Dark Honor (Dark Saints MC Book 3)

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Dark Honor (Dark Saints MC Book 3) Page 20

by Jayne Blue

My bike was parked at the end of the church steps. I took Gina to it. When we got there, she finally broke a little, sinking against me.

  I held her close. “Baby. Oh God, baby. Why did you do it? He could have killed you.”

  Tears streamed down Gina’s face. I wiped them away as she looked up at me. “I had to. Because he was going to kill you too. Or at best, he was going to make sure you and the Saints ended up in prison for everything you’ve done for my father.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “We’re safe. Bear knows what he’s doing.”

  “I’m sorry.” She sniffled. “I didn’t know it was Georgio who ... Zig, why didn’t you tell me? He did this to you. He did it all.”

  “Shh.” I held her against me, smoothing her hair back. “It doesn’t matter now. It’s over. Georgio can never hurt either one of us again. My God, baby. You were so strong. So brave. I’m so sorry. I never should have let you go. I know how badly I hurt you when I sent you away. I swear to you, I’ll never do it again.”

  “I know you won’t,” she said through her tears. “And I know what you did. But Zig, I can take care of myself. We can take care of each other.”

  “God. Yes. I love you. Baby, you’re my whole life. If you’ll have me.” Then I sank to my knees before the woman I loved. I pressed my ear to her stomach and my own tears threatened to choke me. I looked up at her.

  “Is it true? Is it really true?”

  She wiped her eyes and smiled down at me. From this angle, the sun lit her hair, giving her a halo. My angel. My salvation. My honor.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “It’s true. I’m about ten weeks along. I heard the heartbeat, Zig. He’s strong. Just like his daddy.”

  A tiny heartbeat. Strong and sure. Gina had given me the greatest of gifts. Her heart. This life. I would strive to deserve it with every breath I took.

  “Come on,” she said. “Take me home, baby.”

  I took Gina down to the beach that night. Her hands trembled in mine as we descended the porch steps.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “We can take it back.”

  I knew what scared her. I hadn’t understood it before. But when I saw that cold, murderous hate in Georgio’s eyes, I knew. If I closed my own eyes, I could see the scene differently. Instead of Georgio’s lifeless gaze staring at the church ceiling, it could have been Gina’s. For the rest of my life, I knew I’d have nightmares about what would have happened if I hadn’t moved fast enough. But I did. Now I knew this beach held memories for Gina of the night she’d found me here. If the roles were reversed, if she hadn’t gotten to me in time, it would be like trying to live without my own heart.

  “Never again,” she said, letting me warm her hand in mine as the sand squished between our toes.

  “Never again,” I said. “I have more to live for now than ever, baby. I’ll keep you safe.”

  “Just keep yourself safe, Zig. That’s all I’ll ever need.”

  A full moon brightened our path as the tide rolled in. Gina brought a blanket and spread it on the ground. She sat between my legs, leaning her head against my chest. I threaded my fingers through hers, loving the weight of her against me. Then I slid a hand over her belly. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I felt just the slightest of swells there.

  My son. It was too early to tell, of course, but Gina said she had a mother’s instinct about it.

  “Make love to me, Zig,” she whispered. I was already rock hard against her back.

  “Are you sure?” I asked. “It’s ... I mean ... it won’t hurt anything?”

  Gina’s soft laughter was music. She turned, going up on her knees before me. She pulled her shirt over her head. She was braless; her breasts swung before me, markedly fuller than the last time I’d seen them. Her nipples had darkened like deep-red wine. I leaned forward, fondling her nipples, loving how I could make them pebble for me with just one touch.

  Gina wriggled out of her jeans. I pressed my head against her flat-for-now stomach and kissed her there. She arched her back and threaded her fingers through my hair. I worked my way lower down; grasping her on the back of her thighs, I pulled her legs wide.

  Gina gasped as my tongue found her most sensitive flesh. I fastened my lips around the tiny hard bud of her clit, loving how her legs trembled as she tried to hold still. I worked her with merciless precision. She was hotter, wetter than ever before. In just a few seconds, I had her dripping for me and I’d only just begun.

  “Zig,” she cried. Oh yeah. We were alone on this particular stretch of the beach. I meant to make her moan loud for me tonight.

  Finally, Gina couldn’t hold herself upright anymore and I helped her to the ground. She spread her legs wide for me and arched her back as the waves pounded against the rocks to the east of us. Gina’s rising pleasure seemed to match the tide, coming in wave after wave.

  “Zig,” she cried out again. “I want to do that for you!”

  I laughed as I licked her. “Don’t worry, baby,” I said. “We’ve got all night. I’m just getting started.”

  She thrust her hips toward me, giving fully into the sensation between her legs. She dug her fingers into the sand, trying to brace herself as the first of her orgasms ripped through her. Gina opened for me just like a flower. As she quivered beneath me, I sat back on my heels, enjoying the view. Her sweet pussy was pink and swollen, gaping for me.

  “God,” I said. “I could look at that all night. Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  “Come here,” she said, her voice barely more than a sultry growl. “I want you.”

  I took off my shirt, unzipped my pants, and slid them off. Stroking myself, I was huge, hard, and ready for her. Gina’s eyes flashed with lust as she saw me. Then I gave her what she begged for, sliding deep inside of her. She drew her legs up and circled them around my waist. As the moon shone bright, Gina dug her nails into my back, heightening my arousal.

  We had all night. For now, I couldn’t hold out a second longer. I poured my need into her, filling her to the brim.

  “Zig,” she whispered in my ear. “I love you.”

  As I spilled the last of my seed inside of her, I went up on my elbows and kissed her. “I love you too. Forever, baby. Marry me.”

  She wasn’t expecting it. Tears glistened in the corner of her eyes. “Zig, I wasn’t ... you don’t have to …”

  “Shh.” I quieted her with a kiss. “It’s not about the baby. I mean, it is, but I knew I wanted you to be mine from the moment I saw you. So be mine. Make me the happiest man in the fucking world, baby. Make it official. Marry me.”

  She cupped my jaw with delicate fingers. I softened inside of her and rolled to Gina’s side. I felt every supple inch of her pressed against me. She leaned into me, placing soft kisses along my jaw until she found my lips again.

  “Yes,” she said and my heart filled with joy. “Oh yes, baby. Yes. I’ll marry you.”

  The black surf broke, nearly reaching our toes. Gina laughed as I rolled her out of the way. It was fitting though. A baptism of sorts. I would spend the rest of my life earning the love she gave me.



  Six months later ...

  Years later, when he was old enough to ask, I would tell him he came into the world under a fire moon. It was true. Though the scientists would explain it away as a lunar eclipse and the moon passing through the earth’s shadow, Zig and I would always believe differently. Our son, Zachary Taylor DiSalvo Wallace was the blood bond between our two families and bore the strength of both. Of course fire would mark his path.

  He was in a hurry to get here, too. After only two hours of labor, Zachary’s lusty cries filled the room. Mama Bear acted as midwife. He’d come so fast, and my labor had been so light, I hadn’t realized how far along I was. Later, Mama Bear would swear it was because Zachary knew he wanted to be born at the clubhouse, surrounded by eleven leather-clad, tattooed uncles who would easily lay down their lives for him. I’d wanted a home birth, I just assume
d it was going to be at our home, not here at the clubhouse. It was fitting though and in retrospect, I was glad we were here.

  He was one of them. He was part of me.

  Later, after Mama Bear cleaned him up, she placed him against my chest. Zig sat beside me, his eyes misted with tears as he leaned in to kiss his son’s downy head.

  “He’s got more hair than Elvis,” Zig said, smiling.

  He did, too. He had a shock of black, wavy hair that covered his entire head. As I held him, my son rooted and found my breast with ease. I, on the other hand, arched my back in shock as he latched on. Then warmth and calm flooded through me and we both settled into the rhythm.

  “Breast man,” Mama Bear said, smiling. “Just like his daddy.” She leaned in to kiss Zig then handed him a pair of sterilized scissors so he could cut the cord. After that, she left us alone, quietly closing the door. Beyond it, she must have told the others the good news. A loud chorus of cheers and profanity rose.

  “He’s perfect,” Zig said. “I just can’t believe it.”

  “He looks like you,” I said, kissing the top of my son’s warm head. It was intoxicating and I knew I’d never grow tired of it.

  “You were amazing,” Zig said. “A fucking rock star, baby.”

  “Shhh. Watch your language. My luck the F-bomb is going to be his first word.”

  Zig laughed and I did too. A cramp stopped me and Zig’s eyes filled with concern.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him. “I’m perfect.”

  Zachary was too. My little piglet was content to nurse, giving his daddy and me a few moments of quiet that I knew would soon be in short supply.

  I reached up with my free hand and caressed my husband’s jaw. I’d married him a month after he asked me on that beautiful beach we called home. My brothers were there. My mother too. Though she might not ever give her full blessing, I knew we had her respect. We also held her purse strings.

  Zachary Taylor DiSalvo Wallace was sole heir to his grandfather’s estate. With his ties to the Dark Saints M.C., not even my father’s cousins dared to cause any further trouble. It scared me a little; what would happen when my son came of age? But then those joyful shouts from beyond the wall reached my ears again and I was reminded of the men behind it. Each was blood sworn to protect my little man and I knew we would all find our way.

  “I never thought I deserved to be this happy,” Zig said.

  I kissed him. “You do. So do I. And so does he.”

  Zachary expressed his opinion with a grunt, arching one dark brow against my breast then settling back down to sleep.

  “I love you, wife of mine,” Zig said.

  “And I love you too.”

  “Anything you want, for the rest of your life,” he told me.

  Smiling, I settled back against my pillow. The euphoria of the last hour was starting to wear off and I felt content and drowsy. “Let’s just take it one thing at a time.”

  But I did have plans. In a few months, when fall rolled around again, I was going back to school to major in business. I would learn everything I could about my father’s companies. It was my dream to make the DiSalvo family legitimate by the time Zachary was old enough to take over. Bear and Zig swore they would support me. With their backing, there was no way my mother or any of the other cousins could bring us down.

  “Come here,” Zig said. He gathered the two of us in his arms. Then my big, strong husband kissed me. I felt safe and warm in his arms and I knew he would never let me go.


  A Message from Jayne Blue

  Thanks so much for taking a ride with Zig and Gina. I have been waiting to get these two on the page together for so long.

  Don't miss Kade’s story in Dark Fury - Dark Saints MC Romance Book 4. Here’s a little taste of what’s in store.

  Kade's Dark Fury is unleashed to protect a beautiful stranger...

  Kade is on a mission for the MC. He's vowed to be sure a shipment gets over the border and out of his town.

  It's smooth open road, it should be easy. Until a beautiful woman drives straight into the path of danger. Kade shouldn't care. Kade should be cool. But when evil reaches out and touches Harlow, this Dark Saint's dark fury takes over.

  Kade's need to protect Harlow from the danger that surrounds them becomes more important than his mission for the MC. Harlow's innocence makes her an enticing target for Kade's enemies.

  Two strangers, different as night and day, trapped together, must cling to each other to survive. Combustible attraction could get them both killed, but it's impossible to deny.

  Excerpt – Dark Fury


  He was there, he’d turned the table in seconds.

  I was flooded with emotions. I’d gone from stark terror to relief and now to something else.My footing was unsure. The ground under me felt like quick sand and Kade was the only way up. I’d never seen anything like what Kade had just done. The easy smile had been replaced by a hard jaw line. His eyes looked like fire could shoot out from the pupils. His focus was frightening and deadly.

  In the heat of the moment he’d directed something lethal to stop something worse from happening to me. He’d swooped in. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I had it handled on my own, not by a long shot. I was most certainly in trouble.

  Then he was there. He was larger than life, he had everything at his command, and I did my best to stay out of the way and of the crossfire.

  There was more to Kade Davis than I had imagined. I’d judged him. And I had seriously underestimated him.

  He looked away and out. I had no idea what was to come next. Where either of us stood. I just knew I wanted him. I craved his touch.

  I reached out my hand and lightly touched my finger to his muscled forearm. His breath was still heavy, so was mine. Adrenalin coursed through my veins as surely as a drug, otherwise I’m not sure if I would have acted this way. Felt this need. But it was there.

  Kade turned to look at me with those dark eyes. Looking at him I could very well imagine him on a horse with the Comanche. There was a warrior look to him that didn’t fit in my world but I saw. I just saw exactly what he was born to.

  We stood still. Our breath began to sync. Our bodies were matching each other on some deeper than my fingertips on his skin. I felt like my heart was waiting to beat with his. Kade slipped a strong arm around me and like a flash of lightening his lips were on mine. I had gone from zero to dangerous with a man I had only just met.

  I’d seen his fury, his power, his animal side, and I wanted it all.

  Catch Dark Fury by Jayne Blue

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  Thank you so much for reading and connecting with me.

  Love you,

  Jayne Blue


  [email protected]

  Books by Jayne Blue

  Dark Saints M.C. (Biker – Dark Romantic Suspense Series)

  Dark Vow

  Dark Temptation

  Dark Honor

  Dark Fury

  Dark Desire

  Dark Instinct

  Dark Seduction

  Dark Destiny

  Dark Oath

  Dark Redemption

  Great Wolves M.C. (Biker Romance Series)

  Dex />









  Tortured Heroes (Men in Uniform - Romantic Suspense Series)







  Torrid Trilogy (Erotic Romance)

  Book One

  Book Two

  Book Three

  The Owned Series (Erotic Romance featuring call girl Nina Sharpe)

  Owned by the Playboy

  Owned by the Candidate

  Owned by the Spy

  Owned by the Prince

  Owned by the G-Man

  The Complete Series

  Hold Series (MMA Fighter Romance)

  Uncaged Series (MMA Fighter Romance)







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