lick him there burned through me.

  I didn’t know myself. Zig Wallace had changed everything about me. He’d laid open every secret in my life and now he’d done the same with my body. But there was one last secret I hadn’t told. I began to guide him toward my slick cleft. The throbbing there drove out all reason. My body craved his. I knew I’d die if I didn’t have him.

  “Gina.” Zig’s voice was deep and raspy. “I don’t know if …”

  “No!” My voice roared. “No. I don’t care, Zig. I want you. I want this. Fuck me. Don’t make me beg.”

  His wicked laughter vibrated through me. “Fuck. I think I want you to beg. Do you know how sexy that sounds?”

  I shifted my weight beneath him, bringing the slickest part of me in contact with his cock. I rubbed my clit against him, coating him. Zig’s eyes rolled back in his head and he shuddered.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. I loved that I could make him lose control. I rolled my hips, sliding myself up and down the length of him, torturing both of us.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please, Zig. I need you to fuck me. I’ve never needed anything more.” It was the truest thing I’d ever said. This was real. This was now. No lies. No pretension. Just need.

  Zig’s eyes snapped open. They filled with an animal lust that sparked something dark and wicked inside of me too. “Yes,” he practically growled. “You fucking do. That’s exactly what you’ve needed all along, Gina. You need someone to fuck you hard and deep and often.”

  “Not someone, Zig. You!”

  And so, he did.

  Zig took my hands and pinned them over my head as he rose above me. The stars started to come out behind him. There we were, in the middle of nowhere by the side of the road. It was impossible. It was perfect. I spread my legs even wider and tilted my hips to give him maximum access.

  Then Zig slid his cock inside of me. His eyes widened as he unlocked my very last secret. He hit a band of resistance and his back arched.

  “Gina?” he said, his voice filled with tenderness.

  I nodded and bit my lip, bracing to receive him. “I don’t care,” I said. “I need you.”

  Zig gave me what I wanted. He slid his cock home. I felt a stab of pain, but it blossomed instantly into heat and pleasure as Zig filled me to the brim. He stayed very still, letting me get used to the feel of him inside of me. He was so big. So hard.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered. I grabbed his ass. He twitched with the effort of holding still. I wrapped my legs around him, giving him permission to do what his body and mine demanded.

  Then Zig fucked me for all he was worth. I hung on, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and keeping my legs around his waist. He pushed inside of me as far as he could go. It was ecstasy. I felt myself opening even more to him with each new thrust.

  Zig was right. He claimed me that night under the stars. I had waited almost twenty years for this. I hadn’t realized why until this very moment. Zig was made for me.

  “Say my name,” he whispered through gritted teeth.

  “Yes,” I gasped as my own teeth knocked together. “Oh God, Zig. Yes!”

  Then Zig pulled out of me. How he found the strength to do it I’ll never know. But he pressed his hands against my thighs and spread me even wider. Then he took me with his mouth. I cried out from the pleasure as he swirled his tongue around my aching, pulsing little bud. I didn’t last long. My orgasm ripped through me. For a moment, it felt like flying. I did as I was told. As I reached the apex of pleasure, I cried out Zig’s name over and

  Then Zig entered me again. This time, I didn’t have the strength to wrap my legs around him. Zig caressed my face as he drove himself home and took his own pleasure from me. He found the strength to pull out one last time. As he came beside me, he whispered my name.

  “Gina,” he said. “My Gina.”

  And the world became just the two of us.

  Chapter 13


  I was done for. It was over for me the minute I set eyes on this girl. She had broken me down and remade me into something else. In just the space of a few days I was willing to risk my life and maybe even my place in the club for her. I’d tried to tell myself it was just her pussy that drew me in. It wasn’t. It was Gina.

  She fell asleep for a moment in my arms. Her sable hair fanned out on the ground behind her. It was the first time I got a chance to really look at her without worrying about what she might read in my face. She had a dusting of freckles over her collarbones I hadn’t noticed before. They stopped just before her luscious tits. I tweaked one wine-colored nipple, then the other. Her breasts fell heavy as I lifted one. It fit perfectly in my hand, just the right size. God, everything about her fit me perfectly.

  But she was mine now. It never occurred to me that she was a virgin. Fuck, I’d never had a virgin before. She’d been so tight at first, but so eager. Her hot juices guided my path and she opened up for me, just like a flower.


  I was Gina’s first. If I had my way, I’d be her only. God, the idea of any man ever touching her the way I did made fresh rage flood through me. She was made for me. I ran my finger between her breasts, marking a trail down her flat stomach, circling her belly button until I found her sweet little clit. She stirred, moaning. One stroke and I could make her wet for me again.

  Mine. Made for me. But it was time to go.


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